Best Casino In Laughlin To Gamble

best casino in laughlin to gamble

best casino in laughlin to gamble - win

Laughlin trip report 9-1-20 / Covid experience

Hey y'all glad to see more casinos figuring out this covid mess, and some of you brave souls getting back to the tables! We had a few days and were in the area on road trip so decided to use a Tuesday comp room at Harrah's, Laughlin. Here's what I learned.
Aquarius - $5 ATS Gold Nugget -$5 Tropicana -$10
Aquarius seemed to have no problem keeping the table running all day.
Gold nugget opened the table at noon.
Harrah's, Tropicana, and Riverside were doing the 10$, and Trop opened the table at 6pm. Dealers in short supply, info from the pit manager. Heard this from multiple bosses across town.
If you are gonna stay in Laughlin, the Gold Nugget was desolate, perfect if you want to keep to yourself, but this was a weekday after all. Paul was a kind, hard working old-school dealer. Didn't get to tip him enough as my budget was already busted this trip. They have some decent video poker too, if you are into that. New members still get a free wheel spin for freeplay.
Aquarius felt pre-pandemic vibes. You could stand at any position if you were playing, and I got a good hour in ($60 buy in!!) and rolled my best there. I love longer tables. Hit 3 $1 hardways for the dealers, I was down to $10 and back to $60 three times, finally fizzled out. It is really hard to play with $60 but I made it happen. Almost hit the small but could not hit the snakes even if it was mating season! The table almost hit the ATS two more times but the dang snakes were hibernating. Insane.
Now, a word about pandemic procedures.
In an era of endless information, it seems that there is still no one agreed upon way to deal with covid-19 in public spaces. In general, I've found you just need to wash your hands and use sanitizers frequently, thick tight fitting cloth masks or a supply or surgical masks are a good thing, mandatory at one of my home casinos, Casino Del Sol. However, I got away with just my gaiter in Laughlin.
I've been going to casinos for a good two months in Southern Arizona now and the sanitizing seems to happen less on the slots and tables than before, so you have to just look out for yourself. I do enjoy a cigarette in a casino sometimes and it seems hard to get a drag in without some employee telling me to pull my mask up again. Apparently smoking and gambling gets security to boot you at some places, as one employee at Harrah's took it upon himself to watch me smoke and a third warning pulling my mask down to smoke would have called security. I put out my cig and called it a night.
Harrah's by far the most strict about everything Covid. With places to throw on the table marked by tape, 6 spots, and if you are with a significant other you can only stand directly behind, not touch any rails on the table. I Almost got booted for leaning over to see the throw.
At Aquarius it was everything like normal craps but spectators couldn't hang at the empty table, had to stay six feet back. Dealers didn't like the ambiguity but they still seem to be figuring things out there.
Sorry my rant went long but these are interesting times.
Aquarius - $5 ATS
Gold Nugget -$5 (table games opened at noon)
Tropicana -$10 (craps opened at 6pm weekday, seems to be a dealer shortage)
Covid-conditions: Aquarius: pre-pandemic standing at the table, masks (duh).
Gold Nugget: desolate, great dealers when they have them
Harrah's: half-capacity standing, no spectators in general, forget enjoying a smoke without getting threatened with the boot.
Use sanitizers and get out there everyone, but be safe (don't lick your dang hands and stay away from your face...) and keep rolling!!
submitted by Hellbuss to Craps [link] [comments]

20 Things to do When You Move to Vegas

Since I have an hour to kill and we get weekly posts asking about moving to Vegas I figured i would share a few things about moving to Vegas. Hopefully others will chime in with their tips as well (and we will see how long it takes for one of the local newspapers to grab up this thread as one of their own feature stories :I ).
  1. Check the crime map. I mean it's a city so there will be crime everywhere but some places have more crime than others.
  2. Find a good realtor. They can help you find a place to buy or a place to rent and it will save you a lot of time and effort.
  3. Now that you have an address check out the Clark County Assessors page and see if you qualify for any exemptions. These can save you a boatload of money on your car registration fees and/or property tax.
  4. Next switch your car insurance to a local carrier (expensive) and switch over your driver's license and registration which is both expensive and time consuming.
  5. Now that you have a local ID go get a library card. We have one of the best library systems in the country and with your card you can stream movies and music and download ebooks as well as do regular library stuff like check out books and participate in their myriad of programs all for free.
  6. You might want to get your car windows tinted. While dark tint is illegal in many areas, it is perfectly legal here and will keep you from being roasted like a goat on a spit during summer driving.
  7. Also with your local ID you can hit up as many casinos as possible and sign up for their player's cards. This will get you lots of coupons sent to your address for things like match play and two for one buffets among other things. Be sure to ask if you qualify for additional goodies for being a veteran or a senior (usually free meals or bigger discounts on restaurants and shows).
  8. Next sign up for House Seats, FillASeat, and/or ShowTickets4Locals which for a small fees (ShowTickets4Locals is free) you can see as many shows as you want for a year or two.
  9. For even more entertainment options, pick up an annual pass to local places of interest so you can go fee-free all year (the National Parks pass is great if you like the outdoors, the Children's Discovery Museum is great if you have kids, museums often have annual passes as does the Springs Preserve, etc).
  10. To meet like minded people, join a club! There are Meet Up groups, walking clubs, an astronomy club, HAM radio clubs, shooting clubs, etc.
  11. Speaking of shooting, if you are of a mind to, go get your concealed carry permit. The Gun Store offers free concealed carry permit classes.
  12. If you have kids, picking the right school will be a big deal. Ask your realtor about this (currently the whole of Clark County is one giant school district but school quality varies greatly by community), also consider private schools, magnet schools, and charter schools.
  13. Add some local links to your social media accounts. Obviously subscribe to /vegas and /vegaslocals and add likes/follows to LVMPD, LVRJ, Vegas Sun, National Weather Service Las Vegas, etc.
  14. Get active in the community by volunteering. No matter what your passion, Vegas probably has a place that could use your help (volunteering at local schools or at the Animal Foundation, getting active in politics, cleaning up parks and open spaces, fundraising for local non profits, etc).
  15. Check out the local shopping. Many people can live for months on what they can buy at Dollar Tree or the 99 cent store, our huge Asian and Mexican grocery stores are a treasure trove of yummy yet inexpensive food, if you've never been to a Goodwill we have some of the best in the country, and nearly every strip mall in the city has one or more unique stores to check out.
  16. One way we explored the city when we first moved here was to do monthly challenges. One month we visited every museum in the city, another it was every park, and another was trying a different restaurant every day for a month.
  17. Become a regular. In a big, transient city, it is often hard to feel like you fit in. By becoming a regular (at your local coffee shop, library, certain restaurant, etc) people will recognize you and you will feel more like you are a part of the place.
  18. Develop traditions. Again, in a big, transient city that is far from traditional, sometime you have to create your own traditions. If you make it a point to go to the Ethel M lighted cactus garden every December or participate every year in the Santa run, or look forward to attending the NFR rodeo each year, you will begin to develop family traditions even in a not to traditional place.
  19. Get in the habit of always asking for a discount. Ask for a locals discount, a senior discount, a veterans discount...lots of places, from restaurants to stores to events and tourists sites offer discounts just for the asking.
  20. If you really need to get out of Vegas for a while consider the ultra cheap--and really interesting--Greyline tour to Laughlin, or take the Megabus or Bolt Bus to LA for the day.
submitted by MsKim to vegas [link] [comments]

[Race Report] Laughlin / Bullhead City Half Marathon

This past weekend I ran the inaugural Laughlin / Bullhead City Half Marathon, a.k.a. "Best Dam River Race."
Laughlin is a town in Nevada on the Colorado River. For most of the year it's a sleepy little casino town, a far cry from the glitz and glamour of Las Vegas; the big draw in the summer, aside from gambling, is the river itself. Across the river is Bullhead City, Arizona. Just above these two towns is the Davis Dam.
Some friends from my running club invited us to join them for a weekend in Laughlin centered around this inaugural race. They go to Laughlin every summer with their non-running friends, and apparently spend quite a lot of money there. Everyone in that town seems to know them; as a result, our rooms were totally comped, and we got VIP treatment at the hotel. Score!
All told, there would be 6 of us from the running club, and 7 non-runners who planned to walk the 5K.
Training / Goals
Due to a lingering hamstring tendon problem, my training mileage was relatively low leading up to this race. Therefore I had no aspirations of racing or going for a PR here.
Weekly mileage was: 12.1 / 13.3 / 15.1 / 13 / 16.3 / 24.8 / 11.8 (taper the week of). Clearly not enough to go for a serious result, so I expected to run this race nice and easy. Just go out and have a good time with friends. My only goal was sub 2-hour, which should be no problem whatsoever. Maybe sub-1:50 if my tendon felt ok.
Most importantly, this race would serve as a benchmark to determine if I should go ahead with my marathon in January. It's out of state, so I need to get plane tickets; but I didn't want to do that without being confident that I could actually finish (again, not race) 26.2 in another month. If this half went well, I would go ahead with next month's full.
Race Day
Alarm at 5:15, quick shower to wake up, ate a banana and a Clif bar. Weather report said 37F, so I decided to wear a long sleeve tech shirt under my short sleeve. I debated putting on another layer, but was glad I didn't; as it was, the long sleeve was a little too hot late in the race. Not a cloud in the sky, so it would warm up fairly quickly.
Down to the hotel lobby to meet our friends by 6:15. 5 of the 7 non-runners had apparently opted to sleep in and skip the 5K, so it was just 8 of us. 4 doing the half marathon and 4 doing the 5K.
The start line was about a mile down the hill from our hotel, so I thought this would be perfect for a little warmup jog. Nobody else agreed, to the 7 of them drove down while I ran it nice and easy. With parking time, we arrived at the same time.
The event was fairly small - 295 half finishers and 158 5K finishers - so navigating the start area was easy. After the worst-sung national anthem I've ever heard (they tried, so I respect that, but it was baaaaaad), the half starters were asked to informally organize into 2 "corrals" - sub 2:30 and above 2:30. Our group moved up to get in the front half. While there, we met a guy who noticed my club shirt and said he went to school with another member of our club. Cool!
The Race
Miles 1-5:
7:29, 8:10, 7:52, 6:45, 8:12
The first half mile was flat before turning up, up, up out of town. The next 2 miles gained about 500 feet. As soon as we got off the main drag in Laughlin, we were blasted by a major head/side wind. So, climbing plus wind.
At mile 2.6, we turned to a 1.8-mile drop of nearly the same elevation, but directly into the wind. I felt like I was pushing hard just to go downhill, though the mile 4 split clearly shows I was having an easier time than on the climb.
The race environment got the best of me, and I went out a lot faster than planned. I blame my fellow running club member Chris, who went out at an impressive pace (and eventually finished about 1:45s ahead of me). I stupidly kept up, and then felt I was committed to this pace - dropping back to a more comfortable easy pace after going out fast would make me look like a newb.
Miles 6-10:
8:13, 6:44, 7:57, 7:39, 6:44
More wild variation in pace due to wild elevation swings in the course.
At mile 4.4, we turned up a winding gravelly/sandy dirt road for another climb on an out-and-back. The desert scenery up this little canyon was breathtaking - if I hadn't committed myself to racing, I would have taken a few photos. We passed a crazy cowboy at about mile 5, hootin' and hollerin' at us, all part of the fun. That gave me a little boost and I was able to pass 2 people on the way up.
Mile 5.8 was the turnaround, back down the dirt road where I passed another unsuspecting runner. At mile 7.2, we returned to the main road and headed up another steep climb to the Davis Dam. Once on the dam, we crossed the state line to Arizona and gained an hour. Across the dam and up the hill for a little ways before turning around and running back over the dam the way we came.
I picked off another 2 people coming back down and across the dam; according to my calculations at the turnaround, I was now in 17th place overall.
Miles 11-13.1
6:39, 7:03, 6:51, 0:33 (6:46/mi)
The final 5K was mostly along a flat paved path following the river, with a nice tailwind to push us along (finally!). I gradually reeled in my next victim, passing him at mile 12, the only short climb of this stretch. Good thing, too - he was in my age group!
My hamstrings both felt tight during this stretch, but no cramping or other forced stoppage, so good news. The problem tendon felt ok - good enough to keep up the pace, but not great.
Final time: 1:36:54 (sprint to the finish pic]
This was good for 16th overall and 2nd place in my age group (the guy I passed at mile 12 was 17th/3rd). Not exactly the easy non-award performance I envisioned, but nothing hurt too badly after, so I'll take it! It's also about 5 minutes off my PR, which makes me wonder how I would have done on a flat course without wind. Or how far a real injury-free training cycle could take me.
Every participant of legal age got a ticket for a free beer in the beer garden, provided by Pints Brewery from the nearby Colorado Belle casino. I think this was the best post-race beer garden I've ever experienced. So much better than the typical Michelob Ultra crap!
They served a choice of their Pints Premium Golden Ale, Jackass Stout, What the Puck Pale Ale, or Bodacious Blueberry. Since my wife doesn't drink, I used her ticket too, trying the stout and the blueberry ale. Both were good, but I wanted more of that blueberry! It can be hard to get the balance right with a fruity beer, but they absolutely nailed it. Yum.
Age group awards were a little weird - they didn't split out male and female. This worked out ok for the 5K, which had a number of women in the top 3 of each age group, but I don't think many made the cut in the half. I've never seen this and wonder if it was an oversight by the race director or what?
Either way, 3 of our group of friends placed in our age groups - Leo, 1st in 65-69 5K; Chris - 2nd in 45-49 half, me - 2nd in 40-44 half. We got a nice stein with the race logo, a ribbon, some Hershey's kisses, and a certificate for another free beer inside the aforementioned brewery. I really should have used my ticket for another blueberry ale, but never got back over there the rest of the weekend.
The rest of the weekend was resting, bowling, food, and karaoke (I abstained from the last one).
Given the low training mileage, my chronic tendon problem, and the tough course, I'm very pleased with this result. Compared to my last half marathon in October, this was a significant improvement even with fairly little mileage.
Will I do the marathon in January after this? Probably. I'm giving it a few more days to rest up from the race, and also for the cortisone shot I got yesterday to kick in. As long as my tendon feels good, I figure I can do a full marathon at an easy ~8:30-9:00 pace next month. No racing!
Would I do this race again? Yes, definitely (especially if the hotel is free again). It was a fun weekend, a beautiful and challenging course, and a great beer garden. Despite a few minor first-time organizational issues, the race was well-run.
I just wish they'd had the start line in Arizona (Mountain time) and the finish in Nevada (Pacific time). I could have run a world-record 0:36:54 half marathon! :)
Hilly, windy, and beautiful course. Ran 1:36:54 for 2nd place in my age group. Pleased with the result, all things considered. Great beer garden afterwards. Would run again.
submitted by runwithpugs to running [link] [comments]

All of the MPAA/CARA-rated films of 1975 (out of the 2,935 films released worldwide that year.)

  1. Against A Crooked Sky (Director: Earl Bellamy)
  2. At Long Last Love (Director: Peter Bogdanovich)
  3. Blood Beast Of Monster Mountain (Directors: Massey Cramer + Donn Davison)
  4. Challenge To Be Free (Directors: Tay Garnett + Ford Beebe, Jr.)
  5. Dersu Uzala (Director: Akira Kurosawa)
  6. Dick Deadeye, or Duty Done (Director: Bill Melendez)
  7. Doc Savage: The Man Of Bronze (Director: Michael Anderson)
  8. Emilio + His Magical Bull (Director: Edward Nassour)
  9. Escape To Witch Mountain (Director: John Hough)
  10. He Is My Brother (Director: Edward Dmytryk)
  11. Hugo The Hippo (Director: Bill Feigenbaum)
  12. Lions For Breakfast (Director: William Davidson)
  13. Lost On Paradise Island (Director: George Leszkay)
  14. Mr. Quilp (Director: Michael Tuchner)
  15. Mr. Sycamore (Director: Pancho Kohner)
  16. My Name Is Legend (Director: Duke Kelly)
  17. One Of Our Dinosaurs Is Missing (Director: Robert Stevenson)
  18. Return To Campus (Director: Harold Cornsweet)
  19. Ride A Wild Pony (Director: Don Chaffey)
  20. Stevie, Samson + Delilah (Director: Steve Hawkes)
  21. Superbug, The Craziest Car In The World (Director: Rudolf Zehetgruber)
  22. Terror Of Mechagodzilla (Director: Ishirô Honda)
  23. That Lady From Peking (Director: Eddie Davis)
  24. The Adventures Of The Wilderness Family (Director: Stewart Raffill)
  25. The Apple Dumpling Gang (Director: Norman Tokar)
  26. The Godmothers (Director: William Grefe)
  27. The Great Adventure (Director: Gianfranco Baldanello)
  28. The Pinchcliffe Grand Prix (Director: Ivo Caprino)
  29. The Return Of The Pink Panther (Director: Blake Edwards)
  30. The Strongest Man In The World (Director: Vincent McEveety)
  31. The World Through The Eyes Of Children (Directors: Jimmie Rodgers + Bob Williams)
  32. Their Only Chance (Director: J. David Siddon)
  33. Train Ride To Hollywood (Director: Charles R. Rondeau)
  34. Tubby The Tuba (Director: Alexander Schure)
  35. Viaje fantástico en globo (Director: René Cardona Jr.)
  36. Zorro (Director: Duccio Tessari)
  37. e'Lollipop (Director: Ashley Lazarus)
  1. ‘Sheba, Baby’ (Director: William Girdler)
  2. Alice Cooper: Welcome To My Nightmare (Director: David Winters)
  3. Aloha, Bobby + Rose (Director: Floyd Mutrux)
  4. Barry Lyndon (Director: Stanley Kubrick)
  5. Bite The Bullet (Director: Richard Brooks)
  6. Boss Nigger (Director: Jack Arnold)
  7. Brannigan (Director: Douglas Hickox)
  8. Breakheart Pass (Director: Tom Gries)
  9. Breakout (Director: Tom Gries)
  10. Bronson Lee, Champion (Director: Yukio Nora)
  11. Bug (Director: Jeannot Szwarc)
  12. Cat + Mouse (Director: Claude Lelouch)
  13. Cher Victor (Director: Robin Davis)
  14. Children Of Rage (Director: Arthur Allan Seidelman)
  15. Cipolla Colt (Director: Enzo G. Castellari)
  16. Conduct Unbecoming (Director: Michael Anderson)
  17. Convoy Buddies (Director: Giuliano Carnimeo)
  18. Cooley High (Director: Michael Schultz)
  19. Cornbread, Earl + Me (Director: Joseph Manduke)
  20. Crazy Mama (Director: Jonathan Demme)
  21. Darktown Strutters (Director: William Witney)
  22. Deliver Us From Evil (Director: Horace Jackson)
  23. Diagnosis: Murder (Director: Sidney Hayers)
  24. Diamonds (Director: Menahem Golan)
  25. Dogpound Shuffle (Director: Jeffrey Bloom)
  26. End Of The Game (Director: Maximilian Schell)
  27. Flash + The Firecat (Directors: Beverly Sebastian + Ferd Sebastian)
  28. Fugitive Lovers (Director: John Carr)
  29. Funny Lady (Director: Herbert Ross)
  30. Galileo (Director: Joseph Losey)
  31. Give ‘Em Hell, Harry! (Directors: Steve Binder + Peter H. Hunt)
  32. Guitar Picks + Roach Clips (Director: Anton Noel)
  33. Half A House (Director: Brice Mack)
  34. Hard Times (Director: Walter Hill)
  35. Hearts Of The West (Director: Howard Zieff)
  36. Hedda (Director: Trevor Nunn)
  37. Hennessy (Director: Don Sharp)
  38. Hester Street (Director: Joan Micklin Silver)
  39. How Come Nobody’s On Our Side? (Director: Richard Michaels)
  40. Hustle (Director: Robert Aldrich)
  41. I Wonder Who’s Killing Her Now? (Director: Steven Hilliard Stern)
  42. Infra-Man (Director: Shan Hua)
  43. Inside Out (Director: Peter Duffell)
  44. It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time (Director: John Trent)
  45. Jacques Brel Is Alive + Well + Living In Paris (Director: Denis Héroux)
  46. Jaws (Director: Steven Spielberg)
  47. Keep Off My Grass (Director: Shelley Berman)
  48. King Arthur, The Young Warlord (Directors: Sidney Hayers, Pat Jackson + Peter Sasdy)
  49. Las Vegas Lady (Director: Noel Nosseck)
  50. Le Sauvage (Director: Jean-Paul Rappeneau)
  51. Leonor (Director: Juan Luis Buñuel)
  52. Lepke (Director: Menahem Golan)
  53. Let’s Do It Again (Director: Sidney Poitier)
  54. Lies My Father Told Me (Director: Ján Kadár)
  55. Love + Death (Director: Woody Allen)
  56. Lucky Lady (Director: Stanley Donen)
  57. Mackintosh + T.J. (Director: Marvin J. Chomsky)
  58. Mahogany (Directors: Berry Gordy, Tony Richardson + Jack Wormser)
  59. Man Friday (Director: Jack Gold)
  60. Monty Python + The Holy Grail (Directors: Terry Gilliam + Terry Jones)
  61. Moonrunners (Director: Gy Waldron)
  62. Mr. Ricco (Director: Paul Bogart)
  63. Murph The Surf (Director: Marvin J. Chomsky)
  64. Operation: Daybreak (Director: Lewis Gilbert)
  65. Paper Tiger (Director: Ken Annakin)
  66. Peeper (Director: Peter Hyams)
  67. Picnic At Hanging Rock (Director: Peter Weir)
  68. Posse (Director: Kirk Douglas)
  69. Psychic Killer (Director: Ray Danton)
  70. Race With The Devil (Director: Jack Starrett)
  71. Rancho Deluxe (Director: Milton Katselas)
  72. Return To Macon County (Director: Richard Compton)
  73. Rooster Cogburn (Director: Stuart Miller)
  74. Rosebud (Director: Otto Preminger)
  75. Royal Flash (Director: Richard Lester)
  76. Russian Roulette (Director: Lou Lombardo)
  77. Sasqua (Director: Channon Scot)
  78. Sharks’ Treasure (Director: Cornel Wilde)
  79. Sheila Levine Is Dead + Living In New York (Director: Sidney J. Furie)
  80. Smile (Director: Michael Ritchie)
  81. Smoke In The Wind (Directors: Andy Brennan + Joseph Kane)
  82. So Sad About Gloria (Director: Harry Thomason)
  83. Sons Of Sassoun (Director: Sarky Mouradian)
  84. Special Section (Director: Costa-Gavras)
  85. Supercock (Director: Gus Trikonis)
  86. Take A Hard Ride (Director: Antonio Margheriti)
  87. That Lucky Touch (Director: Christopher Miles)
  88. That’s The Way Of The World (Director: Sig Shore)
  89. The Adventure Of Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother (Director: Gene Wilder)
  90. The Black Bird (Director: David Giler)
  91. The Brass Ring (Director: Martin Beck)
  92. The Devil’s Rain (Director: Robert Fuest)
  93. The Drowning Pool (Director: Stuart Rosenberg)
  94. The Executioner (Director: Cyril Frankel)
  95. The Fortune (Director: Mike Nichols)
  96. The Giant Spider Invasion (Director: Bill Rebane)
  97. The Great McGonagall (Director: Joseph McGrath)
  98. The Great Waldo Pepper (Director: George Roy Hill)
  99. The Hiding Place (James F. Collier)
  100. The Hindenburg (Director: Robert Wise)
  101. The Killer Elite (Director: Sam Peckinpah)
  102. The Maids (Director: Christopher Miles)
  103. The Man Who Would Be King (Director: John Huston)
  104. The Man Who Would Not Die (Director: Robert Arkless)
  105. The Manchu Eagle Murder Caper Mystery (Director: Dean Hargrove)
  106. The Master Gunfighter (Director: Tom Laughlin)
  107. The Other Side Of The Mountain (Director: Larry Peerce)
  108. The Passenger (Director: Michelangelo Antonioni)
  109. The Prisoner Of Second Avenue (Melvin Frank)
  110. The Stepford Wives (Director: Bryan Forbes)
  111. The Story Of Adele H (Director: François Truffaut)
  112. The Sunshine Boys (Director: Herbert Ross)
  113. The Terrorists (Director: Caspar Wrede)
  114. The Wilby Conspiracy (Director: Ralph Nelson)
  115. The Wild McCullochs (Director: Max Baer, Jr.)
  116. The Wind + The Lion (Director: John Milius)
  117. Timber Tramps (Director: Tay Garnett)
  118. Tommy (Director: Ken Russell)
  119. W.W. + The Dixie Dancekings (Director: John G. Avildsen)
  120. Walking Tall, Part II (Director: Earl Bellamy)
  121. Whiffs (Director: Ted Post)
  122. White Line Fever (Director: Jonathan Kaplan)
  1. 92 In The Shade (Director: Thomas McGuane)
  2. A Boy + His Dog (Director: L.Q. Jones)
  3. A Man With A Maid (Director: Vernon P. Becker)
  4. A Woman For All Men (Director: Arthur Marks)
  5. Aaron Loves Angela (Director: Gordon Parks, Jr.)
  6. Abduction (Director: Joseph Zito)
  7. Abigail Leslie Is Back In Town (Director: Joseph W. Sarno)
  8. Alfie Darling (Director: Ken Hughes)
  9. Alias Big Cherry (Director: Matt Cimber)
  10. Apache Blood (Director: Vern Piehl)
  11. At Last, At Last (Director: Marino Girolami)
  12. Au-delà de la peur (Director: Yannick Andréi)
  13. Autopsy (Director: Armando Crispino)
  14. Best Friend (Director: Noel Nosseck)
  15. Black Force (Director: Michael Fink)
  16. Black Lolita (Director: Stephen Gibson)
  17. Black Magic (Director: Ho Meng-Hua)
  18. Black Moon (Director: Louis Malle)
  19. Blazing Stewardesses (Director: Al Adamson)
  20. Blonde In Black Leather (Director: Carlo Di Palma)
  21. Blood, Sweat + Fear (Director: Stelvio Massi)
  22. Bucktown (Director: Arthur Marks)
  23. Can I Keep It Up For A Week? (Director: Jim Atkinson)
  24. Capone (Director: Steve Carver)
  25. Catherine + Co. (Director: Michel Boisrond)
  26. Cleopatra Jones + The Casino Of Gold (Director: Charles Bail)
  27. Cookies (Director: Joël Séria)
  28. Coonskin (Director: Ralph Bakshi)
  29. Cousin cousine (Director: Jean-Charles Tacchella)
  30. Cover Girl Models (Director: Cirio H. Santiago)
  31. Criminally Insane (Director: Nick Millard)
  32. Dread Aim (Director: José Bolaños)
  33. Deadly Hero (Director: Ivan Nagy)
  34. Deadly Strangers (Director: Sidney Hayers)
  35. Death Race 2000 (Director: Paul Bartel)
  36. Deep Red (Profondo Rosso) (Director: Dario Argento)
  37. Delinquent School Girls (Director: Greg Corarito)
  38. Dirty Hands (Director: Claude Chabrol)
  39. Dog Day Afternoon (Director: Sidney Lumet)
  40. Dolemite (Director: D’Urville Martin)
  41. Down The Ancient Stairs (Director: Mauro Bolognini)
  42. Dr. Minx (Director: Howard Avedis)
  43. Dragon Flies (The Man From Hong Kong) (Director: Brian Trenchard-Smith)
  44. Drifter (Director: Pat Rocco)
  45. Farewell, My Lovely (Director: Dick Richards)
  46. Flat Out (Director: Pierre Unia)
  47. Forced Entry (Director: Jim Sotos)
  48. Foreplay (Directors: John G. Avildsen, Bruce Malmuth, Robert McCarty + Ralph Rosenblum)
  49. Framed (Director: Phil Karlson)
  50. French Connection II (Director: John Frankenheimer)
  51. Friday Foster (Director: Arthur Marks)
  52. Gemini Affair (Director: Matt Cimber)
  53. Gone With The West (Director: Bernard Girard)
  54. Goodbye Bruce Lee: His Last Game Of Death (Directors: Bin Lin + Harold B. Swartz)
  55. Hss Anybody Seen My Pants? (Director Hubert Frank)
  56. Hua ei man cheng chun (director: Mu Chu)
  57. If You Don’t Stop It...You’ll Go Blind!!! (Directors: Keefe Brasselle + I. Robert Levy)
  58. Jessi’s Girls (Director: Al Adamson)
  59. Johnny Firecloud (Director: William Allen Castleman)
  60. Journey Into Fear (Director: Daniel Mann)
  61. Katie Tippel (Director: Paul Verhoeven)
  62. Kidnap Syndicate (Director: Fernando Di Leo)
  63. Kitty Can’t Help It (Director: Peter Locke)
  64. Kung Fu-ry (Director: K.S. Cheung)
  65. L’agression (Director: Gérard Pirès)
  66. L'uomo che sfidò l'organizzazione (Director: Sergio Grieco)
  67. Gambling City (Director: Sergio Martino)
  68. Lady Cocoa (Director: Matt Cimber)
  69. Last Stop On The Night Train (Night Train Murders) (Director: Aldo Lado)
  70. Le téléphone rose (Director: Édouard Molinaro)
  71. Legacy (Director: Karen Arthur)
  72. Linda Lovelace For President (Directors: Claudio Guzmán + Arthur Marks)
  73. Lisztomania (Director: Ken Russell)
  74. Lord Shango (Director: Ray Marsh)
  75. Los tres compadres (Director: Arturo Martinez)
  76. Love + Energy (Director: Pasquale Festa Campanile)
  77. Mandingo (Director: Richard Fleischer)
  78. Mary, Mary Bloody Mary (Director: Juan López Moctezuma)
  79. Mitchell (Director: Andrew V. McLaglen)
  80. Mujang haeje (Director: Doo-yong Lee)
  81. My Pleasure Is My Business (Director: Xaviera Hollander)
  82. Nashville (Director: Robert Altman)
  83. Night Moves (Director: Arthur Penn)
  84. Night Of The Howling Beast (Director: Miguel Iglesias)
  85. Night Of The Seagulls (Director: Amando de Ossorio)
  86. Nymph (Director: William Dear)
  87. Once Is Not Enough (Director: Guy Green)
  88. One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest (Director: Milos Forman)
  89. Order To Assassinate (Director: José Gutiérrez Maesso)
  90. Out Of Season (Director: Alan Bridges)
  91. The Night Caller (Director: Henri Verneuil)
  92. Pick-Up (Director: Bernard Hirschenson)
  93. Pleasure Party (Director: Claude Chabrol)
  94. Poor Pretty Eddie (Directors: David Worth + Richard Robinson)
  95. Posse From Heaven (Director: Phillip Pine)
  96. Prisoners (Director: William H. Bushnell)
  97. Rafferty + The Gold Dust Twins (Director: Dick Richards)
  98. Rancho Deluxe (Director: Frank Perry)
  99. Rollerball (Director: Norman Jewison)
  100. Satan’s Black Wedding (Director: Nick Millard)
  101. Saturday Night At The Baths (Director: David Buckley)
  102. Seven Beauties (Director: Lina Wertmüller)
  103. Shame Of The Jungle (Directors: Picha + Boris Szulzinger)
  104. Shampoo (Director: Hal Ashby)
  105. Sharon’s Baby (Director: Peter Sasdy)
  106. Shivers (Director: David Cronenberg)
  107. Shôrinji kenpô (Director: Noribumi Suzuki)
  108. Six Pack Annie (Director: Fred G. Thorne)
  109. Smiling Maniacs (Director: Marcello Aliprandi)
  110. Street Girls (Director: Michael Miller)
  111. Sunburst (Director: James Polakof)
  112. Super Spook (Director: Anthony B. Major)
  113. Switchblade Sisters (Director: Jack Hill)
  114. Syndicate Sadists (Director: Umberto Lenzi)
  115. Teenage Seductress (Director: Chris Warfield)
  116. That Most Important Thing: Love (Director: Andrzej Zulawski)
  117. The ‘Human’ Factor (Director: Edward Dmytryk)
  118. The Astrologer (Director: James Glickenhaus)
  119. The Black Dragon Revenges The Death Of Bruce Lee (Director: Chin-Ku Lu)
  120. The Black Gestapo (Director: Lee Frost)
  121. The Blazer Girls (Director: Jean-Paul Scardino)
  122. The Candy Tangerine Man (Director: Matt Cimber)
  123. The Day That Shook The World (Director: Veljko Bulajic)
  124. The Day Of The Locust (Director: John Schlesinger)
  125. The Divine Nymph (Director: Giuseppe Patroni Griffi)
  126. The Dragon Dies Hard (Director Kuan-Chang Li)
  127. The Eiger Sanction (Director: Clint Eastwood)
  128. The Four Assassins (Director: Cheh Chang)
  129. The Four Deuces (Director: William H. Bushnell)
  130. The Ghoul (Director: Freddie Francis)
  131. The Girl From Starship Venus (Director: Derek Ford)
  132. The Happy Hooker (Director: Nicholas Sgarro)
  133. The Immortal Three (Director: Doris Wishman)
  134. The Infidel (Director: Charles Bodine)
  135. The Lost Honor Of Katharina Blum (Directors: Volker Schlöndorff + Margarethe von Trotta)
  136. The Love Butcher (Directors: Don Jones + Mikel Angel)
  137. The Meal (Deadly Encounter) (Director: R. John Hugh)
  138. The Night Child (Director: Massimo Dallamano)
  139. The Night They Robbed Big Bertha’s (Director Peter Kares)
  140. The Noah (Director: Daniel Bourla)
  141. The Old Gun (Director: Robert Enrico)
  142. The Reincarnation Of Peter Proud (Director: J. Lee Thompson)
  143. The Rocky Horror Picture Show (Director: Jim Sharman)
  144. The Romantic Englishwoman (Director: Joseph Losey)
  145. The Sensuous Nurse (Director: Nello Rossati)
  146. The Specialist (Director: Howard Aveis)
  147. The Story Of Sin (Director: Walerian Borowczyk)
  148. The Sunday Woman (Director: Luigi Comencini)
  149. The Swinging Barmaids (Director: Gus Trikonis)
  150. The Teasers (Director: Michele Massimo Tarantini)
  151. The Ultimate Warrior (Director: Robert Clouse)
  152. The Wild Party (Director: James Ivory)
  153. Three Days Of The Condor (Director: Sydney Pollack)
  154. Trip With The Teacher (Director: Earl Barton)
  155. Trucker’s Woman (Director: Will Zens)
  156. Varsity Playthings (Director: Walter Boos)
  157. Violated (Director: Albert Zugsmith)
  158. Virgin Cowboy (director: George Watters)
  159. Wang Yu, The Destroyer (Director: undisclosed)
  160. Welcome Back, Brother Charles (Director: Jamaa Fanaka)
  161. Wheeler (Directors: Jack Collins + Jim Feazell)
  162. White House Madness (Director: Marl L. Lester)
  163. Zig-Zag (Director: László Szabó)
X (most later re-rated R or re-released sans rating altogether)
  1. Black Emanuelle (Director: Bitto Albertini)
  2. Emmanuelle II (Director: Francis Giacobetti)
  3. Felicia (Director: Max Pécas)
  4. Frankenstein all’italiana (Director: Armando Crispino)
  5. Inserts (Director: John Byrum)
  6. Laura’s Toys (Director: Joseph W. Sarno)
  7. Maîtresse (Director: Barbet Schroeder)
  8. Snuff (Directors: Michael Findlay, Horacio Fredriksson + Simon Nuchtern)
  9. The Beast (Director: Walerian Borowczyk)
  10. The Boob Tube (Director: Christopher Odin)
  11. The Story Of O (Director: Just Jaeckin)
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