What does it mean when a guy calls you bro? Body ...

what does this 😘 mean from a guy

what does this 😘 mean from a guy - win

I believe I have found lotto FDs (and other puts) that will actually print. DoorDash is about to collapse, and this is your opportunity to bank.

Disclaimer: It is moronic to buy FDs. That is not the way to consistently build wealth. The very reason FDs pay off such huge returns is because on average their probability of expiring worthless is 99%. If you’re moronic enough to buy FDs with me, only do it with money that you are willing to literally set on fire. Actual fire. There are plenty of safer puts on DASH that will pay obscene returns this year..
TLDR: I believe DoorDash (DASH) is the greatest short opportunity of the year, and what’s more, rather than just having a general feeling, there are specific timetables enabling us to profit bigly. The company even admits themselves that they have peaked as a company.


“Food delivery with third-party apps like Grubhub and Uber Eats is booming, but no one's making money.” – Business Insider.
DoorDash is wildly overvalued. This is true by any metric, were it in essentially any industry. Add to that its in food delivery, which is a horrific, no margin industry in what has become a commoditized business and offers essentially no differentiation with its competitors. There is near zero differentiation between Uber Eats, Postmates, Caviar, Grubhub, DASH, or any local provider. In Austin we have Favor, for example. And nobody cares which company delivers their food, they only care which one does it cheapest.
If you view stock (as you should) as buying the entire business as an owner, how much would you be willing to pay for an undifferentiated company in a no margin commoditized business that has peaked (see below for more on that)? Because it’s currently selling for an insane $56 billion. Outrageous.
So how can we get a banana for scale to understand what that $56 billion means in terms of valuation?
Well, all of DoorDash’s competitors have either sold at or are trading at, or raised money at, a capitalization of 3x to 6x sales. DASH is trading at an absolutely insane 20+ x sales.
Just six months ago Postmates was acquired for $2.65 billion which put it at 4x sales. At 4x sales, DASH would trade at $32.
DASH used to be the business leader in this industry, but over the past 2-3 years Grubhub has exploded in size to take on nearly the same 33% of market share, and after Uber Eats bought Postmates, it too now has about a third of market share. So you now have three giants of roughly equal size battling it out in a business in which customers don’t give a motherloving frick about branding.

But don’t take my word for it on valuation, take smart money’s word

DoorDash raised money just a couple months ago at a $16 billion valuation. That is truly a stunning fact. In just a few months the WSB type day trading call buyers have bid this company all the way up to $56 billion from $16 billion without any material change to the business and completely ignoring the coming vaccine-induced reopening of restaurants. Again, the stock trades for a 300% markup to its recent smart money capital raise based on nothing but unfounded hopium.
You don’t have to take my word for it, your beloved Jim Cramer has even said the same thing, in his own idiotic, covering my ass, round about say nothing way. “It’s true that people using market orders took DoorDash to levels that maybe ... were far higher than they thought they’d have paid.” - Jim Cramer
I don’t care about his commentary, but you people seem to love him, so there you go. 😘

The Company, according to The Company, has peaked. It’s over.

There are two extremely interesting things buried in the S-1 we’re going to get into in a moment. One of them is that you don’t have to take my word for it that this company’s business has peaked. The company says so itself in its own S-1.
The circumstances that have accelerated the increase in Total Orders stemming from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic may not continue in the future, and we expect the growth rate in Total Orders to decline in future periods.
To put it simply, COVID numbers are falling, vaccines are rolling out at an impressive 1-2 million per day which puts our stated goal of 100 million vaccinated in 100 days within attainable reach. The economy will be opening up, people will want to be getting out of the house, restaurants will be reopening, and there will be huge pent up demand by people who have had extraordinarily high savings rates over the last year. Big chains will no longer have the need to get help from third party delivery apps at a 15% markup. We all know this is the case, and DoorDash even stated as much in its own filing. This stock is toast.
”Delivery via smartphone is one of those venture-funded sectors where business executives appear to have taken seriously the old joke about “losing money on every transaction but making it up on volume.” – New York Magazine
“DoorDash and Grubhub and Uber Eats... it’s a tough business for them. It’s very competitive. I think the business model is hard.” - Panera Bread CEO.

And Now the Fun Part

There are some wild share lockup expirations coming up. For those that don’t know, when you get these massive IPOs, insiders aren’t actually able to sell their shares on IPO day. They are locked up and the insiders just have to hope for the best that the stock will not lose value over the coming months. If the stock skyrockets in value, but the insiders know the business is trash or has peaked, you get the perfect recipe for a rush for the exits.
I love playing share lockups. I make a lot of money on them by selling spreads. A common question I get when I post them here is “if you know a drop is coming, why doesn’t the market just price it in?” The answer is because it can’t. No matter what the share price does, the lockup expiration date is the lockup expiration date. Insiders have to wait until that date, and it doesn’t matter whether the stock falls 0%, 5%, or 50%, they will all have to wait until that day to sell.
DoorDash has two share lockup expirations coming.
The first lockup expiration is an early release (heh) and hits 90 days after the Dec. 9 IPO, or around March 9, as long as the stock trades 25% higher than the IPO price for five out of 10 consecutive days of trading. That is to say, so long as DASH trades above $127.50 right before March 9, the lockup is triggered. The good news for you with this insane run up in price is that if the lockup isn’t triggered, it means the stock has already fallen from $190 to $127. It’s important to know March 9 is not a hard date exactly...some insiders can be allowed to go a few days prior. Also if they release earnings early the lockup could potentially occur at the end of this month.
I was talking to some folks on WSB about the lockup last week, and someone mentioned they thought only 20% of insider shares will be eligible. DoorDash's management and board members can sell up to 20% of their shares in that first wave, but other insiders can sell up to 40%. This means 113 million shares are eligible for sale in early lockup expiration. DoorDash’s daily volume is only 3-4 million shares. The current public float is roughly 123 million shares. This means you’re about to suddenly double the number of shares on the market.
Door Dash’s second lock-up expiration hits either 180 days after its IPO, which means around June 9 (more or less), or after the release of its first-quarter earnings report (whichever is earlier), and will free up “all remaining shares” according to the S-1, which if my math is correct is roughly 50 million shares.
These two expirations could spark violent sell-offs throughout the year.



I never buy FDs. I’ve never once bought them in my entire life. But I’m putting 1% of my portfolio into them on DASH because I’m confident big drops are coming. Unfortunately for you guys, the stock has already started falling this past month from its 🤡-level highs in the $200s, and worse yet the pricing/IV of all options has gotten more expensive. This means, I’m sorry to say, that you’re not going to find any options trading for pennies, or even anything less than $2. For your FDs, I recommend you buy puts at whatever the lowest strikes are that actually have any volume. The strikes go as low as $75, but most days show 0 volume and of course the bid/ask spread is enormous. There has been some volume at $95 recently, and you can get the $75s if you’re patient enough and willing to pay up for them. Expiration dates would be any time in mid to late March (again, looking for whatever has volume) so that it occurs after lockup 1, and the August 20s, which unfortunately are the closest expiration to the lockup occurring around June 9. I wish there was a closer expiration, but hey, more time for the stock to collapse. Plus you could always sell your puts after the June 9 drop with lots of theta meat still left on the bone.


I own March 12 $160 puts. I think the stock will drop healthily below this, but IV is high. I’m normally taking big swings with spreads, so when I buy puts outright, which is rare, I want to play it a little safer.
I also own the August 20 $145 puts.
And finally, I have six figure credit call spreads open at the $175 level. For newbies, this simply means I: Bought (yes bought) the March 12 $175 calls, and Sold the $172.50 calls.
I went huge on these because all I need is for DoorDash to trade below $172.50 after the lockup expiration and I’ll be having a Merry Christmas. That’s as close to risk free gains as you’re ever going to see in your life.

Bull case

The only bull case is that we’re in a raging, record-setting bull market and all stonks go up. The economy is opening back up, vaccines are rolling out, and stonks go up. But I think if you look at the DASH chart you can see that that is already starting to not be the case.

What are the negatives?

I plagiarized liberally from an old Citron Research report, although it doesn’t even mention share lockups. Yes, that Citron. For those of you who are newer members, I will tell you this; the little smart money social circles in and around WSB do not hate CItron, Hindenburg, or any other short selling firms. We respect them and welcome bearish cases on high flying stocks. Any intelligent trader does. It’s only the pump and dumpers who have a hatred for short reports. You should welcome contrarian views.

Parting Words.

I would welcome anyone pointing out where they think I may be wrong. I don’t care about saving face, I care about not losing money. If I’m wrong, I want to know it. I welcome constructive criticism.

Give Me One More TLDR At The End

This stock is going to collapse because it’s wildly overvalued, employees got in super cheap with shares they are waiting to sell, know the business has peaked, and they want to cash the fahk out. So swallow the high IV and buy puts today as fast as you can.
Love you guys.
submitted by WBuffettJr to wallstreetbetsOGs [link] [comments]

I believe I have found lotto FDs (and other puts) that will actually print. DoorDash is about to collapse, and this is your opportunity to bank.

Disclaimer: It is moronic to buy FDs. That is not the way to consistently build wealth. The very reason FDs pay off such huge returns is because on average their probability of expiring worthless is 99%. If you’re moronic enough to buy FDs with me, only do it with money that you are willing to literally set on fire. Actual fire. There are plenty of safer puts on DASH that will pay obscene returns this year..
TLDR: I believe DoorDash (DASH) is the greatest short opportunity of the year, and what’s more, rather than just having a general feeling, there are specific timetables enabling us to profit bigly. The company even admits themselves that they have peaked as a company.


“Food delivery with third-party apps like Grubhub and Uber Eats is booming, but no one's making money.” – Business Insider.
DoorDash is wildly overvalued. This is true by any metric, were it in essentially any industry. Add to that its in food delivery, which is a horrific, no margin industry in what has become a commoditized business and offers essentially no differentiation with its competitors. There is near zero differentiation between Uber Eats, Postmates, Caviar, Grubhub, DASH, or any local provider. In Austin we have Favor, for example. And nobody cares which company delivers their food, they only care which one does it cheapest.
If you view stock (as you should) as buying the entire business as an owner, how much would you be willing to pay for an undifferentiated company in a no margin commoditized business that has peaked (see below for more on that)? Because it’s currently selling for an insane $56 billion. Outrageous.
So how can we get a banana for scale to understand what that $56 billion means in terms of valuation?
Well, all of DoorDash’s competitors have either sold at or are trading at, or raised money at, a capitalization of 3x to 6x sales. DASH is trading at an absolutely insane 20+ x sales.
Just six months ago Postmates was acquired for $2.65 billion which put it at 4x sales. At 4x sales, DASH would trade at $32.
DASH used to be the business leader in this industry, but over the past 2-3 years Grubhub has exploded in size to take on nearly the same 33% of market share, and after Uber Eats bought Postmates, it too now has about a third of market share. So you now have three giants of roughly equal size battling it out in a business in which customers don’t give a motherloving frick about branding.

But don’t take my word for it on valuation, take smart money’s word

DoorDash raised money just a couple months ago at a $16 billion valuation. That is truly a stunning fact. In just a few months the WSB type day trading call buyers have bid this company all the way up to $56 billion from $16 billion without any material change to the business and completely ignoring the coming vaccine-induced reopening of restaurants. Again, the stock trades for a 300% markup to its recent smart money capital raise based on nothing but unfounded hopium.
You don’t have to take my word for it, your beloved Jim Cramer has even said the same thing, in his own idiotic, covering my ass, round about say nothing way. “It’s true that people using market orders took DoorDash to levels that maybe ... were far higher than they thought they’d have paid.” - Jim Cramer
I don’t care about his commentary, but you people seem to love him, so there you go. 😘

The Company, according to The Company, has peaked. It’s over.

There are two extremely interesting things buried in the S-1 we’re going to get into in a moment. One of them is that you don’t have to take my word for it that this company’s business has peaked. The company says so itself in its own S-1.
The circumstances that have accelerated the increase in Total Orders stemming from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic may not continue in the future, and we expect the growth rate in Total Orders to decline in future periods.
To put it simply, COVID numbers are falling, vaccines are rolling out at an impressive 1-2 million per day which puts our stated goal of 100 million vaccinated in 100 days within attainable reach. The economy will be opening up, people will want to be getting out of the house, restaurants will be reopening, and there will be huge pent up demand by people who have had extraordinarily high savings rates over the last year. Big chains will no longer have the need to get help from third party delivery apps at a 15% markup. We all know this is the case, and DoorDash even stated as much in its own filing. This stock is toast.
”Delivery via smartphone is one of those venture-funded sectors where business executives appear to have taken seriously the old joke about “losing money on every transaction but making it up on volume.” – New York Magazine
“DoorDash and Grubhub and Uber Eats... it’s a tough business for them. It’s very competitive. I think the business model is hard.” - Panera Bread CEO.

And Now the Fun Part

There are some wild share lockup expirations coming up. For those that don’t know, when you get these massive IPOs, insiders aren’t actually able to sell their shares on IPO day. They are locked up and the insiders just have to hope for the best that the stock will not lose value over the coming months. If the stock skyrockets in value, but the insiders know the business is trash or has peaked, you get the perfect recipe for a rush for the exits.
I love playing share lockups. I make a lot of money on them by selling spreads. A common question I get when I post them here is “if you know a drop is coming, why doesn’t the market just price it in?” The answer is because it can’t. No matter what the share price does, the lockup expiration date is the lockup expiration date. Insiders have to wait until that date, and it doesn’t matter whether the stock falls 0%, 5%, or 50%, they will all have to wait until that day to sell.
DoorDash has two share lockup expirations coming.
The first lockup expiration is an early release (heh) and hits 90 days after the Dec. 9 IPO, or around March 9, as long as the stock trades 25% higher than the IPO price for five out of 10 consecutive days of trading. That is to say, so long as DASH trades above $127.50 right before March 9, the lockup is triggered. The good news for you with this insane run up in price is that if the lockup isn’t triggered, it means the stock has already fallen from $190 to $127. It’s important to know March 9 is not a hard date exactly...some insiders can be allowed to go a few days prior. Also if they release earnings early the lockup could potentially occur at the end of this month.
I was talking to some folks on WSB about the lockup last week, and someone mentioned they thought only 20% of insider shares will be eligible. DoorDash's management and board members can sell up to 20% of their shares in that first wave, but other insiders can sell up to 40%. This means 113 million shares are eligible for sale in early lockup expiration. DoorDash’s daily volume is only 3-4 million shares. The current public float is roughly 123 million shares. This means you’re about to suddenly double the number of shares on the market.
Door Dash’s second lock-up expiration hits either 180 days after its IPO, which means around June 9 (more or less), or after the release of its first-quarter earnings report (whichever is earlier), and will free up “all remaining shares” according to the S-1, which if my math is correct is roughly 50 million shares.
These two expirations could spark violent sell-offs throughout the year.



I never buy FDs. I’ve never once bought them in my entire life. But I’m putting 1% of my portfolio into them on DASH because I’m confident big drops are coming. Unfortunately for you guys, the stock has already started falling this past month from its 🤡-level highs in the $200s, and worse yet the pricing/IV of all options has gotten more expensive. This means, I’m sorry to say, that you’re not going to find any options trading for pennies, or even anything less than $2. For your FDs, I recommend you buy puts at whatever the lowest strikes are that actually have any volume. The strikes go as low as $75, but most days show 0 volume and of course the bid/ask spread is enormous. There has been some volume at $95 recently, and you can get the $75s if you’re patient enough and willing to pay up for them. Expiration dates would be any time in mid to late March (again, looking for whatever has volume) so that it occurs after lockup 1, and the August 20s, which unfortunately are the closest expiration to the lockup occurring around June 9. I wish there was a closer expiration, but hey, more time for the stock to collapse. Plus you could always sell your puts after the June 9 drop with lots of theta meat still left on the bone.


I own March 12 $160 puts. I think the stock will drop healthily below this, but IV is high. I’m normally taking big swings with spreads, so when I buy puts outright, which is rare, I want to play it a little safer.
I also own the August 20 $145 puts.
And finally, I have six figure credit call spreads open at the $175 level. For newbies, this simply means I: Bought (yes bought) the March 12 $175 calls, and Sold the $172.50 calls.
I went huge on these because all I need is for DoorDash to trade below $172.50 after the lockup expiration and I’ll be having a Merry Christmas. That’s as close to risk free gains as you’re ever going to see in your life.

Bull case

The only bull case is that we’re in a raging, record-setting bull market and all stonks go up. The economy is opening back up, vaccines are rolling out, and stonks go up. But I think if you look at the DASH chart you can see that that is already starting to not be the case.

What are the negatives?

I plagiarized liberally from an old Citron Research report, although it doesn’t even mention share lockups. Yes, that Citron. For those of you who are newer members, I will tell you this; the little smart money social circles in and around WSB do not hate CItron, Hindenburg, or any other short selling firms. We respect them and welcome bearish cases on high flying stocks. Any intelligent trader does. It’s only the pump and dumpers who have a hatred for short reports. You should welcome contrarian views.

Parting Words.

I would welcome anyone pointing out where they think I may be wrong. I don’t care about saving face, I care about not losing money. If I’m wrong, I want to know it. I welcome constructive criticism.

Give Me One More TLDR At The End

This stock is going to collapse because it’s wildly overvalued, employees got in super cheap with shares they are waiting to sell, know the business has peaked, and they want to cash the fahk out. So swallow the high IV and buy puts today as fast as you can.
Love you guys.
submitted by WBuffettJr to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

It's time to get tired of your own bullshit

Mods: if this falls under the "redundancy" rule, feel free to delete! :)
I'm very inspired by this topic, so I'm going to dive right in here -- if you want to see some real change in your life, you have to get tired of your own bullshit. By that, I mean: let go of the old story, drop the victim mentality, forget thinking that you have to try so hard (or, as Neville put it, "burst a blood vessel"). YOU are the god of your reality, and it's time you get tired of believing anything else.
I was recently reading the "Just Decide" post from u/chocolate-trains. After meditating on it, I realized that is the most important thing that we can do -- just decide. YOU are the operant power in your reality, just as I AM in mine. The 3D doesn't have a mind or agenda of its own, it only reflects what you assume and believe it will reflect. You create ALL of it. That situation you don't like? Your creation. That person who cut you off in traffic? Your creation. The free coffee you received? Your creation. We have to take responsibility for the space we hold here and understand that EVERYTHING comes from us, which is where deciding comes into play. Everything stems from your decisions, so decide to make your world what you actually want.
You want that third party to be removed from your life? Decide that they're already gone. Isn't it wonderful that you don't have to deal with them anymore?
You want that promotion and salary raise at work? Decide that you've got it. You're the only candidate they would ever give it to. You've got it in the bag.
You want to get over that flu quickly? Decide your body is the picture of perfect health. Those sniffles don't stand a chance!
I read a post from u/cuban about the rule of free will. Essentially, it boiled down to this: how much free will does someone/something have in your reality? Answer: as much free will as you give them. If you decide that someone can defy you and treat you like shit, then they can. But if you decide that they're only wonderful and lovely to you? Then that's all you'll see from them. But either way, it's your decision.
Neville makes it very clear that we can have, do, or be anything that we want. The only thing that stands in our way is ourselves and the line of bullshit we keep feeding ourselves. We think that surely things can't be this easy...but they are. And we have a choice here: we can keep thinking that things have to be difficult, it takes x amount of time, I'll only get what I want if I do SATs enough, blah blah. Or. You can decide that since you're the only operant power, whatever you say goes and begin living like the god you've forgotten you are.
I'm definitely guilty of falling into the "this has to be hard and I have to work for it" trap. I only write this post to serve as a loving (despite all the swearing, lol) reminder for myself and all of us that we are so much more powerful than we think we are. If we make the decision and then LIVE as if it's already ours...we've done everything we need to do. No worrying. No fretting. No checking for outside confirmation. Be still and KNOW that it's now a part of your reality and you'll see it soon enough.
Remember: we are not the grasshoppers, we are the giants.
Edit: thanks so much for the love and awards, guys!! Y’all are the real MVPs 😘
submitted by ajbthomas to NevilleGoddard [link] [comments]

201212 LOONA [12:00] Release: Orbit Ring Fansign #12 Roundup

Most translations via @orrery_nim or other various sources mentioned or by OP who attended.
x cr. @bar_heejin
universe-by heejin
x cr. @bar_heejin
God gave me a letter yesterday and asked me to send it to her
Heejin: Oh, Idol House...! 😆 I don't know why I was like that at the time, I'm kind of embarrassed about that so I haven't watched it properly yet.
By how they act/behave, how old would you say the members are?
Heejin🐰(in Japanese): grade school
🐰For Hyunjin, More than one might think - 20? The members are actually all like grade school kids IMO.
x cr. @thetwelfthtrack
Me: Sudoku or CHUU?
HEEJIN: CHUU! Chuu is my sister.😄
x cr. @thetwelfthtrack
FILORBITS! HEEJIN has something to say!
x cr. @thetwelfthtrack
Here you go.. HEEJIN's reaction when I told her about the EDSA billboard 😆 @cosmorabbit_, @loonatheworldph, @heyoliviahye thank you too!
x cr. @thetwelfthtrack
Me: Bread or HYUNJIN?
HEEJIN: Ah. This is hard.. I choose HYUNJIN!
x cr. @thetwelfthtrack
Me: I am speechless right now.
HEEJIN: Noooo~! You're the most beautiful woman ever.
Anything you want to do in 2021?
Heejin🐰: sigh, if everything was all how I'd like it, I really want to have a concert. We would go and do shows and concerts, and go abroad too. I'd want that. I think it's frustrating..
How was your 2020?
Heejin🐰: 2020, mmm... Well, let's be satisfied with what we got!
... Honestly it was a shame! I really wanted to be way busier, but.. Well...! The situation..!
But you showed a new side of yourself many times this year
🐰Oh, right, right. I have no regrets about that. Since Orbits liked that a lot too.
x cr. @mystery_oyster
Hyunjin said Music Core PD asked her if she was wearing the Apple Watch on stage again. She said no lol. She also said tomorrow is last stage
I asked if she will make more vlogs and she said soon :D
I told her I saw them at Kcon LA and she said she wants to go back. Today's TMI is that she ate a bagel with cream cheese and strawberry cake
x cr. @chemistinorbit aka u/chemistinprogress
I had my 1:1 call with Hyunjin and I didn't record anything because I was so caught up trying to just answer the call and start talking I'M A FOOL but here's ✨orbit ring #loona #hyunjin 201212 thread✨ with zero images/video (I'm actually going to cry) #김애옹편지
Apparently my mic was low, so we took up a little time just making sure we could hear each other well.
I told her she looks really pretty today (and every day); she thanked me. I said that when I put LOONA on tv, my mom can identify her out of everyone because I have so many pictures of her; I pointed them out in the background.
🐱: Wowwww, really? pouts thank youu
I asked if I could sing for her, but she misunderstood and asked if I wanted to hear the Carol, so I said sure! She sang up until before the chorus.
Then I clarified and grabbed my ukulele so I could sing the last chorus of Around You to her. She swayed back and forth; she even closed her eyes and smiled for some of it. She clapped at the end saying, "Very good!! Thank you!" with hearts.
I probably was not very good, I was SO nervous. I covered my face with my hands at the end out of embarrassment. She gave me a thumbs up and said, "good!!" She was really sweet and seemed touched.
I prepared a slide presentation with questions translated into Korean so I could try to get a little more in. I held it up so she could read, and it worked really well!
🌙: If you could play one sport professionally, what would you choose?
🐱: Soccer!
🌙: Can you give a name to your fans?
🐱: Ahhhh mmmmm... Ong-ie! points at herself I am "Aeong"! points at me You are "Ong-ie"!
🌙: Do you like piano or guitar better?
🐱: Piano!
🌙: Me too! even though I have guitars in the background 😅
🐱: You should do a cover!!
[first kim lip, and now hyunjin is telling me to do a cover...]
🌙: What are your favorite songs to play?
🐱: For piano, Around You. For guitar [I couldn't hear the name very well😭she sang a little bit of it, but I didn't recognize]
🌙: I want to see a full cover!
🐱: Yes!
🌙: What do you have planned for loona logs?
🐱: Beatboxing! beatboxes and laugh at herself
🌙: claps for her Can you add this? makes waterdrop noise
🐱: 😮tries to do it too but just pokes her cheek and goes "bweep" [it was adorable]
🌙: Speaking of videos, I make videos! [I showed thumbnails of some of my reaction videos]
🐱: Wow! thumbs up
🌙: I always use your pictures in my thumbnails!
🐱: laughs thank you~~
I always notice Hyunjin juggling (ish), so I pulled out my juggling balls (a hobby from long ago😶) and gave her a 15 second juggling tutorial. She seemed really impressed, and I told her I hope she tries it one day. She gave lots of thumbs up.
At this point, I super lost track of time (but I also prepared WAY too many questions), she started saying "see you next time~", but I quickly said "wait just one last thing!!" and skipped to the end of my slideshow.
🌙: [slide said 나랑 결혼해 줄래? - Will you marry me? and I held up the ring pictured]
🐱: huge gasp, makes a hand heart
YES! very pretty! I miss you!!! Bye bye~~ more hearts
(((I would not actually propose with this ring. I just had a ring and a box and put them together for a prop 😔)))
To sum up, it felt long and short at the same time. There were hardly any lulls, and she understood really well when I wasn't using the slides. She was so sweet and patient as I jumbled around with everything.
Hyunjin fans have been dubbed "Ong-ie." We're engaged and I have no proof of it 🤦‍♀️ I always think, "How could I possibly love Hyunjin more?" And then she literally just exists, and the love increases #김애옹편지 hyunjin i love you, see you again soon~
x cr. @aeongsol
HYUNJIN: She said Yes! We're engaged now, byeeeee. ;_;
x cr. @aeongsol
the way that 3/5 Ong-ies that got into HYUNJIN s Withdrama 201212 Orbit Ring proposed to her and she said yes to all three of us.
Her Ong-ie collection has started 💛
Yeojin 🎙 The Carol
Yeojin's favorite winter snack?
Yeojin🐸: Mandarins🍊?
Mine are hotteok and bunggeoppang (fish-shaped buns)! Which of those do you like more?
🐸 Bunggeoppang! Filled with red bean!
Yeojin: But I looked this up, and some people were curious about that. I actually like pizza filling most, but they haven't been selling that kind these days.
Yeojin🐸, can you sing Black Mamba?
🐸 😆😆 I sing it all the time! I love it. Yes!
We take pics like that all the time!
🐸 🎙I'm the aespa, there can't be two-- 😆😆
Yeojin 🐸: At the dorm, I wear these red
PJs - Yves unnie got them for my birthday.
I wear those and I'm just doing Black Mamba aggressively shakes head in the living room!
Yeojin's dinner recommendation for OP: pork belly
But she doesn't like meat that much, prefers rice/stew
On being an adult soon: She doesn't expect to feel much.
It's not like she'll suddenly pay the phone bill herself, and she has no interest in alcohol, & can't go anywhere like spending the night at jjimjilbangs (Korean saunas).
She still wants to get a driver's license ASAP
The person she'd like to be with for her first drive: Mom
x cr. @vivithereal
Funny story when you were in Hong Kong? (The WiFi was bad here so I think she misunderstood the ?)
Vivi: “During hi high concept, my family came to visit in Korea and my brother is very little and I have not seen him in very long, so he was acting quiet with me & didn’t—“
“speak many words to me, which made me very sad. I was like “oh my god, he is forgetting me!” 😥 So now I always call him and say as a joke “why don’t you miss me??” and “I want to talk with you more” 🥺🥺🥺
x cr. @kaheivv01
said about the hk bday ad
🦌: yeah i know about it, some fans said about it last time and some of my friends in hong kong told me as well
told her i organized the bday ad
🦌: ahh, thank you!
🦌: really? i was v. happy to see that bday ad and was v. happy that you support me, since you're also hker so it makes me feel so warm and there is not much hk thing(?) in korea so i was so happy when i see it, thank you sm!
told her that lots of orbits went to take pictures with the bday ad and all of them really love her
🦌: thank you so much!! ahhhh... i really... really thank you so much and... ummm i dont know how to say, ahh! (continue being that cutie puff she has always been😭💗)
ask if she ate any bday cake this year
🦌:yes i did, for this year's birthday we have schedule and shoot so we basically shoot the whole day but the members kept on saying hbd and singing happy birthday to me for the whole day, they really did that for the whole day until 00:00
x @siyeonlover
i asked her to sing butterfly, but the call froze as soon as she started singing... so i cut that part out, but I had to let her know that shes good at singing anyways
ahh,,, she rly said "im happy to talk to you" like 3 times 😭😭
x cr. @siyeonlover
none of this in order... but here you go guys vivi's my wife <3
(please her reaction im crying so bad)
Kim Lip took an MBTI test again (a paper test this time, not online) and got ESTP
(She got ESTJ before this) src: OP had Orbit Ring with Kim Lip today
Kim Lip: Jung Jinsol unnie you're being loud!
We actually spread out farther than last time.
So as soon as she entered, she asked why we were more spread out, and asked whether it was because she was loud last time...
Kim Lip: So, as soon as we came in, I asked her if she could be a little quieter today. But she's still loud. I'm gonna lose it.
Lip: That was her laughing, right? Gonna lose it.
To get an idea of how far they are: Yves showed Olivia Hye for someone else for a moment in another call
x cr. @siyeonlover friend
Full video
Kim Lip: There were 6 others today from abroad, so earlier I had to run Papago (translator app) on my phone, like this! 😭
For the last person, I was so sorry! The person kept saying sorry and I said sorry a ton too
Lip: like "sorry, sorry I'm so sorry!" 😭
We couldn't communicate that well and I got asked for Starlight, but I could only think of "Starlight~ Starlight" (Star), so I asked which Starlight? Did they mean OEC?
They used Papago, but it said "weird pupil..??" (in Korean)
Lip: I was thinking, "what's weird pupil..?
Did they mean ODD EYE CIRCLE then?..."
I thought I was going to lose it, breaking out in cold sweat... But I've found my speech again now.
Is tomorrow the end of activities? Will we see you onstage again before your birthday?
Kim Lip: Activities end this week. Tomorrow (T/N: Inkigayo). Before whose birthday? Mine? In person?
Kim Lip: Ah, we will (be onstage again before my birthday)!
I can assure you of that.
T/N: well there's this for later
Is Jinsoul next to you today too?
Kim Lip🦉: Yes. Someone earlier said "I can't hear you over Jinsoul," and I was like "really?" So I'm talking like this now. You can hear me well, right? That's a relief.
Did you sing a lot in today's fansign too? Kim Lip🦉: No just once. Fascinating right?
(You had many intl fans today)
🦉: Yeah I was sweating, and had to use Papago (translator app) then showing my phone! While saying "I'm so sorry..! Sorry!"
Do you still exercise daily these days?
Kim Lip: Lately, no. So just by eating less-- honestly I don't diet either 😆
In LOONA Log 18 you bleeped out Jinsoul and Olivia Hye, what were they saying?
Kim Lip🦉: Yeah how'd you know? It wasn't Why Not. It was a song by Blackpink. Yeah! So we can't use those!
So I told them to stop bothering me.
Kim Lip 🦉: The song was out at the time, it was taken a long time ago, so..
🦉 Yeah probably! But anyways, they were singing.
A carol that you like?
🦉 Carol? Christmas songs? I like Dear Santa by TTS, and Miracles in December (EXO).
If she were to go on KoMS Jinsoul would like to sing Lim Jeonghee's "I didn't weep tears,"a favorite of hers in high school
Her mom saw Lip's baby pic for KoMS and loved it, and told Jinsoul she'd send her's too if needed
Jinsoul: What I named my Airpods? Last time, it was Doripods.
But this is my second pair, so it's Doridoripods. 😁
Jinsoul: mmm, set yours as Doldolpods.
Favorite 12:00 photocard?
Jinsoul🐟: I don't recall since I sent a bunch of selcas..
But with the jacket pics, they were just selcas, but this time I used the basic camera app in the white outfit, the one with the hat.
I didn't know they'd use that photo, so I liked that one a lot.
OP asked what gesture Jinsoul would use on Inkigayo
Jinsoul said she'd use this one (🔫) which a fan suggested
[She did use it today on Inkigayo]
x cr. @orbitrainbow
I asked JinSoul if she had anything to say to LGBT fans and (translated, click for full version) "We are all the same, we're all human and must all be respected. (...) 'TOGETHER, WE ARE LOONA' which is our slogan so I love and respect you all."
Jinsoul♥: So funny! Couldn't hear you earlier but you were making a heart!
(OPs earbuds died before the call; in case OP was called, OP held up a ♥)
I watched it all! So funny! The staff saw you holding up the heart.😆😆
Jinsoul: I like mirror selfies but we can't post those, so...
OP asked Choerry what prompted their reaction before their Inkigayo stage (201206)
She said the BBC executive who was there suddenly went "fighting!!!" and suddenly started cheering a ton on the spot - but he was never someone who was like that
Choerry🍒: About not being 20 anymore? I can't understand how I'll already not be 20. This year went by really fast. Actually I think December's going by the fastest, right? So I didn't really think "20: I'm an adult."
Choerry🍒: we can't go anywhere these days so I've been marathoning Harry Potter again. I don't leave my bed!
You don't go anywhere other than music shows?
🍒Nowhere. Practice! Dorm! Broadcasting studio! Just those three.
No, we're all so healthy, so
Recommend an item for us to follow!
Choerry🍒: Lately for me: a ring! This is a couple ring with Chuu unnie!
Just you two?
🍒Chuu unnie suddenly wanted to get a ring. So I was like "a ring?"
Choerry: Then [Chuu unnie] said she wanted to get a couple ring with me! "Oh okay! Let's get it then!" So, we did! That's how I got this couple ring
Choerry 🎙: Even if it's a little dangerous, it's alright
[OEC - Uncover]
Choerry: Stop playing video games!
x cr. myself
My contribution/snippet during this solo:
I showed Yves the recent clip of Sunmi mentioning her. She already watched it multiple times courtesy of Heejin sending to her. She said she cried 🥺At the end I said I hope they can meet soon.
Yves was so happy to speak about Sunmi. It was so wholesome I need them to meet and take a photo!
Yves: Yes (shows mole under her eye) should I not show it?~
Back during pre-debut, this was really light, I could cover it easily. But, I cover them a lot, but I have a lot of freckles too you know.
Yves: Remember Vegan Tiger?* Yes. My freckles in that video weren't just makeup, they were real. So I actually have that many freckles. And as those freckles got more pronounced, so did this mole.
The vegan/alternative fur ad feat. Yves
Yves: But I decided to show it onstage once - during makeup, I go over it to make this look more pronounced.
After trying it, it wasn't so bad. So after that I showed it more, and the fans liked it, so I'm still doing that.
x cr. @baephrodite aka u/reeses_peaces
I said I had a pic of my girlfriend on my phone and I wanted to show her. She was like “😮 yeah go ahead!!” then I showed her a picture of herself lol. She responded “ok I’m your girlfriend now. Is this a proposal? Where’s my ring?”
I asked for her favorite English word and she thought about it and went “my favorite English word is...!” I started laughing and was like “you’re funny” and she said “I’m serious!” I then asked “솔직히?” and she was like “🥺솔직히!!”
We talked about the last song we listened to. She said Sole’s 같은 마음. I said Sunmi’s Gashina and then she asked me to sing it for her... I did the dance a little and she said “you look like Sunmi!” and I was like “nah. Don’t lie to me 😂”
Yves singing and dancing a little bit of Sunmi’s Gashina plus her cutely going “가사 뭐지? (What are the lyrics?)” at the beginning
End of thread side note: I was actually curious about her favorite English word but she had to flirt 😂 I set myself up for that for doing the girlfriend thing right before...
x cr. @rappervivi
i asked about princess Sofia (i was rlly curious about why they gave it to her? also i wanted her to say my name more lol)
and she was like??? she thought it was rlly funny i asked. she said the stylist just gave it to her and she thought it was weird since Sofia is a kid
x cr. @rappervivi
i asked her to sing Heart Attack and @chuubmo thought it was weird but listen
this song got me into LOONA, and i love Yves in the MV and thought it’d be cute to listen to it from Yves’ perspective
also CHUU CAMEO!! i was calm but in my head i was freaking out 😭😭 CHUU
Chuu 🎙: Sam Kim - Scent
Chuu: How about you debut!
Me? Me, debut?
Chuu: 😄 You could debut! Chuu! You could debut as Juu, from Jiwoo. Orrrr (looks at OP's name to shorten it) Cheo! Cheo! "I'M CHEO! FAREWELL--"
Do you like bunggeoppang (fish-shaped buns)?
Chuu🐧: Yes!
Do you eat from the head or tail first?
🐧Tail. So crispy.
I eat from the head...
🐧😡Why?.. Why??
Because it's nicer to hold it by the tail...
🐧UAhhaahh! No! The head is sooo squishy.
Then isn't it better to save the tail for last?
🐧Yes. Starting with the tail and eating all the way to the head is okay. Texture-wise.
So you eat the part you like first!
Go Won: I'm stuck inside the screen, please get me out
Go Won watching footage of OP's cat
201205 OP (Joke/concept): Why didn't you call me last week Go Won 😥
Go Won: Lately I've been busy and just~...
201212 OP: You called this week! 😁
Go Won: Well this week I wanted to see you, so I gave you a call 🙂
(Do people have 1 or 2 butts?)
Go Won: Ahh, why are you all doing this?? When I first heard that, I was on team 2(-butts).
But after talking about it, I was wondering "why... was I considering them separate?"
Go Won: When I was on team 2, it was like, we have 2 separate legs. So! I just thought there would be 2 of that as well. But after hearing the 1-team talk, "yeah... I guess it could be just 1 too..."
Q: Do you eat bunggeoppang (fish-shaped bun) from the head or tail first?
Go Won: Head!
Go Won: because of the shape, you just grab it by the tail and go nyam! The top has more red-bean filling so I have that first.
Chuu was firmly on team tail-first
Go Won: Lately I'm playing Cookie Run! Not too long ago I started playing again.
Go Won🦋: When the fans prepare silly stuff to say, it's so fun!
You were shy about it before, now you're taking it well!😆#1 idol park chaewon
🦋The fans though like? They're so shameless and do their bits so well!
The cute reactions make us want to do it
😆 Ah but I took Go Won's call - how come there's an angel sitting there?
🦋😁... Unnie, you're amazing?
🦋But I'm curious... When you prepare these things 😆 it's so fascinating!
A word for people who are living their lives without knowing about our Chaewon?
Go Won🦋: Oh, really! Not knowing about me yet, that's such a shame! 😆
First, it's better to like me in advance...
Go Won🦋: I think it'd be good to know me sooner!
I'll promote you lots TT
🦋 Oh! Sounds good.
Go Won: Really, I really want to..! [post selfies, according to original tweet]
Go Won: 😮... I feel the same way!
Go Won🦋: A song I listen to often? Lately, carols. No one in particular. I always run my playlist on shuffle.
I'm the type to loop one. Song rec for today?
🦋DAY6 - Zombie
🦋(🎙Day6 - Zombie) I like that song.
As soon as Olivia Hye takes the call with OP she asks whether OP's puppy, Dubu, is there
Olivia Hye: Hey Dubu, hey Dubu~ Oh its ear moved! Hey Dubu!! Our Gureum never even looks at me but you're so smart..
Our Dubu doesn't normally look either..
Olivia Hye: Really? I guess it likes me.
(OP is wearing earbuds, the dog can't hear Hye)
Olivia Hye: Yes. Both my parents worked, and my older sister had a bit of an age difference so she'd go to after-school classes, so I was always home alone. So my dad asked me what I thought about raising a dog.
I didn't think much of it, but my dad just brought [Gureum] home one day. So I raised him, and I ended up basically growing up with him.
(Olivia Hye was 10 years old when she first met Gureum, so Gureum is ~10 years old now)
Olivia Hye to the Hye-lover-squad: You've worked so hard in 2020 as well, and thank you very much for being with me this year, when I was 20 years old 👏
All the members are still wearing the pants from the outfit.
I couldn't deal with it and changed to my own sweats. My top/bottom are very mismatched right now.
I think I always live so that I'm comfortable. (shows pants) 😆 I've been exposed!
OP asked Olivia Hye to spoil M Countdown (MCD asked Orbits for their wishes; what they'd want from #LOONA)
🤫 Shhhhhh.... A song I like
🤫 Shhh... You know, right?
a carol
Did you go to get beer on your own from a corner store after turning 20?
Olivia Hye 🐺: not as soon as I turned 20 but on that day, I went to get a beer.
Did they check your ID?
🐺 No... They didn't.
😂 S..Sorry...
🐺 It's fine, but some others did later on.
🐺 I was looking forward to [showing them my ID] too, but...
Olivia Hye🐺: I think this line is just right.
Not the maknae, but right above maknae.
You always act like the unnie to Yeojin though
🐺 Oh for her, I'm the unnie. 😁
This is Olivia Hye's favorite fancam of herself (So What with red uniforms, at Inkigayo, on comeback week):
I prepared an acrostic poem with leejjok jeojjok (here and there)
Olivia Hye 🐺: Here and there?
Something's ominous here... OK.
이: send me a kiss in the cutest way ever!
🐺(쪽):😆..😘 (jjok = the sound of a kiss)
(저): excuse me once more please in a sexy way
🐺(쪽): 😘, oh no, my senses were right..
Olivia Hye🐺: For soju I like Jinro. For beer, for somek (beer+soju), Terra.
Terra? You know your stuff~
🐺: You unnies know better, what even~
No that's true but--
Do you know the "I'm the aespa" thing?
Olivia Hye🐺: Yeah
Do "I'm the Hyeju?"
🐺 OK, "I'm the Hyeju, there can't be two~" oh we actually took a bunch of pics like this, with a mirror.
There was one from Go Won that I wanted to post but 😕
Please post them 😥
🐺 But, it's not up to us 😞
Olivia Hye: Thanks unnie, Next year, when I'm 21, when I'm 101, let's still be together. Bye!
Okay👵... I'll try to live that long
Olivia Hye: 😆 Bye!
x cr. @sieunwrld
i asked hyejoo if she liked pepsi.. she said yes but she prefers coca cola more 😭 and then i said i do too and she like laughed with me and asked me to high five her 🤣 sorry izzayy hyejoo and i are besties now
submitted by bluebetaoddeye to LOONA [link] [comments]

Player/Analyst Tweets & Other Things - PLAYOFFS - TSM vs GG

Edit: Done for now (1hr after game), will check back again later. 😞 Added Treatz/BB/dl tweet if you guys missed it.
e2: Bjerg Tweet added
See you guys Saturday :/ Unfortunate.


Rogue Esports (LEC):
Golden Guardians (Twitter):
TSM (Twitter):
LCS Analyst Desk
Empyre (EG Analyst & Scout):
Rogue (GM) Tomislav:
IWD Notes by DuSundavr



LS w/ SK Crownshot & Fnatic Nemesis
  • Nemesis - Akali ban because of the buffs, Zil ban against Bjerg.
  • LS - Suprised TSM banned GP. Hauntzer can't play it.
  • LS - Picking Thresh is a self-counterpick. Awkward lane is GG pick Ashe. (They picked Ashe).
  • Nemesis - Voli lost 2-4% wr with the nerfs.
  • LS - "Ooooooh" in response to the Ziggs picks. GG is in a not-bad spot in draft. Long range.
  • LS - Shocked by the Morde Pick. So many better picks than Morde for the last pick. Thinks Neeko would've been good.
  • LS Predicts TSM 3-0 the series
Former C9 Sneaky & 100T Meteos
  • Sneaky - Surprised they haven't been swapping between Bio and Treatz.
  • Meteos - Morg takeaway from the Caitlyn first pick is troll as hell.
  • Meteos - Wanted to see Evelynn. She's actually broken. Used to have a problem dueling but now she can.
GGS Coach Inero on Draft Game 1:


Former C9 Sneaky & 100T Meteos
  • Meteos - Hauntzer felt safe because his jungler was nearby. (Successful FB gank top on Hauntzer)
  • Sneaky - Wants to see the Manamune on Ashe, Meteos like the potential IE/ER on Ashe. (~8)
  • Meteos - Treatz not going mobis doesn't feel nearly as threatening.
  • Huge play by TSM (~11:50 Drag). Got a kill, dragon steal, and gold from Herald.
  • Meteos - Cait needs to do well early or she's going to have a period in the mid game where her damage just really sucks ass. (~11:40)
  • Sneaky - Game is a lot harder since Hauntzer died early
  • Meteos - First gank by Spica was really well played. Wards the red and then hops to golems. Sees Closer pathing up and knows exactly how much time he has to make this play top. (going over during long pause)
  • Probably figured Sett wouldn't be at raptors since Sett doesn't do raptors well. Initial intent was to steal raptors but he saw Sett there so he went for the top play. Good thinking by Spica.
  • Meteos - Jensen is DDOSing this match. Sneaky - Why would he DDOS this match? Meteos - IDK. He just likes doing it for fun.
  • Meteos reading guy in chat: "To prevent the Bjergsen MVP"
  • Sneaky - TSM fighting here at drag would be kind of rough since Cait still only has 25% crit which is pretty bad. (~21:40)
  • Shen had ult for Cait that entire time. (4th drag fight)
  • Meteos - A lot of NA team just default to grouping mid, getting baron river vision and just randomly hitting baron when they don't know what to do next. Says he participated in that a couple of times as well.(~24)
  • Seems really hard for GG since they're up against 4 merc treads, QSS, mikaels (~26min)
  • Sneaky - Can't believe Ziggs ulted BB when he got arrowed. Waste. (26:30, TSM get the drag and Closer's life) Meteos agrees the Ziggs ult was really troll. Thinks that the comms from GG were like "we can't let them have drag here!" and that's when disaster hits.
  • Sneaky/Meteos - BB didn't accomplish much in the mid fight. Fight got really awkward when Bjerg got binded and BB taunted nobody. (Mid blunder into Baron)
  • Meteos - GG just win. WTF, Morde is not balanced at all. (~31:30)
  • Meteos - Brokenblade really didn't play that mid fight well. Although, he didn't really have many good options. FBI had a really big dick flash in.
  • Sneaky - Doublelift just netted into Mordekaiser. Also Treatz flayed Hauntzer out of DL's trap.
  • Meteos - these plays are easy to criticize in hindsight but I think we couldn't really make the right play in the moment.
LS w/ Crownie & Nemesis:
  • LS what about Hecarim top? They should've picked Hec top. (GG)
  • Nemesis - Leesin pathing got caught by the hawkshot ~ Should be able to track him for the next minute.(2:40)
  • LS - Surprised GG didn't cheater around ~3:30
  • Nemesis/Crownie - Cheater is worse with TP and they saw Lee Sin on the opposite side. LS thinks it would've been fine to get cull and stay in lane.
  • Crownie - Cait/Thresh are capable of one shotting waves. Morg Ashe are playing the lane wrong so far. (~6:50)
  • LS - Drag steal by Spica and rift getting all those plates is MASSIVE for TSM. Game seems doomed for GG. (~12min).
  • Nemesis - TSM already have 4 mr items at 15min and LS says TSM's team doesn't like building MR early "h'ooookaayy"
  • Nemesis asks LS about the early MR items since he came back. "What happened LS?"
  • LS - Yeah. Looks like they're actually itemizing good. Thinks this MR itemization is happening really early but that's because they're ahead.
  • LS - Scrims are different from stage. You don't have the mental capability to change the fact that there is now something on the line vs something not on the line. You're naturally more reckless in scrims. Willingness to experiment goes up and you're more willing to take fights. It's just a natural thing that happens. (Watching GGS's show during break).
  • LS - GG are probably going to win now that TSM blundered the mid fight and gave GG baron. Thinks this because the baron buff will naturally translate into Ocean soul.
  • This isn't a pause, GGS just ffed. (3rd drag pause)


  • TSM right now #LCS (That escalated quickly.gif)
  • What a turnaround from Golden Guardians! That game went from TSM dominating to TSMs next exploding in about 2 minutes flat! Interested to see how TSM will look in game 2 after what has to be an absolutely TILTing loss. #LCS
  • hauntzer mvp from game 1 for sure
  • If only there was some way to escape morde ulti. thinking emoji
  • I think Mordekaiser is fed.
  • Damn, what a spicy fight. FBI flash forward for the Bjergsen kill was big.
  • Underrated part of that game: The only player who can realistically break Black Shield is Bjergsen. Otherwise FBI can straight up ignore the TSM frontline. Really, really big deal in that fight.
  • FBI is a fucking god. Solo won that fight (I know, binding was sick, hauntzer played well.)
  • Travis Gafford: Solo plays for FlyQuest....
  • someone didn't pay their QSS tax
Golden Guardians (Twitter):
  • First LCS Ziggs win since 2016 - It's Tanner Time @Damonte
  • damwho gaming? not so top esports? Gwho esports? Golden Guardians are going to fly to Shanghai and bring back the Summoner's Cup to where it was made.
Hatrixx (Excel Mid):
  • If Damonte has a million fans, i am one of them . if Damonte has ten fans, i am one of them. if Damonte only has one fan, thats me. if Damonte has no fans, that means i am no longer on this earth . if the world is against the Damonte, i am against the world
  • There is way too much downtime inbetween LCS Games, I understand we need the casters analysis but it feels weird when the analysis is longer than the game.
  • Azael: It's literally a set amount of time that's the same every game (barring tech issues), which is to give the players time to use the bathroom, get food, discuss changes etc. It's nothing to do w/ casters wanting to talk lol
  • Sorry, maybe i phrased it wrong i didn't mean to say that it's for the casters, i moreso meant theres too much downtime where all we see as the viewers is the casters talking and it usually seems pretty repetitive because theres only so much you can talk about postgame
  • When does the next game start? Omg...
Meteos & Sneaky:
  • Meteos - they took Thresh into Morg. I think it's not a straight up counter pick but you're not winning. Why not Lux/Nami? Optimizes the Cait pick.
  • Sneaky - Doesn't even need to shit on lane. Just needs to go even to become a monster. Thresh doesn't really help her go even. Lux would've been soo much pressure. Meteos agrees.
  • Sneaky - Lulu Cait would've be fine too. Not amazing but fine. Lulu doesn't have a set-up for trap but Cait's dmg goes up.



LS w/ SK Crownshot & Fnatic Nemesis & Sanchovies
  • LS - Ready for the salty run back?
  • Crownie - The Bard is better than Thresh
  • Nemesis - Here comes the B4 Leesin. TAKE IT AWAY
  • Crownie - TSM's comp is generally the same.
  • LS - GG hard win the draft.
Former C9 Sneaky & 100T Meteos
  • Both sides keeping the same sides.
  • Meteos - Casters are saying Cait Zyra. I think Zyra is a completely shit champion. She doesn't do anyting. Just a laning phase champ. Cds are long. Immobile and Squishy.
  • Sneaky - For sure, I think Lux is the pick.
  • Meteos - Zyra is the worst champ in the game right now...
  • Meteos - Bard is a much better pick!
  • Sneaky - Cait Bard is all about the level 6 timing early on. Ashe should be able to solo pressure this lane.


Sneaky & Meteos
  • Sneaky - Doesn't think the Doran's shield is correct. Cull or Dorans is fine. You heal off autos, you're not just sitting back.
  • Meteos - Hawkshot is so broken, you can't mindgame the other jungler.
  • Sneaky - GG look really good unlike last game. They were bad until they weren't (7:30)
  • Sneaky - Looks like a team gap here (~8:25, Bjerg dies)
  • Meteos - Bjerg positioning was really weird. E didn't take him towards base. Good for him to save flash since he would've died no matter what.
  • Meteos - GG shouldn't have contested TSM's herald. It's a useless herald with no good targets for TSM to use it on. Ashe could've went bot and got free first tier turret. (Herald Fight ~15:50)
  • Sneaky - Hauntzer is kind of running it down for TSM (~21)
  • Sneaky - Ashe keeps missing arrows. Meteos - It's the short cd, fk it. She has cloud too.
  • Sneaky/Meteos - Spica stealing potential soul is huge but GG can potentially get Baron.
  • Coordination between DL & Treatz was off when DL got arrowed. DL could've taken portal. (~30)
  • Fights are TSM favored from this point on (38:30). Look at Bjerg's item- nvm they got backdoored with triple TP.
LS & Co.
  • Nemesis - How is GP losing to Ornn this hard? (~4)
  • Nemesis - What was that facecheck from Treatz? (4:20) Late flash too.
  • LS - TSM lose this game. Diffy in the Driffy. Ashe didn't even have to flash since they have GP ult.
  • LS - Game is over, what is BB even doing? (~12:30 engage onto Sett top) GG win and might 3-0
  • LS - Ziggs/Xerath/Vel'koz. The future of mid lane. So good. (~20:20)
  • LS - GG currently 5k ahead with the drags value. Thinks GG team comp is better too. Lee should've built Youmuus (22)
  • Nemesis talking about matchup mid - Ziggs wins early but uses more mana. LS agrees that it is Ziggs favored.
  • LS - Hauntzer's GP is bad. If he kited backwards instead of into TSM's team. GG win that 5v4. (~31min baron fight)
  • Crownshot - (Spica takes 6th drag, GG take Baron) it's troll for Treatz not to be in pit with DL. People are going to blame DL for positioning but Treatz should be in pit to portal people out.
  • LS dies laughing at the webcams glitching out for GG ~36:30
  • Nemesis still thinks GG win despite being aced in TSM's base. LS agrees due to comp diff.
  • LS - TSM can't draft for their lives... GG (triple backdoored)
  • bjergsen is carrying this game so hard holy shit. spica too. dlift is really not having a good game.
  • Huhi's black shields have been nice. fbi is a monster. this set has been v exciting so far.
  • fleet cait :puke:
  • Selfmade: she clearly needs lethal tempo to hit 4 ranged champions ure right veigar
  • stop ratioing me fleet is good here im just memeing it


TSM Report:
  • We cant stop the backdoor in time and now we look to start the reverse sweep in game 3
Golden Guardians:
  • That's 2-0! A clean teleport backdoor puts us at match point vs @TSM in the first round of #LCS Playoffs! One more game - let's wrap this up. #GGWIN
  • ROFL @GoldenGuardians WITH THE TRIPLE TP END CALL!! They go up 2-0 against @TSM in our first playoff series! #LCS
  • how broken is ziggs
  • HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HOLY????????????? as expected it's a 209 set thanks to big bot difference... wait a sec...
  • This is enough of a runback to be considered salty IMO
  • Well, congrats on winning @GoldenGuardians. There's no way that @TSM come back from an 0-2. #LCS
  • Hahaha our CLG Season 2 Worlds Triple TP Secret Strat has been passed down 8 years later to Golden Guardians with that spicy backdoor finish
  • GGS is too good or what
  • Phreak: Better hope TL picks them in round 2
  • At least GG didn't try to satchel charge the nexus KEKW
Empyre (EG Analyst):
  • Bot diff is proving to be a bit big in this series #LCS
  • TSM down 0-2 but the games have been close even with different TSM individuals playing badly. Next one will be telling assuming TSM adapts their botlane picks and what GG is trying to do to counter Azir-Caitlyn in draft.
Meteos & Sneaky:
  • Spica Bjergsen & Hauntzer(lol) are the only people playing good on TSM. It seems like a huge bot lane gap. Grand Canyon Gap.
  • Well, congrats on making the next round @GoldenGuardians . There's no way that @TSM come back from an 0-2. #LCS
  • A lot of people are clowning on TSM but that the game is unwinnable if there is ever a ward inside their base. The nexus instantly falls without the ability to respond vs. 3 TP with Ziggs and one turret dead. It's checkmate if GG are smart.
  • I thought TSM were supposed to be good. ???
  • Phreak: Frosk you've cast Worlds. You know they aren't.
  • Respect to TSM for keeping a solid team identity trading Soul for their nexus in 2 out of their last 3 games.
  • Glad to see ziggs having so much success. Him/Xerath/Vel'Koz have been the future of mid lane for almost a year...
  • Crumbz is right - I don’t understand why TSM isn’t opting for an enchanter into a 1-2 Morg blind; the only reason I could see is them being scared of a morg flex in some way which sounds really unlikely to me
  • Karma > Lulu
  • This is the only first round playoff series I thought could go the way of an upset - BUT - I fully did not expect us to be sitting on a 2-0 for @GoldenGuardians on the way to making that happen. The whole team has shown up at different moments, but none more than @VictorHuang !



LS w/ SK Crownshot & Fnatic Nemesis
  • TSM bans Morg LS: TSM are going to win every game now.
  • LS: There it is. Sett Thresh. There it is.
  • LS: Blitz would be good for GG since it destroys Sett's Shield. GG lock in Tahm WHAATTTT. I gotta go to the bathroom.....
  • Nemesis: Ok the Ashe is an answer to the Cait.
  • Sanch: Why did GG reverse the adcs?
  • Nemesis: They probably feel like they're better on both Ashe and Cait.
  • Nemesis: Noooo why Nid? So it's Sett mid blind...
  • LS: This makes it a really good Morde game. Hauntzer locks in Morde
  • LS doesn't like the Ori since she gets outranged by Nidalee/Ashe.
  • the GP pick here reminds LS of the TL game. It doesn't work well with the rest of his teammates.
  • Nemesis: Why?
  • LS: Doesn't like Sett, Nidalee does what with GP? Ashe/Thresh don't feel ideal to synergize with him.
  • Nemesis/LS - GG won draft.
Former C9 Sneaky & 100T Meteos
  • Ori is a good common blind.
  • TSM have to lane kingdom. They're really relying on Spica to carry this game.
  • Spica is known as a Nidalee/Graves player. So we'll see... It'll depend on the Jungle gap.
  • tsm should go nida on 3 and jinx on 4
  • retweets: Tsm botlane drafting is turbo autofilled level
  • So this is risky because TSM is putting their best player on a bruisetank, but it does give TSM 3 winning lanes and a lot of agency. Remember GG relies on snowballing games, so TSM is trying to counteract that instead of playing the scaling game.
  • TSM’s draft isn’t bad by any means, they adhere to normal P/B rules and the picks make sense; it’s just the bot lane hole has to be stuffed. I’d keep Cait blind, ban Ziggs in 4-5 and run the comp back after exchanging Bard for Karma (albeit Bard can be fine, just not ideal).
  • 2-1, think TSM’s draft if they can play their champs is a lot better, GGs is not supposed to create a lead anywhere on the map; I hope Bjerg and Spica can execute their champs, their mid 2v2 is insane
  • Wtf TSM forgot to pick a mid laner
  • How is RGE supposed to beat TSM if they never make it to worlds?
  • RGE: We believe


Former C9 Sneaky & 100T Meteos
  • Bjerg is really punishing Damonte's cull first item. (3:20)
  • GP is going to be TSM's only advantage. ~19:30 Cloud dragon map actually saves TSM from Morde destroying them in that fight by Baron.
  • TSM showing signs of life at cloud soul with the double kill but they stack on drag so that Closer can fuck their Moms. Bjerg did his best to try and zone Closer. (Cloud soul fight)
LS & Co.
  • Morde flash is traded for Bjerg's ghost. That's a good trade for TSM.
  • Doublelift is losing really hard in CS what? (5min)
  • Crownshot/Nemesis: It's a really hard losing lane.
  • Nemesis: TSM can't kill anyone here. Big disaster for TSM. (drag fight)
  • LS/Crownshot: DL DIDN'T BUY. IT'S OVER.
  • Everyone: It's actually over. no joke. Plus they're tilting them with Teemo emotes.
  • Everyone: Comp imbalance and mistakes. Absolutely over.
  • DL TPs back to lane with just boots? Second time he's TP'd to lane without items...........
  • This game is a disaster
C9 Westrice:
  • its actually a draft kingdom. GOOD JOB @inero
LS (Twitter):
  • Holy shit... DoubleLift failed to buy BF sword during his teleport. This lane is so over.
  • Dash: 🤯 BOOM 🤯
  • Think this game is over. Despite it only being about a 3k dif, the draft imbalance is so big. Really doomed for TSM sadly. I don't know how they win outside of miracle GP fighting (~18min)
  • Can't lose to shopkeeper if you don't buy!
  • Yikes!
  • FBI intimidated Dlift into forgetting to buy. huge brain
  • Wait, what is this TSM comp in game 3? They have 0 reliable AP damage? Am I missing something?
  • Yikes
  • GG 3-0! (18min)
TL Dodo:
  • Damn Huhi's been smurfing on support lately
Travis Gafford:
  • I’m not a fan of any region or team, I am just a fan of whoever is playing the best League of Legends in the world. And right now, that just happens to be Golden Guardians.
Nicole LaPointe Jameson (EG Owner):
  • GoldenGuardians is going to worlds



  • Gg we should have played better today, happy for my brother @closerlol❤️
  • Closer: Kral BB ♥
  • Guess we gotta do the G2 lower bracket run...
  • I played like shit and all I can say is I'll do a lot better in the next round
  • Really poor performance from me today, we will regroup and come back stronger for the next series. GGS played well and was clearly the better team today 👏
  • GGWP @GoldenGuardians
TSM Report:
  • Tough day, GGs
  • sad will smith with memes
  • Big love to all the TSM fans who support the team through thick and thin. You're the actual best. I appreciate you.


  • 🙂
  • Jack: 😎
  • TL: Lol
C9 Westrice:
  • But @GoldenGuardians is so hot right now
  • Daaaaaaaaamn, Golden Guardians just trashed TSM. What a stomp
*tweets clip of Azael saying TSM is the best midlaner on the Dive
  • Azael: GGWP! Bjergsen was still a beast this series, but you played very well & as I said right before that if you can neutralize him yall could upset!
  • Nerf aussies btw
  • So in case you forgot... Rogue > TSM #GoRogue
  • Prove us wrong in the Loser Bracket
C9 Jack:
  • Congrats @GoldenGuardians on your historic first playoff series win over @TSM ! #LCS
  • GOLDEN GODS, GG @TSM GG kardesim @TSMBrokenblade
  • Destekleriniz için hepinize çok teşekkür ederim arkadaşlar
  • Imagine what would happen if we actually win drafts aswell @inero
  • TSM's botlane was so outclassed this series, really sad to see
  • That was a total and complete bot diff #LCS
GG Becca:
  • holy shit @GoldenGuardians just 3-0'd TSM in playoffs that's sick
  • FBi & Huhi kinda pisssmurfed that series
Golden Guardians:
  • And that's it! We 3-0 @TSM and move on to the Second Round of #LCS Playoffs! This is our first ever playoff win and we're not stopping here - we won't be happy until we lock in our spot to worlds. Thanks to all the fans and we'll be back next week for Round 2! #GGWIN
GG Huhi:
  • first step is done well. Proud of my teammates!! GGWP
  • Why does the best ADC (@VictorHuang) in NA only have 2k followers...?!
  • tweets a picture of a QSS
  • DL: Actually, one time we were playing against Golden Guardians, and it was 2-0 to GG. We were playing Ashe, they were playing Caitlyn and Bjergsen said: Guys, if we think we are good, let's prove it now, 2-0" Regi: "Did we come back?" DL: "of course not. 3-0"
  • TSM emote from @Damonte I see you
Emily Rand:
  • Golden Guardian Gamers
  • did tsm wonnered?
  • :o
  • FBI making Doublelift look like he's the DMV.
GG Inero:
  • FBI OPEN UP! See you soon @Impact
  • Dardoch has a chance to knock out TSM for the year on Saturday. FRONT ROW SEATS still available. Don't miss out!
  • Helal kardesim @closerlol
  • Closer: Helaalllll
  • Golden Guardians is a Bo5 away from making Worlds Anyone know what time it is by any chance?
C9 Mateus (C9 social media):
  • praying for the TSM subreddit mods today lit candle emoji
GG Hauntzer:
C9A Diamond:
  • fbi is a bit tooooooooooooo good
Incredible performance from Golden Guardians who really stepped up across the board to get their first playoff series win in franchise history and SWEEP TSM! FBI was incredible, but Huhi & Hauntzer were the biggest difference makers for me in this one! GGWP!#LCS
  • Can somebody tell me why Tsm never picked karma into morg and then chose to ban it
  • Zaboutine: wondering as well
  • I wish I can tell you, the match up is unplayable and u can even take cleanse
  • Phreak: Matchup is a big win, but Karma got super heavy nerfs. She's so bad Morgana still comes out winning the game even if the lane is tougher.
  • What makes her bad tho, I feel that cait usually wants to perma push and poke under tower and karma matches that perfect. Karma can also utilize cruicble way better than thresh/bard and her aoe shields still bring a lot to a team fight especially against ziggs
  • Inner Flame mana cost / CD are relevant factors. If you aren't able to spam enough to push back against Ashe/Morg push it's just bg.
  • Stunt: Lux
GG GM Danan:
  • so damn proud of everyone. time for a well-deserved day off before getting back to the grind. GGWP @TSM
  • TSM had 2/3 really bad drafts, but it isn't solely why they lose. Today just seemed really really off and GGs played well above expectations. In game 2/3 game can be decided by 15min if TSM doesnt get leads.
  • Dardoch has a chance to knock out TSM for the year on Saturday. FRONT ROW SEATS still available. Don't miss out!
Tim Sevenhuysen (OraclesElixir Founder):
  • I wanted to see TSM handshake the bot lane and win through Broken Blade. Instead, they drafted BB onto Shen, Ornn, and Gangplank. All three are good at helping bot lane. TSM were never going to win through bot lane against FBI and huhi. Poor game planning by TSM, IMO. #LCS
submitted by ImLegacys to TeamSolomid [link] [comments]

The_Donald mods have put themselves in self-isolation, only allowing two posts on their subreddit in the last week, and users are going stir crazy with cabin fever

The_Donald have been smacked by the admins a few times in recent weeks after being quarantined back in June. A little over two weeks ago the admins removed several mods from The_donald for encouraging continued violations of Reddit’s content policy. The admins then opened up their own moderator applications on the sub for T_D, leading to more mods being removed as they attempted to remove the admin post. Then just two days ago the remaining T_D mods rejected the approved new mod list provided by the admins and opened up their own mod applications, responses to which are due by midnight Saturday.
While this nonsense has been going on between the moderators and the admins, the actual users on the sub have been growing increasingly upset. 15 days ago the moderators set the sub so that only approved submitters can make new posts.
Since the change the only posts on the sub have been a few moderator posts linking to Trump Tweets or making announcements, and photos of conservative activist group Judicial Watch’s President Tom Fitton flexing his sick biceps (username TFittonJW) along with editorialized titles of “Breaking News.” While some users are happy with their new subreddit takeover by Tom Fitton, dubbing the sub /The_Fitton, many are not so pleased that the moderators seem to be actively killing the subreddit in order to get more of their users to go to their offsite forum thedonald.win.
Cabin Fever
Here are some samples of the increasingly upset T_D users mad at their mods for censoring their free speeeeeeech.

Wow a T_D thread that hasn't been locked by gay mods yet.
Moron moderators
We know.
They did it, they effectively killed t_d.
I mean look at it... you posted this 19 minutes ago and it only has 17 comments.
And the fucking mods locking everything to try and force us to .win.
This pisses me off more than Spez and the cucks. The moron moderators who think everyone is going to go to win are really fucking this thing up.
i had a three day suspension on T_D for speaking out against the mods and talking about what really happened with old/new mods. Um, that's fascism.
There is NO WAY I'm putting my traffic on Win. https://www.reddit.com/The_Donald/comments/fdz5tn/fitton_big_call_out_on_reddit_suppression_of_the/fjtypzw/

The news mods will not allow genuine conversations or voicing of concerns of the issues raised in a news article. They are scared of free speech

"We need to restrict comments and submissions or else the sub will get shut down and people won't be able to comment or submit...."
The mods need to throw it up - appoint who they want, tell the Admins to fuck off, and let's roll. We aren't coming out of quarantine, and we are held to a standard no other sub is.
That's the deal. Let's fucking go out on our proverbial shields. I don't want to play nice with biased, fascist admins anymore.

Hey mods can you at least explain why the .win site has been down for 6 hours? You're acting like the purple-haired bitch from star wars and intentionally leaving us in the dark with no information and nothing to go on while we're being hunted. And I'm made out to be the asshole for asking wtf is going on.
Yeah. Kinda tired of being told to go to .win when I've tried several times and its slow af or down. I get there's growing pains, but damn. Stop shaming me for wanting to stay on here. Approve some new posters. Make more of us mods. I'm open for an interview anytime.
Aw, do you guys need somebody to hold your hands? We’re all in this same boat, and things will smooth out. Bitching about it solves nothing.
Neither does bitching at people to run off to a secluded corner of the internet... Thanks for making my point, sweetheart 😘

I wish I could post on the donald


I remember when this subreddit used to be a lot of fun. Any one of us could post serious content or humorous stuff just mocking the leftists. It was still fun even after they quarantined us. Then the assholes in charge of Reddit got rid of a bunch of our moderators. Now only a handful of people are allowed to make posts. Honestly this fucking sucks. Fuck you, Reddit.

Mods are letting the admins win. Go down fighting and stop trying to force people to the alternative site

I like to go on Reddit, not to some other forum https://www.reddit.com/The_Donald/comments/fdz5tn/fitton_big_call_out_on_reddit_suppression_of_the/fjpkl9i/

I downvote any "approved" submission in this sub. It's all downvotes from here on out until the sub regains independent control from the reddit admins. https://www.reddit.com/The_Donald/comments/fdz5tn/fitton_big_call_out_on_reddit_suppression_of_the/fjlu1yn/

Yo why is every post I see now this Fitton guy? Who is he? Why is it the only post (basically daily) on the sub? Why is he so buff? Also, why is every thread locked after 2 seconds?
Why do we always just see photos of this beefcake, instead of an actual article? Maybe people think this is Fitton’s Instagram channel?
We get it Tom, you work out. No need to perpetually flex the biceps
Plus, that's not even the same outfit he's wearing in the linked interview. Blatantly thotting
The Latest
The latest update is that two days ago Tom Fitton was removed from being an approved submitter from T_D according to this comment.
Judicial Watch can no longer post any stories. I hope this a temporary restriction. You can follow Judicial Watch and me on other social media in the meantime. https://www.reddit.com/The_Donald/comments/fexlic/fitton_biggest_big_tech_censorship_reddit/fk7fboh/
Since that comment, no additional posts have been made to T_D .
At this point, it seems that T_D is effectively dead.
submitted by DubTeeDub to SubredditDrama [link] [comments]

Player/Analyst Tweets & Other Things - TSM vs TL (Week 9, Game 2)

Edit: Tweets seem to be done (50min after game). Will check again after TSM vs Sentinels (Valorant). GG TL! See you guys on Thursday/Friday!
GG TL. 200k+ Viewers on Twitch including Costreams
More TSM games at playoffs 👀
If there are any tweets/players/analysts that should be added let me know.


Rogue (LEC):
  • Hey @TSM, your turn.#Worlds2020
Treatz (After TL beat IMT yesterday):
  • Playoffs will be fun :)
  • Playing against my Pepega brother @Tactical in a few minutes, will be a fun game to close out the season on 🥰 let's get a HUGE win
  • My favorite headset is now wireless 😳 thanks to @LogitechGesport for sending me this amazing Pro X Wireless headset, I will never miss another queue pop 🙏
  • Good Morning Great Gamers! Who's excited to see @TSMDoublelift and @TSM take on his old team @TeamLiquidLoL with a possible playoff bye on the line for TSM!?Remember, when you're chasing greatness. It's not about what you say, it's about what you do. #LCS
  • Alright @TSM. If you could just qualify for worlds, I'll make sure you and @Rogue get in the same group so we can sort this shit out once and for all.
  • Azael: Wait no fair Rogue is actually good now
  • LAST DAY OF #LCS REGULAR SEASON!?!? Insane how fast it feels like the split went by! TSM vs TL gonna be HYPE today! TL looking to lay the smack down on TSM & secure their best record EVER, while TSM look to get the W and attempt to steal a bye from C9!LETS GO!!!!!!
  • Caster: breathes Fan: Puts on TSM hat Hangs 10th autographed jersey on their wall Gets DL signature bowl cut Rewatches TSMs 2015 IEM win Puts on BBs stream Shaves w/ Gillette razor Builds shrine to Bjergsen with stolen lock of his beard FAN: YOU ARE SO BIASED!!!
  • This isn't a TSM specific thing, I'm just having a laugh at the amount of fans with team logos as their Twitter photo going around calling casters, analysts etc biased any time they criticize the team they are a fan of or compliment a different team 🤣
  • Ovilee: As a TL/C9/FLY/EG/GG/TSM biased fan. I am insulted
  • Azael: Don't worry, some fans from all teams are just as bad 🙏
  • I even tweeted saying it's not a TSM specific thing! All big fan bases have this haha
  • The rematch that @TSM and @TeamLiquidLoL fans have been waiting for is today, and @OvileeMay heard that @Tactical and @TSMDoublelift had some words to exchange before the match... Be sure to watch until the very end for a "special" message! 😉 #LCS#TLWIN or #TSMWIN?
C9 Jack:
  • GG @CLG and Congrats #C9LCS! #TLWIN 😘 @LiQuiD112
TSM (Twitter):
  • Get the edge on your opponents with @theblitzapp! ⚡ Automatically import runes and builds, scout the enemy team, and more with the best in-game desktop app http://invite.blitz.gg/TSMWIN
TSM Dunc:
  • when that #TSMWIN hits Dunc enjoying a sandwich
  • If we finish 3rd, we face off against EG in the first round of Summer Playoffs. If we end up losing to TL, we face GG. No matter what, if we finish 2nd, 3rd or 4th. We face C9 in Round 2.
LCS Analyst Desk
  • Markz - Both mid laners are interesting. Both were struggling last split and missed being on the All Pro Teams (first time for Bjerg). This split they're the 1st and 2nd best mid laners. Great bounce back from both players.
  • Pr0lly - Mid lane match up is going to be huge. Jensen has become more of a playmaker this split (as opposed to farming mid then waiting for team fights). Control mage meta fits Jensen well. (Was talking specifically about Jensen, didn't imply that the meta didn't fit Bjerg as well) ented a bit more in the mid laner this split. Bjerg being able to experiment is one of his strengths. Bjerg has more consistent highs than Jensen and his bad games aren't ones where he is a nonfactor. When Jensen looks bad (C9 game), he has to be carried by his team. When Bjerg looks bad he's still relevant and it's usually some questionable draft like the Fiddlesticks in the FLY game.
  • Predictions
    • Crumbz: TLWIN
    • Pr0lly: TSMWIN
    • Markz: TLWIN
  • MVP RACE between Bjergsen and CoreJJ
    • Markz - CoreJJ has played consistently incredible for the entirety of the split. Fantastic at roaming, setting his team up, and coordinating plays with Jensen/Broxah. No other support is playing like him. If you swap any other player into Core's position, they wouldn't be able to save games like he could. C9 Blitz game comes to mind. Has only had one isolated death all split and is currently the vision score leader.
    • Crumbz - Agrees with everything about CoreJJ. Thinks you can say something similar about Bjergsen (you can't replace him and achieve the same results). Champ pool fits the meta and plays utility really well for the team (TF, Zilean). If he has to carry, he can. Incredibly clutch player. When games matter, he constantly delivers. Has a lot of 2nd places among his stats which is very impressive when you consider that Bjerg is constantly changing his role to fit the team.
    • Pr0lly - Leaning a little more towards CoreJJ. CoreJJ is 1st in a lot of stats while Bjerg is 2nd in a lot of stats.
    • Pr0lly/Crumbz/Markz - All agree today is going to be huge in deciding who gets the MVP vote. Recency bias.
    • Markz - It's recency bias and if Bjerg can secure the upper bracket by taking down BOTH TL & C9 today, you have to say that he is an MVP hard carrying his team across the line. Currently before the games are played he is leaning towards CoreJJ.
  • Most Athletic Award
    • Bjergsen (defines most athletic as the person that can pick up anything and do well/carry. Adaptability)
Blaber before TSM vs TL
  • Thinks either team can win but the team is expecting the tiebreaker.
C9 Westrice:
  • The most hype part about TSM vs TL is watching the former bot duo @TreatzLoL and @Tactical fight to the death.
  • that being said... LETS GO @TeamLiquidLoL @Tactical !!!!
Analysis Desk right before TSM vs TL
  • Will be a totally different look than their first match.
  • Pr0lly: Treatz will put up a much bigger fight.
  • Crumbz: They can go head to head with TL if they don't int the draft.
  • Impact = Castle. BrokenBlade = Gun.
    • Markz - Impact, strong sturdy. Brokenblade, bops kids. We'll see if Impact is a sand castle today or if Brokenblade is a water gun. Akali and Irelia buffs are big for Brokenblade. Impact's shen is also pretty big.
  • Crumbz - thinks the MVP race is decided here. Currently Core favored unless Bjerg can show an amazing performance this game.
  • Markz - if Bjerg carries this game, he gets another chance to show that he's the MVP vs C9 later today.
  • Again, Pr0lly is the only one who voted for TSM to win. Whoever loses the prediction has to wear clown attire.
Kobe & Phreak
  • TSM has the most champs played, TL has the least.
Dom Draft/During Game Notes by DuSundavr


LS w/ Max, SK Crownshot, Fnatic Nemesis:
  • Nemesis - 1st pick Cait is op, not surprised it's banned.
  • Crownie - R1 Kalista makes no sense, idk why they're banning.
  • Crownie - Best first picks are neutral white champs.
  • Nemesis - Zero kick targets, why lock in Lee Sin?
  • Max - TSM should've picked Karma for their 3rd pick.
  • Nemesis - Feels a Zil pick from TSM 4th pick. Thinks Zil top would actually be good.
  • Max - Thinks BB wants Akali here at 4th pick.
  • Nemesis - What does Zoe do better than Syndra?? They can't be serious?
  • Nemesis/Max - GP is a no brainer after TL's picks. Shocked TL picked the Shen.
  • Nemesis - Draft was disgusting from both teams (not in a good way)
  • Max - GP dumpsters Shen. Absolutely shits on Shen
  • Crownie - EU Shen one tricks always win this match up but they always go ignite.
  • Predictions
    • MAX - TSMWIN, Crownie - TSMWIN, Nemesis - TSMWIN
LS is afk
  • We've got a great gun vs castle matchup in the top lane! Both the gun and castle have globals to play weakside while affecting the map.


LS w/ Max, SK Crownshot, Fnatic Nemesis:
  • Crownie - Thresh Ashe is so awkward to play.
  • Crownie - Red side Rakan is rough. Hard to W in because of how the map works. Red side is always harder for bot lanes to win.
  • Nemesis - Ashe hawkshot saw Leesin do buff buff gromp. Makes it super obvious that he paths to top now. (~2:40)
  • Nemesis (~3:15): GP should cheater here.
  • Crownie - Xayah Rakan after nerfs dont win 1v1s anymore. Xayah has to start Q.
  • Max - Ezreal Karma is on the rise now.
  • Nemesis - GP misses 5 cs before his cheater but it's fine since he had enough for cull. GP is fine playing the slow game.
  • Max - Used to see GP's get a consistent lead on Shen's before because of Klepto.
  • Nemesis - Doesn't like that Bjerg didn't take Syndra instead of Zoe. Zoe is forced to start mercs into their comp.
  • Max - GP wastes TP after drag fight. He should just always stay in lane and contribute with ult. He was never going to arrive in time.
  • LS Returns - Why is Lee Sin Picked? R3? why?? R5 GP is too late. GP hates all his teammates .
  • Crownshot - Why is Ashe building BOTRK? who is building hp on TSM?(12:30)
  • Nemesis - it's for the stats & kiting.
  • LS - first pick Ashe is terrible.
  • Nemesis - Why is everyone grouping mid? (~16:35) Imagine if GP was bot lane pushing the wave.
  • ~4-5 minutes of complaining about TSM not freezing
  • LS - Spica should not be building BC. (~22:00)
  • Crownshot - Leesin did less damage than the Rakan in that teamfight (~22:00)
  • Nemesis - TL is ahead but tried to 2 man Baron instead of contesting the drake. What is this decision making? (~23:30)
  • Nemesis - GP would be at ~260 cs at this point (26min) if he didn't randomly group for no reason so much.
  • LS - At 6 items it becomes a GP vs Syndra game.
  • Max - If you're really good at GP it's GP favored. Champ becomes so insane.
  • Crownie/LS - GP should not be going Sterak's.
  • LS - If TSM get Ocean soul then the game is just over.
  • Crownie (or Nemesis?) - TL should've double TP-ed at the ward at TSM's blue for that 5th drake figh (~29)
  • Everyone - TSM just give the baron? What?? This is something. What a disaster
  • Max - You can see TSM didn't have blue trink cd so they couldn't check it.
  • Crownie - 2 level discrepancy between GP and Shen because he didn't stay in side lanes.
  • LS - GP should've died for mid wave after TSM get nearly aced at ocean soul
  • LS - NOOO GP YOU HAD ONE JOB (BB missing all barrels at mid push)
  • Crownie - Castle beats gun
  • LS - shouldn't be a worrying loss for TSM fans. Thinks TSM played better, just blundered at drag.



  • We are better than we showed today, we will prove it in playoffs. Thanks for following our journey ❤️
  • Damonte: See you in playoffs once again brother
  • Ahh close game, if we didn't die on the last dragon we would be in a good position to win the game, rematch later in playoffs 👌 ggwp @Tactical
  • One more bo5 = more opportunities to improve. Will have a good showing on Thursday against Golden Guardians, thanks for the support
  • Feels sad man.
TSM Report:
  • Tough way to end the regular season, GGWP TL


TL Jatt
  • Worst 15-3 team to ever 2-0 TSM.
  • Only 15-3 team to ever 2-0 TSM (TSM also went 15-3 in bo3s)
  • Steve: You're a god
TL Corejj:
  • This time was way more fun than last time i'm so excited to meet @TSM in playoffs next time.
  • Jatt: MVP
TL Tactical:
  • Was super fun game vs TSM, looking forward to playoffs now 👊 gg @Spicalol @TreatzLoL
C9 Vulcan
  • Got 2nd seed for playoffs, thx TL
C9 Jack
  • #FREESM💓
C9 Westrice
  • That’s fking huge from @Impact that’s the world champion right there. We don’t need to worry about tiebreaker vs TSM now 😅😅😅
C9 Nisqy:
  • Thanks @TeamLiquidLoL 💪 See you in playoffs everyone :)
  • TL: It's a date
TL Broxah
  • Ending the regular split with a victory against TSM, we surely take those. 15-3. #TLWIN
  • Steve: Oh yes we will
  • Nisqy: Thank mr broxah
  • Kobe: Thank Mr. Broxah smite 🙏
Team Liquid:
  • thank mr liquid
  • Haven’t lost to TSM in 503 days.
TL Jensen:
TL Dodo:
  • GG best regular season record! #TLWIN
  • Steve: 🙌🙌🙌
TL Liquid (Steve):
  • Couldn’t be more proud of the all the players and coaching staff for the insane turn around for summer. TSM, you’ll get another try in the finals. See ya there.
  • NT @TSMReginald , YW @JackEtienne
  • Jack: After all this time boys and we're still out here crushing it. ❤️ Happy to see we've got a competitive LCS again and it's our teams that are pushing the region.
  • TL secure their best record in franchise history! 15-3 in the Summer Split gets them first place & lets them deny TSM a tie breaker for a playoff bye!#LCS
  • Well if the TL vs TSM game today was the battle for MVP I guess we have our answer!#LCS (Gif of CoreJJ saying "I WIN")
  • My MVP for the game was @Impact for great Shen play once again and going deep to stop that TP in the base and force the 5v4 in a critical Ocean soul fight!
  • impact canceling the TP (BB should have backed off further or TPed second) won the game for TL -- TSM should have just given it up at that point since it was only TL's 3rd drake. anyway 15 wins for TL is a franchise record. great comeback split after a disastrous spring.
  • TSM's loss here not only means they lose the bye but if FLY wins vs IMT (very likely), TSM drops all the way to 4th.
  • Dunc: 3rd or 4th doesn't really matter. We play either EG or GG. Both 2-0 vs them this split. And no matter what, we are always playing C9 in Round 2.
  • I understand from team perspective, you need to win all your games so it's pretty w/e. From an outside perspective, I'd much rather play EG than GG.
  • Dunc: You're definitely not wrong there
  • Think TSM needed 1 more engage in their comp in some way. Despite their Xayah/Rakan/GP combo, it feels like there's no way to effectively attack the backline unless they find a completely unspotted flank around the Thresh safety net.
  • Always believed in @TeamLiquid and especially my boy @BroxahLoL to come through huge. FeelsGoodMan to see the boys surge back this split and look so strong going into playoffs/ hopefully Worlds.
submitted by ImLegacys to TeamSolomid [link] [comments]

201122 LOONA [12:00] Release: Orbit Ring Fansign #8 Roundup

Most translations via @orrery_nim or other various sources mentioned or by OP who attended.
(Heejin pretending to tell the staff to wait)
Heejin: "Hang on. I'm talking to [OP] here."
Heejin: I did that very seriously!
Heejin: the main reason for my exercise was just for abs. But I don't know why I keep gaining arm muscles!
I'm getting too healthy!
I started finding myself unfamiliar, even. At Music Core last time
I have this gesture (both arms up), but my arm muscles stood out so much, so I changed it to this (knocking gesture)
But then! The arm muscles there! I got so surprised when I saw it! So I took a screenshot, like "wow what is this!"
OP: I was really curious, you've done both the blindfold and the face-chain for MVs now, what did you think while you got those for the MVs? lol
Heejin: It was like "oh, this- this is-- is this from.. That time?"
Heejin: While getting that I was like "oh- what's this?" I guess someone provided the idea.
Heejin: Ah it's been so long, nice to see you~
Heejin🐰: Who were you seeing all this time? Who?
OP: No one 😆
🐰 Lies!
🐰 All this time... I was wondering if you were you cheating on me?
OP: Cheating? What are you talking about 😆
OP: There's no one but you, oh, (shows photobook sample for her bday gift) I'll send it soon
I was so moved that your sister came to see your bday ad
🐰 Yeah she went for me, I was SO busy that day!
OP: Of course with the showcase and all..
🐰 Yeah, so that was unfortunate 😢
Heejin: What I've been feeling recently is that in a way, the fans are giving me even more love than my parents; I'm often moved.
So as much as the fans worry about me, I hope they themselves eat well, stay warm, and stuff.
Heejin: And always stay "fighting" at work too, unnie. :( even it's tiring, you can get through it all. Why?
Because you like me!
Heejin: What've you been you doing?
OP: Waiting for this call!
Heejin: Mmm! You were waiting? That must've been boring!
Hyunjin: "Oh I pressed this by accident..." ^
Hyunjin: Hey. From now on, don't get hurt without my permission. Don't go to dangerous spots either. Just, stay by my side! GOT IT?
OP: What hair do you want to try next? Hyunjin: Blue hair!
OP: I'm fine with anything other than a buzzcut!
Hyunjin: Buzzcut?
(It has been 8 months since OP has seen Hyunjin)
Hyunjin: gasp oh what the!?! Unnie?? Have you been doing alright? Mmm~ unnie...
Hyunjin: The oops rap part? I've never done it before, but...
OP: So have you had malatang yet?
Hyunjin: No, I won't have malatang. I'm never gonna have it!
OP asked how she got to be friends with Chaerin (#CherryBullet) and Lucy (#Wekimeki)
Yeojin: With Hyojung---Lucy, I was in the same class, so that's how.
Yeojin: With Chaerin now, (guess Yeojin doesn't remember) we meet every birthday. We met this last time too. She's the greatest, I think. Love you, Chaerin!
Yeojin (on paper)
Praying for [OP's] college acceptance~
Yeojin is cheering for you ^
Yeojin: Is my name Cute? Why's everyone calling me Cute?
x cr. @bangswifties
Vivi: hi!
Me: hello!
Vivi: oh wow your Korean is so good!
Me: oh thank you, your Korean is also really good
Vivi: thank you! I remember the first time we met, I thought you were a korean person 😂😂
OP: I think you'd run as fast now as when you were a kid.
Vivi: Why?
OP: Since the speed of light is constant, & you're [the light of my life]!
Vivi: ahhh.! Thank you! Thanks for that,
(op can't hear so she repeats herself)
x cr. @siyeonlover
many things to point out! the entire call was Cantonese, so Ill upload the full video with subtitles later
I was 12 on the waiting list but I missed the initial call bcus I didnt hear it
They called me at the end so I ended up being the last person Vivi talked to! I was so scared
vivi greeted me and said hello, and then i asked how are you in cantonese! when I asked her that, her entire face lit up!! It was so cute and it made me sooo happy. shes so cute :((
I asked her if I could call her 姐姐 (jiejie) and she was like, oh course! I don't mind at all. So throughout the entire call I was like, Vivi jiejie :D
She asks me if I'm from Hong Kong, but at that moment I was so nervous so I didn't register it :( I'm still mad at myself.
I told her that I missed the initial two calls when it was originally my turn, and she was like "Oh! Don't worry, if you didn't pick up they would have to call you back anyway." (and they did, thank you qq)
me: I really, really like you! You're like, my idol. I'm really happy to be able to talk to you.
🦌: Thank you so much!
me: What do you like to eat better? Egg tarts or Pineapple buns?
🦌: pauses hmm.. Pineapple Buns! me: oh, pineapple buns are really good
🦌: But they're both really yummy! me: agrees
i talked over her im rly sorry vivi :( she also seemed really happy to talk abt HK classics
me: can I ask how Haseul is doing?
🦌: She's recovering, and focusing on getting better. Haseul is looking forward to coming back to the group! We're all really excited to being 12 members again. She can't meet orbits because she's recovering, but she really misses you guys!
me: I really miss her :(
🦌: I'll let her know for you! When she hears, she'll be very happy 👍
me: Your Korean is very good! You're really smart. (I messed up on the tone on 韓 in 韓文)
🦌: corrects me laughs Thank you :D
i'd like to think she laughed because i made a 'cute' mistake and not because i made a fool of myself
Vivi was going to say something but I thought she was done speaking so I cut her off by accident (ill never know what she wanted to say Im sorry D:)
I felt really bad, so I was apologizing and panicking on cam
🦌: Don't worry! It's okay, calm down, calm down
緊張* not 開心 @ me
me: you're really good at dancing and singing!
🦌: thank you
me: i really love you
🦌: oh! thank you. Because of your continuous love, support, and care for me, I really want to improve so I can show you guys more of me! Thank you!
🦌: let's see each other again!
me: yes I'd like to, I'd really like that ;;
🦌: Thank you so much! Don't cry! Don't cry again (as in next time)
🦌: Bye bye!
me: I love you 🥺
🦌: ❤️
Kim Lip: I'm doing well. Today, before coming here, on my bed, I watched like 3 episodes of a drama. "Startup." It's super fun. Unnie, watch it too when you get home. It's so fun.
OP: Oh you're watching one where you appear!
(T/N: OP is saying Lip is like Suzy, who is in the drama)
Lip: Ah I want to hang up..! Seriously~!
Unnie, you watch it too later.
Lip: Hello!
OP: Huh I signed up for a Kim Lip fansign, why'd Cinderella pick up?
Lip: Cin.. So I'm Cinderella?
Lip: Well then I answered, why's Sleeping Beauty on the call?
Alone - 이달의소녀 김립 / orig. by Sistar - 들어보세요.
Kim Lip singing the song that "Bubble Gum" sang in Round 1, on King of Masked Singer last week
Kim Lip: Toy - Good Person (2001)
x cr. @sonchaelip
She said she was happy to see me again 🥺 I asked her about KOMS and she said “it’s not me!”
I told her #풍선껌 is gonna win and she was like “hmm idk”
x cr. @ehalfnote
I asked which member’s song she wants to cover. 🥰 She said Yves - New is her favorite song.
What've you been up to?
Jinsoul 🐟: As activities are done, I'm thinking about starting to study songwriting in earnest again. I only have 2 songs done, but need to make a lot more, as I've talked about this kinda stuff so much...
Jinsoul🐟: mm, when I get proposed to by fans,
🐟 I actually asked about this to the members and friends too.
🐟 I was like, "I don't really know what to say when they do that..."
🐟 Back when I debuted, I'd just say things like, "okay it's day 1 from today!"
🐟 But nowadays I'd think, ".. But what if they actually ask me to marry them later..?" 😆
🐟 I'd like, think about it seriously... But lately, it's fun!
As OP entered the call, OP was making a heart prepared with their arms, and Jinsoul showed up like this, so when the call started they just looked each other in their respective states
x cr. @kikistiel aka u/kikistiel
🐟: Kiki unnie?
✨: oh it started?
🐟: it’s been a long time! Last time we met was at So What fansign right?
✨: you remembered!
🐟: we’ve seen each other a lot these past years. Like friends!
✨: How have you been?
🐟: Excited to meet orbits!
✨: i wanted you to meet my cat
🐟: oh! Is it your baby? Your baby!
✨: yes my baby!
🐟: what’s the baby’s name?
✨: Chihiro! From my favorite movie
🐟: The marks on her cheeks are quite striking?
✨: oh I think she ran away..
🐟: oh she’s not a fan? 😆
✨: did you eat?
🐟: a meal?
🐟: after the video call event I’m going to eat a lot. I’m going to eat some tteokbokki and maybe some jjigae(? I think she said 된장찌개 but not sure, Choerry yelled next to her lol)
🐟: oh I think we are too excited todayㅎㅎ
✨: do you prefer cats or dogs? 🐶 🐱
🐟: i like both a lot! but I think I prefer dogs. However, I only like small dogs because large dogs scare me a bit. Even if there’s nothing to be afraid of, it’s a reaction
(She means she’s scared without knowing why)
🐟: have you been studying korean since last time? I’ve noticed an improvement
✨: (shy)
🐟: you’ve studied hard right?
✨: yes I studied hard for loona’s comeback!
🐟: ohhh 최고! You’ve done well. Maybe it’s my turn to study English for you 🤣
✨: Winter is coming fast... what’s your favorite winter hobby?
🐟: i really like to be cozy and warm. I like to put on ondol (floor heating) and wrap up in a warm blanket and read or do nothing at all. I like to spend cold days with my family and members.
🐟: oh I think it’s time to go..
✨: It’s okay, I had fun!
🐟: let’s meet one more time before the end of promotions promise?
✨: promise!
🐟: I hope next comeback we can meet in person again. Please stay safe.
✨: Eat a lot and rest well! Bye bye for now~
—Jinsoul said she was super happy to be able to talk to foreign fans now. She said she didn’t realize there were a lot of people outside Korea that knew them. She only learned it after going to kcon. She hopes they can do more virtual calls even after Covid ends :) 🌙
x cr. @bluebettasoul
💙: one minute, one second, all my thoughts are filled with V, baby I’m full~
all my thoughts are filled with you too 🥺💙
x cr. @bluebettasoul
✌️: what kind of song do you wanna sing with lippie?
💙: with lippie, i think it'd be nice to sing a song that can express our vocal colors like love letter
Jinsoul said that padded coats are a requirement for winter.
OP: in that case I'll buy you 100!
Jinsoul: It's okay, just hug me instead! 🤗 Come here.
OP: My heart for unnie was 100% before, but now it's 10% ("shippeo")
Jinsoul: Why, because I'm searching [on SNS]?
(OP: ?)
OP: no no, bogo-shippeo ("I want to see you") 😆
Jinsoul: oh, "shippeo"/10%! 😆
x cr. @choerryontop_us
YOU (With. Choerry) 💜
x cr. @choerryeo
then i asked her to do her intro from when she was little :)
OP: Do you still check the message-hashtag (# 최리섹시단) that you picked? Choerry: Of course! I check it every night.
OP: A word to the Orbits who work hard to write msgs everyday please!
Choerry: Good job! Good job~!
I've liked Yerimie for long time now~
back then I liked you 100%, but now it's just 10% ("shippeo")
🍒Why so low? Are we just used to each other now?
really I just "bogo-shippeo" ("want to see you")!!
Yves: You look even prettier than before, your hair's so cute, it looks great on you..
OP: They say you can't close your left eye and poke your right cheek
Yves: How come?
Yves: Why not? I can do it just fine?
OP: Oh! I can't do it though?!
Yves: Really? It's not just unnie wanting me to do that?
OP: So last time you said you'd prefer being with someone older,
Yves: Right, yes?
OP: Could you give a word to everyone younger than you?
Yves: People younger than me? Well they're great too, they have charms that are different than those of someone older.
Yves: Right, I'd prefer being with someone older, but, I like [OP] too. Bye~
x cr. @freakyves
so i told yves i would love to see her and kim lip cover monster by i&s and she said she wanted to do seulgi’s parts!! another win for yveseulginators 😌
yves also said she wanted to cover a taemin song!! but she didn’t specify which one jhsjshsj
x cr. @ryujiwoos
yves saying her fav part of the star mv was when everyone was sleeping bc it was silent while filming JDJSJSJ
OP: I want to hear your self-written song soo much!
Yves: Really? I'm a perfectionist, so after I make it perfect, I'll have you listen!
화이트 크리스마스(2020 ver)
OP: This is customer Kim Jiwoo, right?
Chuu: Yes I'm the customer, the customer.
OP: Oh we're just missing 3 payments of kisses, is why I called~
Chuu: Oh I can get that to you if you just wait 3 seconds--
OP: Hi!
Chuu🐧: Nice to see you! Hi!
OP: Could you name a puppy for me?
🐧 What are its characteristics?
OP: Just cute!
🐧 Just a cutie-poljjak then! (just a slang way to say something's reeeeally cute)
OP: Okay then cutie-poljjak, could you sing "Merry Christmas In Advance" for me?
🐧 How does that song go again?
OP: the song by IU (sings it)!
🐧 Okay I only know a little, but I'll try it!
🐧 🎶
🐧 The lyrics are totally wrong, is that fine?
Chuu: IU - Lullaby
OP asks Go Won to impersonate other members' selfies
Go Won: First, Hyeju! Protractor.
for Chuu unnie, since with the Instagram vibes, she likes putting effects above herself, and 😘
Choerry! Choerry's always like "oo~" ✌😉
Who else? Yeojin! She looks really cute, but she's always taking selfies like she's into herself
OP asked if Go Won knew how much she could drink yet 🍺
Go Won: Me, I'm not sure yet, but it's not very much!
OP asked how long they'd be doing activities
Olivia Hye: ~_~ "I'm not sure"
(About 1theK, "The First Date," a show that she was on with @_weeekly Jihan)
Olivia Hye: I thought I'd get teased a ton!
(OP: Yeah I was about to)
Olivia Hye: I'm saying, I haven't been teased as much as I thought I would.
OP: I heard you've been abusing insects lately
Olivia Hye: ?? Me?? No I've never done anything that dangerous--
OP: since your beauty's always gaemicheoseo!
(a Korean pun that turns "totally nuts" into "hitting ants")
Hye: Oh what... Scared me! So those are the lines that people use these days...
OP: I looked it up after wondering what to say ha
Hye: I've never heard it before. Totally a surprise.
OP: that's a relief..
Hye: at first my heart started beating faster.. But it was new.
About some of her (aegyo) vids just after debut
Olivia Hye🐺: When you see those, don't you (cringe)? I go like this (cringe)...
OP: It would be nice if LOONA reacted to those early vids~
🐺: that sounds so horrible!
🐺: Back then, I had the mindset that I couldn't say no to any of that.
OP: Now you can?
🐺: Yes. I can reject all of it.😁
Of the Youtube content you filmed, were there any fun ones?
Olivia Hye🐺: Yes. A fun one? Oh what is there, we did a lot for Youtube... The one where I met Jihan was fun. And Fanijeom!
That was interesting too.
🐺 The fortune teller thing was neat too.
The Youtube stuff's all fun, isn't it?
Yeah they really were.
🐺: What was your fav?
The one with you and Jihan was totally fun
That fierce gaze while playing mini-pool
🐺: Ah, the fierce gaze.
such unnie vibes, it was the best
🐺: Ohh, that's a relief, that the fans saw it that way - I felt like I was so stiff at the time. Good thing people liked it.
It was great, totally cute, cool, everything.
🐺: Oh, thank you.
Olivia Hye:
You're too embarrassed to do something, aren't you.
You've prepared something,
but once you're actually face-to-face, you can't find the courage to do it.
I'm right, right?
(Olivia Hye showing that she doesn't have contacts on)
Olivia Hye🐺: Hello!
OP: Hi Hyeju!
🐺 Hi!
OP: Can you hear me okay?
🐺 Yes! Can you hear me?
OP: yeobo-seyo? ("hello?")
🐺 Can you hear me?
OP: je yeobo-seyo? ("are you my dearest?")
🐺 ah 😁 yes, I'm [op unnie's] dearest.
OP: Did you take any princess outfit selfies (from kcontact?)
Olivia Hye🐺: Not a single one. If you watch the behind-the-scenes, I was actually avoiding the camera. Really. None. Not a single one.
OP: there's gotta be one at least..? (plz)
🐺: No, the company probably took some without me knowing.
OP: ah, the selfies...
🐺: Yes. Bye! There really are none!
OP: Well, if you have any, please post them..
🐺: How can I? I don't have any! How could I? I don't have any!
submitted by bluebetaoddeye to LOONA [link] [comments]

[TGIF energy] Who's up for a little review/discussion🤠🤓?!: The under-hyped, the perfectly-hyped, and a reminder that bullshit marketing exists (+ a shoutout to Patch testing! ✌️👾😬🌚)

[TGIF energy] Who's up for a little review/discussion🤠🤓?!: The under-hyped, the perfectly-hyped, and a reminder that bullshit marketing exists (+ a shoutout to Patch testing! ✌️👾😬🌚)
Oh, look -- another hyper-formatted over-emojiied post from gbbf that nobody asked for: this time with less preachiness! 😀😬👻
Enjoy my mug's aesthetic as it tries to hide the background clutter 😘
Flash sale/pop-up sale/whatever it was 3 weeks ago where they had the Tatcha and Dr. Ohkims. + a replacement for the bad SR ICE moisturizer I got back in August. Giddy up! 🤠 :

🤗The [possibly] under-hyped:

Eh, no, probably not, but it's no less of a product than most of what people do manage to hype. 🤷‍♀️ TBC, I'm not saying we all need to go out and get this. I'm saying, it's certainly as good as most of the mid-tier stuff that people do go out an buy a lot of.
  • Okay, the real reason I was motivated to make this post: I want to talk about the Jumiso Have a Good Cream!!! I've actually received this in a previous bag. When I saw this was the replacement they sent me, I was not upset.
    • It seems most moisturizers are either too heavy or too shiny. The gels for oily skin often leave my skin soft and smooth, sure, but at a shiny cost. It often feels like my skin isn't fully absorbing those products. I'm looking at you, Belif aquabomb and Clinique DD gel. But this 'Good Cream?' Totally different results. It goes on light and applies easily but then the 'creamy wetness' soaks in!
    • I happily used this last night and woke up this morning to feeling like I had used an acne treatment! After a big exam stress breakout, I had some very noticeable bright, red spots. For the sake of getting to bed by 12:30 AM for this first time in over a week, I skipped the SR Luna oil and the blemish patches last night. I woke up ready to face the music and was so surprised to find my skin was soft to the touch, my skin tone was even, the redness was gone, and my blemishes were significantly faded and calmed down!!
    • 💁‍♀️Full disclosure: 100% possibility that this is due to me getting some fucking A++ quality of over 8 hours of sleep last night. In fact, 90% sure that's what deserves the credit, but alas! I still really like this stuff! 🤷‍♀️😬🌝
    • 💁‍♀️Full disclosure again: also, my stress levels have gone way TF down since that damn exam, so, y'know... The real HG we all need is probably good sleep and a general healthy state-of-being but let's keep hoping for miracle products!! 😬😘

November update: Tatcha water cream is going in the trash

What I originally said:
  • I received the Tatcha water cream in a previous bag. I liked it enough to pick up a deluxe sample package including it, but not enough to consider a full-size purchase. My skin and I have a much better understanding than I did when I last had this though, so, I'll certainly be paying close attention to what I like and why it's not worth a full purchase (assuming that opinion hasn't changed since I last used it).
  • Alright, I like it. I could see myself contemplating a full sized purchase in the late spring/early summer. It's light and watery but actually soaks into the skin. I don't think this would be sufficient in the colder, brisk winters. (Especially with my climate!) And, probably wouldn't want to use this as a night cream, when you want something a bit 'thicker.' But, as far as a solid moisturizer for oily skin on the days of the warmer seasons? This is great!
  • I know this is already beloved by many. I'd like to hear people's thoughts! Where on the hype scale is this for y'all?
Now, after a month of using this cream, I'm ready to throw this away:
  • In general using the cream, my skin was super oily after 5 hours or so. But I continued using it.
  • After a couple weeks I had what I thought was a stress breakout. Even on good behavior, my skin seemed to have clogged pores. I had just kicked ass in my midterms though, so I figured it was the aftermath of all that stress.
  • I got very #2020Depressed over fall break. I'm normally excited to do about 10 different things but over fall break I wasn't motivated to do anything and had a hard time relaxing. It was only 2 days off classes, thank god it wasn't a full week off! I picked at my face (stress/anxiety about...the world, because school is going fine), and then I just didn't care. I didn't care to overcorrect my picking session with extra TLC, I barely even cared to keep up with a minimal routine. I just casually washed my face and made sure it wasn't getting dry with moisturizer, guess which one. No more serums. No more eye cream. Just me laughing in the mirror and not giving a fuck like a drunk 22-year-old coming in late.
  • Now, normally, because I pick at my face so much less (on average) when I'm barely spending any time washing my face, being totally lazy about skincare is usually pretty great for me. But this time nothing seemed to change. After less than a week of not caring, I got back to my more involved routine. Normally, 3 days after being good to my skin (meaning NO picking as well) is enough to bounce my skin back. So, I was surprised when my skin seemed to be doing no better after a week of my good behavior.
  • I had several tiny bumps with (seemingly) no sebum. I'm used to dealing with this on and off along my upper jaw ever since my IUD (thanks, for that), but it seemed to be spreading down to my chin, my temples, and my forehead. I stayed strong, knowing that it could be pure stress showing up. But then this started showing up on my cheeks, a place where I never have closed comedones, acne, or blemishes of any sort.
  • Finally, I do some research. And what would you know, my very specific reaction seems to be quite common. This cream has several botanical ingredients, parfuming, and, for some reason, gold. The fact that it was making me extra oily is also suggestive that it wasn't properly absorbing into my skin.
  • So, I mentally toss the crap and after 1 day or 2, for the first time in weeks, I haven't been fighting a battle with my skin's texture. Closed comedones, texture, and enlarged pores have started to go down and no additional spots have popped up since I stopped using the cream.
  • My fiance has once again agreed to be my guinea pig, and is currently using the cream on half of his face for comparison. TBF he can be pretty damn inconsistent with his skincare, so he's not the most scientific test subject, but I work with what I can get!
  • This got me thinking. If even the highly hyped and sought after stuff is marketing BS...if I don't feel like I need any more makeup...if I'm done wasting product samples and risking my otherwise healthy skin with new [random] skincare...do I really need an ipsy subscription ??
I think I'm ready to start opting for good skin over the excitement of getting a small package of new things to try every month. We'll see where I stand after January. I'd like to try and use the points up, but I definitely won't be sticking around for another full year. I'd rather spend the money on a more rewarding hobby, with a less toxic buisness.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ November update finished

😒A reminder on bullshit marketing: it exists

Much like everyone else: I'm completely new to this Cica Peptide cream. I was very curious to try it but here's what I found after some light research skimming:
  • It's distributed by Tony Moly...and yet Ipsy is fronting this "Dr.Ohkims" as an independent brand. So, that's odd.
  • As far as how I feel towards TonyMoly... I consider TM to be cheap drugstore products with cute AF packaging that survives at a higher price point only because Americans value it as 'K beauty.' Oh, and with a little bit of research, turns out that's pretty damn accurate. So... not off to a great start.
  • "Cica peptide" is the Kbeauty marketing for Centella Asiatica, which seems to be good for soothing and calming redness. I find it odd that the ingredient naming the product is pretty far down on the list. Looking up some other "Cica spotlighting" products, Centella Asiatica is one of the top ingredients listed. Hell: the Jumiso cream from above lists it higher up on the list!
  • The packaging boasts "No Synthetic fragrances or dyes" which translates to "we used essential oils for the perfuming."
  • I'm not saying I'm above it all.🌝 But, looking at this little package I'd say the BS marketing is strong with this one. So, y'know, I'm just going to leave this here...😬
  • What are you guy's thoughts on this stuff? Do you care? Is any of this surprising/new information?
Oh, and what better example than SundayRiley [not infamous enough] faking reviews to build hype that their products are worth the price they actually pretend to charge the majority of its consumers. Old news, yeah, but not everyone knows it because it's old news and plenty of people are getting swept up by Ipsy's 'amazing deals' regarding SR. So, it's a fact always worth [re]mentioning. Also, the SR ICE moisturizer is ruining my photo's otherwise 'Asian theme.'

💁‍♀️A shoutout to patch-testing:

I thought I had done a patch test... But honestly...I don't remember... I meant to! Oops. 😬💩
Some information regarding the bad product (which is why I got the jumiso cream in the first place):
  • Back in August Ipsy sent me a SundayRiley ICE moisturizer that had clearly gone bad. (After finally opening it up and using it, my skin immediately started having a bad reaction to it by turning red and blotchy. I start looking some stuff up. Ingredients seemed fine, then I saw a review on Ulta from someone who had a very familiar experience to mine. Turns out, the slightly off white yellow color that looks like banana pudding? Yeah, that's not the color this stuff should be. It should be white. Had it on my skin for ~ 10 minutes before I washed it off and went with a 'soothing' theme in my skincare to apologize to my skin. I woke up to my skin being right back to it's healthy normal. (So no long-lasting damage).
  • Now, because I "like to think myself as something of a scientist," I then asked my SO "Hey babe, will you put this bad stuff on your face, I want to see if you also have a reaction!? 🤓 " And he did (truly, I don't deserve him) and his skin did react similarly, just not quite as much as mine.
Fun fact: I also got the Glam Glow Bright eyes, and yes, I got a sample from the 'bad batch' although the product seemed to be fine. I patch tested the hell out of it and then decided to say "Fuck it! Zoom video is optional, baby!" Nothing bad happening. Nothing great happened. Ipsy sent me 2 replacement samples and I wish they sent me 2 Jumiso creams instead. (But at that point, I didn't know the SR ICE was bad news bears.) So, that means my August bag featured 2 potentially bad products. 💁‍♀️😑🤷‍♀💩🤘
Note to self: Maybe consider pausing next summer to avoid the summer heat? 😬
What are you guys' thoughts? Love/hate? Pro/anti snail? ...Should I keep these little posts to myself in my journal where they so painfully belong? 🥴💩
Hey, while I've you (haha, no one is still reading!) Does anyone have experience using the COSRX Advanced Snail 92 products? The brand (and that line specifically) has been on my watch-list as of late, I'd love some opinions/feedback!
~ gbbf
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what does this 😘 mean from a guy video

A guy complimenting you a lot could mean that he likes you especially if he only does it to you and if he shows other signs around you. He might also want to get something from you, consider you a friend and do it naturally or want to be a part of your group. What men say and what they mean are sometimes complete opposites and they are just fishing for the answer they want. One of the most confusing things for a woman to understand is what a guy means when he says “I want you.” Depending on the way he’s talking, how he’s acting, and how well you know him, it could mean a few different things. It doesn't mean they want to hook up. It just means they like you, like a friend, and think you're cool. Often times a guy will give a girl a nick name because he likes her personality and want to have a small unique claim on her. OR . you just have a really odd name and it feels strange to pronounce. When A Guy Says He Needs Space Or To Take Time Apart, It Can Be Enough To Make Your Heart Shatter As You Wonder He Means Exactly. We Asked A Group Of Men What It Is They Think When They Ask For ... You might catch a guy looking at you but oddly enough, he is not reacting to your attention. Both of you hold an awkward staring contents and you cannot read or understand what is going in his head. To some extent, it might freak you out or even scare you. His blank stare has you […] Meeting a guy and liking him may be caused by multiple reasons. His appearance, confidence, the way he dresses, how he makes you laugh, how he listens and pays attention to you, the way he talks, his eyes, the way he laughs, his interests, etc. are just on the top of the list of why we can start liking a guy and want to hang around him more. Actually, what does it mean when a guy hugs you first? Now, Let’s try to find out the psychology behind a guy’s hugging you before you have had a chance to hug him first. 3 Psychological Reasons why he may hug you: • The greeting hug – The greeting hug is a hug that acknowledges your presence in a crowd. It is mostly obligatory in ... When a guy says, “I miss you,” does he really mean it? Check for these 15 signs and if you notice several of these are true for you, you can be sure he really means it! You’d think that we would just know when a guy misses us. It seems like something that should be straightforward. A guy calling you bro could mean that he likes you and he is doing it on purpose this would be more likely if he only says it to you and he shows other signs of attraction around you. He might also say it naturally, to annoy you or he might be showing that he is not attracted to you. Tennesha Wood, founder of The Broom List (a matchmaking site for successful marriage-minded Black singles), told Refinery29 that cushioning definitely still involves a lot of emotional infidelity. "There's a line there. You're not necessarily physically cheating, but you are engaging in a behavior with a potential romantic interest that you're probably not telling your partner about," she ...

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