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/r/Tekken: All things Tekken

Tekken is a community-run subreddit for Bandai Namco Entertainment's Tekken franchise. Tekken is a 3D fighting game first released in 1994, with Tekken 7 being the latest instalment. Tekken serves as a discussion hub for all things Tekken, from gameplay and lore to competitive strategy and the Tekken esports scene.

[Serial][UWDFF Alcubierre] Part 79

Beginning | Previous
A peaceful wonderland lay in front of Damian. Snow drifted down from the heavens, falling amidst evergreens and gathering upon boughs already laden with the flakes that had come before. The scenery was untouched by man. Unspoiled by the eons of hate and strife and horror. Just an unending nature, stretching out in quiet bliss for as far as the eye could see.
It was perfect.
Damian wished he could go there one more time. To walk the land of his youth. He knew it was still out there. Still beyond the reach of Humanity. The silent paradise of the outskirts of Kaamanen, off on the cliff of the world in Old Earth's Finland.
He felt his age now. Felt stretched and thin, like all of the weight of the past had finally found him and piled on. A weathered hand reached up and ran through the scruff of his beard. Then it pulled out, momentarily catching a tangle before he raised it in the air in front of him.
"Back to it then," he whispered, taking one last look before the hand swiped down.
The wilderness was immediately replaced by a world preparing for war. All four walls of the bunker shifted to depict status reports and requests for comms coming from all directions. He had only stolen a few seconds to gaze upon his homeland, but it had been enough to make a chaotic situation a true conflagration.
Everyone needed something. All of it was a top priority.
Thankfully, many carried out their duties admirably, marching toward their chosen destinations without the need for guidance from above. For all of its miserable history, Humanity had finally learned how to govern itself -- how to turn ideas into actions into progress. There was so much that had been accomplished since they had emerged from the shadow of the Automics, and yet here they were again: fighting for the future of the species.
Damian jabbed a finger and thumb forward toward the wall. "Where are we at on Wave Two?"
A harried Captain appeared in the view, a hive of activity behind him as he walked along the corridor, his wrist raised in front of him. "Good progress, Secretary. We can get out of the berths on the timeline, but we're going to be worse than useless without some supporting infrastructure."
They were scheduled to depart immediately after the Zix freed up following the departure of the Boomerang fleet, which should be completed in the next few minutes. By the look of things, they'd be carting along everything they could shove into the hull and figuring out as much of the mess as they could later. After what happened to Wave One, they'd be taking more precautions with the launches, only moving out of the berth when the Zix were in a position to provide them immediate passage to their designated launch point. They'd be joining the two Wave One vessels that had successfully escaped at Alpha Site -- the Wave Two boats couldn't survive without them.
"Understood, Captain. Keep your head swiveled and get folks buckled down."
The Captain nodded, "Yes, Secretary. Is there anything else?" He looked eager to be off the comm.
"Nothing else, good luck."
"Yes, Secretary. Thank you." The link dropped.
Damian turned forty-five degrees and jabbed at another wall in the hexagonal room. This one depicting the progress of the Boomerang Launches. Another comm link sprang to life. "I've still got nerves on this one, Joan."
The Fleet Admiral sat comfortably in her chair, the broad, curved sweep of the *UWDFF Sun Tzu'*s Admiral's Bridge rolling out behind her. "It's suboptimal. Had Captain Erikson survived the battle at Halcyon, perhaps my involvement would be unnecessary." She shrugged, "But there is no one else suited to this task other than myself. Earth's defenses are a known quantity and UWDF leadership is more than capable of overseeing the task."
"We don't know what they'll be throwing at us," Damian replied.
"Everything, I imagine." Her hand flipped into view briefly and swiped away. "Our only chance may be to stay on offense. Hard to know without more information."
"I don't see us getting that until they make their arrival, not unless Kai has more nuggets to drop."
Joan glanced away from the viewscreen and then cursed. "New wormhole triggers. Probe one gone." She exhaled. "There goes the second." Similar alerts had flared to life on Damian's side, adding a red hue to a portion of a single wall, one that was easily lost amidst the sea of red surrounding it. "We need to leave, immediately."
The chart depicting the Boomerang Fleet's exit from the solar system indicated that slightly over half the vessels had yet to depart. They would be transitioning out soon enough, but Joan's tone made it clear she was unenthusiastic about the rate of progress. "So eager to leave me, Joan? And here I thought we would never be parted."
Damian's banter only merited an annoyed furrowed brow as a response, her hands furiously swiping in the air. She barked a series of orders, rerouting all fleet traffic. Damian waited while she conducted the orchestra of Earth's defense. When the flurry of activity died down, she turned back to Damian. "They'll have an updated picture now. We need to get it out of date as quickly as possible. Things that are moving need to move in a different direction. Things that are sitting still need to be somewhere else if possible."
"Still hoping they're slower than the Zix?"
"Unclear. The Amalgans are a black box. However, we risk nothing by maximizing the advantage if it exists."
"Fair. Think they'll be coming soon?"
"It'd be logical. The longer they wait, the more likely it is that they'll need to re-canvas, unless they're waiting for their FTL sensor network to spread."
"Maybe they'll just decide to pack it up and call it a day. Leave the barbarous Humans alone on their rock before we get any crazy ideas."
Joan snorted.
There was a silence. The conversation had come to an end, and Damian was just prolonging it to put off all the rest of the mess on his plate. He wanted to say something appropriately charismatic to Joan, but the Fleet Admiral was immune to charm. Instead, he opted for simplicity. "Good luck, Admiral. If you get your chance, make it count."
She nodded curtly, her eyes meeting his as her chain raised back up. "I intend to, Secretary. You'll be in good hands, until I return."
"Of course, Admiral." He reached up and swiped the comm link off. If the Boomerang Fleet was successful, he wouldn't be seeing her again. There would be no way to generate a wormhole home unless the Amalgans decided to give her a lift back in an act of charity, which didn't seem to likely under the circumstances. Damian wasn't a particularly sentimental person, but he'd miss her. Assuming he was around to miss.
The timer ticked down and the UWDFF Sun Tzu transitioned out of the system without further incident. It was odd to think about, that she had been there one moment and in the next she was light years away. He supposed it didn't matter. A light year or a mile away, it was the same difference.
Two new comm links came online as Damian connected to Admiral Kai Levinson and Captain Alistair Bishop. Kai looked considerably less fatigued than he had the last time they'd interacted, though he still looked like he'd been through hell. Captain Bishop was considerably more spritely, though he had he bags under his eyes from long nights and hard days. "Are you two ready?"
"Yes, Secretary," they said in unison.
"Joan seems to think we'll be in for it soon enough. Get underway and see what this Cerebella can do for us," Damian said, his attention focused on Kai.
"Yes, Secretary," Kai repeated.
"Kai? No bullshit. I'm taking a chance here, trusting you when I've got enough red flags to reupholster my couch." He jutted a thumb behind him. "And it's a big couch. Seats twelve."
"We're keyed in for Interstice. Once we arrive, it'll take a short amount of time to make contact and meet with an Evangi vessel keyed for Ecclesia. Then it's one more jump from there and then I'll be having tea with the Cerebella."
"I know the plan, but it's a shitty one and I'm expecting you to make it seem like a good idea in retrospect."
Kai nodded, "Secretary, this isn't the first shitty plan I've been involved in. They're something of a specialty at this point."
True enough. Kai had a habit of gravitating toward the thickest tangles. It was a trend that'd only picked up after he'd lost his family. No surprise there, he wasn't the only one with survivor's guilt. Not the only one that was looking for a decent way to die for the sin of having lived. "Captain Alistair, the ship is yours. You see something you don't like, you hope back Earthside and we sort it out then. If the Admiral has issues following orders, then you have my personal permission to toss him out the airlock."
Alistair seemed uncertain on the best way to respond. He was a promising captain, but this was his first foray into the nosebleeds of leadership. Under different circumstances, Damian would have looked for an alternative, but he'd been in training as an alternate for the Alcubierre and Joan had given him the nod.
Nothing like having the fate of Humanity hang on hare-brained schemes thrown together at the last minute with zero information.
Great time to be alive.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" Damian made a shooing motion, which accidentally caused two screens to minimize in the background. "Get out of here."
"Yes, Secretary," they said, again in unison.
Damian killed the comm link and then turned to the next wall. A large image of the Earth dominated the center panel, showing a real time feed of the planet as it spun its way through the cosmos. A few swipes later, and the blue, white and green Earth was covered with overlays depicting the defensive assets in orbit. Humanity had made some investments in orbital fortification, but they were largely limited to shooting down space junk -- they weren't ready for a full on planetary assault. The cost was too high for the utility offered. Clearly they should have considered the possibility of galactic hitmen in that calculus.
The five status walls surrounding him continued their updates, interrupted only by the sixth wall that served as the exit to the rest of his leadership bunker. Damian slowly turned in a circle and came to a stop at the door, feeling a momentary urge to kick it down and claw his way up the hundreds of yards worth of tunnels leading back up to the surface. He didn't want to be down here if things went south. He wanted to be up top, staring death in the face with everyone else.
But the Earth needed leaders, and he hadn't been smart enough to retire the last go around. Joke was on him.
As he stared at the door, the alerts began to ping out, and the crimson hue of the bunker deepened. Ping. Ping. Ping. Ping. One after the other, almost colliding. Dread crept into ever pore as Damian slowly turned around and faced the walls behind him. The planet Earth was still there, but Polaris station, one Humanity's key trading hubs, was not. Instead, it had been replaced by a molten pile of slag amidst a field of debris. Damian ran over to the wall, and raised a hand, turning it slowly counter-clockwise on the vid feed. Gradually, the video reversed itself, the debris field coming together and then reforming, though it was obscured by a brilliant flare of light.
UWDF Command chimed in, "Secretary, have you--"
"Just tell me what happened."
"Some sort of energy weapon, we're trying to trace--" New pings sounded out. Fleet Admiral Fatima Ahuja paused, her mouth drawn into a thin line. "Another." She turned out of frame. "Nothing? What do you mean nothing? I thought we had eyes!" She exclaimed.
Ping. Ping.
"They're everywhere. They're...they're everywhere."
Ping. Ping. Ping.
Ping. Ping. Ping. Ping. Ping. Ping.
Damian could only watch as one priceless asset after another disappeared in brilliant light. Gone before they had a chance to respond. Gone before they had even realized they had been targeted.
Brilliant minds. Brave souls.
Gone in a flash.
Valast was bored.
Of course, there were many demands upon his attention, the affairs of the Combine could not be conducted without the oversight of the Premier, but they were unwelcome distractions from his brooding about the Amalgans. Yes, entire worlds were starving. Yes, the economic fabric of the Combine was in shambles. Yes, the Combine Compact was frayed and facing disintegration.
No, he did not care.
So long as the Evangi and their minions were free to roam the galaxy, there could be no safety. No security. No chance to build an empire that befit his ambition. Any work that he might do today could just as easily be undone by them tomorrow. They had proven that quickly enough at Halcyon. He was willing to go through the motions of governance, if only to pass the time until he received notification that Humanity had been exterminated like the pests they were.
Being left in darkness was the most bothersome aspect of the entire affair. He questioned the nature of the Cleanse Contracts, finding it incredibly annoying that the Amalgans would be granted the right to conduct their business without observation or assistance. It was an oversight he intended to remedy once the Amalgans had completed this current tasks. Soon, they would learn that the facile administration of the Evangi was a far cry from the leadership he intended to exhibit.
Valast's ear twitched and he glanced at Minister Gorman, who was blathering away in front of him. Somewhere in Gorman's ramblings he had said something sufficient stupid that it interrupted Valast's train of thought. Valast really should have Gorman killed, it would make matters easier. "Repeat that," Valast said, talking over whatever Gorman was mumbling about.
"Repeat...repeat what?"
"Whatever it is you just said," Valast replied, his ears now flapping in irritation. "The thing before this thing."
"I..um...about the tra-trading routes?"
"Yes. The trading routes, Gorman. What else would I be talking about? Repeat it."
He swallowed and then cleared his throat of some hanging phlegm. "Oh, yes, well, I said there is good news." Gorman's bobbed his head up and down a few times, nodding along as he spoke. Trying to emphasize that yes, this was very good news and he should be appropriately acknowledged and rewarded. "We have been able to extend trade to more planets than anticipated due to reduced trade flow with the Amalgans."
Valast's claws began to grind on his cushion. "Reduced? How so?"
Gorman shrugged, "They have said they will handle the matter themselves."
The nails of Gorman's forepaws clicked together with delight. "Yes, yes, yes, it was my own solution. With the duress caused by the loss of the worm projector, I was quite worried we would lose access to critical trade routes. Every additional world was a strain, you see, so the question of how best to cover the gaps was brought to me as Trade Minister." Gorman's chest puffed out at that. "So I suggested to the Amalgans -- who are much more talkative due to your involvement -- that they conduct their own trade utilizing their projector. Subject to appropriate tariffs of course. This allows us to service an additional fourteen sys--"
Gorman's rambling died out as Valast raised a paw. The Premier glowered at the Trade Minister. "You told them what?" Valast spoke with an exaggerated pause between.
Gorman now looked considerably less certain. "To...to...use their own--"
"You allowed them to circumvent our trade network?"
The Trade Minister shook his head violently, "No, as I said, they must comply with our tariff frame--"
Valast leapt up from his cushion and sprang from the raised dais to land on the ground in front of Gorman, who immediately began to cower. Valast swiped a paw along the top of Gorman's head, dragging his claws along until a thin smear of red emerged amongst the densely packed brown fur. Gorman let out a yelp and scrambled backward, with Valast in pursuit. "You've destroyed our leverage, you idiot. Let them have everything they wanted all so you could do what? Save a few worthless worlds?"
Gorman continued to retreat, his eyes wide with terror. "Y-y-you gave them the worm projector! I thought that's what you wanted. What else would they use it for?"
The question landed with a force beyond Gorman's feeble capacity as an orator, stopping Valast in his tracks. They would use the worm projector to complete the Cleanse Contract of course, there was no alternative available to them. Well, there was an alternative, they could have just made use of Combine projectors, but they hadn't accepted it. But that didn't mean they had ulterior motives...
Of course it meant that.
Everyone had ulterior motives. Everyone was scheming. Always trying to find a way to unravel the progress he had fought so hard to secure. They couldn't help themselves. Envy was a natural condition for those who surround him. And Gorman, feeble-minded dullard that he was, had simply exposed the Amalgan's plot earlier than expected.
Valast snorted. If the Amalgans meant to compete with the economic power of the Combine, they would find themselves sorely outmatched. A single projector, even two, could never serve as a basis for opposition. They could play their little games, and Valast was quite happy to play along with them to see whether they were as treacherous as those he had sent them to destroy. If they proved their loyalty by destroying the Humans and their leash-holders, then perhaps it could be the basis for a very profitable and mutually beneficial relationship.
If the Amalgans tried to grasp beyond what Valast permitted, he would destroy them.
Valast sneered down at the huddled mass of Mus on the floor before him. "Gorman, you are quite lucky that your terrible decisions may be played to the Combine's benefit." Valast flicked off a piece of stuffing from the destroyed cushion behind him -- he hadn't remembered when he had torn it asunder. He then preened his whiskers carefully before continuing. "I want every transaction they complete carefully monitored. Every world. Every location. All of it."
The smaller Mus peeked out from under his claws, one hand reaching up to dab at the crimson slash on his head. He suppressed a wince and then nodded, "Yes, of course. But...how will we know where they are going?"
A paw waved in the air as Valast made his way back to the dais. "That the sort of problem I have you around to solve." Valast glanced over his shoulder. "Not a speck of iron moves without our knowledge, Gorman. Your life depends on it."
Gorman returned to his feet and bowed deeply, "Yes, of course, Premier, I'll see to it." The Trade Minister turned around and made a hasty exit, his claws clicking on the polished floor as he scurried off, leaving Valast alone once more in the room.
Valast moved to the side and pulled a new cushion out from the pile, tossing it atop the dais before he hopped up behind it. As he settled down on the cushion, he began to mull the matter over further. It made little sense for the Amalgans to try and compete economically with a single projector. They would have the same problems the Combine currently had, only magnified multiple orders higher due to the limited keys set to the Amalgan territory and their limited access to projectors. Perhaps it was nothing more than trying to secure their own interests and reduce the Combine's leverage.
It made enough sense. There was also no reason to believe they would not complete a task they had completed thousands of times before. But still, their ownership of the worm projector created additional considerations, many of which he had not fully contemplated in his haste to be done with the Humans.
Valast exhaled. He had been given no other choice. Once again, he had been called upon to exhibit the courage and tenacity of a leader amidst a sea of cowards too afraid to act. If there were unintended consequences that arose from his dealings with the Amalgans, then so be it. They were powerful, but they were not the Combine. If they could not see the benefits of well-compensated subservience, then they would suffer the pain of disobedience.
He would starve them. He would crush them.
And, in the end, he would win.
It was his destiny.
Demand MOAR if you want to see MOAR!
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submitted by PerilousPlatypus to PerilousPlatypus [link] [comments]

[Serial][UWDFF Alcubierre] Part 74

Beginning | Previous
Joan Orléans fingers drummed on the chair of the Admiral's Bridge on the UWDFF Sun Tzu as she scanned the updates on the various tasks relating to the defense of the solar system. This was a task she spent most of her waking hours on. Reviewing. Reconsidering. Revising. It was also familiar territory for her in general. Something of a time honored task at this point. She had been in this seat much the same as this one looking at these panels similar to these and wondering how best to protect Humanity in the last war as well. Of course, the Automics had been simple by comparison. Against the Automics, the enemy was something they had built, and its needs and desires were easy to understand. It wanted what Humanity had, and it intended to use Humanity against itself. It had infested Humanity's most populated places, growing and metastasizing like a malignant cancer. Extracting the tumor had been difficult, and the corpus of Humanity paid a dear price, but it was a known problem with a known solution.
Now, she had very little concept of what they faced and what their prospects might be. Their history with the Combine was brief, and what insights that might have been gleaned in that encounter were difficult to extrapolate to the present circumstances. She knew that their prior success could not be viewed as an indicator of the likelihood of future success. The Combine had been largely caught off guard in Halcyon, and they had managed to make the most of the situation. Despite their losses, the First Armada had secured the objective, gained valuable assets and struck an apparently grievous blow against the Combine's capitol. It would be quite fortunate if the Combine, determined it was not worth pursuing the matter after such a bruising encounter. But Joan knew better than to believe that would be the end it.
They would come. How could they not?
She would come if she were them, and she would come with all of the fury and violence she could muster.
There was nothing to do but prepare. Properly prepared, perhaps Humanity would have options once the nature of the foe was revealed. Of course, those options were probably severely limited by Ambassador Mandela and Secretary General Venruss' decision to let the XiZ Collective off of their short leash. Now, all of her plans needed to contemplate the possibility that a unique and valuable asset may be unreliable, which considerably constrained operations. There was little to be done about it now, the XiZ had secured a spaceborn cold fusion generator for their exclusive use while they remained in Sol. The Collective could utilize that power to leave whenever they saw fit, and all Humanity would have to stop them was the hope the XiZ would show them more kindness than the rest of the galaxy had.
Joan's nose twitched and the pace of her drumming increased.
Nothing to be done about it. Take the situation as it was, not as you wished it to be.
Status reports.
She swiped up her non-drumming hand in a few gestures, re-ordering the panels and assigning them a prioritization for review and access. She then began to review the panels in order of descending importance.
First and foremost was the defense of Earth. A planet was likely the least defensible object in the history of military warfare. Everything about its structure -- its size, its shape, its stationary nature, its distribution of assets -- made it nearly impossible to protect everything of consequence. An enemy could strike from a single direction whereas they were required to defend an attack from any direction. Reinforcements would be difficult since burns could not be conducted in a straight line. Logistics were a nightmare in general. Even if they recalled the entirety of the United World Defense Force Fleet, there would still be holes.
Matters were further complicated by the fact that Joan could also make few assumptions about the intent of the enemy. At least the Automics sought control over the Earth and its assets. There was every reason to believe that, having a galaxy at its disposal, the Combine would be content to eliminate the Earth rather than fight over it. This raised the possibility of attacks that might focus on an immediate obliteration as opposed to the wars of attrition Humanity had grown used to.
Joan had no sense of what such an attack might look like or what defensive options would be available to them.
The best she had been able to manage was to recall a portion of the Second and Third Armadas to Earth, reducing the protection the outer settlements would have if they are attacked. Even then, there were not sufficient ships to create anything other than a patchwork of floating garrisons above key resources and cities while still trying to retain a line-of-sight between major command groups. With this disposition, that multiple command groups could fire their mass drivers in conjunction with one another in an overlapping field of fire if the invading source was sufficiently far away. In some cases, planetary defenses were of use, particularly the orbital launchers, but those had been developed for asteroids and space junk in mind rather than full scale assault by alien species. They had been bulked up after the Automic War, but coverage was spotty. She understood the lack of fixed defenses, it was simply too expensive to try and encircle an entire planet, particularly when available resources in the post war period needed to be funneled into stabilizing Humanity itself. She had been part of that decision and, given what was known at the time, still believed it to be the correct one.
Of course, if they had known there was an enormous, hostile civilization on their doorstep, they might have re-prioritized, but Joan continued to think the task of defending a planet was inconceivably difficult regardless of circumstance. Far better to build redundancy. So long as Humanity was tied to a single place, it always risked being forced into precisely this corner. Damian's decision to reactivate the Exodus program was a good one, even if it was too little, too late.
Joan sighed.
"Never easy," she said aloud to the emptiness of the Admiral's Bridge. She swiped a hand in irritation, pulling up the detailed view of the next panel, which provided an analysis of Humanity's solar system telemetry. Any number of measurements were collected, collated and presented in the panel, but Joan was primarily concerned with the set of readouts that were relevant to the detection of wormholes. The science was complicated, but a combination of instruments that detected shifts in gravity, light, and a few other currently monitored datapoints had been deployed to provide an observation network throughout the solar system, with particular emphasis on Earth. If a ship was sent through a wormhole, Humanity would know at the speed of light, which Joan fervently hoped was sufficient.
Despite the passage of almost three weeks since Halcyon, there had been no indications of a wormhole being created within Sol. Joan had questioned Kai on the matter, and he had offered a number of potential explanations ranging from a lack of vessels with an appropriate key, to the time required to muster Combine resources, to the complete and total destruction of the Combine by the artificient. This had preceded a rather tense exchange surrounding the departure timeline to visit this Cerebella, after which conversation became untenable.
Seeing nothing amiss in the readout, she pinched and then swiped a few times, bringing up a panel outside of her prioritized list. It depected Kai Levinson's medical charts and images of his brainwaves over time. Cerebral activity was elevated and continued to increase. His thought schematics continued to alter as well. Dr. Lai believed that Kai was in control of his body and his thoughts, but thought it possible that the line between him and his counterpart, the Evangi Neeria, was becoming increasingly blurred.
Kai Levinson remained in control, but he may not remain Kai Levinson.
Joan did not know what to make of that beyond a continued resolution to treat all words out of Kai's mouth as having potentially put there by another. He was a potential resource for gathering information, but Joan also questioned whether any of the information could be trusted. Still, regardless of what he said, it would provide a record of interaction that could be cross-examined at a later date to determine the extent to which he was reliable.
She minimized the medical data panel and pulled open the next on her list. It depicted the progress of the Exodus mission. The first wave of vessels had been loaded with a hastily assembled list of Humanity's best and brightest and then jammed full of everything they could fit in that might help with a colonization effort.
Terraformers. Seed stocks. Vehicles. Self-assembled Habitations. So on and so forth.
Joan glanced at the launch timelines and manifest details.
Exodus Wave One
UWEM Horizon
UWEM Fortune
UWEM Destiny
UWEM Outta Here
UWEM Potential
Joan snorted at the Outta Here, which had been named by a poll and Damian had elected to keep because he found it amusing. Despite the redacted details, Joan knew all six ships would be departing for separate locations to increase Humanity's odds. Each of the locations had been selected based upon data available in the Combine Archives from the XiZ, who would be providing the wormholes to reach to locations. The locations had been chosen based on their distance from Combine settlements and the likelihood of compatibility with Humanity. All would be in within Combine space as the contents and nature of the other Restricted Zones were not available. Many would not be in close proximity to each other, meaning that they would be cut off in the event Humanity lost access to wormholes.
Each of the ships could hold almost ten thousand people. She wondered briefly whether they would be filled to maximum capacity and under what framework that composition was selected. All of those logistics had been left to the United World rather than the military, though the UWDF would be providing supporting personnel to the Exodus Mission vessels.
Their launches were coordinated to provide the XiZ enough time to recharge worm projector and re-target the wormholes. The XiZ said they would require less time than that, but, out of abundance of caution, they staggered them. Each would make their way from their holding ports in Earth's inner orbit and toward the wormhole staging ground a short distance away. From launch, each vessel was expected to reach its destination planet within a few hours.
Despite having traveled through a wormhole herself, it was still fantastical to contemplate. Even the Alcubierre had been something that had felt almost magical. There were few things that could inspire Joan to daydream, but the possibility that Humanity would no longer be tethered to the Earth, that survival would not longer hang upon protecting the indefensible, was one of them.
She raised her hand to swipe away the readout when an alert blared and the panels were shoved to the side to display a new readout.
Alert Trigger: Potential Wormhole
She immediately swung into action, raising her hands and beginning to swipe when a second panel appeared beside the first read out.
Alert Trigger: Potential Wormhole #2
Joan pointed to the first panel and then swiped down to up, expanding the associated data. The wormhole had appeared--
Alert Trigger: Potential Wormhole #3
Alert Trigger: Potential Wormhole #4
The panels kept populating, creating a running list. Joan snarled and swept her arms wide, her hands bracketing the four triggered alarm panels and then compacting them downward, placing them into a signal frame of data. She then swiped her hand left to right until she could see the location readout.
The first two wormholes had appeared almost on top of one another, both a few light seconds away from Earth. The second two were similarly clustered, but were positioned closer to the moon. For both pairs of wormholes, a line drawn between them would be perpendicular to the Earth, meaning that it had a line-of-sight that was not obstructed by either of the wormholes. In the case of the second pairing, there was also an unobstructed view of the moon as well.
She delved into the data further, wondering whether they had already lost the war before it had begun. There did not appear to be any indications of an energy discharge, Earth would already be reporting if it had--
Her eyes widened. "Mass?"
She exhaled. Telemetry did not read any inbound matter of concern. It had picked up, very briefly, an object traveling at a high rate of speed between the wormholes. The granularity of the data was not particular high on the object. It had a roughly cubic shape with size roughly akin to a UWD supply ship.
Not the full scale assault then. Or, if it was, it did not take the expected form. There was very little she could parse from a roughly cubic shape existing in their solar system in two locations for a few seconds before disappearing. Unfortunately, the only source likely to helpful on the matter was questionable.
"Comm link, Admiral Kai Levinson. Command Priority," Joan said, her hands flipping through the data and parsing as much as she could. The delay between the Earth and Moon incursions had been offset, it was not just an artifact of the speed of light that she had received them separately. The third wormhole appeared approximately ten seconds after the second had disappeared. The time within the pairs were both the same at slightly under three seconds.
Kai appeared on the vidlink beside the alarm triggers, his face serene despite the thin visor encircling his head and passing over his eyes. "Fleet Admiral, how can I be of service?"
Joan took a brief moment to calculate what to reveal and how to reveal it. If there was an opportunity to get an assessment of Kai, this might be it, though she had precious little to base any judgments on. "Wormholes have just appeared."
Kai flinched at the announcement. "They're here."
"They've already left."
"That was fast," Kai said, his head tilting to the side as if listening. "Scouting?"
"That was my first thought."
"What was sent through?" Kai asked.
"We have very little data. No energy discharge. No mass fired."
"Joan, I need you to tell me what was sent through. Any data you have. I cannot help if I am blind." He waved a hand toward the visor on his face, "Bad choice of words. You get what I mean."
"What are you looking for?" Joan said.
He shrugged, "Something that can help. As I told you already, I have no idea what state the Combine is in. It is equally likely that this is the first effort of the artificient. I cannot say which is which without more information, and even then I may not be helpful."
Joan raised a hand and jabbed it in the air, sending the Alert Trigger reports to Kai. She then leaned forward, her eyes pinned to Kai as he read the outputs. Almost immediately after beginning, he looked like he had been punched.
"How precise are these measurements?" He whispered, gulping repeatedly and shaking his head.
"They're a rough approximation. The instrumentation isn't refined enough for anything other than a size and a general shape, but those two are accurate."
"Cube," Kai whispered. "That's not possible."
Kai was either an extraordinary actor, or the information was deeply disturbing. For all of Joan's reservations, she leaning toward the latter. "What is not possible?" Joan raised a hand and swiped a few times, pulling up the readout of Kai's medical status. Heart rate elevated. Cerebral cortex on fire. He appeared to be under extreme duress.
He turned his head to the side again, a grimace on his face. "Well then tell me then. She needs to know what you know." He shook his head, "What are the Sclinter Amalga?" Kai's lips withdrew, his teeth baring, "Stop playing fucking games. Out with it."
Kai's brain scan flared, indicating a significant increase in synaptic activity well beyond typical Human utilization. After a moment it subsided and the blood drained from Kai's face. "Joan...we are in trouble. The...they aren't supposed to be here. They don't have a key. No one ever gave them a key. Not to here."
Joan tried to unravel the dribble, but was having difficulties. Kai appeared to be laboring considerably, as if undergoing a significant internal struggle, and she was no longer certain who was talking when he was speaking. What she did know, was that she had more questions than answers. Answers that she needed, now. "Who is not supposed to be here?"
"Go on, tell her." Kai said. A moment later, he straightened, a detached look coming onto his face. His heart rate normalized and the brain waves shifted. When Kai spoke, it was in a duller monotone. "Admiral, there is a species that makes use of vessels that fit the description provided by the data you have sent over. This species is known as the Sclinter Amalga. They are an external resource the Combine utilizes to exterminate species that are deemed to be a threat to organic life."
"I see. You outsource your genocide?" Joan asked.
Kai inclined his head, apparently unconcerned by the characterization. "It was more efficient. The Sclinter Amalga inhabit Pelageo, a cluster of systems that produced a remarkably high density of sentient life. Pelageo is located close to the galactic core and so they were encountered soon after the Evangi were tasked with establishing the Combine. The Evangi are not a militaristic species. We are administrators. The Sclinter Amalga are multiple militaristic species, all shaped by competition within Pelageo. They were very powerful."
"And?" Joan said, knowing the background might be relevant, but deeply aware of their very limited time.
"They were deemed unsuitable for inclusion in the Combine, but the Evangi were incapable of dislodging such a collection of species, particularly once they entered into an armistice with one another upon our appearance. The option of isolating them was considered, but this particular issue was likely to reoccur as the Combine was built. Many species would not be suitable for inclusion. Even if isolated, they could pose a risk to organic life, as Humanity has so amply demonstrated." Kai took a breath and then plunged onward, his reference to Humanity seeming to refer to some group he was not a part of. "A solution was devised: we would reach an agreement with the Sclinter Amalga. They would provide us with a necessary, distracting service we did not wish to perform, the removal of threats to organic life, and we would provide them with limited exceptions to isolation in the form of wormkeys to specific locations for specific vessels."
Joan processed this information as it was handed to her, "And these...Sclintern are now here to perform that same service?"
"It should not be possible. No Amalgan vessel was ever provided with a wormkey to a Divinity Angelysian Restricted Zone. No Amalgan vessel was ever provided with a wormkey for anything other than a specific place for a specific purpose."
"We traveled to here just fine, we did not possess any keyed vessels," Joan said.
"We had the use of a..." Kai's voice drifted off.
"Neeria?" Joan asked.
Kai looked startled. "The Amalgans are fastidious about their engagements with the Combine. A highly improbable chain of events would need to occur for them to gain access to a worm projector. More importantly, such an occurrence would be of horrendous consequence."
"A secondary consideration in using the Amalgans for Cleanse Contracts was that possibility that they would become weakened over time, reducing them as a potential threat. Even if we had entered into an agreement with them, they were still unsuitable for existence by the parameters we judge species on. Eventually, there was some expectation that the Amalgans would be defeated and then could be replaced by another species, thereby starting the process anew. A component of the Cleanse Contracts was a requirement that the Amalgans pursue the targeted species with all of its power until one was extinct. It was an expedient solution." Kai took another breath. "We utilized the Amalgans often. They never failed. They only grew stronger. If they gain access to a worm projector, they are likely to be the strongest force in the Combine."
Joan folded her arms. The explanation was surreal. A galactic species had hired another galactic species as a genocidal hitman, thereby turning them into some manner of omnipowerful species that was now potentially out of control and targeting Earth. If there was a framework for defending against this, Joan would very much like to have someone explain it to her. "Why did you not just eliminate them once you grew powerful?"
"The nature of the Combine made this difficult. Member species were selected for their orientation toward certain goals the Combine possessed, most of which focused on internal stability and efficiency. Among these species, a Peacekeeping force was considered an acceptable investment for the periodic disputes that might occur. Developing a military force capable of destroying the Amalgans would be difficult to explain, particularly as the nature of the Amalgans was not widely understood and the Amalgans had always performed their duties as agreed upon."
"Well, if its the Amalgans, then it looks like they've gotten access to a worm projector. Maybe the Combine lent them one," Joan said.
"They would not accept a Cleanse Contract on that basis. They only accept durable assets, particularly ones that reduce their isolation as agreed upon."
"Fine. They have one. How do we defend against them?" Joan asked.
"You do not," Kai replied.
"Well, that's not an option. We have advantages here. They're unfamiliar with our physics. This is home territory. We have Griggs' Pulses."
"The Amalgans fight exclusively in other species' territory. They have been conducting Cleanse Contracts across thousands of species, all of whom have similar levels of technology to Humanity--"
"What are our options, Neeria? That's what I want to know."
"Flee and hope they do not find you. Allow me to seek the Cerebella and obtain what assistance I can," Kai said.
Joan flicked a hand up and opened the panel for the Exodus Mission. She had no intention of disclosing its existence to Kai. If that was the last hope for Humanity, then it needed to remain a secret.
A number of inbound messages were appearing, including from the Secretary General. There were also new Alert Triggers filtering in. Two by Mars. Joan assumed that, as the speed of light permitted, she would receive similar triggers across the solar system as the Amalgans conducted their scouting effort.
Joan looked back at Kai now, "We're not going anywhere, and neither are you. I'm not sending the only being that knows anything about these things away just when they show up." Joan raised an eyebrow, "Why don't you take a page out of the Ambassador's book and try to negotiate with them? Buy us some time?"
"Admiral, if they are here, they are done negotiating."
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submitted by PerilousPlatypus to PerilousPlatypus [link] [comments]

I streamed every day for a year, here's what I learned

I streamed every day for a year. In that time, I gained 2k followers and have currently reached a 45 viewer average. I list these metrics simply because I want the post to have some kind of weight. I didn't reach partner in a year, I didn't reach 1k subs, I'm not a superstar. I just want to share some of the things I learned to newer, or other streamers out there. I'm going to break down some of the things I learned into sections and hopefully this can benefit some people.
Also, I wrote this whole thing out and then it deleted itself, so this'll be fun.
Consistency, time and place, keep to your schedule, even if it's loose
This is the most important point. Have a start time, a set schedule of days and stick to it. I used to think that 10pm - midnight as a start time was okay but now I make sure to be there for 10pm. You don't need to stream every day, by any means, however, letting people know what days, even if it's just Saturday, at 6pm, will keep you in their mind throughout the week.
At a certain point, if your consistent enough and have created a routine for yourself, you may notice people following that, meeting up in your pre-stream chat or Discord.
Make a Discord or Twitter
Why? For the SOLE purpose of notifying people when you're live. Reminding people the time and place is great but some people are busy, or don't deal with time-zones very well. Having an alternative way of being notified, rather than having to remember your start time or rely on the shitty Twitch notifications is so helpful for viewers.
Personally, I chose Discord, as you can do two things: Create a special role to be pinged. I have a message you react to on the join page and boom, you’ll be notified when I’m live. Secondly, it creates a community that sticks around after you’re live. You can interact with people and make friends, instead of simply being a face people see on Twitch.
Be sure to greet everyone, remember names, remember traits and interests
Viewers are not numbers. Getting to an average viewers milestone is great but it doesn’t feel like a big jump. Not because I’m ungrateful but because I’ve met 90% of the people that are watching. If they talk in stream, I have something I can say to them and that is a great landing zone for anyone who might be new to the stream.
This doesn't just mean you should say welcome over and over. Sure, that's a start but I can't tell you how weird it feels when I go into someone's stream, pose a question or comment that could be discussed, and they'll instantly say welcome, and then ignore what I've said. Take your time, make sure you can offer attention to a chatter. Make them feel welcome, don't tell them.
View count
Every time I see this mentioned, the majority of people will say they turn it off. This is fair, as it comes down to a lot of things. Big numbers can ego boost and then you'll feel shit when the numbers go lower. There are two things to say to this. Firstly, those are people, not numbers. When you're a smaller streamer, remember that people can be busy. Secondly, the viewer count can be helpful in some situations.
For example, you can monitor what discussions turn people away. I've seen myself talk about computer parts and the stock market only to see a bunch of people check out. More helpfully, though, if you see more viewers than usual, take that time to let them know your focal points.
Mine are: time and schedule, Discord and the community aspect, YouTube for highlights. Just something simple, "While we're loading in, if you're new and you're enjoying... or not, do know that we stream every day at 10pm UK/5pm EST ..."
Make use of the VIP role
As I said, I accidentally deleted this whole post while writing it, so some parts may be shorter, including this one.
The VIP role is not just for famous people in your chat, or those who have donated. I use the VIP role to show my appreciation to those who stick around. if I have noticed someone's been chatting, for a week, or I see them say hello at the start of each stream and goodnight at the end, to me, that is a VIP. It's someone who helps the stream grow as an individual presence, who contributes to the community. Plus, it's a nice little thank you from me to the viewer for being around.
Market yourself and find proper branding
No, you don’t need a literal campaign of adverts but, knowing how to showcase your content, even to those not watching, is a huge key to little boosts here and there. Find your unique selling points and run with them.
Some that I use include the fact I accidentally acquired a world record for the game I play. Now, I label myself as the “World Record Pig Main.” Even if there’s other Pig players out there, there’s only one world record, and that’s a unique tagline I can use in my banners and titles, etc.
Another little thing that started off from fun and spiralled into a bit of advertisement was a project a user in my chat did. He kept data for 100 of my games in a row and we found I had a 96% win rate. We turned that into an infographic, posted it on the relevant sub-reddit and it got a large amount of attention. Small things that, when capitalised on, will add up.
Playing the same games
Personally, in my first few months, I would play variety games. In between my main game of Dead By Daylight, I’d stream Resident Evil, Half-Life, Ori, just games I was interested in playing. However, I think there’s something to be noted here, if you’re looking to really capitalise on growth, as opposed to, just playing what you want. At a certain point I noticed significantly more growth, in regards to viewer retention and follows, if I played Dead By Daylight. So, I stick to that now. Personally, I don’t have a problem with this, it just means I play other games off-stream.
The point is, be sure to take stock. If a certain game is picking up your growth and people are there to see that game, as long as you enjoy it, it’s definitely something to explore in regards to creating a foundation for your channel. Though, not everyone can play four hours of Pig every day.
I have no first-hand experience with teams, as, in my opinion, I feel it offers you a lot of fluff. The vibe can be nice, if not off-putting for some, as everyone in the team will shout-out and encourage other members. Yet, in the long run, I don’t know how much all these recurring raids and shout-outs actually get you.
At the end of the day, though, this one just isn’t for me. If you find a team your comfortable with, I don’t think it would do any harm. The one part I don’t like is that you can become associated with that team, or the big name heading said team, instead of being your own entity.
VoDs and follower-only
A small entry. Outside eyes have told me that I will be "hurting my growth" by using sub-only VoDs or turning them off. I strongly disagree. My VoDs were a breeding ground for stolen content, toxic clips and drama. So, I turned them off and put my highlights on YouTube.
Follower-only mode for your chat, on the other hand, will have you dead in the water as a small streamer. Ultimately, you want as much exposure/interaction as you can get and chat is the best way to do that. People don't want to commit to a follow just to ask you a question. So, if it means banning some bots/toxic people, do keep your chat open for all.
Alternate interaction
I could never wrap my head around what to offer people for subscribing. So, I settled on a small amount of interaction in regards to the game I play, Dead By Daylight. I main the Pig, but if people subscribe, they can choose my killer, build or a challenge. I found this to be a great and simple way for people who support with money to get something extra. That way, we can discuss their build, the killer, and watch me struggle with a different game dynamic.
This then escalated to a similar amount of bits or donations for the same type of request and these days, it's not uncommon for me to barely touch my main for a whole stream.
The point here is to offer that little bit extra. Don't break your back, and don't be afraid to keep it simple or common, but an interaction that shows your appreciation for that person's money. Then, I offer a lite version of that for channel point rewards.
Make a YouTube… kinda
This is the first thing every video or thread says about growing on Twitch. "Bro, how are you gonna grow if you don't post content on other platforms ?? No one will be able to find you."
You need to look at YouTube carefully. Again, don't break your back for hours to create a ten minute video that will get 30 views. That helps no one.
Instead, grow your YouTube alongside your Twitch with specific, catered content that people will want to watch. Throw in some variety but don't go making a four hour essay on why the Pig is garbage because there's a gigantic chance it will get no coverage.
Start small, cater to your audience. For example, I upload a Kinda Weekly Highlights video every Saturday. This does few things: it grows a secondary presence, slowly, and it allows those who can't watch the stream to check out the best bits that they might have missed. On top of that, you're learning to edit videos and images. My content isn't above average, by any means. The editing is simple and the thumbnails are silly.
Do not go balls to the walls on YouTube if you have no presence there. Slowly build it up, otherwise you will be disappointed before you even get the ball rolling.
That's it. There were some extra sections but I foolishly lost them. I don't mean to sound arrogant or overconfident, at all. I simply like writing and love streaming, so I thought I'd merge those two together and make a post here. Maybe it'll help some people, and hopefully we'll see some input from other streamers.
submitted by CMWinter to Twitch [link] [comments]

The State of r/Tekken: Suggestions/Feedback Megathread

With the clusterfuck that was 2020 soon behind us, I'd like to reflect on the state of the Tekken community globally. We saw our last major offline tournament of the year in February with Only The Best III, after which COVID quickly shut everything down (although Korea and Japan managed to organize some offline tournaments towards the end). Despite the lack of the intimacy of offline tournaments, we still managed to rally together with multiple online tournaments like the Tekken Online Challenges and the ICFC. Season 4 was huge, as the improved netcode brought us closer, allowing us to share a much better Tekken experience. Tekken 7 streamers on Twitch saw huge increases in followers, view counts and subscribers. Tekken itself saw tremendous growth, with more than 3000 new Kings of the Iron Fist joining us to get washed online together in the last 2 months alone.
However, with travel restrictions looking unlikely to be lifted in many parts of the world, it doesn't seem we will be returning to normal very soon. Since we have to rely on the Tekken community to sustain itself, I'd like to ask the members of the Tekken community as to what your thoughts are regarding the state of the subreddit, and what can be done to improve it. Please feel free to suggest anything you'd like, from different types of weekly content, to changes in moderation direction, to subreddit features and events you'd like to have.
As a starting point, some ideas I've been thinking of are -
I'd like to sign off with some words from the S4 trailer,
Keep your head up, 元気を出して, raise your fists.
There's hope in the darkness.
Happy holidays everyone, and stay safe.
submitted by pisciatore to Tekken [link] [comments]

StoryFire won't be the end. It was an experiment. I have ideas for Jesse's next website, while having final criticisms StoryFire. StoryFire was nothing more than a learning experience.

Now, I want to say that I am a day one supporter of StoryFire. I have been with it for 4 1/2 years, but I had to drop out after the marketing push because StoryFire's quality of life has severely declined. I have been very critical of StoryFire, and sometimes harshly critical, but that's because I have always supported it and wanted to see it better.
I will actually miss StoryFire. Even though the last year (2020) has made it turn very sour around the time of the marketing push with oversaturated and uninteresting content, it turned into a dumping ground of rejects and washed up YouTubers. I hate to say it, but it's true. More than half of the new users didn't even stick with the platform but to no fault of their own. (I will explain in a moment.) StoryFire before the marketing push was, in my opinion, really good. It wasn't fantastic, it was a borderline 6/10, but it most certainly had the ability to improve and become a better platform.
The story portion of the platform is arguably what I might miss the most. The stories in StoryFire, the feature alone, was what made StoryFire unique and stand out from the rest of the platforms. You have other sites like Parler and Bitchute and all those AltTech sites that don't have a feature like that. Not even YouTube, Vimeo, or Daily Motion had stories on them. In fact, StoryFire once had a non-public feature where you can read a story and then watch a video after it, which is what My Virtual Escape did. I personally BEGGED Jesse for this feature, but it never came to light. The stories on StoryFire were actually decent, and the community around the story feature was humble. Although, I think it was very ironic that the web feature didn't have a dedicated section to actually read them, or browse stories. Why? Because StoryFire was trying to focus on what it wasn't; YouTube. (More on this later.)
Another thing I will miss about StoryFire is the hybrid social feed. It was a mixture of Twitter and Instagram. I noticed recently that they added a 500 character limit, which is actually fantastic. I actually remember bringing this up to Jesse on his Twitch stream (back when he was playing Call of Duty: Warzone) and he said it was actually a brilliant idea, saying "I was onto something." The 500 character limit is double Twitter's character limit, which I personally is a greater advantage. StoryFire's social feed is a better Twitter feed. Actually, no, I take that back. StoryFire's social feed is not only better than Twitter's social feed, but it's arguably much better than Twitter. It's Twitter without the bullshit. (But I must interject that the profile system on StoryFire was complete crap, and I have made a video regarding this subject with a full-fledged concept.) If the profiles on StoryFire were like Twitter or Facebook, with the big banner and organized profile picture and post placements, then I would have had more reason to use StoryFire (customization is everything) and it would have been a lot more attractive.
Freedom of speech is a much-valued right that people want to preserve online. What I really liked about StoryFire is that individuals were really able to say what they wanted. However, this was troublesome for moderators, as I have heard first hand that they did not have any tools and had to talk to Brian in order to ban someone. (More on that later.) Regardless, StoryFire, in my opinion, was really a place where you could say mostly anything that would be "socially unacceptable" on Twitter or Facebook. Like I said earlier, StoryFire was mostly Twitter but without the bullshit drama and political partisanship. (I will touch on that later.) And to mention the 500 character limit, that was also really nice. Regardless, StoryFire was able to get away with "freedom of speech" and "anti-censorship" because it did not cater to the far right or far left. It was for common folk to get on and talk civilly. And even though there was a lot of political speech on there, and I often posted about gun rights and advocacy (because I believe in minimal firearm regulations,) there was no subjection for any ban and all parties were civil because no one threatened anyone or broke the rules. On Twitter or Facebook, that would indicate you as a social bot or get you locked out of your account. So I think that StoryFire really succeeded in the freedom of speech part. And honestly, I do think that StoryFire does deserve praise for that. Jesse always wanted people to have a platform, and he really wanted everything (within reason) to be said.
What I will not miss about StoryFire... A lot of things.
What I will not miss about StoryFire is the videos that were spammed. What really made me leave StoryFire is when videos were spammed. I will point fingers and mean nothing personally. When I saw BowBlax post, not only did he dominate my sub box, but he dominated a lot of other home page elements. There was little to no competition, other than the DramaAlert videos that Daniel Keem would make. I mean no disrespect to anyone I name by hand, but for all of the people who were brought onto the marketing push, I would say that one or two-fifths of the select individuals actually uploaded consistently. Props to them, but there was no competition or original content, so I just could not stay. The only thing that made me stay for my final few months was the story portion and the social feed because the community on there (that were not involved in big organized groups i.e. BlazeClan, Flame Gang, etc) were pretty good. Something I will mention later, StoryFire should have separated amateur content from the professional or verified content. With all of them mixed together with absolutely zero prioritization, it really made the homepage look like a mess and generally uninteresting. Also, a nit-pick, Raka Raka hasn't uploaded in months, why is he on the banner? That should be space for an advertisement so StoryFire can get ad funding. Remember when YouTube used to have an advertisement on its home screen? If StoryFire was trying to go for that YouTube look, it would have taken a step forward and helped itself in the process.
Another thing would be the video applications. For this Reddit post exclusively, I will show you a video application that really impressed Brian himself. Yes, it was mostly done by us and with help from professionals, and Brian did tell me that he loved it himself. Do you want to know why that channel wasn't accepted onto StoryFire? Copyright. That's it. I'll let that slide, but that doesn't excuse the fact that the application system was an atrocious turn-off to many. There needed to be other ways, and there are, for video uploading to be far more accessible. I have seen a lot of applications back in the day when this app was popping off. There were a lot of really bad videos that had no thought, acting, or anything done to them, let alone proper editing. However, I will talk about an alternative to applications later on. But this point is for the application system alone, and just how bad it was. It turned a lot of people away. And to add insult to injury, it used Google forums and not an in-house StoryFire application.
The overall layout. The homepage and design of the StoryFire website was unorganized at best. What I did not like is that StoryFire's homepage was focused a bit too heavily on videos. It did not focus on stories enough on the web, and finding stories on the web was really hard (and the stories themselves were buggy on the web,) and there just needs to be far more organization. This will be touched on later.
StoryFire, and the logo. StoryFire does not catch. It is not a really memorable name, and not a lot of people will take interest in it. StoryFire itself suggests that it focuses strictly on stories, and not videos. Fortunately, I have been brainstorming some ideas... StoryFire should have at least had a minimalistic or 3D-ish logo. But the logo we have does not fit with the times. It makes no sense for a business graphic. It's too big, it's really bulky, and it again does not catch. (Again, more on this later.)
What does Jesse do now?
I feel that Jesse should return to YouTube for some time, and take any offers he can get that might be useful for views and financial compensation. Jesse seriously needs to focus on the quality of his content, and he needs to focus on his financial situation. I am unsure of StoryFire's financial backend, but I guarantee you that Jesse has lost a TON of money in just keeping StoryFire up alone.
So with this being said, Jesse needs to regain the money that he has lost. He needs to regain his old audience, he needs to gain viewership again. We need some old 2016 and 2018 collab series back, as those racked in a TON of views, thus resulting in more money.
I really do think that Jesse should rebuild a new platform. It needs to be StoryFire, but better. StoryFire did a lot of things right that the next platform can do better. Jesse even said it himself, he has learned a lot within the last 4 years, and he even said that StoryFire itself was a learning experience. It most certainly was.
Personally, it's been a while since I've seen a decent video from Jesse. Jesse is burnt out, and he has been focusing a lot on StoryFire. I cannot wait, and am now quite interested, in seeing where Jesse goes after this. It is getting to a point where I actually want to see what Jesse does now. Despite me being a critic and supporter, I really want to see what happens next.
Let's talk about videos, features, and how it can learn and improve from StoryFire.
I think that Jesse should have a new platform up and running by 2023 at the earliest. I want to see a bigger and better StoryFire, that isn't StoryFire. I was thinking of some names that could be... Better suited to videos and social media sharing. A name I thought of... "RidgVid." Because since Jesse has been focusing on videos more than stories on StoryFire, I incorporated "vid" and "RiDGiD STUDiOS" together, since Jesse would be head of the scene. It would sound a bit more fluid and easier to remember.
Now, what should RidgVid do? Most of what StoryFire did, but it isn't that. It will be a primary video website for what StoryFire was intending to be. On Jesse's new site, the stories will be there as it was on StoryFire, maybe expanded upon a bit, but it will mostly function the same. The only difference is that it will not be clunky and difficult like StoryFire was. It will be a hybrid of 2010's YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram.
The video feature of the new site, you have to pay a one time fee of $5 USD or so (per account!) for it. You also have to verify your phone number, and have a valid email address. You start off with a 10 minute cap, you can't go over. Now, because finances are a stress point, if you want to get 5 additional minutes, you can pay $1.99 for that, and continue doing so. Payment is one easy way to do it. However, after paying the one time fee, you can circumvent buying more time and get more time to upload for free by surpassing a certain number of likes per video (i.e. if one video gets 500 likes, you are entitled to 3 extra minutes of upload length. This happens one per video and is capped at 30 minutes long.) Now, you might think that's a dumb idea.
>>Why would anyone pay $5 to upload? Well, finances. It supports Jesse and the site. But, if you are trusted in the community and have proven to upload consistently good videos, then you wouldn't have to pay the the $2 extra. And plus, the reason to pay in the first place is to completely get rid of the horrid application system that StoryFire had. Regardless, everyone wanted to upload. Now this begs the question, "with all these videos being uploaded, surely the servers will be overloaded. How do we prevent spam and nonsense videos?" Easy. Let's say you're like, 12, and you just uploaded a virtically filmed video of yourself playing Fortnite and you upload it to RidgVid (tell me if you like the name btw,) and he's talking in a high pitched voice giving "commentary" about what you are trying to see, and you see that no one liked the video (or it got disliked.) Well over time, users can flag videos they deem to be "legitimately unconstructive," or spam, or copyright (i.e. filming yourself reading a book or filming a concert straight-up with no filming professionalism or anything else.) In order for a video to be deleted in the name of spam or unconstructive content, users can flag it and it will be reviewed by a team of human spam moderators, and in good faith, they will determine if a video should be or should not be deleted. "And what about video game content?" Take a look at the video I linked above, there is a clear difference between no-commentary gameplay and gameplay with legitimate editorial substance.
Will anything be different with the homepage? I can argue that the homepage was arguable one of the worth things about the website. Had StoryFire would have had a homepage like VKontakte's social feed, kinda like how on Twitter, it immediately brings you to the social feed instead of anything else. For example, then it would have been a bit better. VK has a sidebar (in chronological order) that can bring you to your profile, news feed, messages, friends (or in StoryFire's case, subscribers. Even though StoryFire should have two seperate lists for subscribers and friends, like way far back OG YouTube did,) communities, photos, music, video, and games. There was even sections for a marketplace, which StoryFire was testing out years back, and "VK Pay," which StoryFire's answer was Blaze.
And regarding Blaze, the new site should keep Blaze's fundematal meaning, just don't call it Blaze. Drop the entire campfire and fire aspect altogether. Call it RidgCoin for all I care, I think that's a good name. But Blaze, keep that idea and fundemental.
For the moderators, I have heard first-hand stories from StoryFire mods that they do not have the proper tools to moderate the site. Jesse's next website should offer a whole slew of regulations and tools for moderators. This includes the ability to delete comments, story/social posts, view private DM's, view username changes internally, have the ability to ban users (instead of asking Brian to do it,) have the ability to leave private notes on users that can be seen only by other mods, the ability to have a moderator group DM with Jesse and other admins in it for direct conversation.
And as for video moderators, as I have previously mentioned, those would be different than social feed and story moderators. Two seperate teams, all under the same umbrella.
Direct messaging was barebones on StoryFire!!! C'mon, Jesse! I saw your video on Twitter telling people on Wallstreet Bets to join StoryFire. You showed them the profiles, the DM's. That isn't enough. StoryFire should have had group DM's like Reddit/Discord does. It should also have voice and video calling. No other video sharing website has that, maybe a few does... But more ideas for your next site!
It's a wrap.
McJuggerNuggets did in fact say that he wanted to keep the idea of StoryFire in mind. He made a phrase in his recent video that really inciuated that... StoryFire was just a stepping stone. A learning experience. And quite frankly, StoryFire was a MASSIVE learning experience. In fact, I am quite impressed with it. Although Jesse marketed it quite terribly, I feel really bad for the half a million he spent on the semi-failure marketing push and the lack of creators staying... You mostly can't blame them. StoryFire wasn't ready for it. Neither is it ready for investors. But, StoryFire was in fact an experiment. Likewise, I do not think Jesse is done. In fact, I want to see him make another platform. Using this thread and all the ideas, build off of StoryFire. Do not leave the stories part out of it. Look at the VK side bar, and it should have been a side tab on the web for people to view stories. Create other in-house features, like a documents page. Jesse's next site could be like, the Swiss Army Knife of video platforms. It could have all kinds of tools and features. Like how Google has Google Docs, Slides, YouTube, contacts, Drive... Jesse could create an all-on-one off brand site that could in fact beat other sites like Daily Motion and Vimeo out of the water simply because it has more in-house recourses and utilities.
Regardless, I hope you liked this post. It was just mostly some ideas, and complaints I had. Jesse, I am actually proud of you and of StoryFire. I know I have been very harsh since the marketing push, but that's because I was irritated with the direction it was going. I always have supported the StoryFire. Why I decided to come back, it was mostly out of shock and concern. I never expected this to happen so suddenly. The money could have gone to better areas, yeah, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that you did what other's couldn't. StoryFire will forever be a great example of "I'll make my own website because I do not like how the mainstream media and giant tech runs things." When people tell others "if you don't like it, go make your own site," this is exactly what happens when you do that. Jesse did just that. He proved to everyone that 1.) it's very expensive, and 2.) it's very hard to even begin competing.
You didn't let anyone down, Jesse. No one is disappointed. You stood up to the big tech with your own product. You did what people said to do, "go create your own site if you don't like it." You offered real solutions to big problems YouTube had. You offered a platform for everyone that was suppressed and silenced. StoryFire was better than Parler, it was better than most AltTech sites. It was just an experiment. A broken, buggy, but very ambitious Cyberpunk 2077-esque equivelant website. Big dreams, hard to do.
It took me two days to make this post. (I've been working a lot.) Sorry if I did not address any points. Tell me what you think.
submitted by KeepItRiDGiD129 to McJuggerNuggets [link] [comments]

I’ve created a full list of a top post of r/mains

I got bored in a meeting and i create a full list of the top post of ChampionMains Reddit so you don’t have to.
Use this list wisely.



























God have mercy
submitted by Norunenick to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

[A Lord of Death] - Part 8

[←Part 7] [My Links] [Index] [Discord] [Subreddit] [Patreon] [Part 9→]
AUTHOR'S NOTE: i'm moving to a 4 updates/week schedule (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday). Also make sure to use the butler bot in the comments below if you want automatic updates!
“I’ll make sure to point one at grandmama, then,” she said as she turned over to the sink, and began to wash the steel.

“I’m sure she’d laugh at that,” her mother giggled, “then she’d put you right in your place.”

The water flowed over the steel, the layer of dark and light gray swirling around each other as the water sparkled in the fire light. Down it flowed the edge of the blade, dripping into the water below. Aya felt like she was being pulled in, like something was holding her head in place, locking on the glimmering steel. The voice of her mother sounded far away, muffled behind several invisible walls. The stone edges of the sink fell away as the knife loamed in front of her, the minute details of the metal becoming clearer and clearer.

Somehow, she could see each and every drop of water, where it was flowing, the tiny currents as it splashed down the edge and dropped into the dark water below. The fire light flickered, burning the edges of her vision with red and yellows and then… and then…

She was somewhere else.

The fire light had grown and multiplied, spilling on into a inferno that surrounding her. She could feel the heat beating against her face, the flames cracking around her. She felt taller, stronger, older somehow, and in front of her the knife glittered. But now it was longer, sharper, made of a dark steel that shifted with the fire light. Various colours played across its surface, like pine oil over one of the puddles from the snow melt.

And there was a weight around her heart, gripping and crushing it, tearing it away from her ribs. She tumbled backward, feeling the ground fall away from underneath her and the air rushing past her ears. The her world snapped back into definition, as if she had uncrossed her eyes. She was staring up the face of her mother, eyes wide with concern.

“Abethein, aidga othlo-kascietch!” she exclaimed. Aya could almost understand the words, but their meaning drifted away into darkness as she struggled to get up.

“Oh goodness, Aya, you clumsy girl. You nearly stopped my heart. What have I told you about your footing?” she said quickly as she helped her daughter to a sitting position.

“I thought I was-, I thought- I saw-” Aya said, her throat unbearably dry. Then the first wave of pain began to flow through her mind. It felt like some burning grub was wriggling around under the skin of her hands, working its way slowly up her palms. She looked down and saw the scars yawning wide, pitted flesh sloping down and parting as a pale light shined through.

“What are you talking abou-” started her mother, before turned to look at the scars.

“Aya… what is that?” she said, breathless as she watched the flesh pulse and part.

“I-I don’t know,” Aya said as she winced from the pain, “it hurts.”

“I-I’ll get the doctor,” she said, helping her daughter up to her feet and onto a chair. Aya wanted to beg her mother to stay as she pulled on a shawl and rushed to the door, to hold her. But she could barely speak as the pain began to crawl up her hand, the scars opening in tandem.

As the door slammed shut, whispers began to swirl around her house, dark shouts and screams that didn’t come from anywhere. Aya felt like people where behind and around, bearing down on her. Fragments became more and more clear as the whispers increased in number and intensity, and aboe them all, a hideous anger and fear began to smolder in her chest, a fury unlike anything she’d experienced before. Why would her mother abandon her to the pain like this?

She tried to get up, to run, but the voices weren’t letting her get away. They dragged at her, causing her to stumbled and crash into the counter. Her legs felt completely numb,all feeling had been robbed by the onslaught of the pain. Her knees slammed into the ground as the fires began to run up her shoulders. All she could do was huddle, curled up as she pressed herself in the cool stone. She tried to scream once or twice, to call for her mother, but her jaw was as heavy as a block of lead.

Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes into hours and her arms burned. Far away, she heard the door open through the rabid whispering, rapid footsteps, some words. She was picked up and laid down on a table, her legs twitching uncontrollable, snatches of conversation flying past her.

“My, my, she’s-”

“Please, please plea-”

“Let’s just-”

There was a feeling like something snapped in her arm, another range of pain to add to the pile. This time, she managed a weak moan, her world seeming to spin as tears streaked across her cheek. Slowly however, the pain seem to fall back like a searing tide. She braced herself as well as she could, but the return never came. Slowly, she was raised to half-sitting, half-lying. Something cool and wet touched her lips, and she gulped slowly as water trickled into her mouth. Something soft dabbed at her cheeks as the voices resolved itself into just two, her mother, begging her to speak, and a softer voice calling her name.

“-hear me, Aya?”

“Aya, please talk to me,” her mother sobbed.

Slowly her eyes cleared, and she found herself face-to-face with an unbelievable beautiful man, with pale hair and eyes like a pair of rubies. She tried to push away, to move, to do anything, but her body felt like something she merely inhabited rather than controlled.

“Can you tell me your name?” said the man.

“Aya, my nams…” she mumbled.

“What do you feel right now, Aya?”

“Numb,” she said slowly.

“Excellent,” said the man, his eyes glittering in a way that made her uncomfortable, “now let’s see what’s wrong with you, shall we?”

She was laid back, feeling her mother take her hand. The man began to feel her fingers, moving them very carefully, glancing close at the scars, asking her questions about what hurt and where and how much. After some time, he stood up and asked her about how this had started, so she told him as best she could: the knife, the burning place, the fall, and finally the pain. He stood, elegance in every line as he grasped his smooth jaw, frowning in thought as his eyes swept over her arms.

“Well, doctor?” her mother said, “is she going to be alright?”

The man pressed his fingers together as a slim smile played across his lips.

“For now, most likely. You are lucky that I was here to intercede, as you would’ve found traditional remedies quite ineffective.”

“I don’t understand,” she said.

“There is nothing out of the ordinary with your daughter’s body, not physically, at least. Well, one of the bones in her arms was in an poor orientation, but I fixed that for her.”

“You- you what?”

“No, the problem is far more esoteric, I’m afraid,” the man pressed on, leaving her mother’s question unanswered.

“What happened to me?” asked Aya, her voice a little clearer now.

“To not make too fine a point of it, your daughter’s been cursed.”

“Cursed?” her mother hissed.

“Well, as far as I can judge. I have seen curses upon the body before, but this is different. You say she has had this since birth?”

Her mother nodded as she glared at the scars, now closed over and shadowed.

“Hmmm, now this is a problem. I am sorry to inform you that this curse, or whatever magic has been used to inflict this upon you Aya is well beyond my area of speciality. If only I had…”

The man trailed off, looking at the ceiling as he was lost in thought. Then their crimson lips parted and straight white teeth stood sharp in the firelight.

“Tell me, what do you know about the master of the Frozen Vale?”

Her mother stiffened at the name, and Aya knew full well why. The Frozen Vale was a place of dark stories - savage beasts and cruel men stalked the valley that cut into the northern heart of the Giant’s Spine. And those were not the worst of it - people claimed that it had a master, a powerful creature that had no equal and used dark sorcery to wreak havoc on villages at the Vale’s borders. Aya had always viewed the stories as meant for children, to ensure that they didn’t wander to far afield.

“Nothing but stories. Few here set foot in the Vale, for good reason as far as I know.”

“A shame, the forests there are gorgeous,” said the man, earning him a confused glance from both mother and daughter, “in any case, I happen to call on him every now and then.”

The revelation caused both of them to shrink away from him, even without them realizing it.

“He is not half as bad as the rumours say. Loves tea, almost too much if I’m being honest” he said with a high and pure laugh, “but, why am I recommending you seeking him out?”

At that, Aya felt her mother clutch her a little closer.

“Let us just say he is far more well-versed in this subject than I am. If anyone can help your daughter this side of the sea, it would be him.”

“And what exactly would we have to pay him for this help?” said her mother.

The man hmmmed and glanced at the both of them. There was something keen in his eyes, a quality that was like a knife’s edge.

“He would not be expecting gold, not from you two. So it would have to be…” he clapped his hands sharply, “Ah-ha! Books.”

“Books?” her mother frowned.

“Yes. Well, knowledge, learning, things of that variety. He sometimes spends years in his library. He might actually help your daughter out of curiosity alone. Actually, allow me to make a suggestion - the person you’re looking for is named ‘Efrain’. If you find him, tell him that ‘Carnes’ sent you his way, and that he says that you’re quite interesting.”
[←Part 7] [My Links] [Index] [Discord] [Subreddit] [Patreon] [Part 9→]
submitted by The_Alloquist to redditserials [link] [comments]

Welcome to Rocket League, lets get started! (a comprehensive guide)

Welcome to Rocket League

I want to welcome all new players to the world of Rocket League, a fast paced and physics based car soccer game that is super fun to play at any skill level.
To help you get started I’ve created a comprehensive guide to all things Rocket League. I’ll be going through everything you need from your first goal to becoming the highest rank in this game: Supersonic Legend.
The first step we’ll take is going through the games interface and explaining the basics of the game. Please take note that the latest update was just released and some things might be slightly different or net yet updated on any of the links I added.
For returning players: A quick link to a good post about Epicgames account linking and trouble shooting.

Menu and Options

Main menu << See image
  1. This is the main menu, we’ll focus on Garage, Inventory, Play, Training and Options.
  2. Your banner, Avatar, Avatar border, [TEAM TAG], Profile name, XP level and XP progress bar.
  3. Rocket League news ticker with the latest news
  4. Rocket League Friends List and your RocketID (watch this explanation) *slightly outdated
One of the first things you’ll want to do is choose a car body and make it your own. You can do this in the Garage menu. There are a lot of ways for you to customize your car in Rocket League, there are different bodies, wheels, decals, boost, toppers, trails, antennas and more for you to create your own unique car setup. You can customize,manage and save your presets so you can quickly switch between them.
Choosing your first car body will probably be based on visual preference first, whichever one you think is the coolest looking car. When you get the hang of the basic controls you’ll want to try out other car bodies because they all feel a bit different. There are visual differences in car bodies but there are also 6 different hit boxes where the handling, height and length of the car is different. You’ll find that the difference between the Breakout and the Octane is much bigger than the difference between the Octane and the Road Hog. At the start the car body choice doesn’t matter that much, later on when you get better you’ll see that most players use the Octane or Dominus (or cars with those hit boxes). You can read more about car bodies and hit boxes at the bottom of this post.
The more you play, the more items you collect via drops or through other means. With the inventory you can manage them although this is a very basic and still underdeveloped part of Rocket League. You can archive items or tag them as favorite, sort and filter on quality and attributes. Rocket League customization items are a world on it’s own with online fashion advice subreddits and a buzzing trade community. If you want to know more about item quality, certification, colors and the communities around this then read the Rocket League Items and Trading section down below.


There are six tabs in the Play menu: Casual, Competitive, Tournaments, Training, Extra modes and Custom games.
Casual is where you’ll start out in the beginning to play car soccer with friend or other players from your region. It’s all about quick games and having fun, you can join and leave mid-game without penalty but it’s appreciated when you stick around (even if you’re a goal down). Casual doesn’t have ranks but it does try to match you with players that are on the same skill level.
Competitive is where it gets serious and you battle other players for MMR points and try to get a higher rank, you’re expected to really try your best to win the game for your team. You get a rank per playlist (1v1, 2v2, 3v3) so you can be Bronze in 1’s but Gold in 2’s. When you start out in Competitive you first have to play 10 placement matches before you see what rank you are. There is a option here called Arena Preferences where you get to like and dislike certain Arenas which makes it less likely or more likely you encounter them. I only use the global settings and don’t bother with a setting per playlist.
Tournaments are where you'll be able to compete in official Psyonix tournaments and win items or sign up for player generated tournaments. Tournaments have been recently revamped and you'll find more info on it from the official news item.
Training is very important in Rocket League, it is the fastest way to improve at the game and get the hang of all the different mechanics. Starting out you’ll want to do the tutorial and the Goalie, Striker and Aerial training. When you’ve got some basic understanding on the core mechanics you can practise hitting the ball around in free-play or try out one of the many community made training packs. Same with the Rocket League items, there is a whole world out there on training, best practises and fastest ways to improve. I’ll expand on those in the FAQ, tutorial and guides section. But before you worry about that first be bad at the game, be bad and laugh your ass off at the hilarious situations you’ll be in with your teammates. Or you know… lose yourself in this list of training packs.
Extra modes
Extra modes are fun variations on Rocket League. Snow day is with a puck instead of a ball, Hoops is like basketball, Dropshot is a mode where you have to break the floor tiles to score and Rumble is like normal Rocket League but with cool power ups. Hoops is the only 2v2 mode, the others are all 3v3. Try them out as they all ask a slightly different set of skills.
Custom games
This is something you will want to check out especially when you are starting out in Rocket League.


Ok time to go and look at all the settings you can play around with. I won’t go into too much detail because Pro players Squishy Muffinz and Scrub Killa have made really great videos on this where they walk you through all the settings and explain what they do so I can’t recommend that enough! Watch Squishy Muffinz and Watch Scrub Killa.
You can leave the most on default but the two of the most changed settings on this screen are
  • Text chat
Specify what kind of text chat you want, all, quickchat, team or off. Sometimes you’ll notice it can be relaxing to actually turn this off for a while.
  • Cross-platform play
My preference is to only play with players on the same platform (pc) because there is a slight difference in the kind of players you encounter. Also you can’t actually communicate with other platforms other than through quick chat so keep that in mind.
  • Game stat display level
Sometimes too much information can be annoying and distract you, find your personal preference.
Probably the most changed settings in Rocket League. The default settings are just plain wrong so make sure you adjust these to your personal preference as soon as possible. Starting out in Rocket League most players prefer to have sort of a birds eye view, high angle and distance. This setting is great for your awareness in game but do really hurt your precision when hitting the ball. It’s fine to start out with a higher distance and angle though but you’ll soon want to edge more towards the ‘pro settings’. I mean there’s a reason the pros use it. Don’t be afraid to adjust these settings throughout your time playing because your personal preferences might change over time.
  • Camera presets are not really used, wide angle is the only one that’s playable.
  • Camera shake is something you’ll want to turn off… OFF!
  • Field of view you can put on 110, this gives you the most awareness.
  • Distance is something you can play around with but remember that the further you are from your car the less precision you have when hitting the ball. Being to close to your car will hurt your awareness though so try and keep this between 260 and 310. Also keep in mind that the Stiffness also affects the distance (more stiffness = closer to your car).
  • Height should be anywhere from 90 to 120. Height and Angle affect each other so if you have a high angle you can have a lower height.
  • A high Angle gives you a better view on what’s behind the ball but can affect your ability to hit the ball in the right spot. Especially when you start air dribbling you’ll find that a higher angle is not to your advantage. Most players keep this between -3 and -5.
  • Stiffness can be anything from 0 to 1. Most players use between 0.35 and 0.75 but there are some that have it all the way to 1. More stiffness means that your camera is almost fixed to your car, less stiffness and you’ll notice that on low speeds you are close to your car and when you’re boosting the camera moves a bit further away.
  • Swivel speed is how fast your camera moves when looking around and
  • Transition speed is how quickly the screen transitions between car and ball cam.
  • Invert swivel inverts the swivel direction on your camera controls.
Here you can adjust controller sensitivity and deadzone but it’s better to leave this on default until you’re a bit more comfortable with the game and then experiment with sensitivity and deadzone.
Controller bindings
In Rocket League you can change all the controls bindings you want. The default bindings are not ideal but configuration of the controls is purely based on your own preferences. What I have changed is Powerslide and Airrol on L1, boost on R1, jump on X and ballcam on square just to make sure I have access to everything simultaneously. I will link you to a list of all the pro controllers settings so you can find a logical setup for yourself
There are a bunch of interface options you can adjust here which are mostly self-explanatory. I like to increase the nameplate scale to improve my view on the opponents and force default team colors because I’m old and don’t like change ;)
  • Consoles
Video settings on consoles are purely cosmetic and dependent on personal preference, they do not really impact how the game runs on the console. If you think you can do without the weather effects then disable them. If you want to improve your experience on your console then I recommend connecting it to a monitor and making sure the console is connected to the internet via a wired connection instead of wireless.
  • PC
Choosing the right video settings on PC can make a huge difference though and with all the different setups it's important to make sure Rocket League runs as smooth as possible. There is so much to say about this that I'll just share some really interesting links with you guys. This ranges from simply optimizing the in-game setting to changing the .ini file and Windows graphics settings.
You might not realize this but sound has an important role in this game. Hearing opponents boosting or jumping can help your decision making on the field. It might all be overwhelming in the beginning but soon enough you'll notice you are reacting on sound cues rather than visual cues. So play around with the settings and try to minimize the sounds that are only distracting or unnecessary.
Quick chat is the only way to communicate cross-platform but is also super useful to quickly inform teammates or compliment them on a play. You can set up different quick chats in settings and some of them are really helpful in-game: I got it!, All yours, Centering!, Thanks!, Nice one!. Others seem really positive like Wow! and What a Save! but you'll soon learn that they will be used just as often when you make a mistake. Don't worry about that because even after playing this game for 2000 hours you will still make mistakes and people will still be salty about this. So don't worry about mistakes, they are part of the game. Toxic behavior shouldn't be though so don't be afraid to disable chat.

Starting the play

3, 2, 1, Go!

Now that you've got the right controls, video and camera settings you're ready to hit the Rocket League arenas and score some sick goals. First thing you'll want to do is just have some fun playing solo or with a team. Get a good feel for the game and score some bangers!
When you realize how much fun this game is and you want to climb the competitive ranks you'll want to improve as quickly as possible. The tutorials section below will help you out greatly, I've tried to create a list of the best content out there to help you improve quickly. Apart from the best settings and controls there is something far more important that you'll need: A positive mind set.
Before I leave you with all the great content below I want to give you one more bit of personal advice:
Be a good teammate and opponent.
We are all here to play a game and have fun, be positive, supportive and adjust to their playstyle as best you can. The more players do this the better the online experience will be and you're a part of that! Be forgiving of your own and other players' mistakes, you’ll all be making a lot of them so it’s going to be tiresome to get tilted all the time. Remember the human! They all have their own stuff to deal with, Rocket League might be a way for them to escape that so make it something where they feel welcome. We all get tilted sometimes and that is OK... it’s just in the way you handle that. When you realise you’re getting tilted take a step back and do something else, play a less tilting game or go outside and take a break. It will keep you from bombing your rank or getting banned.
If nothing else, be the teammate you’d want to play with. Good luck out there and see you on the field!

General information

Setting you up with all the sources of information about Rocket League. If you have a question be sure to check out the official Rocket League FAQ section. When you can’t find the answer there then hop on to the subreddit and ask away.

Rocket League

Link Description
Rocketleague.com The official Rocket League site, they have a great support page with FAQ section
Rocketleagueesports.com All you need to know about Rocket League Esports
Twitter Rocket League's twitter account is a great place to stay informed about small patches and server problems
Facebook Psyonix shares community highlights and news items here, just don't look in the comments.


Link Description
Rocket League The main Rocket League subreddit.
Rocket League Esports The sub dedicated to RL Esports, you'll see a lot of pros on here joining the discussion.
Rocket League Exchange Want to trade items? This is a good subreddit to start getting into trading.
Rocket League Fashion advice Post (or steal) some design ideas here so you can look extra fly while flying.


Link Description
Fandom Wiki A Rocket League Wiki with lots of information
Liquipedia A lot of information on Rocket League Esports

FAQ, tutorials and guides

The game has been out for 5 years now so there is a ton of information out there already. I’ve made a selection for you to get started, make sure you also check out the content creators section because they keep you updated with the latest meta. I will advise against hiring a coach before you hit high Platinum or Diamond because it’s just a question of getting in the hours and following the guides and tips below.
FAQ What is MMR What are item certifications
What are Ranks What are item rarities
What are Hit boxes What are season rewards
What are Rotations What are server regions
What is Boost management How do I trade items
All the mechanics How do bans work
Guides and tutorials From Dignitas From Reddit/other
Getting started in Rocket League Huge list of Rocket League tutorials for Beginners and Advanced
Take your gameplay to the next level An In-depth Guide to Becoming Good at Rocket League
Top 5 training packs - concistency A Guide to the Metagame: Momentum, Pressure, and Defensive Tips
How to defend your backboard All Rocket League moves / skills with descriptions, links to tutorials, and organised
Skills you need to reach GC Playing the Last Man Role: A Guide for All Skill Levels
Dribbling (And How To ACTUALLY Do It Well)
A comprehensive guide to reach Grand Champion
Gregans guide to rotations
Advanced Guide to Boost Management and Flow
Improving through Training Packs

Items and Trading

Some people just equip a standard car and never look back, the rest of us buy, trade and sell items to get the car setup we prefer. Titanium White and Black colored items are often the most valuable but don’t let anyone tell you your cobalt AnimusGP is less cool.
Link Description
Rocket-league.com Garage A great website to trade with other players
Rocket-league.com Shop Here you can see what’s in the Rocket League shop right now and previously
RLinsider.gg Check the item prices here
Exchange subreddit A subreddit for trading
Reddit post A post on how not to get scammed, what to look out for
Item list What are rarities
What are certifications How do you trade in
What is the item shop What is the Esports shop
What are season rewards What is the Rocket Pass

Mods and other applications (PC)

If you are on PC there are some really great tools out there that make playing Rocket League a whole lot better. Training with BakkesMod installed saves you so much time and GifYourGame is a great tool to make cool highlights you can share fast and easy. BakkesMod might only work with steam client and not with the Epic Games Client
Link Description Tutorial
BakkesMod A must have mod for Rocket League, insanely good Watch tutorial
BakkesPlugins The plugins that you can install on BakkesMod
Workshops (Steam) If you have the game on Steam client you can install workshop maps Read how to
Air race Mod A really cool Air Race Mod Watch trailer
Rocket League Tracker A in-game overlay that shows you player tracker information Screenshot
GifYourGame A app to instantly create gifs of your goals
Outplayed Same as GifYourGame but different, auto records all goals
Ballchasing.com Upload an analyse your replays, has a cool 3d replay viewer FAQ
Calculated.gg Like Ballchasing but with a slightly different approach

Rocket League Esports

I have already shared the Esports websites but to get a good idea on how much fun it is I really recommend watching these:

Content creators

Rocket League has some great content creators, this list isn’t complete but I think I’ve included the best known channels.
Name About Youtube Twitch
Amustycow Inventor of the musty flip and has some great tutorials - RLSpotlight link link
Athena One of the biggest female RL streamers - RLSpotlight link link
Fluump Need a Top10 list? search no more! - RLSpotlight link
Gibbs Mr Rocket League Esports link link
SubparbutinHD Tutorials, Montages and Gameplay link link
ItsJSTN Pro player famous for his Game7 overtime goal in the RLCS8 final link link
Jessie Fails to fall in to any category link link
JHZER Pro player and Freestyle king - RLSpotlight link link
JohnnyBoi_i Great guy and great content - Get your 1v1 showmatch fix here link link
Jon Sandman High energy and positive, first with a million subs -RLSpotlight link link
Kronovi Veteran Pro player link link
Lawler Esports commentatoanalyst. link link
Lethamyr The definition of content creator link link
Rizzo Pro player link link
Rocket Science Everything you didn't know you needed to know link link
Scrub Killa Pro player and known for his 1's domination link link
Sunless Khan Really cool and diverse content, known for his 'Why you suck at rocket league' series - RLSpotlight link link
SquishyMuffinz Pro player link link
Thanovic Great tutorials link link
Virge Pro Rocket league coach link link
If there is anything important I missed please contribute in the comments so I can add it when I post this again a few days after the release of F2P, have fun!
TLDR: Git gud NoOb!!
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[Memetic Apotheosis] Chapter 5 - Walk Softly

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The gathering of Spear-Bearers was a joyous occasion, and with their arrival in-system it also temporarily rendered TRAPPIST-1 the most well-defended asset humanity held. Rhea and the station below were now each studded with sixteen of the cannons that had only required two to bring a Behemoth low, and Sunside North now played host to not just the Tabula Rasa, but eight of her sisters, although one did not yet have a name.
Gaia on Earth had chosen Hayashi Daiki as her Spear-Bearer, who named his partner Senbonzakura after his favorite song, although her avatar preferred to be addressed as Cherry.
Selene on the Moon selected Erika Ackerman, who called hers Atalanta.
Hebe at L1 sent Marcus Sandler, and his newfound life-partner named Charity.
Persephone at L2 had called on the services of Danette Wright, who dubbed her ship the Sower of Hope, although that ship's avatar insisted that it was 'just Hope, please.'
Ersa's chosen voice from L3, Aisha Baudin, had named her partner Innocence.
Jason and his Tabby represented Angelia at L4.
Eileithyia's daughter was dubbed Bough of Holly, and flew with Doctor Brandon Deforest from L5. Like Hope, she answered to the last word of the name on her hull. The tech-priestess who'd flown with her was crestfallen not to have been present for Rhea's Awakening. As far as Jason knew, Deforest was the only one among them who'd not been a pilot before being granted his ship.
Warren Bright of Metis at Proxima b had wished to remember the horrible and glorious day of First Contact, the friends he lost on it, and those he'd made because of it. His ship's avatar insisted on Anne, after he'd named her the Answered Call.
The eight of them stood, resplendent in their bronze-and-copper-feathered armor with the breast of each marked by their personal emblems, in a double-line between the entry to the hangar and the only ship there which had not yet been given a name. Each had distinguished themselves in some way or another on the day of the Answer. They were joined by the priestesses of Angelia and Eileithyia who were present on the station, as well as the Governor, who stood at the foot of her boarding ramp. All traditions were born somewhere, and apparently those around the Spear-Bearer's post had begun with Jason. Each who now stood in that armor had, like him, been called to the hangar without knowledge of what was to come. Now, they were about to welcome a ninth into their ranks.
Jason noticed, with a smile, that on the nose of each named vessel stood its avatar, all choosing to present as women as a nod to maritime tradition, but each unique in her appearance. The four that he could see from his position on the line, however, were all dressed like Tabby.
When the door opened, it revealed Sergeant Green escorting a young woman. As it closed behind them, he gestured for her to step forward as he stationed himself beside the entrance. He was not part of the honor guard this time, but the smile on his face showed his happiness at taking some part in this moment once again. The woman who had come was the slimmest of the group, but a few centimeters taller than Danette (who did well in masking her disappointment at remaining the shortest Spear-Bearer). Her hazel eyes went wide at what must have been her first sight of a Tabula Rasa class ship, much less nine of them landed in the same cavernous bay, more suited to serve as the dry-dock for a frigate.
When she had been given her moment to gape, the Avatar of Rhea appeared, standing on the port wing of the unnamed vessel. Her voice was gentle, but played through every bulkhead and deck-plate like the rubbing of a finger over a wine-glass. "Honored Spear-Bearers of my sisters, it is my pleasure to introduce to you Alexandra Jacobs, the Lightbringer. When the enemy came and my skirts were pulled closed to shelter my children from their gaze, the torch she lifted was a beacon of calm which guided the fearful to shelter. With only its weight in her hands, she stood guard on that shelter's door rather than join the others within. No child of my colony is more worthy of the honor I now grant her. I name this woman my Spear-Bearer. In times of crisis, while out of my reach, I grant her the authority to act in my name until hope can arrive."
Tears welled in Jason's eyes, and he could see the sparkle of the same from the others. Each of their own versions of this moment were fresh, but this was the first chance that any of them had been given to witness another's. Her Goddess looked down at her, and spoke again. "I can only pray that you will never need this ship's claws, but should you find yourself answering another call for aid, you will never again be helpless. As the owner and captain of this ship, will you give my daughter a name?"
Alexandra hesitated, and the tears did not just well for her, but flowed as she called out, "Gentle Awakening. I don't deserve her. I don't deserve any of this! But I will love her with every fiber of my being for as long as I have breath to tell her so!" The painting 'bots began to do their thing as Rhea's Avatar descended and shrank, standing beside the Governor.
"Go on, silly. Get in there and get to know your partner. She's been dying to meet you."
It was the other ships who raised a ruacous cheer as she rushed into the arms of their newborn sister, who embraced her at the foot of the ramp and cooed to her, "Please, call me Jen."
Ara Ashwhisker looked at her reflection in the mirror. She had always been told she was the most beautiful of her clan's daughters, and that constant stroking of her ego may have been some part of what encouraged her to join the Diplomatic Corps. The Yarsa was short for her kind, only two and a half meters tall, and somewhat slender as well. She did hail, after all, from a clan of fishers, and she had studied dance before finding her path in service of her people. It made sense that her muscles were crafted for flexibility and speed more than strength. The soft fur of her form was a dark grey that suited her clan-name, her eyes gleaming gold. She wore her mane in a wave of braids, each tipped with a colorful bead, and had even taken the time to braid the tufts at the tips of her ears.
She would never admit it to any, but she was even proud of the way that her three rows of teats made her ceremonial leather armor stand away from her ribs. They were a strong sign, after all. What kind of battle-mother could a woman be if she could not feed her own cubs? None dared question that she would be able to, when she chose to make her den. It was a point of pride for which she silently thanked her own mother.
Never had she expected that her beauty, which no other Council race agreed with her people on, would be a part of the selection process for a mission like this. "You are enough like these newcomers that they will be able to see themselves in you," she had been told. "They have predators on their womb-world which resemble your race," they said. "Their cultures practically worship these creatures, and their art shows beings like your people. They'll be meeting a fairy-tale that walked off of the page. It will make your diplomatic skill that much more potent!"
It was a load of grazer-shit. She turned from the mirror and stepped out of her cabin, into the main lounge of her transport. Her unarmed and, since they crossed the edge of this system, un-escorted transport. They would be passing the orbit of the largest gas giant any time now, and had slowed to half the speed of light to make sure that they were seen. She growled at the pilot ahead of her, "You are sure that they will see this sign the Corps designed?"
"Yes, Lady Ashwhisker. We are projecting ahead of us the image of a white, rectangular cloth banner. It is even undulating as if we are under a strong cross-wind. They will see it before they see us, and they will know that we come to talk rather than fight." The submissiveness of this gesture they were forced to make for the Hyoo-mons made her flick her tail in annoyance, but she understood the why of it.
If she somehow made it home from this mission to the den of monsters, she was going to be bald from stress-shedding.
After two nights landed at a station on the planet the Hy-- no, Humans-- called Mars, Ara's ship was allowed to depart again. Talks had gone well enough that the Humans now knew the Council-States were not with the Koa'Trr, which had been her primary mission. She had also given them the coordinates of the nearest Council Station, and an invitation to visit them there and establish firmer diplomatic ties, if such was desired. All that truly mattered was that Ara would be returning home alive, and had secured some semblance of peace between the Council and these newcomers to the galactic community.
As her ship lifted off, she turned to one of her aides, ears twitching. "Now that the hard part is over, you are going to spend the return trip explaining to me a piece of our signals-intelligence. What do the Humans mean when they say 'Their ambassador is a catgirl', and why do they seem so enthusiastic about spreading this piece of information?"
By the time that Jason and the other Spear-Bearers were ready to part ways a week later, most planning to return to their home ports, they received a comm-burst from Sol recalling all of them to Mars at the request of their respective colonies' Governors. When the Governor of Rhea read the message for her that had come with the burst, she asked Alexandra to join them with a diplomat on board. When they landed, the nine would find that they were not alone. The tech-priestesses of Eileithyia had been busy, and now every habitat that held a million souls or more had been Awakened.
Philotes at Teegarden b had sent the Glory of Togetherness with her partner, a woman named Isabel Ferro. The ship's soul answered to Gloria.
Asteria of Ross 128b sent Kyle Richardson, who'd dubbed his partner the Astronomican, who in turn confusingly introduced herself as Lucy.
Enyo of Mars sent the fighter-pilot Emelia Song, who named her partner the Argent Light. The ship's avatar had smiled and introduced herself to the other Spear-Bearers as Yin.
Europa, from her namesake moon, sent Alex Michaels, who named their ship the Delicate Sound of Thunder, and told the others that she responded to Belle, although Jason didn't understand the connection.
Callisto, also named for the moon she rode, sent Sive Innes and her partner, the Quest.
Hemera, on the surface of Titan, sent Dietrich Kirch on board the Try Anything Once, who shyly told the others that they could call her Parsons if they liked.
Fifteen Spear-Bearers were now gathered at Mars, and those who had not brought a diplomat with them would find that one from their home port had been brought to them there. Jason was surprised to find that beyond that, a small upgrade was waiting for each of their armor in the form of a half-orb the size of a baseball which plugged into their armor's generators. They contained projection equipment-- both shield and holo-- which could be used to conceal their presence visually if needed, but served the far more important function of allowing each Spear-Bearer's partner to manifest while they were away from the ship.
More surprising still was the realization that by the time of their return, every colony had been upgraded to match Rhea's guns, whether it was an orbital structure or a ground installation. Seven different cities on the moon matched that firepower, and another twenty on Earth so far. Angelia informed him that half of the frigate fleet had seen their generators and guns upgraded, including those on their embarked fighters, and a corvette as fast as the Tabula Rasa was under construction to house Sergeant Green's Honor-Guard when they returned.
The sheer scale of it all shocked him at first, until Tabby reminded him that every one of those colonies had eight frigate-sized dry-docks, and attendant automated factories. Mankind had been on a war-footing since the Battle of Metis, and Rhea's Rest had only hastened their work. The same work which had led to her own development.
Once they had all gathered, the nature of their first shared mission was explained to them. While they had been off enjoying themselves at Rhea, an envoy from an alien race other than the Kobolds had arrived at Sol, under a white flag. They'd been able to gather that the level of deferrence the diplomat's ship had shown in its entry had something to do with Jason having pointed his guns at a scout-ship after demonstrating their power against a Behemoth. The aliens had invited humanity to a system some fifty light-years away, under the assumption that proper diplomatic talks would be held there, after mankind had some time to recover from the 'shock' of learning that they were not alone in the galaxy.
Orders from the UN were surprisingly concise: "Ensure that these aliens remain respectful."
After the initial conference, the Spear-Bearers and diplomats had split into two different conference rooms to talk about their respective portions of the mission. From theirs, the Spear-Bearers could see that each of their ships was being fitted with a pair of colony-class weapon pods. That pretty well set the mood that the brass wanted from them, didn't it?
"What I'm saying is that we need to make an entrance, people!" The speaker was Bright, and Anne was sitting next to him with a pensive expression on her face. "They know what our girls can do. Jason showed them well enough at Rhea. I think we should start with that. Make them sweat."
"I like it," chimed in Erika. "Say, we put Tabby up front-and-center, a minute ahead of the rest of us. Just cut your distortion-drive a respectful distance from this station of theirs and loiter, right? Give 'em some time to wonder what's up."
"Yes!" That was both Aisha and Innocence, but it was the latter who continued, "Let the sight of my big sister get them all shivery before the rest of us pop into flatspace in a circle around her. We can pull a badass starburst-formation like at the exhibition they had in the asteroid belt last year!"
"Buzz their biggest row of windows?" Hearing a mischevious tone from the demure Holly was shocking to Jason. It was time for him to speak up.
"Wait, why is everybody assuming that Tabby and I should be the ones all their defense-turrets are pointed at for a whole minute here?"
"Isn't it obvious, pal?" Marcus chuckled. "You've cut to the front of the line enough times that the rest of us are just gonna let you have this one. Don't let me hold you back, Foeblinder."
Jason chucked a few cashews from the snack bowl his way playfully. "Yeah, yeah. Big words, Wingclipper. You know the rest of you guys are welcome to the role of 'crazy bastard' any time the mood hits you."
"That one's all yours, buddy." Warren, again. He'd been the one who actually called Jason that in an official report back on the day of the Answer. Thing was, he'd been entirely right.
"So," asked Hope, "We doing this? Tabby loiters long enough to make 'em sweat, then the rest of us pop into real-space around her, swoop in toward their promenade or whatever, and pull a starburst close enough for our grav-thrusters to rattle their windows? Flash our shiny new big guns at them while we're at it?"
"The way I see it," said Brandon, "It will make our passengers' job easier if these aliens need a change of drawers before they greet us at the airlock. If they're scared of us, then we might be able to avoid a war on two fronts here. Much as I don't like flash, I think it's the right way to go this time."
"Then it's decided," sighed Jason. "Give Tabby a poke when you've got your local pencil-pusher stowed, and I'll signal the launch once everybody's given me their green light. Guys, gals, and enby? Good luck out there. Let's rock their worlds."
Ara had been proud of her work, but she knew it was not done. On returning from the system now known as Sol, she needed only wait for six sleep-cycles before word came that the Humans had made contact in the way she showed them. The message had been simple enough: informing Everbright Station that their diplomatic envoy would arrive in one megasecond, and requesting that the Diplomatic Corps be prepared to receive them properly. It was a simple enough request, and nothing out of the ordinary for a newly-contacted race. She had been given the details on basic human protocol for such a meeting while in their system, which unfortunately meant that she (and, by extension, her people's contingent within the Diplomatic Corps) had the lead for these negotiations.
At the very least, she could make sure that the station's chefs were properly instructed in the preparation of a welcoming feast for carnivores.
When the appointed time came, she was waiting on the main observation deck on a side of the station that few tended to linger on for long. The continual view of distant stars simply didn't pull as many eyes as the far side of the station did with its vista of the blue-green planet below. This day, however, she was accompanied on that deck by six of her clan-sisters, and all watched a portion of the sky that had been, until very recently, unimportant.
The first flash of light caught her eyes, and she knew that her sisters would be looking at its source as well. The leaf-eaters with them, with their weaker sight, could see nothing worthwhile, but the glorious daughters of the Yarsa could see, and what revealed itself was a thing of beauty that set several to purring despite their knowledge of what it represented. The ship that they saw was a work of art, sculpted to resemble an avian predator of the Humans' womb-world. Its feathers caught the sunlight in the brilliant browns and reds of bronze and copper. It hung still in the sky, just far enough away that even Ara's eyes could not make out what was slung under its wings, but she knew what the ship could do when unladen.
That bird had crushed a Koa'Trr battleship in its claws as if it had been a child's toy. It may be a thing of beauty from this distance, but it was a warbird crouching just outside of effective range for Everbright's plasma cannons, and well within the lethal reach of its own catastrophic power. "They are not just letting us look," she said to her sisters. "The Humans want us to see. Mark the difference well."
Just as she began to wonder why the ship still lingered, however, another fourteen points of light announced the arrival of more. Her fur stood on end as she realized that each was the same kind as the Koa'Trr-breaker. One alone was a threat to the station's safety, but fifteen‽ The monsters had come prepared to cleanse this system of sapient life! She could not make herself move or look away as those new arrivals began to close the gap between themselves and the station, still holding their strange, circular formation. As they neared, she could now make out what was slung under their wings. Those cannons belonged on dreadnoughts, but were being carried by scouts!
The circle seemed as if it meant to ram the station rather than open fire until they made a sudden turn at the last instant. Their paths crossed one another, those gleaming wings of theirs passing within a hand's breadth of each other at terrifying speed-- within a meter of the window before her, which their strange mode of propulsion rattled despite the lack of air to carry vibrations. The station shuddered from the close pass, rung like the striking of a gong as if it had been impacted by a meteor, loudly enough that it took Ara ten heartbeats to realize that she was on her knees, curled up and clutching at her ears.
Her shame was only lessoned by the knowledge that her sisters knelt beside her. Some wept. One, too slow to cover her ears, keened in pain. The proud Yarsa were reduced to mewling kittens by this show of force, and they had the best showing of those who had been present to see. The leaf-eaters had, without exception, soiled themselves. One of them called out to her, "Lady Ashwhisker, what do we do‽"
She watched as those fourteen returned to where the first bird still waited, and fanned out behind it into an attack formation before beginning a slower approach. "Signal our unconditional surrender! NOW!"
Rllak stood in his office, arms crossed as he surveyed the armada which had gathered at Pack-Station Blood on the Wind. Eight warrior-clans had responded to his call for reinforcements. His people were prepared to commit eight ships of every ten that remained to them, and still his hackles were raised. Any other foe that had faced the great Koa'Trr Clans had quailed under the pressure of no more than three clans. Now, twenty battleships and eighty frigates awaited his howl. They were readied for what they now knew may be their people's final hunt.
The Hyoo'mons would come for their womb-world soon, unless the Koa'Trr delivered the first strike in kind. Conquest was no longer an option. He stared out his window at the armada, and fought back a growl at his own cowardice. How could he look at something this glorious, and still ask himself whether it would be enough? It must be. They could muster not a single ship more without opening the way for the feathered ones to do what he hoped to prevent the Hyoo-mons from accomplishing. This was a war of annihilation: either the Hyoo-mons would be wiped out soon, or the Koa'Trr must. There was no other choice.
A deeper growl echoed through the station, shaking Rllak from his thoughts. The voice that came to him rang not through the box on his desk, but the very bulkheads and deck-plates all around, filling him with awe as it boomed into life, "This offering pleases me, my son. You are ready to run with your War-God."
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