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latest no deposit bonus codes 2020 - win

I am 30 years old, make $135,000 a year, live outside NYC and work as a Senior Data Analyst.

Section One: Assets and Debt
Section Two: Income
Section Three: Expenses
Weekly Expenses:
Food + Drink: $78.70 (including tip)
Fun / Entertainment: $0
Home + Health: $72.33
Clothes + Beauty: $0
Transport: $0
Other: $189.24
Day One (Monday)
8:45am: My alarm goes off and I hit snooze. One of the worst parts about the whole WFH situation has been how bad I’ve become with getting up on time, knowing that I can be at “work” in less than 15 steps. I scroll through social media a bit and catch up on some posts before getting out of bed.
9:15am: I’ve brushed my teeth, washed my face, and put on my skincare (toner, serums, and moisturizer) and am booting up my laptop. I changed jobs 6 months ago in the midst of the pandemic, leaving my previous role in financial services for a position in a large media/tech company, which has been a little crazy. It’s been tough doing everything remotely, and learning the new industry and programming/software has been especially difficult, but I feel like I’m getting my bearings. I start brewing some coffee.
9:30am: I hop on a Zoom for our weekly department huddle and listen as the different teams give updates on various initiatives as well as some background on company-wide kick offs and projects. Some of the projects I’m working on get brought up and it feels good to be doing what feels like actual work. After the call, I get to work on tackling work for some of the larger projects I have, which include scoping out source/logic details on a production report that we want to integrate in a new platform and QAing a table that I’m working on with data science.
12pm: I take a break to refill my coffee mug and make IG posts for my friends’ small business account and my own account (a food IG with 75K+ followers). I took on the first gig a few months ago when my friends, a couple in Brooklyn, launched their hand-crafted drinks business. I started the second, my personal account, over 3 years ago with a focus on restaurants in NYC. It stalled quite a bit over the last few months with the pandemic, but I’ve been dining out infrequently these days, and have limited myself to dining with only one friend at a time (out of a total of 3 friends since June, all of whom I know have tested negative and have been taking precautions since March).
3pm: I’ve wrapped up a touch base with a manager and a semi-stressful meeting where I had to present to some senior executives a dashboard we've been working on over the last few months. They have a few (mostly minor) tweaks that I note in a JIRA ticket before I grab my mask and take a quick break to stop by a local ice cream shop that’s invited me in to try their latest dessert special. There’s thankfully no one else there aside from one of the co-owners who recognizes me and gets my treats ready. I photograph them, thank her, and leave a $3 tip. $3
3:30pm: Back home, I get back to some Slack messages and try to prepare for another stressful call at 4:30pm that I have to lead. I finish eating the ice cream and call it lunch - but hey, that’s #adulting for you.
6pm: Wrap up some notes from the call and text my dad the address that I’m heading out to. I saw a 1BR condo listing pop up on Zillow over the weekend that looked promising, so I’m getting an in-person tour of it this evening. I get my mask on again and make the 5 minute walk to the building where the realtor is outside to meet me. We go inside to look at the condo for sale - the space definitely looks smaller in person than in the photos, and I note that a number of things need to be replaced or upgraded. I thank the realtor after the tour and give a call to my dad to let him know I’m okay and to give him my initial impressions of the space.
7pm: Back home! I wash my hands and change my clothes and get started on dinner; I’ve been craving soup these days so make a quick hot and sour soup on the stove with mushrooms, bamboo shoots, tofu, and some corn I have in the fridge. While I eat, I edit the photos from my DSLR from this afternoon, and check my IG account email to reply to about 7 emails that came in today about campaigns and invitations to restaurants; one of these includes signing a contract with a new app that’s offering a generous sign on payment and potential future income. I catch up on IG posts and comments and text a few friends.
11pm: I spend the rest of the evening catching up on some news, watching the latest episode of the Korean drama Start Up, and finally take a shower. While my hair is still drying in a hair tower, I do a quick Chloe Ting workout; I started doing some of her workouts a few months ago and while I’m not doing them super seriously, I’ve definitely noticed a difference in my abs and feel stronger overall. My Google Home plays some news snippets for me afterwards, and I roll my eyes at the continued attempts of our current president to try and derail the election results. On the plus side - the initial vaccine results from 2 firms have been super promising!
1am: I remember to take my daily multivitamins and then read a bit on my Kindle (I just finished Sex and Vanity, and start on Me Before You - another thing I picked up during quarantine, and I’ve already read over 30 books since March!). I then proceed to spend too much time on Instagram and reddit before turning out the lights.
Day One Total: $3
Day Two (Tuesday)
8:45am: Alarm goes off on the dot and I, the perpetual sleep procrastinator, snooze one too many times. I barely manage to make it out of bed in time to brush my teeth, wash my face, and chug some water before a 9:15am call. It’s a quick check in on projects within my business area so I summarize the work that’s been done and am grateful I don’t have to have my webcam on for this.
12pm: Unfortunately I need my webcam on for the next two meetings, so try to make myself look semi-presentable by combing through my hair and putting on a sweater, instead of my default hoodie. I get a little more clarification on some metrics and data sources in this upcoming platform integration and discussing my upcoming sprint priorities with my manager. At noon, I make a new post on my food IG and go through my feed. I pour my second mug of coffee and drink more water in preparation for the next batch of afternoon meetings.
3pm: Talk through more Zoom calls to the point that my throat is starting to hurt. I’m especially frustrated after the team huddle that just ended where one of the managers tells me my approach to building out the proposed data architecture is too limited in scope, and I should be more imaginative and proactive. The entire work from home situation has made it difficult to understand how to work with and collaborate with different people, so I try not to get too frustrated. I spend the rest of the afternoon making some minor adjustments to existing production reports and updating JIRA tickets.
5pm: I email over my dad a few of the more promising Zillow listings that landed in my inbox this morning. He jokingly complains that there’s too much to read and the words are too small before I realize that he’s been doing a lot of work on his laptop lately as he’s been WFH more. I take a look at a few computer monitors and opt for a larger (24”) version of what I currently have as it’s been working well for me for the last 6 months. I make sure it includes a HDMI cable and have it shipped my dad. $179.24
5:50pm: I grab my mask, bag, and camera and text my friend to let her know I’m en route to dinner; she’s one of the few friends I’ve seen in person since March and is also a food blogger with a separate full time job. She’s been quarantining in Long Island since the start of everything, and texts me that she’s driving in from her home, I head out to the PATH station, swipe in using my prepaid Smartlink card, and hop onto the next train.
6:35pm: I’m a few minutes late but make sure my friend knows I’m walking over, and meet her outside the restaurant. We get checked in, fill out our contact information on our phones, and get our temperatures taken; thankfully there’s only 2 other groups seated and the windows are open. Tonight’s dinner was an invitation that I already confirmed with the PR team, so the staff are expecting us and understand we’ll both be taking photos. We order a few apps and two mains, and spend the rest of the evening doing some quick photos and catching up on our lives, her plans to move into Manhattan or JC, and complaining about the ongoing election drama.
8:30pm: Dinner is done, and I realize I forgot to stop at an ATM and only have a dollar bill on me so ask if I can Venmo my friend my part of the gratuity. Thankfully she has $20 on her so I quickly Venmo her $10, making sure to use the adorable fries sticker to represent the copious amount that we ate tonight. $10
8:45pm: My friend and I walk out with our masks on, and I bid her goodbye and a happy Thanksgiving before stopping at the ATM to take out some cash, making sure to sanitize my hands after, and then head to my train. As I wait, I make some quick edits to the photos I took on my iPhone and add them with a few captions and tags to my IG stories; I manage to get through them all by the time the next train pulls up and leaves.
9:20pm: It’s always so nice to get back home! I wash my hands, change my clothes, and get started with transferring over the photos from my DSLR to my computer. I spend the next 20 or so minutes editing and saving the final versions in Adobe Lightroom and make sure to chug a glass of water to help balance out all the sodium I had. I check my messages and see that a restaurant in NJ confirmed a lunch delivery for tomorrow and see another contract in my inbox; I read the deliverables and ask the account manager if she can take out the clause requiring a Tiktok post because I don’t have an account.
11:30pm: I shower and put on my evening skincare, take my multivitamins, and do a quick ab workout with Chloe Ting (it still hurts lol). I take a look at my work calendar tomorrow and see that my first meeting starts at 9am, so I update my alarm to 15 minutes earlier. I take my vitamins and spend the rest of the evening catching up on some news, reddit, and IG.
1:30am: I blame Youtube vlogs for this one. Finally turn out the lights.
Day Two Total: $189.24
Day Three (Wednesday)
8:30am: Alarm goes off and I manage to get myself out of bed in a semi-reasonable fashion. Do my typical routine (brushing teeth, washing face, getting water and coffee ready) and log into my work laptop so I’m on the Zoom right at 9am. This is a belated overview session for one of the larger projects that I started working on quite late in the process, so it’s a useful business and data update that gives me a better understanding of the end goals.
12pm: Sit through one other department meeting where I don’t fully pay attention because I look into some minor report and code checks (oops). Once those wrap up, I’m able to take a break to do a post and stories for my friends’ business account and then make a post on my food account. I notice an email come in from a PR company about a new location opening for one of my favorite restaurants, so I check with one of my friends if he’s able to make the Tuesday after Thanksgiving and reply back to the email requesting it.
1:30pm: While I listen in on a company-wide speaker event on the topic of gender sensitivity and awareness, I also click through a recently assigned digital training course on sexual harassment and discrimination. I understand that the latter is a legally mandated item, but find it a bit sad (especially in the current day and age) that these are things that have to be spelled out for people. After I finish, I get a call for my lunch delivery; I grab my mask, keys, and wallet and meet the deliveryperson downstairs. I give him a $6 tip and take some photos of the items, which include chicken wings and a chicken sandwich. After I’m done with photos, I scarf down the food so I can make my next call which requires me to talk and have my webcam on. $6
4:30pm: I have a 1 on 1 with my manager and then a call with a business partner to scope out requirements for a new report. So glad to be done with calls! I get started putting together a project plan/roadmap for one of my projects and Slack one of the recently hired data engineers, who I found out grew up near me in suburban Philadelphia!
6pm: Get the shipping notification email that my dad’s monitor has shipped! I call it a day and close my work laptop and get started on my weekly apartment clean. I call my dad while I do so and let him know that his monitor should arrive on Friday; he thanks me and we catch up on work, COVID, and my potential future real estate investment. While I talk, I notice an alert from Mint that a large charge from Amazon hit my credit card; I’m a little worried until I log into my account and see that the annual prime membership has been renewed. Also tell my dad this as he heard me flip out thinking that someone had been making fraudulent charges on my card, as he and my mom are part of my “Prime household”. ($127, noted in my monthly expenses)
7pm: I’m done vacuuming and taking out the trash and am officially hungry. I make a quick tomato and egg soup with orzo and eat an apple while I wait for the orzo to cook. I wrap up some IG emails while I eat, including signing the updated contract with the Tiktok clause removed and politely declining some invitations to places that I’m not able to physically go to.
10pm: Wash the dishes, take a shower, brush my teeth and put on a clay face mask; while it dries, I do a quick 15 min workout on the mat and then wash off the clay mask before doing my skincare. I make sure to drink some more water and take my vitamins, and spend the rest of the evening in bed on my phone and working my way through Me Before You - it’s a slow start, but I’m starting to warm up to the protagonist.
1am: Lights out!
Day Three Total: $6
Day Four (Thursday)
8:30am: Forgot to change my weekday alarm back; oh well, I’ll survive. Crawl out of bed, and get ready for the day (you know the drill), and make sure I have plenty of coffee on hand. My period also just started, which is never a good sign.
12pm: The morning has just felt like an onslaught of meetings; followed by some impromptu Zoom calls. I’m starting to feel frazzled as various timelines and deliverables seem to have been shifted up and try to work with one of the other data engineers to specify possible business user requirements. This unintentionally gets shared with one of the project managers who sends an email en masse to the business users asking for sign off on this initial list. I don’t think it’s a big deal, but...
12:30pm: Make the post and stories on the small business account and my own account, finish the remainder of today’s coffee while I go through emails and minor JIRA tasks. I hop onto a share screen with one of my coworkers to transition over a project I’d been working on; I had built out a new dashboard and now that it’s “QA” state has been approved, he will now take over the more formal production process and maintenance.
3:30pm: During our second team stand up, I give my manager project updates and he immediately tells me I shouldn’t have let my list be shared with business users and other involved teams. I don’t fully get why; but after our team call he asks me to hop onto an impromptu Zoom with him where he tries to explain some of the complexities of company and team politics and how I should be very careful to give my stamp of approval, however formal or informal, unless I fully stand behind it. The conversation is a bit long, but I get a better sense of what's going on between teams and managers, and try not to cry as my manager tries to tell me it's not anything I did, but I need to be careful of my actions.
6pm: I manage to collect myself in time to meet a friend for the first time in months at an outdoor dine a few blocks away. He (and his girlfriend) was just recently re-tested as negative, which is always reassuring. While I get my belongings and my mask, my coworker Slacks me asking if I’m okay, apologizing for not messing earlier as she was on an afternoon call. She reassures me the same thing has happened to everyone else on the team, that a lot of these nuances I’m not aware of because I’ve never been in the office, and suggests putting on a one hour venting session with the other engineers in the team next week. I happily do so, and tell her I’ll catch up with her next week as I have off tomorrow.
6:30pm: My friend and I are seated near one of the heat lamps, and it’s so good to catch up with him after so long! He gives me some life updates, including the fact that he and his girlfriend are moving into a house they are waiting to close on, and the fact that he just put down a deposit for an engagement ring!! I’m so excited and barrage him with questions on timing, his plans, etc. and almost forget that we need to order food.
8pm: We have a delicious meal that includes burgers and a lobster roll (all of which I photograph) and he gets a few cocktails (I don’t drink). I leave a $10 tip, and my friend puts down $15 for his share, factoring in the alcohol. We mask up before heading out, and I tell him I want updates on everything for the next month as he goes through all those major life events! $10
8:30pm: After my short trip home, I wash my hands, change, and get started on editing photos from tonight. I definitely feel much better after the work “event” and take a longer shower tonight to decompress.
11pm: Decide to skip the workout tonight because I feel like it, and sit in bed doing some more administrative/scheduling tasks on my iPad in bed. I see a few updates from some of the team in India (yay international time zones - not) and debate if I should handle these tonight. Since I’m out tomorrow, I know it’ll be better if I do, so hop back onto the work laptop to wrap up some last minute code edits and JIRA updates. Once I’m done, I make sure my OOO notice and status in Slack are updated and eat a yogurt cup with some grapes because, yes, I’m hungry-ish again.
1am: Hair is dry, vitamins are taken, and it’s time for bed... or not? I’m already past the halfway point of Me Before You and cannot stop reading - it’s at the point where I’m now seriously invested in the relationship between the female and male protagonist and have to know how it ends (even though I already have my guesses). I speed through the rest of the book and shed a couple tears when I finish, which is past 3am. Thankfully I’m not working the next day! I make sure to set my alarm for later and finally go to bed.
Day Four Total: $10
Day Five (Friday)
11am: My alarm goes off and I actually feel semi-decent upon waking up - I don’t think I will ever not be a night owl! I get dressed and get ready to head out to try and get a COVID test; I last took one in June so want to have a more up-to-date status, especially as I’m potentially going home the next week for Thanksgiving. I haven’t seen my parents for over a year at this point and my dad has offered to drive down from Boston to pick me and my sister (in college, who is tested every week) up, but I’m still not feeling great about it given the fact that my parents are in their 60s. At the very least, I want to get a test to have more information before making any final decisions. I drink some water so I’m at least hydrated.
11:30am: I grab my Kindle, mask, and sanitizer and head out to the nearby mobile testing center that was set up. The line is about 15 people long - not terrible, especially as everyone is spacing out 6+ feet between each other - so I head to the end and spend the 2 hours or so in between my phone (making my daily IG post) and my Kindle (next up: Olive, Again) While I wait, I get an email about one of the campaigns I’ve been ironing out, and confirm I’m planning on visiting this weekend to get photos so I can send the content draft over for approval afterwards.
1:30pm: The process is pretty seamless; I fill out my information through my phone, upload a photo of my insurance card, and get my temperature and blood pressure taken before the nasal swab. It’s not that bad, I guess, but having anything put uncomfortably deep into your nasal passages is not fun. The doctor tells me I should get my results by the following Tuesday through the online patient portal; I thank him and head back out with my mask on.
2pm: Home and officially hungry, so after washing my hands and changing, I bowl a pot of water and put in a block of Shin Ramyun. I make it a little less like what I ate back in college by adding in some frozen corn, spinach, and an egg. I also eat an apple and catch up on some emails and go through IG before taking a fat nap.
6pm: I’m woken up by a text from my dad; it’s a picture of his new computer set up at home, and I’m glad to see everything’s working and should hopefully help his eyes. I take a second look at the photo and see that he’s using a tiny USB wire mouse - which he probably got as a work freebie. I sigh and find a wireless mouse on Amazon to have delivered to him the next day; I send him a text to watch out for that delivery as well tomorrow. $10
7pm: Time to head to the grocery store! I have a few options within walking distance of me, but like going to the Asian grocery store just given how unique and sometimes hard-to-find their selection is. I’m doing a virtual dinner swap with a friend tomorrow so I need to get ingredients for that, as well as my weekly grocery shop. I make sure I have my mask and reusable bag, and stock up on tofu, zucchini, mushrooms, bok choy, more apples (Fuji, but Honeycrisp is also a fav, ground pork, and some snacks, noodles, and yogurt. I struggle a bit to carry it home. #smallpeopleproblems $33.31
8pm: Once home, I unpack everything and get started on a (very butchered) version of soondubu with Napa cabbage, zucchini, and mushrooms with a spicy soup base (dwenjaeng paste, gochujang, soy sauce, gochugaru). I cook some rice on the side. While I eat, I load up Netflix and decide to start on The Queen’s Gambit.
11pm: Shower, skincare, and vitamins - and I end the evening with another quick mat workout. After I blow dry by hair, I climb into bed and spend far too much time on the phone as my brain wanders and gets in knots about Thanksgiving next week; my parents and I agreed not to make any decisions until I got my results back, but even if it’s negative, I know there’s still a risk if I were to let my dad pick me up and take me home. I know he and my mom really want to see me though, which makes me feel even more conflicted. I tell myself to stop thinking about it until next week and double check my schedule for tomorrow before opening up my Kindle to read.
2am: Finally decide to sleep after getting distracted by Youtube, again. Oops.
Day Five Total: $43.31
Day Six (Saturday)
10:40am: My weekly Saturday alarm goes off; my friends behind the small business and I have our recurring call every Saturday morning and while I would like to sleep in, I force myself to get up, brush my teeth, and do a quick face wash.
11am: I drink some water as we catch up on today’s agendas and tasks; we’re finalizing a seasonal holiday drink to be rolled out after Thanksgiving, so we go over the ingredients and timing, and figure out when I’ll be able to visit them in Brooklyn next month to get the photos for future posts and website updates. They also tell me they’d like to grab some photos of their new house (that they’ll be closing on soon) while I’m there, and I’m happy to do so. My friend tries to tell me that they’ll pay me extra for this, but I laugh and tell her she can just feed me.
12pm: Grab my mask, keys, and camera - Time to head out today! I have two stops near me to get photos for upcoming posts; one is for a bakery chain releasing a seasonal cake flavor and the other is for a newly opened location of a pizza franchise. My pick up order for the bakery was made in advance, so I stop inside, give them my name for the order, and after a little confusion that leads to them calling a manager, I have my cake ready to go. I take it outside to photograph; this campaign is offering a small payment but thankfully doesn’t need to review the content before I post.
12:30pm: I load up the app for the pizza place on my phone and use the pre-loaded credits to place my order in advance so it’ll be ready for pick up once I arrive. It’s a 15 minute walk or so over, but the pies are ready for me when I get there. The staff is nice enough to put them in a bag for me (they’re personal pies, so thankfully small enough) and I walk over to the waterfront to take some photos out there. I add some photos to my stories and walk home with my goodies; I’ll need to write up and submit the content for approval before posting, but this campaign is also offering a small payment.
1:30pm: Finally home! I wash up, transfer my photos to my laptop, and get started editing. In between, I make a post to my food account and the small business account, catch up on comments and friends’ posts, and try not to make a mess while eating some pizza and a slice of cake.
3:00pm: After putting the leftovers in the fridge, I’m ready for a nap. I set an alarm for 5pm just in case I oversleep since I need to make dinner late for my dinner swap!
5:00pm: Alarm goes off, and I struggle to get out of bed. I know I want as much time as possible to cook though, especially as bad things happen when I rush. I prep the food in advance by washing the bok choy, slicing the mushrooms, and mincing garlic and ginger. I do a bok choy and mushroom stir fry, and make mapo tofu and rice. I barely finish in time to package half of the meal into to-go containers for my friend, and text him; he tells me not to rush and that it’s cold enough so that the dessert won’t melt (lol).
6:40pm: I meet my friend outside halfway between our apartments outside of City Hall; of course we’re both masked. We do our meal swap; I give him the savory items I made while he hands over 2 small containers - and we both head to our separate homes. When I get back, I find out one has tiramisu and the other has a matcha oreo ice cream! I log onto Zoom for our virtual dinner hangout. Even though my friend is so close, he sees his parents regularly as well, so has been doing his best to be extra cautious. We’ve come up with this set up where we’ll each swap items for dinner (usually I’ll cook the savory and he’ll order dessert) and exchange them before enjoying dinner over Zoom later.
8:30pm: Call is over, so now it’s time to clean the kitchen - and it’s definitely a mess, especially as I was a bit frazzled. I wash the many utensils and pans I went through and do my best to dry them; washing up is definitely the least fun part of cooking.
11pm: Spend the rest of the night killing time between my phone, Netflix, and emails. I ask one of my friends (whom I saw earlier in the week) about some potential dates and places over the next few weeks, and send over calendar blocks while I wait to get reservations confirmed.
1am: By this point, I’ve showered, taken my vitamins, and am ready for bed. Read a little, watch some more videos, and eventually fall asleep sometime later.
Day Six Total: $0
Day Seven (Sunday)
12:30pm: It’s the one day this week that I don’t have an alarm, so I let myself sleep in for as long as I want to - which means that yes, I will sleep through the morning and into the afternoon. I dawdle in bed, posting on my food account and catching up on my feed, and just scrolling through various news articles and reddit threads.
1:30pm: After finally washing up and drinking some coffee, I grab my mask and bag to round out a few more groceries for the week; even though the Asian grocery store is great, they don’t have some staples so I’m heading to one of the more traditional stores near me today. I pick up some pasta, tomato sauce, oatmeal, peanut butter, and some more produce. $16.39
2:30pm: Once I’m back home and put everything away, I make a late lunch of oatmeal and apples with some Annie’s Mac & Cheese. While I eat, I start putting together the post and story captions, tags, and links for the pizza campaign, and submit them to the account managers for approval.
5:00pm: After some more dawdling on my phone and getting through more of The Queen’s Gambit (so good!), I hop onto a weekly Zoom with two of my good friends. We’ve known each other for over 8 years and while I do see one of them semi-regularly, the other has some health complications. We’ve kept this weekly Zoom call since mid-March and it helped me get through the rougher months.
7pm: After the call is over, I check my Amazon cart and take a look at anything that’s accumulated over the prior week. For non-essentials, I’ll add them to my cart and take a few days to think through if it’s something I really want/need and I’m usually able to pare down that list when I get back to it later. I decide to keep a saucepan and bath towels and order them for next week. $72.33
8pm: For dinner, I default to my tomato & egg soup with rice, and add in some zucchini for some more vegetables. I eat an apple and finish off the ice cream from yesterday as well.
11pm: Shower, do my skincare, and plop myself into bed. I continue binge-watching The Queen’s Gambit until the end - such a satisfying ending!
1am: Make sure my alarm is set for work before turning out the light.
Day Seven Total: $88.72
submitted by kokoromelody to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

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As we teased above, it sounds like there may be a David Hasselhoff casino bonus game. We are excited to see what that is about!
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Wheelz Casino Games

We haven't heard much about the game selection at Wheelz, but we expect them to be similar to Caxino. Since Caxino essentially mirrors the Wildz game selection, it is presumed that Wheelz will follow in their footsteps and offer up that full library.
And an impressive library it is. By the time Wheelz launches, the current selection of 1200+ games will be even more extensive. Wheelz online casino will feature online video slots, table games, live casino, jackpot games (including multimillion network jackpots), and others.

Wheelz Casino Launch Date

So, when does Wheelz Casino go live?
Right now, an exact date cannot be given. Based on the current progress, Rootz is hoping for a December or January launch date. The team at Rootz would prefer to get it done before the holidays for obvious reasons, especially after this challenging year, but they are only going to put out a fully-functioning product. They did a pretty good job launching Caxino under similar circumstances in the Spring of 2020, so let's see if they pull it off. Regardless, in weeks, not months or years, Wheelz Casino will be churning along.
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Bank account bonuses expiring at the end of this month (September / Q3)

As usual here are the bank bonuses expiring this month / quarter. Let me know if we missed anything.
Got these from
[OR] OnPoint Community CU West Salem Branch Checking ($300) - Request a coupon code using the offer link. Bring the coupon into the West Salem branch and open a checking account with $50 minimum opening deposit. Set up a $100 direct deposit within the first 2 months to get a $300 bonus. Exp Sept. 29, 2020
[CA] 1st United Credit Union Rewards Checking ($100) - Open a Rewards Checking account using the promo code CAKE! and use your debit card to make a purchase 15 times within sixty days of account opening to receive a $100 bonus. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[PA] American Heritage Credit Union Free Checking ($200) - Quakertown Special: Set up a $500 monthly direct deposit and complete 25 debit card purchases within the following first 3 months to get a $200 bonus. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[AL, AZ, CA, CO, FL, GA, IL, KS, KY, MO, NV, NJ, NY, TX, VA, WA] Armed Forces Bank Access Checking ($100) - Open an Access Checking account with $25 and complete 12 debit card purchases and complete a direct deposit before 10/31/2020 to earn a $100 bonus. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
Bank of America Savings *TARGETED* ($250) - Request enrollment in the offer from a Bank of America associate or by clicking the enrollment link in a direct communication. Open a savings account, within 30 days of opening deposit $20,000 or more, and maintain that balance for 90 days after the qualifying deposit period to earn a $250 bonus. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[AZ, FL, IL, IN, KS, MN, MO, WI] BMO Harris Platinum Money Market ($100/$200/$300) - Open a Platinum Money Market account with an opening deposit of at least $5,000. Deposit enough money to reach a $10,000/$25,000/$50,000 balance or more within the first 30 days. Beginning on the 31st day after opening your account, maintain this balance for 90 days to receive the bonus. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[AZ, FL, IL, IN, KS, MN, MO, WI] BMO Harris Premier™ Checking ($200/$350) - Have a total of at least $4,000/$7,500 in qualifying direct deposits within the first 90 days Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[KY, OH] Cinfed Credit Union Checking ($100) - Become a member of the credit union and open a checking account using promo code GIVE5 with an initial deposit of at least $100 to receive a $100 bonus. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[IA] Collins Community CU Advantage Checking ($100) - Open a checking account with $50. Set up direct deposit within 60 days to receive a $100 bonus. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[MD] Educational Systems FCU Checking New Employee Package ($300) - Set up a $700 monthly direct deposit and enroll in estatements to get a $300 bonus. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[AZ, CA, CO] eFirstBank Bloom Package ($300) - Open a new Bloom Package (includes Bloom Checking, Bloom Savings, Online Banking, eStatements, FirstBank Visa Debit Card). Enroll in online banking. Have at least one direct deposit of $500 or more for 3 consecutive months to earn a $300 bonus. The first required direct deposit ($500 minimum) must be made within 60 days of the open date. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, MI, NC, OH, TN, WV] Fifth Third Bank Checking ($50) - Open a checking account after requesting your bonus promo code using the offer link below. Within 60 days, complete direct deposits totaling $2,000 or more for a $50 bonus. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[NM] First National 1870 Checking ($200) - Complete $500 in ACH credits or debits and complete 20 debit card purchases within the first month to get a $200 bonus. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[AL, FL, LA, MS, TX] Hancock Whitney Bank Money Market ($100) - Enter your contact information to receive a unique promo code: Set up a monthly $250 direct deposit within the first 3 months to get a $100 bonus. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[AL, FL, LA, MS, TX] Hancock Whitney Bank Priority Checking ($300) - Use the link to get unique promo code and set up $250 monthly direct deposit to get a $300 bonus. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[LA] Heritage Bank of St. Tammany Rewards Checking ($100) - Visit a branch and open a rewards checking account with $50 to receive an immediate $100 bonus. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[Nationwide] HSBC Advance Checking ($200 Welcome Deposit) - Make recurring monthly Qualifying Direct Deposits totaling at least $500 from a third party to your HSBC Advance checking account(s) for 3 consecutive calendar months from the second full calendar month after account opening. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[Nationwide] HSBC Advance Checking (up to $240 Cash Bonus) - Enjoy 3% Cash Bonus, up to $240, on Qualifying Direct Deposits up to $40 per month, during the first 6 calendar months after account opening. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[Nationwide] HSBC Premier Checking ($450 Welcome Deposit) - Make recurring monthly Qualifying Direct Deposits totaling at least $5,000 from a third party to your HSBC Premier checking account(s) for 3 consecutive calendar months from the second full calendar month after account opening. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[Nationwide] HSBC Premier Checking (up to $600 Cash Bonus) - Enjoy 3% Cash Bonus, up to $600, on Qualifying Direct Deposits up to $100 per month, during the first 6 calendar months after account opening. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[MD] LM Federal Credit Union Free Checking ($50) - Open a free checking account. Within 45 days, complete 5 debit card transactions. Within 30 days, complete a direct deposit of $500 or more to earn a $50 bonus. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[MD] LM Federal Credit Union RegulaInterest Checking ($100) - Open a regular or interest checking account. Within 45 days, complete 5 debit card transactions. Within 30 days, complete a direct deposit of $500 or more to earn a $100 bonus. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[NY] Mid-Hudson Valley FCU Checking ($200) - Use promo code GETSUN200 when opening a new account. Set up direct deposit of $500 or more within 60 days of opening account for a $200 cash bonus. Choose FREE CHECKING account for no fees. Exp Sept. 30, 2020$200-checking-offer
[TX] Neighborhood Credit Union Checking ($100) - Visit the new NCU branch in Anna, Texas and open your checking account using promo code ANNA. Complete a direct deposit of $500 or more within 60 days to earn a $100 bonus. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[IL, WI] North Shore Bank Checking w Debit Card *LONG TERM* ($300) Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[AZ] OneAZ Credit Union Student Checking ($100) - Activate new debit card to get a $100 bonus. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[OR] OnPoint Community CU Lloyd Center Checking ($100) - Sign up for unique promo code: set up a $100 direct deposit within the first 2 months to get a $100 bonus. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[OR] OnPoint Community CU North Lombard Checking ($100) - Sign up for unique promo code: set up a $100 direct deposit within the first 2 months to get a $100 bonus. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[CA] Orange County Credit Union Checking ($100) - Use promo code BEST100 to open checking account and within 60 days enroll in e-statements and sign up for a debit card, and complete a direct deposit to receive a $100 reward. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[MI] Our Credit Union Checking ($100) - Matching deposit up to $100 for new Premium or Basic Checking account. Have at least one debit card transaction per month over 60 days. Must sign up for eStatements and complete a monthly direct deposit of $500 or more for 2 months. Must mention ad for matching deposit when opening. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[Many states] PNC Virtual Wallet ($200, may vary) - Have at least $2,000 in DD’s. Exp Sept. 30, 2020 or
[SD] Reliabank Student Checking ($100) - Open a new student checking account with a minimum opening deposit of $50 and receive the bonus of $100 deposited to the new account 45 days after account opening. (Students age 12-25) Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[TX] Resource One CU Spending Checking ($100) - Enter email to get unique promo code: complete 15 debit card purchases per month for the first 3 months to get a $100 bonus. Sept. 30, 2020
[FL] Seacoast Bank Premium Checking/Savings ($500) - Open a Premium Checking account with $50 and a Savings Account using offer code DM500. To earn the $350 checking bonus, complete a direct deposit of $500 or more within 60 days of account opening. To earn the $150 savings account bonus, deposit a total of $15,000 or more within 10 business days of account opening and maintain said balance for 90 days.Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[OH] Seven Seventeen Credit Union Checking ($100) - Become a member by making a $5 deposit into a Membership Savings Account. Open account with a $25 deposit using promo code FREE20, sign up for eStatements, and set up recurring direct deposits of $200 or more OR make 30 debit card transactions to earn a $100 bonus. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[MN, WI] Spire Credit Union Free Checking ($100) - Open a Spire Free Checking account with an opening deposit of $100 or more. Set up an automatic payment or direct deposit and complete 6 debit card transactions within 60 days to receive a $100 bonus. Account must remain open for six months. $100 bonus will be deposited to the checking account upon account opening. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[IN] Star Financial Checking ($200) - Enter your email address on the offer page to request the bonus coupon. Once unique coupon is received, set up a $500 monthly direct deposit, complete 5 debit card purchases, and enroll in estatements within the first 4 months to get a $200 bonus.Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[NY, OH, PA] S&T Bank Checking ($350) - Open a Preferred, Select, or Four Star checking account online to receive a $50 bonus. Sign up for online statements and make ten $10 qualifying debit card transactions to receive a $100 bonus. Finally, receive a $200 bonus for keeping the account active for 6 months. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[AZ, CO, KS, MO, NM, TX] Sunflower Bank Checking ($200) - Open a new personal checking account. Complete 20 debit card purchases AND have ACH credits or debits totaling $500 or more that all post to the account on or before 10/31/20. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[AZ, CO, KS, MO, NM, TX] Sunflower Bank Checking ($200 + $50 To Your School) - Open a new personal checking account with $100, complete 20 or more debit card purchases and have ACH credit, ACH debits or a combination of both totaling $500 or more to receive a $200 bonus plus a $50 donation to your school of choice granted they are participating in the ABC program. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[AL, AR, FL, GA, MD, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV, DC] SunTrust Advantage Checking ($400) - Open a new Advantage checking account using promo code Q320ADVANTAGE. In the first 3 months after opening your account, complete at least $3,000 in Direct Deposits a month for two consecutive months to receive a $400 bonus. Must keep a minimum of $0.01 in the account to be eligible for the bonus. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[AL, AR, FL, GA, MD, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV, DC] SunTrust Essential Checking ($200) - Use promo code Q320ESSENTIAL and open Essential Checking with $100. Within the first three full months after opening the account, complete at least $500 in Direct Deposits, per statement cycle, for two consecutive cycles. Must keep a minimum of $0.01 in the account to be eligible for the bonus. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[IL] Town and Country Clear E-Checking ($100) - Open a new Clear E-Checking account with $50, set up a monthly direct deposit of $500 or more, and make 5 debit card transactions within the first month. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[IL] Town and Country CU Star Rewards Checking ($250) - Set up a $250 direct deposit within the first month to get a $250 bonus. Must present flyer or mention promotion to redeem. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[IL] Town and Country High Yield Savings ($100) - Open a new Relationship High Yield Savings account with $10,000 and maintain said balance for 120 days to receive a $100 bonus. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[NE] Union Bank & Trust Checking/Savings ($200) - Receive $150 when you open an interest-earning checking account (Bonus, Journey, Premier, or Premium Interest Advantage) and have $2,500 in electronic direct deposits posted within 90 calendar days of account opening. Receive $50 when you open a Union Savings account and maintain a $2,500 balance for 90 calendar days from account opening. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[CT] Westfield Bank Checking ($300) (Connecticut) - Open a new Free Checking account using promo code $300CTConsumer at a Connecticut branch with $10. Order a debit card and receive a $50 bonus. Enroll in eStatements and receive a $50 bonus. Sign up for direct deposit and receive $200 bonus. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[Many states] Chase Private Client Bonus ($2,000) - Upgrade to Chase PC and transfer a total of $250,000 or more in new money or securities to a combination of eligible checking, savings and/or investment accounts (excludes Chase business checking and savings accounts, any You InvestSM, J.P. Morgan retirement accounts and CDs), and maintain the balance for at least 90 days. Exp Oct. 1, 2020
[CT, DE, MA, MI, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, VT] Citizens Bank Checking and Savings (Up to $600) - Set up $500 direct deposit within 2 months to get a $300 bonus. Deposit $15,000 in a new savings account for 3 months to get an additional $200 bonus. Get an extra $100 for completing both bonuses. Total potential bonus of $600. Exp Oct. 1, 2020
[AZ, CA, CO, ID, IA, KS, MN, MO, NE, NV, NM, ND, OK, OR, SD, UT, WA, WI, WY] Bank of the West Any Deposit Checking ($250) - Make direct deposits totaling $1,000 or more per month, for 3 months in a row. Exp Oct. 2, 2020
[MA] Middlesex Savings Bank Freedom Checking ($125) - the debit card(s) associated with the account must be used at least eight (8) times within the first sixty (60) days of account opening. Exp Oct. 4, 2020
[AZ, FL, IL, IN, KS, MN, MO, WI] BMO Harris Business Essential/Advantage Checking ($200/$500) - Enter your information using the offer link below to request a bonus offer code, and bring the code into a branch. Open a Business Advantage checking account and deposit $1,500/$5,000 or more within 30 days. Maintain a $1,500/$5,000 or more balance for 90 days. Have at least 10 electronic transactions within 90 days to receive the bonus. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[MS, NC, SC, TN, TX, VA] First Horizon Bank Business Checking and Savings (Up to $450) - Use promo code BZD300 to open a BizeEssentials Checking: deposit $5,000 and complete 5 qualifying transactions within the first month to get a $300 bonus. Use promo code SMBSSV to open a BizEssentials Savings: deposit $2,500 to get a $150 Visa gift card. Total potential max bonus of $450. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
HSBC Fusion Business Checking ($250) - Deposit $5,000 within the first month and maintain that balance for 3 months. Register and log on to HSBCnet within 45 days of account opening for a $250 bonus. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[CT, DE, MD, NJ, PA, VA, WV, DC] M&T Bank Tailored Business Checking ($300) - Request a coupon code to be emailed to you, then bring this code in to a branch. Open the Tailored Business Checking account. M&T will give you a $300 bonus if the average ledger balance in the account if at least $5,000 for the third full calendar month after the account was opened. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[AL, DC, DE, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, MD, MI, MO, NC, NJ, NY, OH, PA, SC, VA, WI, WV] PNC Business Checking ($200 to $500) Exp Sept. 30, 2020
[OH] Westfield Bank Business Checking ($300) - Bring flyer into your local Westfield Bank Branch. Open a new Business Checking Account with $100. $300 will be deposited into your account when the account is opened. Exp Sept. 30, 2020
submitted by bankbonusphil to churning [link] [comments]

Stimulus Check FAQs 3/27/2020

4/20/2020: I'm trying to keep this post updated, and trying to keep up with questions. Thanks everyone for helping answer questions in this post! Go team tax!
Stimulus Payment = Economic Impact Payment = EIP = Advanced 2020 Recovery Rebate
4/16/2020: There are a lot of issues with Get My Payment. If you are getting error messages, there are quite a few reasons why that's happening and the IRS is working to fix them. Here's an article from Washington Post that I'll try to excerpt below: Glitches prevent $1,200 stimulus checks from reaching millions of Americans.
4/15/2020 (afternoon PDT): Economic Impact Payment Information Center has been updated with some FAQs for the Get My Payment application, including error messages and questions about Direct Deposits. Get My Payment FAQs are now on a separate page (Updated 4/17/2020).
Also if the IRS attempted to direct deposit your payment to a closed account, then there's no option to update the bank account information. You will receive a paper check in the mail to the address the IRS has on file for you (usually the address on your last tax return unless you updated it).
The IRS clarified today that SSI recipients DO NOT NEED TO FILE a simple tax return unless they need to add qualifying children dependents. Automatic stimulus payments should be sent out by early May.
4/15/2020 (morning PDT): Get My Payment is now live, but you may have to wait a few minutes to get through. Also a lot of people are getting error messages - not sure if this is due to server overload or personal information not matching. My suggestion is you try again tomorrow.
To begin, you need your Social Security Number, Date of Birth, and Address and Zip Code from your most recently filed tax return.
If you get through and need to add your bank account information, you'll need your Adjusted Gross Income from your most recently filed tax return (Line 8b for 2019, Line 7 for 2018), the refund or amount owed from your latest filed tax return, and Bank account type, account and routing numbers.
See also this News Release: Treasury, IRS unveil online application to help with Economic Impact Payments; Get My Payment allows people to provide direct deposit information and gives payment date
Some issues noted:
4/14/2020: IRS started sending payments out Saturday 4/11/2020. Many people should see the payments tomorrow in their bank account. A couple of things:
IRS Links
IMPORTANT NOTE: Stimulus payments will be available for the rest of 2020. It sounds like you do not need to wait until next year if you miss the first round of stimulus payments.
Update: File no later than October 15, 2020 to make sure you receive a stimulus payment this year, according to the IRS. (Revenue Procedure 2020-28)
NOTE that your tax return needs to be processed before you'll receive the payment. Normal processing time for an e-filed tax return is 2 - 3 weeks but if your identity or wage information needs to be verified it might take much longer.
We now return to the original post with updates:
The CARES Act (H.R. 748) has now been passed by Congress and signed by the President. Here are some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and answers that I believe to be true based on the text of the bill, reliable news sources, and some educated guesses based on the stimulus payments sent out in 2008. Please let me know if I got anything wrong.
Link to section in the bill about 2020 Recovery Rebates (edited link 4/9/2020)
What is this?
How Much?
Who will get the ADVANCE stimulus payments?
Who is eligible?
When will payments be sent out?
What AGI Qualifies?
What is the Phaseout Range for AGI?
For those of you who want to calculate it, the phaseout is 5% by the amount you income is over the AGI limits above. The phaseout range grows by $10,000 per qualifying child. There are also online stimulus check calculators.
What if I had a baby / adopted a child this year?
What if I alternate custody of my child with another person every year?
Who is NOT eligible at all?
What if I was claimed as a dependent for 2018 & 2019 but I will not be a dependent for 2020?
Should I amend my 2019 tax return to say I was not a dependent?
What if I didn’t file tax returns for either years?
What if I didn't have taxable income for 2019?
What if I need to update my mailing address and/or direct deposit information with the IRS? Please DO NOT CALL the IRS at this time.
To help everyone check on the status of their payments, the IRS is building a second new tool expected to be available for use by April 17. Get My Payment will provide people with the status of their payment, including the date their payment is scheduled to be deposited into their bank account or mailed to them.
An additional feature on Get My Payment will allow eligible people a chance to provide their bank account information so they can receive their payment more quickly rather than waiting for a paper check. This feature will be unavailable if the Economic Impact Payment has already been scheduled for delivery.
What if I owe back taxes?
What if my student loan is in default?
What if I owe unemployment compensation debt? (Added 3/28/2020)
What if I owe child support?
What if I don’t get a stimulus payment and I really need the money? This SUCKS.
What if I have other questions? Should I call the IRS?
Feel free to ask questions below, and/or check, but DO NOT CALL the IRS at this time.
Some added FAQ:
What if I receive the stimulus payment but don't qualify for it?
Is this going to make my taxes go up, or my refund be less next year?
BONUS Historical IRS Links (added 3/31/2020)
Again, corrections / updates appreciated! Updated 4/20/2020
submitted by kaijubooper to tax [link] [comments]

[SUMMARY] Monthly Video Update - November 2020

Transcript of the Tau-Chain & Agoras Monthly Video Update – November 2020
The month of November has been characterised on two fronts. TML and on AgorasLive. AgorasLive has gone through a lot of testing and benchmarking. Everyone has pitched in. Ohad, Umar, Juan have been doing a lot of testing. Tomas has implemented an importer from dpedia to TML so we can import tens of thousands real-life records and bring them into TML so queries can be executed against them. That’s been done successfully whilst he also continued to work on the TML editor. ( Umar and Jaun, in particular, worked on another library called TPTP (Thousand Problems for Theorem Solvers) A very rich library of benchmark problems in Logic. Not a lot of them being relevant to us but we are working on the important parts. They’ve also kept working on testing the proof of extraction, finishing the debugging of that part. Murisi continued his very productive streak this month. Helping with testing and implementing three distinct algorithms. One for minimising and eliminating redundant rules. Another algo for transforming first order logic with TML into pure TML and the 3rd to transform unsequenced transformations into sequenced transformations. A lot of progress on the TML side. We want to emphasise even though we are working on Second-order logic and other research type features we’re focusing on testing in anticipation for a release soon. On the Agoras Live side we’re very close to wrapping up the first version. The first version Andre and Moaz put the finishing touches on the website. In particular Andre worked on implementing the strong data storage and symmetric encryption on the browser side that, in the future, that feature will be used to store users private key on the private side. This is all part of the payment system for Agoras Live which is not an easy thing to do right now. We are working on integrating with exchanges such as Whitebit and Bittrex. We’re having a lot of back and forth with them on the design and the workflow. We’re trying to make it as easy as possible for our users but the exchanges have security concerns of their own so there are trade offs we are having to make. Finally, Ohad, Fola and I are working on several strategic initiatives we perhaps will talk further about next month.
I’ve been working on a few algorithms this month. I’ve been working on a conjunctive containment algorithm and a conjunctive query with negation algorithm which essentially will be used to tell whether if between two queries; are the results of one query a subset of the results of another query. We can use this algorithm to eliminate redundant queries. Also, if you have redundant parts of a query they can be removed without changing it’s meaning. I’ve also worked on an algorithm that if you can reduce or minimise rules then the solver will be able to compute the results of the queries faster for the end user. Another algorithm is for finding homomorphisms between query bodies. This algorithm finds out whether one query is a part of another query. Whether one query fits into another query syntactically. If we can figure out how different queries fit into each other then we can do something like factorisation of queries where we essentially express one part of a query using another query. If we can do that then again we can reduce the amount of work the solver has to do and the end result will be the user gets a faster results for their queries. ANother algorithm I have worked on is one to convert First-Order Logic TML into pure TML. This is to enable users to interface with TML in a more convenient manner which allows them to use the rules of First-Order Logic and still have the solver compute the correct results for them. Another algorithm was for sequencing transformations. The essence behind which is it’s easier for developers to optimise TML queries whilst not having to pay attention to the order in which things happen. So we are allowing developers to optimise teamwork queries without order of execution and then automatically just sorting the order of execution afterwards. This should speed up development of TML optimisations. Other than that I’ve done some mathematical proofs in order to determine the lower bounds of the sizes of TML interpreters written in TML so that we know what is possible. Next month I hope to start on the binary decision trees and some of the cache optimizations in there. Once again, to speed up the speed of the solver.
This month I have been looking into how to extract the proofs properly. There were some features that were not working so I started debugging that. It’s important because once you have a proof you will also be able to extract the parse tree out of it also. In the master branch we have a few issues which took a significant time in debugging and I’ve worked with Tomas on what could be the reasons for those bugs. It works with non-recursive programs. You can extract the proof easily for simple programs but for complex programs with recursion we are seeing faults and bugs so that has taken most of my time. I’ve looked into the suitability of how we can look into the TPT format and how we mapp into our format. First-Order Logic so there is quite a bit of similarity and I believe we will be able to get it translated. The goal here is to benefit as much as possible with whatever we are doing with our First-Order Logic within TML. If we can translate from TPT format directly to our first autologic format then whatever transformations processing we are doing to our First-Order Logic within TML, all of that will be reused. Next month I will continue with concluding and getting results on the proof extraction.
This month I was working on the online editor for TML. [] regarding automatic deployment so it’s easier to keep it updated with the latest version of TML. I’ve created Shell scripts to download and convert dpedia files into TML. Dbpedia is a rdf formatted data from Wikipedia. It will be for future benchmarking and RDF support for TML. I’ve also spent some time on how to do transformation of nested programs and program sequences into a single program. Lately, I’ve been assisting Urmar with debugging proof extraction.
Kilian: This month’s first week started with the Whitebit AMA with Andrew from whitebit. He was very open to answering any questions and outlined that community members had no issues with whitebit whilst using the exchange. He provided a lot of background information about the company and was very transparent. The community had positive feedback resulting in increased liquidity to trade agoras on the Whitebit exchange. I’ve done some more follow up with some professors in the field or KRR and finite model theory. We are at the stage where we are mostly intensifying existing relationships and we hope to announce more concrete details about certain partnerships that have evolved from that. Most of my time went into working on a presentation about IDNI, Tau-Chain and Agoras we can use for various purposes such as marketing, conferences and video creation. I've also been refining the ambassador program. I’ve created a list of content distribution channels that can be used by ambassadors to distribute existing content but also community content. I’ve created a list of content that already exists and also a list of possible topics for blog articles that will be utilised in the future content creation by the community. I’ve also worked on creating a code of conduct to enable us to have a certain standard of what we expect from our community in terms of how they interact with each other. Ie. We are totally against discrimination, hate speech or sexual harassment which should eb obvious but some people it’s not so we want to make sure guidelines are inplace for when our community scales. The guidelines are up for community review so once I’ve established it I will share. This month the community member of the month is Jamie. He receives a reward of 100 agoras for his ongoing work on ( and actively contributing to the telegram and twitter discussions.
Mo’az: This month I have been busy polishing Agoras.Live. We hope to launch soon. I workinged on a couple of features that we should publish. Things like email templates, user profile,storage and search. Other features to polish include a design system we’ll likely continue to polish after launch including dispatching through the new design system I designed. I will continue to work on an updated version of agoras live after the launch adding additional features. I’ve included a feature that will show the publications IDNI are involved in.
Last month I was working on implementing our first approach to the payment system. It will use crypto currency exchanges for all the operations. It will allow our users to deposit or withdraw money or send money to each other with ease. Let me show you a simple example ( Suppose we have a Whitebit account holding some Agoras. In order to connect to our platform it needs API and API keys of course. We will create it automatically but now I will show you how it works manually. Let’s go to the API keys and choose the trading and deposit withdrawal key. We generate a new key and activate it. Now we go to our wallet. Suppose user clicks on deposit. It will lead them to a crypto currency exchange form for depositing money but prior to that the user will need to input their sensitive data. All this data will be stored locally, encrypted using AES GCM encryption with SHA 256 hash. Why do we need it? Because we want to securely exchange whatever sensitive information users want to exchange between each other. For example, payment codes that Whitebit has. Once connected to white bit we can see your Agoras balance and current exchange rate in US dollars. I’m working hard this month on automating the deposit, withdrawal and payment API connection and key generation with the exchanges and Agoras Live and I hope to finish everything by the end of this year.
As per Karim’s summary I have approached the TPTP library in order to establish a set of problems from there to help us verify our First-Order Logic resources and also to use them as a baseline benchmark. We don’t initially expect to compete against C3 solver we’ll be using as a reference for the verification but we hope this test suite will help us to gain more comprehension of how our performance lags and of course in terms of better verifying the results we receive. We are addressing CNF and FOS formulas for DFF which involves First-Order Logic type. I think we will still need to do some development and design in our system. That’s all for the DPTP and around the Second-Order Logic feature we have a very primitive approach especially for horn Second-Order existential horn second Logic so we have been also approaching two optimisation problems. Mean Vertex and Max cut from the Ebbinghaus book where we need to handle mean and max quantifiers over viable relationships. That will be our target second use case for the Second-Order Logic feature. We look forward to it helping us in the conception of our system. We also have on hold the graph isomorphism. This is on hold due to some initial issues in our power representation. It has already been very deeply addressed by Ohad so I think in the mid term we should reach a solution there hopefully. FInally on the Agoras Live side we have started on the new version of the payment system. As we mentioned before we left the Lightning Network based implementation to move to a custom design involving a micropayment channel as defined by bitcoin. We are still talking about the Agora’s tokens running on the Omni layer. In this case we are basing our payment channel on Agoras Live on a peer-to-peer connection between browser based clients from scratch based on WebRTC which should help users exchange multi signatures in order to fund and close the payment channel according to the session. There are several considerations, as Karim mentions, to be done but we still move forward on this particular effort.
My administrative tasks continue for IDNI and that’s what I’ve been working on. On top of that I’ve been working on the ERC-20 token swap and it’s feasibility. We have decided to go ahead with that swap in accordance with what the community wished. We’ve listened to you and have known this is what you’ve wanted so we’ve decided to go ahead and move to ERC-20 which is coming soon. There will be some swap partners involved to handle that. This is going to be excluding the US so anyone outside the US will be able to swap with one of our swap partners to the ERC-20 token so we won’t be handling the swap ourselves but a number of exchanges will be handling that swap. We have also hired Kane Davis as a designer to work on the IDNI Logo and graphics Logo. On Agoras live legal we’ve had some documentation drawn up from our legal firm and also on the Agoras Live front I’ve been liaising with Whitebit and another exchange for integration purposes. On top of that we have added some new service providers for the company which makes our lives easier so we can move faster internally. We are talking with a new exchange and I’ll share further details once that relationship is established. Speaking of exchanges we have been speaking with UKEX ( which is buying out BCEX and they will be listing our ERC-20 token when it is available.
I’ve been involved in lots of things you want to hear about. I’ve also been involved with conversations with three professors and one graduate student about knowledge representation languages especially at the scope of languages that may self interpret and also about solving Second-Order Logic and a lot of research that came out of those conversations. THey basically approved my impression that the Second-Order Logic solver we speak about doesn’t exist and will be a great innovation in the field of automation improving. In addition I have been putting a lot of thought into the move to ERC-20 token so stay tuned regarding this point.
Q: Why is the product needed before going to Agoras ERC-20, but not required as an Omni token?
A: We could swap to ERC-20 but were concerned about violating U.S regulations that have come in recently. In order to make sure we’d pass those regulations we did need a product available. However, as mentioned we are now moving to ERC-20 allowing Non-U.S token holders to do so.
Q: How will Tau-Chain Benefit from Agoras.Live?
A: AgorsLive is important in the scheme of things due to having a knowledge market. As explained in the Whitepaper. The reason we give it priority is to apparently meet regulatory requirements in the USA.
Q: Will you give an in-depth analysis/demo of AgorasLive and how to use the TML playground?
A: The TML playground ( is the first public demonstration of the TML language and its usefulness and it’s really a demo as you think of it. You can see at least 8 examples of some basic TML programs in the upper left corner of the screen. We agree it would be a good way to start feeding the platform with good content and getting people to know TML. A TML and AgorasLive demo will come out closer to release.
Q: Why does the team hold so little Agoras tokens right now. WIll this have an impact on the rate of development in the future?
A: The team will hold 3% (1.5 million) Agoras tokens. After the agoras coin will be ready, since we promised and of course we will fulfill, we will burn all unsold coins once the agoras coin is ready. We intend to sell also the unsold coins sometime in the future in order to fund the development and indeed those 3% are for after agoras is ready.
Q: What is being done to fix liquidity?
A: Well to fix liquidity we can only do what we can do. We cannot manipulate the market but we can continue to fulfil the promises.
Q: Will Agoras become the governance token of Tau-chain and will there be Airdrops?
A: The way we release Tau, it will come with no governance mechanism and with no coins. It will all be up to the users. We cannot on one hand put a system of decentralised democracy on the table and then on the other hand also set it’s walls and be the dictators so it will all be up to its users.
Q: How big of a competitor is OpenAi’s GPT-3 to us?
A: GPT-3 is about machine learning which is a kind of artificial intelligence which relies on probability and about trying to guess predictions. Tau is based on a completely different kind of artificial intelligence which is Logic. Which is nothing to do with probability but about absolute statements in the logic and knowledge of representation languages
Q: Ohad, are there other blockchain projects that impress you and would any of them be suitable for collaboration?
A: I admit I haven’t researched most of the blockchains projects, especially in the last few years as there are many. There is nothing too exceptional that comes to my mind. I’m not aware of something that looks like a good candidate for collaboration but perhaps I’m wrong.
Q: How will AgorasLIve stack up to other products you will release, in terms of the amount of features from the Tau technology that will be present within them? Once agoras Live is released, what is the next product release on the roadmap?
A: We start from there and we will also release TML and we start working on a discussion platform which brings me back to my first point. The discussion over Tau may take the form of formal language and may take the form of free language. The form of free language is what AgorasLIve intends to supply. I think it will be too naive to think that, at least at the beginning, people will use mostly formal languages without any natural language. I believe it will be that freestyle kind of knowledge that will be widely used over the platform.
Q: How do you manage the mismatch between formal logic, not just the way people speak, but the way people think?
A: I don’t claim to close the gap to even tell what exactly is the mismatch but Tau is not only a self defining system but also a system defined by its users but also the languages are defined by the users and by that evolve with time. I think with time the formal languages over Tau will become more and more close to the way humans use them.
Q: With such a flexible translation system, what constraints do you put in place to make sure that things are still comprehensible?
A: THere is a whole field about Knowledge representation what we call for short KRR. Knowledge representation and reasoning and recently we started cooperating with the leading researchers of this field. There is also a lot of thought by the academic community put into how to encode the knowledge and we definitely go this route and again this will also evolve with time. We don’t claim to have every solution for everything but the whole point of Tau is to evolve.
Q: How does the system handle rich proofs?
A: Everyday knowledge discussion subject and issues, proofs and arguments are not so long and difficult as in mathematics. There is a formal proof of some theorem in mathematics that only a computer can find and it takes two terabytes but we don’t give social, political, and so on arguments that take two terabytes. Mathematics is intended to deal with such complex fields of knowledge but we don’t see them in everyday life.
Q: What is the motivation for developers to start using TML now?
A: TML is yet to be developed very much but to speak about TML as it is right now in many cases it is much easier to express in a much shorter way what we want the machine to do. For example, in the use of First-Order Logic it makes things much simpler, way more than other common programming languages
Q: Is the 15% bonus still planned for Agoras holders that didn;t move their tokens in accordance with the Bonus requirements? (
A: Yes. We cannot take a promise back. What is promised is promised.
Q: When will the mainnet be available?
A: Currently we are working on putting the finishing touches to AgorasLive. That should be done by the end of this year. On the Road map next is TML 1.0. We’ve recently put out the TML playground. We’ll wait for user feedback on TML 1.0. THen depending on how that goes that will determine our time frame for mainnet.
Q: Do you already have an idea of who will be the early adopters of the platform? How are you planning to reach out to them?
A: Andre- Because our overarching consideration is to make the platform easy to use. THis platform can be used by anyone. Anyone who has knowledge. For example, language teachers, software developers, veterinarians, doctors, psychiatrists, corporate law jurists, tax advisors, Chefs or maybe mothers wishing to share how they look after children. Kilian- Initially our outreach will happen through media outlets. I;m trying to get coverage in respected media outlets. First in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space as they already understand our product. Second, once we have identified specific verticals of professionals that are looking for a solution we offer. For example, Coaches, due to covid restrictions cannot meet their potential customers directly then we will focus outreach more directly towards those specific verticals.
Q: Why did the team Veto the move from ERC-20 before and why are we doin it now?
A: we’re not so close to the main net release now. As the community wishes, we are now moving towards an ERC-20 token now excluding the U.S as a jurisdiction that can be allowed to swap. Previously we were considering an option for having everyone swap but now we are doing the former.
Q: Are the Tau-chain website revamp and logo redesigns still in the works and when can we expect this to launch?
A: Yes, It’s still in the works. It hasn’t been designed just yet. We’ve been working on mapping out the ideas and what we want and trying to find the right designer. It's taken us a little while to do that, to make sure we find the right person. The artist’s name we now have is Kane Davis who is a very good designer. Very happy to have him on board. We have a shell of a website design currently on how we want the website to be. The first step for us was to really think about the impression we want to give and we’d like to do things designed in a substantial way.
Q: Has there been any development on the Blockchain side of the project. What is the ETA on the main net
A: As we mentioned earlier our next release is TML 1.0. We’ll await feedback on that before starting development on Tau-chain mainnet. We don’t have a definitive release date yet.
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Rant Casino - gratis spins, free bonuses, promo codes

Rant Casino - gratis spins, free bonuses, promo codes

Rant Casino Gratis Spins and Free Bonuses
Open your account with Rant Casino and take advantage of 100 gratis spins in welcome bonus. After that, you can claim a 100% up to 1000 EUUSD bonus on your first deposit. No bonus code required!
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Rant Casino is the latest entry in 2020's list of online casinos. Even though it is a newcomer, Rant Casino has amassed a large following among gamblers who frequent online casinos or have a mobile casino on the go.
Rant Casino prides itself on having a total of 1,950 playable, no-download games on its website. They've partnered up with some of the world's leading gaming developers, such as Betsoft Gaming, Microgaming, Net Entertainment, and Quickspin. Needless to say, Rant Casino is any online gambler's one-stop destination into everything a casino could offer.
The latest HTML5 technology is implemented to create playable games on the go via their mobile casino feature. Rant Casino also offers live casino options where a handler will place your wager in real-time. With their secure and responsible casino gaming rules, and immediate withdrawals, Rant Casino has secured its place as a crowd favourite.


Bonuses are offered for new-timers as well as regulars. Bonuses for regular and active players change with time, but there is one bonus every player is guaranteed to receive when they sign up at Rant Casino and deposit a minimum of £10—the first deposit bonus 100% match bonus up to $/€1000.
This is an extremely generous bonus package (compared to what other online casinos are offering). The minimum deposit amount is £10; however, you're more likely to get larger paybacks on larger deposits. The maximum payback you're set to receive on your first deposit is £1000 against a 35x wagering amount.
Rant Casino holds regular Cash Drop Tournaments on selected games against a share in the prize pool (usually a cash amount). This amount does not come with a minimum wagering requirement and can thus be used as an incentive to play more games.
Reward points are entered into your account after you place your first bet - the more you play, the more you get. These points can be redeemed for cashback at the end of each month. Cashback percentages differ based on one to twenty 'loyalty levels'. The higher the level, the higher the cashback percentage.
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Rant Casino offers 1,950 games from 29 game developers on their online casinos. Some quality games include Bonanza, Wild West Gold, Book of the Dead, Honey Rush, and Great Rhino among their mini-games. There are also several table games, video poker games, and live games.


There are several slot games to be played at Rant Casino, such as three-reel, five-reel, and symbol slots. Winnings are estimated against deposits, and a paytable is shown at the start of a select number of games to show cashbacks and RTPs against wins. Most games have a 96% RTP.


Players who prefer table games are in for a treat as Rant Casino offers 95 tables including the classic Roulette, Blackjack, Baccarat and Craps. There are several variations of each game to choose from including European and American Roulette, European Blackjack, Single Deck Blackjack Professional and Baccarat Professional Series.


Based on what we could find, Rant Casino does offer scratch cards among its games of chance. However, other variations, such as Keno, weren't being offered.


A live casino is set up when an employee of the online casino or a third party regulates table games in real-time. These table games are usually online versions of traditional, in-person table games, such as baccarat, roulette, and blackjack, albeit in brighter, more gimmicky graphics.
Rant Casino offers live casino options for gamblers who aren't looking to make a trip to a casino. They also offer video poker and other games for a real-time experience.
Players are not able to talk to dealers or handlers directly. However, they can place their bets via chat. In case a player's internet connection is unstable, the game will resume from where it's left off. In rare instances where a player is logged out of a game, they're advised to contact customer support immediately.


Rant Casino is compatible with mobile devices (iOS, Android, and Windows phones). You can have your casino with you on the go and play from a variety of mobile versions of casino games. However, the range for mobile games (out of a total of 1,950 games on their desktop version) isn't the most extensive. Another issue worth mentioning is that banking options were a lot more limited with Rant Casino's mobile version.
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As part of Rant Casino's anti-fraud and anti-theft protocols, the casino requires users to verify themselves (documentation with proof of identity) for payment and withdrawals using bank/debit cards. However, if a player has registered his or her account with an E-wallet, no such authorization is required.
There are a total of 14 payment options compatible with Rant Casino: 10 of which are compatible for withdrawals and all 14 of which can be used to deposit into your Rant Casino wallet.
Payment options include:
Visa, Bank Transfers, MasterCard, Trustly, Sofort, Skrill, Neteller, ecoPayz, NeoSurf, PlaySafe Card, AstroPay, Interac, Zimpler, and Flexepin.
The maximum withdrawal limit for withdrawals done by a player in any week is £5000, and £20,000 monthly.


Withdrawals can be made instantly after a brief waiting period (1-3 days) for Rant Casino to authorize a withdrawal. In case of payment methods other than E-Wallet (bank cards), Rant Casino would require up to 5 working days to review proof of authority for the cardholder.
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At the bottom right corner of Rant Casino's website, there's a chat bubble for 24/7 live chat assistance. Customer service representatives are available within seconds and try solving queries to the best of their knowledge. There's also the option of sending an email on [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) for further details.
In case you're new to their online casino, we recommend having a go through their FAQ section for detailed answers on commonly-asked questions.


Rant Casino is a casino many can vouch for. The online casino prides itself on implementing the latest encryption methods to avoid personal and intellectual property theft, for both players and the casino itself. They have 128-bit SSL (Secure Socket Layer) for all payment processing. This is done to ensure payments are made as swiftly as possible. The casino itself charges a nominal fee for transactions.
It's also worthwhile to mention that Rant Casino encourages responsible gaming. Responsible gaming refers to when an online casino sets reminders for players such as self-exclusion and time-out periods.
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Rant Casino is owned and operated by Gammix Limited, registered in Malta under C68405. Its registered office is 77, Spinola Road, St. Julian's STJ 1730 Malta. Gammix Limited posses Type 1 license number MGA/B2C/295/2015 regulated by Malta Gaming Authority.
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MegaSlot Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

MegaSlot Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Megaslot Casino Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
Register your account with MegaSlot Casino and collect 30 free spins without deposit! On top of that, get a 100% welcome bonus and 100 free spins! Enjoy super-fast payments and 24/7 support service!
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MegaSlot Casino is home to a nice collection of games since 2020 and it operates under the umbrella of the well-established company N1 Interactive Ltd. The company is associated with a huge number of other online casinos that are ranked among the best ones on the market. MegaSlot Casino is a law-abiding gambling site that received a stamp of approval from the Maltese gambling regulator.
This online casino is a place where people from different nationalities can find some of the highest-quality games provided by top software suppliers such as Playtech, Yggdrasil, Evolution Gaming, NetEnt, Endorphina, Quickspin, and others. The casino operator partners with over a dozen casino content developers to steal the show and offer diversity in terms of titles and game genres.
MegaSlot has done an excellent job when it comes to the available payment methods. Players have the choice to select from the most popular banking solutions. Speaking of online payments, we cannot miss the chance to mention that the casino utilizes advanced technologies to protect its players’ data.
The casino operator also caters to its mobile players who are provided with the opportunity to either play all available casino games in an instant-play format or download a dedicated app that works like a charm on various modern portable devices. As a newcomer, you will be treated to a tasty Welcome Bonus that will boost your winning potential.
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Bonuses and Promotions

The promotions are what piques players’ attention when choosing an interactive casino where they can spend some quality time. Undoubtedly, all newcomers are interested in whether a certain casino offers a Welcome Bonus and what are its benefits. When it comes to MegaSlot, the virtual casino welcomes its new recruits with a 100% match bonus up to $100.
We must admit that this does not seem quite attractive having in mind that there are casinos that offer five-figure amounts. For that purpose, the operator also throws in some free spins, letting casino enthusiasts test the water and win some extra cash thanks to their own efforts. It is important to mention that the free spins are awarded in five installments of 20 spins over 5 days.
Assuming that this sounds to you like a nice deal and you would like to claim it, you should be informed that you need to use the promo code MEGA100 prior to making a minimum qualifying deposit of $20. What is more, the sign-up promotion comes with a wagering requirement of 40x. This means that you need to wager 40x the amount of the bonus. As for the profits accrued from the free spins, the playthrough is also 40x.
The duration of the sign-up promotion is 2 weeks. In addition to that, players should keep in mind that they should activate a new pack of free spins every day otherwise they will miss the pack. According to the casino’s bonus terms and conditions, the maximum amount a player can win from the bonus funds is capped at $10,000. As for the winnings generated from the free spins, the maximum withdrawal limit is $50.
The casino features a maximum bet limit of $1 while playing with an active sign-up bonus. In that way, the operator blocks bonus abusers. In case you go over this limit, your bet will not be accepted and you might even lose your profits. It is important to explain that this limit is valid for all first deposit bonuses.
Another important aspect to take into account is the game weighting. This means that not all games fully contribute towards satisfying the rollover. Bets on video slots count 100% towards the wagering requirements except for some titles which you can find on the website of the casino. Stakes on table games as well as video poker and classic slots have an inconspicuously low contribution rate of just 5%, while live dealer games are not included in the game weighting at all.
Once you clear the playthrough tied to the bonus funds and the winnings generated from the free spins, you will be able to withdraw your earnings. We would like to mention that players from Sweden are not allowed to take advantage of any of the promotions offered at MegaSlot Casino.
All other casino enthusiasts who are playing with an active bonus should know that they can request a withdrawal of their deposit prior to meeting the playthrough. In this case, the casino will forfeit the amount of the bonus and the winnings and pay out the remaining funds.
MegaSlot Casino caters also to its loyal fans providing them with the opportunity to get involved in a VIP Program that comes with worthwhile perks and exclusive offers. The casino’s VIP Program is comprised of 40 statuses and players need to collect comp points to climb up the ladder. The higher status you reach, the nicer bonuses you will be provided with.
We would advise our readers to carefully read the terms and conditions associated with each status as the exchange rate of the points varies between the levels. It is interesting to mention that casino aficionados who navigate their way through a higher level are awarded free spins that come with a 35x wagering requirement.
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Software Providers

Casino software providers are at the heart of the casinos’ collection of games as these are responsible for developing the games. This means that the software companies are the ones that decide what themes, graphics, bonuses, and rules a certain game will have.
For that purpose, it is essential to choose a virtual casino whose gaming library involves titles created by reputable brands. Even though there are hundreds of companies claiming to be the best, there are certain casino content developers that worked hard to honestly deserve this title.
As a reputable virtual casino that is dedicated to providing nothing less but the highest quality and great diversity, the operator joined hands with Playtech, Yggdrasil, Evolution Gaming, NetEnt, Endorphina, Quickspin, etc. These companies are recognized to be among the best on the market and their products quickly turn into fans’ favorites.
As companies that aim at constantly pushing the industry’s boundaries forward, the games they release are developed in a mobile-friendly way. In that way, casino buffs can revel in a rewarding gambling experience even on the go. The casino features an in-browser app as well as a dedicated casino application. No matter which option you will go for, you will certainly be amazed by the sleek design of the website and its brilliant performance even on smartphones and tablets.
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Our MegaSlot Casino analysis has shown that players are presented with a plethora of payment solutions that support both deposits and withdrawals. Before we continue discussing the available payment options, we would like to note that not all payment services are available to residents from specific countries. In the lines below you will find more details regarding this matter.
What players from international markets should know is that the international operating currency of the website is EUR, but this casino accepts payments also in the following currencies: USD, NOK, CAD, PLN, NZD, ZAR, and JPY.
When you are about to top up your gaming account, you should be informed that you have several options to do so, including Visa, Mastercard, Trustly, Skrill, Neteller, Zimpler, Klarna, Qiwi, Yandex, iDebit, Interac Online, Interac e-Transfer, Neosurf, ecoPayz, and Rapido. The minimum amount that you need to upload to your gaming account in order to start playing for real money is set at $10.
As for withdrawals, players can choose from the following options – Visa, Mastercard, Trustly, Skrill, Neteller, Quwu, Yandex, Bank Transfer, iDebit, Interac e-Transfer, Instadebit, ecoPayz, and Rapido. What is important to explain is the Visa and Mastercard are not available to players from elsewhere due to certain legal restrictions. For further information, be advised to visit the website of the casino.
When you decide it is time to finally pull out your winnings, you should know that you cannot withdraw less than $20, while the maximum limit on withdrawals depends on the preferred payment solution. However, players can withdraw no more than $5,000 per day, $10,000 per week, and $30,000 per month.
Depending on the payment solution you choose, payouts are cleared between 1 and 3 days. The available digital wallets process withdrawals in the fastest manner, but you will certainly not wait for too long in case you decide to use any of the other available methods. Casino enthusiasts who decide to pull out their profits via bank transfer should be informed that the minimum withdrawable limit is set at $500.
Players will be more than happy to learn that the casino does not impose charges on deposits and withdrawals. However, the payment service provider might tax you a small fee for the transactions which is your responsibility.
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Mobile Casino

Nowadays, it is extremely important for virtual casinos to offer flexibility, among all other things. Hence, MegaSlot Casino is designed in a mobile-friendly way. The design of the casino can be described as uncluttered and well-organized, so that casino enthusiasts can easily find what they are looking for even on the move.
Generally speaking, there are two ways to play at MegaSlot Casino via your handheld device, and more precisely to load the website of the casino through the browser your smartphone or tablet utilizes, or to download the dedicated app. The virtual casino brags about its apps that are specially designed for Android and iOS users. The apps work like a charm and the installation process is a child’s play.
However, the instant version of the casino is also a good alternative provided that you prefer to save some storage space on your mobile device. The main menu button is located in the upper left corner. Once you tap on it, a drop-down menu with links to the available slots, promotions, and payment methods will appear. It is important to mention that you will also find a link to the casino’s dedicated apps.
On the right upper corner, you will notice a button that will help you to change the language of the platform in case you are not a fluent English speaker. The choice is wide enough to find the language you are most familiar with. The games are organized into sections depending on their genre. The live chat button is to be found at the right bottom corner. The mobile version of the casino is also equipped with a search box and a navigation bar to further enhance the process of searching.
To find the casino’s terms and conditions section as well as other important links, you need to scroll down as these are located at the very bottom of the casino’s website. The instant-play format of this casino shares a lot of common features with its desktop counterpart.
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Casino Games

The first thing to catch our eye in MegaSlot Casino is the huge number of games it offers. As its name suggests, the majority of the casino’s gaming portfolio is occupied by top-shelf slots. Reel spinners will certainly not regret their choice in case they decide to sign up with this virtual casino. However, other genres such as live dealer games, progressive jackpots, video poker, and table games are also included in the casino’s catalog.
Owing to the casino’s partnership with more than a dozen software companies, MegaSlot Casino boasts over a total of 1,300 titles that are courtesy of brands such as Playtech, Yggdrasil, Evolution Gaming, NetEnt, Endorphina, Quickspin, and others. Most of the games except the live dealer games feature a demo mode, but you should still open an account at MegaSlot in order to load the games.


Slots are among players’ favorite casino games and that barely surprises anyone familiar with the great diversity these offer. From themes to features, every slot is unique and casino fans can enjoy a different gambling experience every time they play a different slot game. MegaSlot Casino offers a remarkable amount of slots that come with a cinematic quality of the graphics and rewarding cash prizes.
Deadwood, Sakura Fortune, Book of Fortune, Tombstone, Legacy of Dead, Golden Fish Tank, Dragon Kingdom, and the Dog House are just a small sample of the titles you will come across in this section. Even if 3-reel slots are more to your liking, you will certainly find the title that most appeals to you.

Table Games

When it comes to table games, we cannot say that MegaSlot Casino has a lot to offer. There is a tight number of some of the most emblematic casino table games, and more precisely roulette, blackjack, and poker. Roulette Royal, American Roulette, European Roulette, 21 Burn Blackjack, Lucky Blackjack, European Blackjack, Caribbean Stud Poker, Turbo Poker, and others are included in the casino’s selection of games.
The games included in this section feature flexible bet sizes, making wagering on table games more than available. Assuming that you are an avid table player, you might be a little disappointed with the casino’s selection of table games. On the bright side, reel spinners who enthuse over adding spice to the entire mix can try one of the table games’ variations and hope for Lady Luck smiling on them.

Video Poker

Even though MegaSlot Casino offers just a few titles of video poker, casino fans will find some of the game’s most popular variations such as Aces and Faces, American Poker V, Deuces Wild, Joker Wild, and several more. Players should be informed that they can find the available video poker games listed in the Table Games category. The reason why so many casino devotees still enthuse over this somehow old-dated game is that it requires not only luck, but also strategy. What is more, it has higher returns compared to slot games.

Jackpot Games

Players who are craving for life-changing cash prizes will certainly appreciate the nice selection of progressive jackpot games MegaSlot Casino offers. Some of the titles you might find interesting include Bounty of the Beanstalk, Rainbow Jackpots, the series Age of the Gods, Leprechaun’s Luck, A Night in Paris, Glam Life, Charms and Clovers, Jackpot Rango, and Reels of Wealth. You will certainly not be disappointed with the huge choice of titles included in the Jackpot Games Category.

Live Casino

In case you would like to enjoy an authentic casino atmosphere without leaving the comfort of your home, you should try the live dealer games included in the casino’s portfolio. Having in mind that the casino collaborates with one of the leading software companies specialized in developing live dealer games, and more precisely Evolution Gaming, we can safely state that the live dealer suite you will find at MegaSlot Casino will impress you.
NetEnt, Pragmatic Play, Playtech, and some more are the other software providers that are responsible for the casino’s unsurpassed selection of live dealer games. From classic variations of roulette, blackjack, and poker to the latest releases such as Evolution’s Lightning series and game shows, MegaSlot Casino has it all. This somehow compensates for the lack of table games.

Special Games

Players who are trying to find a way to spice up their gambling experience would be interested in learning that MegaSlot Casino offers some special games such as bingo and scratch cards. The titles you will come across include Scratch’Em, Happy Scratch, Frogs Scratch, Gold Coins, Rainforest Magic Bingo, Sweet Alchemy Bingo, etc. We must note that this virtual casino features a good-enough number of scratch games that come with interesting cash prizes. These fast-paced games will certainly get you rid of the monotony and provide you with an unforgettable gambling experience.
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Licensing and Regulations

Security is always one of the biggest concerns online players have. MegaSlot Casino understands why so many casino enthusiasts refrain from indulging in their favorite pastime and for that purpose, the operator is providing a high level of transparency. The casino operates under a license issued by the Malta Gaming Authority and the company that owns this gambling site has years of experience in this industry.
As a company that adheres to the law, players from certain jurisdictions such as France, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Russia, Gibraltar, Jersey, the Czech Republic, and others are not allowed to create accounts at MegaSlot Casino. It is important to mention that NetEnt’s games are not available in some countries due to the software provider’s license.
The games offered at this virtual casino run on the random number generator algorithm (RNG) that is regularly tested by a third auditing agency. In that sense, the results of all games are based on pure chance.
To further cement its strong positions on the market, it seems that the casino is an advocate of responsible gambling. The casino employs various self-reliant strategies to help players at risk tackle the problem.
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Customer Support

MegaSlot Casino boasts 24/7 customer support. To make sure you are in safe hands when playing at this virtual casino, we tested the customer care department whilst writing this review. Based on our experience, the customer support agents from the live chat are more than competent to assist you. What is more, the representatives will provide you with an answer in a prompt manner.
You can get in touch with the customer support department by sending an email at and the representatives will get back to you within 24 hours, even though in most cases it takes just a few hours to have your questions answered. Unfortunately, casino enthusiasts are not provided with the opportunity to directly speak to a casino representative over the phone, but that disadvantage is compensated by the presence of a detailed FAQ page.
A quick link to the FAQ page is available at the bottom of the casino’s homepage. Prior to contacting the customer support department, you can check the information included on this page as you might find some extra details next to the answer to your question.
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MegaSlot Casino pays close attention to its gaming catalog that is comprised of high-quality products developed by top software companies. In addition to that, the casino’s main goal is to provide its players with a safe gambling environment where they can enjoy their favorite games without taking the risk to be deceived. For that purpose, all the important information regarding the casino’s licenses is placed at the bottom of its main page.
As a virtual casino that aims at pleasing players’ various preferences, the operator employs a plethora of payment solutions that are reliable and trustworthy. On top of that, players’ sensitive information is safeguarded by sophisticated encryption systems, so all payments are processed in a risk-free manner.
MegaSlot Casino will certainly become one of the top gambling sites in a flash thanks to its customer-oriented approach. As a disadvantage, we might note that the wagering requirements associated with the Welcome Bonus are a bit too high.
On the other hand, these apply only to the bonus funds, unlike many other online casinos where the total value of the bonus and the deposit is subject to the playthrough. To conclude this review, we would like to say that we consider this online casino an excellent choice for both seasoned and novice players.
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GSlot Casino - 200 free spins and 100% free bonus code

GSlot Casino - 200 free spins and 100% free bonus code

GSlot Casino Review & Promotions
Create your account at GSlot Casino as a new player and enjoy 200 free spins on Book of Dead! Next, get 100% up to 200 EUUSD on your first deposit. This exclusive welcome bonus is time limited! Hurry Up!!!
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Main Information

Gslot Casino was established in 2020 by N1 Interactive Limited. Powered by SoftSwiss, is is easy to navigate and offers a strong slot game selection of more than 5,000 titles, from big names such as Yggdrasil, Microgaming, and NetEnt.
Jackpot games and table games, such as multiple versions of roulette and blackjack are also offered and there is a good selection of live dealer games.
Gslot complies with Maltese and European laws and is a safe and secure website. Players can also set up a two-factor authentication (2FA) for extra security if they so choose.
There’s 24-hour customer support, and a VIP club with ten levels, where players are rewarded for playing time based on the amount but also the consistency of their deposits.


The Gslot welcome offer is a three-part deposit bonus available to new customers when they join Gslot, which is broken down as follows:
First deposit – minimum 20 EUR, use bonus code G100 to receive 100% match bonus up to 100 EUR + 100 free spins Second deposit - minimum 20 EUR, use bonus code G50 to receive 50% match bonus up to 100 EUR + 50 free spins Third deposit - minimum 25 EUR, use bonus code GS to receive 25 free spins on Ancient Egypt, with 25 more free spins for Ancient Egypt to be awarded on the next Egyptian Fortune day
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Games & Software

Gslot boasts more than 5,000 games from the biggest and best providers in the business. From Yggdrasil’s Vikings Go Berserk, and NetEnt’s Starburst, to Playtech’s hugely popular Age of the Gods series, there is something here for everyone.
There are sporting slots such as Yggdrasil’s Bicicleta and games based on TV shows such as BigTimeGaming’s Who Wants to Be a Millionaire Megaways. There are fantasy games from Novomatic and historical offerings such as Admiral Nelson from Amatic, as well as animal slots, classic fruit machines, pirates, superheroes and more. You can travel the world, from Asia to Ancient Egypt, all without leaving your seat. And that’s just the slots.
Gslot also offers a wealth of roulette and blackjack, and live dealer games that recreate the feel of a real casino. There are also a whole host of jackpot games for you to try, and you can search either by game type or by game provider. You can also type a word such as ‘Fairy’ into the top bar search box to find all games which include that keyword in their title.

Mobile Version

As a new online casino, Gslot has been created to be mobile responsive and doesn’t lose anything when you switch to the mobile version, displaying perfectly.
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Payments & Security

The currently accepted currencies are Euro "EUR", US Dollar "USD", New Zealand Dollar "NZD", Canadian Dollar "CAD", Norwegian Krone "NOK", Polish Zloty "PLN", South African Rand "ZAR", and Japanese yen "JPY". Restricted countries include Anguilla, Australia, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Estonia, France and its overseas territories (Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana, Reunion, Mayotte, St Martin, French Polynesia, Wallis and Futuna, New Caledonia), Israel, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, the Russian Federation, Gibraltar, and Jersey.
There is a large number of payment numbers available for payments and withdrawals, including; Visa Credit/Debit Cards, MasterCard, Neteller, Skrill, Neosurf, bank transfers, iDebit, Instadebit, ecoPayz and Interac e-transfer. You can also make payments through Rapid by Skrill, Paysafecard, and Giropay, although these options are not available for withdrawals.
The minimum for most of the payment and withdrawal methods is 20 with a maximum amount of 5,000. However, iDebit and Instadebit require a minimum of 30 CAD and the maximum is 7,500 CAD. All payment methods are secure and your details will not be shared with any third parties.
Unlimited withdrawal limits on some payment methods The maximum withdrawal amount processed to a player is 5,000 €/$ per day, 10,000 €/$ per week and 30,000 €/$ per month
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Gslot states it has a customer support team on hand 24/7 to answer your questions. If you have any issues, you can click on the support link which takes you to a contact form to fill out. There is also a feedback button where you can draw on the screen and send a screenshot, or send an instant message. Finally, if you want to complain, you can contact the site’s ADR provider via a separate form.


Gslot is the latest online casino from an established company in N1 Interactive Limited and there’s no reason it shouldn’t appeal to lots of players, just like its predecessors. Such a huge game selection is a big draw, particularly when its coupled with a generous welcome offer, regular promotions for existing members and a progressive VIP club which rewards its most loyal and prolific players. The design is simple but the site is well laid out and utilises characters from some of the featured games to give it a little extra style. With fast payments and withdrawals, and 24-hour customer support, Gslot looks to be onto a winner.
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