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How To Value A Stock (From Someone Who Has Beaten The S&P Almost Every Year Since 2008)

I recently wrote this up for my friends who asked me how I do what I do. I figured I'd share it here. This is freely available to anyone who wants it, though please credit me if you simply copy/paste. Nothing here is novel, and can be done by anyone. I am not a financial professional, and the example given below is only Abbvie because I forgot that Abbott Labs was alphabetically the first in the S&P 500 when picking an example.

First, let’s come right out and say that if you do not have the time to do this, or do not find it enjoyable, just buy low-cost index funds that track either the total market or the S&P 500.
Second, let’s make an important distinction:
Investing – This is the act of purchasing assets for less than their intrinsic value. This PDF will focus on how to determine the intrinsic value of an asset that produces income. Note that for most assets, this is simply how much money you can extract from the asset over the period of time that you hold it for. There’s no other value than money in investing. Causes and emotions are what philanthropy is for.
Speculating – This is, at its core, the act of taking supply of an asset from the present to the future (by hoarding it). If there is more demand, lower supply, or both, this pays the speculator to take the asset from a period of low value to one of high value. It is not gambling, but is very difficult to do, since it entails taking on timing risk. It is not illegal, immoral, or impossible, but I have no special insight into it. I’ll leave it there.
Gambling – This looks a lot like speculation, but without any particular reason to believe the asset will be more valuable in the future. Speculators at least estimate the value of an asset to investors, as they are ultimately the end market for an asset. Do not gamble. Full stop.
Determining the intrinsic value of an asset
The value of an asset is simply the present value of all future income that asset can provide you. Since a dollar in five years is naturally less valuable than a dollar today, you have to discount future income against the opportunity cost of forgoing the dollars you invest today. When we get to the Present Value equation, this is represented by interest. It can also be thought of as the opportunity cost of investing in the asset instead of some other asset or simply consuming the dollars instead.
Here’s the actual math. Note that it’s not super hard, and while I will explain it, there are dozens of free websites that will quickly let you calculate this. The key phrase to Google would be “present value of a growing annuity calculator.”
PV = (C / i - G) * {1 – [(1 + G)/(1 + i)]^n}
PV = present value
C = cash flow per period
n = number of payments
i = interest rate
G = growth rate
The value for PV is your estimation of what the asset is worth today. If this ends up far higher than the market price, you are probably purchasing dollars for quarters. Avoid edge cases, as you are guessing about both the interest and growth rate.
C is the cash flow per period. If you have a high degree of confidence in the culture of the company and it has a long history of being good stewards of retained earnings, you can use the earnings per share (EPS). I usually use the dividend. It is impossible to fake or financially engineer a dividend, and requires less looking through financial documents to make sure it’s what it appears to be. But for, say, Apple or Microsoft or Chevron, feel free to use the EPS.
The number of payments is how many payments you expect while holding the asset. Dividends in American companies are typically quarterly (though some pay monthly or every six months, so check on that), so every multiple of four would represent one year if you choose to do it that way. If n = 16, then you’re expecting to hold the asset for 4 years. You can also put in a year’s worth of dividends and keep n = years rather than quarters.
I typically do n = 30, since 30 years is both a long time horizon that is realistic, and coincides when I will hit “retirement age.” You will have to decide how far ahead you’re planning. For most people, they are net purchasers of investments while working and net sellers while retired, so keep that in mind. Note that using years instead of quarters will lessen the amount of compounding, and will provide some cushion in case you’re wrong.
Interest is one of the two variables you have to guess at. Typically, one would put what you expect the actual long-run interest rate to average for this investment. Unfortunately, this is really difficult. Instead, I use a rate that represents my opportunity cost. There are any number of relatively safe ways to get a 5% yield on money invested, so I generally use i = 5% to represent that this asset has to perform better than a utility or telecom or real estate investment trust. Feel free to use what you feel is most appropriate for you. A higher interest rate will lower the value of the asset, so high-balling this number will provide some cushion in case you’re wrong.
The second variable you have to guess at is the growth rate. If you’re looking at the dividend, you want to know how fast to expect it to grow over time. If you’re using the EPS for C, then you want to see how quickly the total earnings are growing per share. This is extremely difficult to predict. I recommend taking the 5-year growth rate and halving it. Dividends will also be more predictable here, as most companies pay out far less than they make, which means even if EPS grows slowly, the dividend can still grow quickly for many years after a boom is over for the company. Note that lowering your estimate for G will lower the value of the asset, so low-balling this number will provide some cushion in case you’re wrong.
OK, so let’s walk through an example. I’ll use Abbvie, a biotech/pharmaceutical company. It has a quarterly dividend for the coming year of $1.30/share. Its dividend has an 18.5% growth rate over the last 5 years, and has grown it for the last 7 (it’s only been around for 8 years).
I assumed a growth rate (G) of 7%. I used $5.20 as the starting dividend this coming year and used years for my n = 30. As always, I used i = 5%.
This gave me an estimated present value of 1 share of Abbvie at $197.94. As of writing this, Abbvie shares are trading on the market at $103.43. This looks like a screaming buy, but first let’s look at why I have a high degree of confidence.
Note how the interest was higher than the going rate – I used my “low-risk alternative” as an opportunity cost. Abbvie has an extremely high rate of growth for its dividend, so I took less than half of its current rate. I also calculated annually rather than quarterly, which reduces the impact of high rates of growth. That’s three places in the equation where I consciously lowered the estimated value of a share of Abbvie, and it still came out as a strong buy – spending less about 50c for a dollar!
I do this because even if I’m wrong in some or all of my predictions, I now have quite a bit of room to be wrong and still make money. It’s like how you don’t walk next to a steep cliff, right? You should know how to walk where you want to, but there’s always the small chance something could cause you to slip or put a foot wrong. But if your plan is always to be 5 feet away from the edge of the cliff, the odds are that you’ll not go over the edge even if you fall down.
Many people feel this is over cautious. But let my portfolio speak for itself. I’ve beaten the S&P 500 index fund every year except one since 2008. My brokerage only keeps digital records back to Dec 2015, but the S&P 500 returned 101% since then – with dividends reinvested. My own portfolio has returned 256%.
So caution is still very high reward. In fact, if you just don’t lose, you’ll do better than the vast majority of professional money managers (about 85% of whom cannot even match the index funds).
Due diligence still has to occur
Now, we can’t just go straight out and buy Abbvie – though it’s a high profile company that receives lots of investor and regulator scrutiny so it’s less likely to have a landmine than most. Just to make sure, you’ll want to do the following before buying shares in this company:
-Check the debt load. If the debt is very high, has very high interest rates, or has a lot of it maturing very soon, then this is a yellow flag. It doesn’t mean don’t buy, but make sure you understand the structure of the company’s debt and make sure it won’t impair the company’s earnings going forward. This information is found on the balance sheet. Abbvie has $97.287 billion in long-term liabilities such as debt, pension liability, and deferred taxes. That’s a lot compared to their assets, but they also are owed some money, so it nets out about $90 billion.
-What’s the book value? Book value is fairly low at $8.65/share. This is pretty much the assets minus the liabilities. Abbvie is in a knowledge industry, however, so you shouldn’t expect their main assets to be physical capital that can be sold. It’s mostly organizational or human capital from their workforce, so this isn’t worrying. If Abbvie was, say, a retailer with stores and land and inventory, you’d want this to be much, much higher for the share price. There’s no easy way to judge this one, unfortunately, but it’s good to look it up and you’ll eventually get a feel for it. No red flags here.
-What are the catastrophic risks that even you or I could think of? For a company in the pharmaceutical space, the obvious answer is regulatory and political risk. Regulatory risk is just want it sounds like – more regulation which can be either costly to comply with or lower profits. This does have an upside, which is that it makes it harder for new competitors to enter a market, so I tend to be rather sanguine about regulatory risk. Political risk is much more severe. This is when politicians decide to either confiscate a company, target it specifically rather than the industry it’s in, or other ways in which the government is involved with taking rather than regulating. In Anglo countries (US/UK/Canada/Australia), the rule of law is typically strong enough that this doesn’t happen much, as there is usually some kind of due process. Places like China, Argentina, Russia, and the EU are much more likely to nationalize or otherwise capriciously penalize a company due to the prevailing political winds. Abbvie has a global footprint, but that also means it’s diversified against such risk. It’s headquartered in the US, so it’s unlikely someone will simply take the entire company.
-Payout ratio? Abbvie has a fairly high payout ratio (80% for the last completed fiscal year of 2019), as they have been aggressively growing the dividend. That’s another good reason to input a much lower G than the last few years. That being said, Abbvie has been around for 8 years (it was spun off of Abbott Labs) and has grown its dividend for the last 7 years and has announced it will this coming year as well. The payout ratio is pretty high, but not worrisome. It suggests a fairly mature company that’s now returning cash to shareholders. I’d say this is not nothing, but less than a yellow flag for me. Any company with 95%+ payout ratio is much more vulnerable to a dividend cut.
-Credit rating? S&P gives Abbvie a BBB+ grade for its unsecured debt. This is a slight downgrade because their balance sheet is currently digesting a big acquisition from early 2020 (Allergan). Moody’s gives it a Baa2 rating for unsecured debt. These are both good, solid, investment-grade credit ratings (if you were buying the bonds of Abbvie). This looks great.
-Does it need a genius? Some companies run on all cylinders because they have a genius at the helm – often a founder. But what you want is a company any dummy can run, because sooner or later any dummy will. Don’t plan to invest long-term in companies that require skilled management. Abbvie is fairly diversified and has an OK pipeline of research. They also can buy little biotech companies that invent something but can’t navigate the regulations to bring it to market. So pondering giants are actually a good thing. Means they’re hard to break.
So, given that there was nothing obviously treacherous in our basic due diligence, and the extreme discount at which our example is selling for, this would be one you might want to buy! This is what I do for all the companies I invest in.
Notice that there is no story, no excitement, no narrative, no counting on good or bad management. Emotion has no place in investing. You also will notice that we took every opportunity to reduce the risk of losing your capital by always sandbagging the estimated value of the company. You never want to pick up nickels in front of a steamroller. You want the investment to be so obvious it hits you in the face like a baseball bat. If you’re ever on the fence, don’t do it. You don’t have to hit home runs – just don’t strike out.
You can be even more conservative in your estimates than I am. If, for instance, you used 5% growth rate for Abbvie’s dividend, you’d still get a present value of $148.57/share vs the current market price of $103.43. Similarly, you could use a higher interest rate, which would also lower the estimated present value.
You may have to do this calculation with more companies to find one to buy, but even in a very expensive market like today’s, there is always an opportunity. You don’t even have to look at little companies. There’s around 500 companies in the S&P – just start with “A” and work your way through all of them.
A quick note about further reading: I very strongly urge most people to actually read as little as possible on this subject once they get the basics. That’s not because there’s not more to learn, but because I would sadly say the majority of what I see and hear is actively bad advice. But if you do want to keep up with financial news and books and chat boards, the best thing to do is find out what the historical returns of the person giving advice are.
Since WWII, the long-run return on the S&P 500 has generally been just a bit shy of 10% per year. If someone can’t beat that, year-in-and-year-out, then their advice is worthless. As in, you don’t want to accidentally absorb it. This is, unfortunately, true for most professionals. Over the last 15 years, 92.2% of actively managed funds have underperformed a simple S&P 500 index fund (and they charge you fees for the privilege). Beware anyone selling something. The advice here is given freely
That’s why I made a point of mentioning that I have and regularly outperform the standard fund almost every year. Granted, I don’t have many of the regulatory restrictions a public fund would have, but it shows how useful the advice I’m giving here is. You don’t need anything fancy. You don’t need anything high risk. I’ve done this through two deep recessions and the longest bull market in history.
If you want to learn more about investing in general and where I learned how to do this, you can read Benjamin Graham’s The Intelligent Investor. It was written in the 1930s, so much of the technical information is out of date. Skip over that and just read it for the concepts.
Even easier reading is to go online to Berkshire Hathaway’s website and pull Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger’s annual letter to shareholders. Almost all of them have something useful in them and don’t make you do equations.
I am available for questions in the comments
submitted by PaperImperium to gme_meltdown [link] [comments]

Former investment bank FX trader: some thoughts

Former investment bank FX trader: some thoughts
Hi guys,
I have been using reddit for years in my personal life (not trading!) and wanted to give something back in an area where i am an expert.
I worked at an investment bank for seven years and joined them as a graduate FX trader so have lots of professional experience, by which i mean I was trained and paid by a big institution to trade on their behalf. This is very different to being a full-time home trader, although that is not to discredit those guys, who can accumulate a good amount of experience/wisdom through self learning.
When I get time I'm going to write a mid-length posts on each topic for you guys along the lines of how i was trained. I guess there would be 15-20 topics in total so about 50-60 posts. Feel free to comment or ask questions.
The first topic is Risk Management and we'll cover it in three parts
Part I
  • Why it matters
  • Position sizing
  • Kelly
  • Using stops sensibly
  • Picking a clear level

Why it matters

The first rule of making money through trading is to ensure you do not lose money. Look at any serious hedge fund’s website and they’ll talk about their first priority being “preservation of investor capital.”
You have to keep it before you grow it.
Strangely, if you look at retail trading websites, for every one article on risk management there are probably fifty on trade selection. This is completely the wrong way around.
The great news is that this stuff is pretty simple and process-driven. Anyone can learn and follow best practices.
Seriously, avoiding mistakes is one of the most important things: there's not some holy grail system for finding winning trades, rather a routine and fairly boring set of processes that ensure that you are profitable, despite having plenty of losing trades alongside the winners.

Capital and position sizing

The first thing you have to know is how much capital you are working with. Let’s say you have $100,000 deposited. This is your maximum trading capital. Your trading capital is not the leveraged amount. It is the amount of money you have deposited and can withdraw or lose.
Position sizing is what ensures that a losing streak does not take you out of the market.
A rule of thumb is that one should risk no more than 2% of one’s account balance on an individual trade and no more than 8% of one’s account balance on a specific theme. We’ll look at why that’s a rule of thumb later. For now let’s just accept those numbers and look at examples.
So we have $100,000 in our account. And we wish to buy EURUSD. We should therefore not be risking more than 2% which $2,000.
We look at a technical chart and decide to leave a stop below the monthly low, which is 55 pips below market. We’ll come back to this in a bit. So what should our position size be?
We go to the calculator page, select Position Size and enter our details. There are many such calculators online - just google "Pip calculator".
So the appropriate size is a buy position of 363,636 EURUSD. If it reaches our stop level we know we’ll lose precisely $2,000 or 2% of our capital.
You should be using this calculator (or something similar) on every single trade so that you know your risk.
Now imagine that we have similar bets on EURJPY and EURGBP, which have also broken above moving averages. Clearly this EUR-momentum is a theme. If it works all three bets are likely to pay off. But if it goes wrong we are likely to lose on all three at once. We are going to look at this concept of correlation in more detail later.
The total amount of risk in our portfolio - if all of the trades on this EUR-momentum theme were to hit their stops - should not exceed $8,000 or 8% of total capital. This allows us to go big on themes we like without going bust when the theme does not work.
As we’ll see later, many traders only win on 40-60% of trades. So you have to accept losing trades will be common and ensure you size trades so they cannot ruin you.
Similarly, like poker players, we should risk more on trades we feel confident about and less on trades that seem less compelling. However, this should always be subject to overall position sizing constraints.
For example before you put on each trade you might rate the strength of your conviction in the trade and allocate a position size accordingly:
To keep yourself disciplined you should try to ensure that no more than one in twenty trades are graded exceptional and allocated 5% of account balance risk. It really should be a rare moment when all the stars align for you.
Notice that the nice thing about dealing in percentages is that it scales. Say you start out with $100,000 but end the year up 50% at $150,000. Now a 1% bet will risk $1,500 rather than $1,000. That makes sense as your capital has grown.
It is extremely common for retail accounts to blow-up by making only 4-5 losing trades because they are leveraged at 50:1 and have taken on far too large a position, relative to their account balance.
Consider that GBPUSD tends to move 1% each day. If you have an account balance of $10k then it would be crazy to take a position of $500k (50:1 leveraged). A 1% move on $500k is $5k.
Two perfectly regular down days in a row — or a single day’s move of 2% — and you will receive a margin call from the broker, have the account closed out, and have lost all your money.
Do not let this happen to you. Use position sizing discipline to protect yourself.

Kelly Criterion

If you’re wondering - why “about 2%” per trade? - that’s a fair question. Why not 0.5% or 10% or any other number?
The Kelly Criterion is a formula that was adapted for use in casinos. If you know the odds of winning and the expected pay-off, it tells you how much you should bet in each round.
This is harder than it sounds. Let’s say you could bet on a weighted coin flip, where it lands on heads 60% of the time and tails 40% of the time. The payout is $2 per $1 bet.
Well, absolutely you should bet. The odds are in your favour. But if you have, say, $100 it is less obvious how much you should bet to avoid ruin.
Say you bet $50, the odds that it could land on tails twice in a row are 16%. You could easily be out after the first two flips.
Equally, betting $1 is not going to maximise your advantage. The odds are 60/40 in your favour so only betting $1 is likely too conservative. The Kelly Criterion is a formula that produces the long-run optimal bet size, given the odds.
Applying the formula to forex trading looks like this:
Position size % = Winning trade % - ( (1- Winning trade %) / Risk-reward ratio
If you have recorded hundreds of trades in your journal - see next chapter - you can calculate what this outputs for you specifically.
If you don't have hundreds of trades then let’s assume some realistic defaults of Winning trade % being 30% and Risk-reward ratio being 3. The 3 implies your TP is 3x the distance of your stop from entry e.g. 300 pips take profit and 100 pips stop loss.
So that’s 0.3 - (1 - 0.3) / 3 = 6.6%.
Hold on a second. 6.6% of your account probably feels like a LOT to risk per trade.This is the main observation people have on Kelly: whilst it may optimise the long-run results it doesn’t take into account the pain of drawdowns. It is better thought of as the rational maximum limit. You needn’t go right up to the limit!
With a 30% winning trade ratio, the odds of you losing on four trades in a row is nearly one in four. That would result in a drawdown of nearly a quarter of your starting account balance. Could you really stomach that and put on the fifth trade, cool as ice? Most of us could not.
Accordingly people tend to reduce the bet size. For example, let’s say you know you would feel emotionally affected by losing 25% of your account.
Well, the simplest way is to divide the Kelly output by four. You have effectively hidden 75% of your account balance from Kelly and it is now optimised to avoid a total wipeout of just the 25% it can see.
This gives 6.6% / 4 = 1.65%. Of course different trading approaches and different risk appetites will provide different optimal bet sizes but as a rule of thumb something between 1-2% is appropriate for the style and risk appetite of most retail traders.
Incidentally be very wary of systems or traders who claim high winning trade % like 80%. Invariably these don’t pass a basic sense-check:
  • How many live trades have you done? Often they’ll have done only a handful of real trades and the rest are simulated backtests, which are overfitted. The model will soon die.
  • What is your risk-reward ratio on each trade? If you have a take profit $3 away and a stop loss $100 away, of course most trades will be winners. You will not be making money, however! In general most traders should trade smaller position sizes and less frequently than they do. If you are going to bias one way or the other, far better to start off too small.

How to use stop losses sensibly

Stop losses have a bad reputation amongst the retail community but are absolutely essential to risk management. No serious discretionary trader can operate without them.
A stop loss is a resting order, left with the broker, to automatically close your position if it reaches a certain price. For a recap on the various order types visit this chapter.
The valid concern with stop losses is that disreputable brokers look for a concentration of stops and then, when the market is close, whipsaw the price through the stop levels so that the clients ‘stop out’ and sell to the broker at a low rate before the market naturally comes back higher. This is referred to as ‘stop hunting’.
This would be extremely immoral behaviour and the way to guard against it is to use a highly reputable top-tier broker in a well regulated region such as the UK.
Why are stop losses so important? Well, there is no other way to manage risk with certainty.
You should always have a pre-determined stop loss before you put on a trade. Not having one is a recipe for disaster: you will find yourself emotionally attached to the trade as it goes against you and it will be extremely hard to cut the loss. This is a well known behavioural bias that we’ll explore in a later chapter.
Learning to take a loss and move on rationally is a key lesson for new traders.
A common mistake is to think of the market as a personal nemesis. The market, of course, is totally impersonal; it doesn’t care whether you make money or not.
Bruce Kovner, founder of the hedge fund Caxton Associates
There is an old saying amongst bank traders which is “losers average losers”.
It is tempting, having bought EURUSD and seeing it go lower, to buy more. Your average price will improve if you keep buying as it goes lower. If it was cheap before it must be a bargain now, right? Wrong.
Where does that end? Always have a pre-determined cut-off point which limits your risk. A level where you know the reason for the trade was proved ‘wrong’ ... and stick to it strictly. If you trade using discretion, use stops.

Picking a clear level

Where you leave your stop loss is key.
Typically traders will leave them at big technical levels such as recent highs or lows. For example if EURUSD is trading at 1.1250 and the recent month’s low is 1.1205 then leaving it just below at 1.1200 seems sensible.

If you were going long, just below the double bottom support zone seems like a sensible area to leave a stop
You want to give it a bit of breathing room as we know support zones often get challenged before the price rallies. This is because lots of traders identify the same zones. You won’t be the only one selling around 1.1200.
The “weak hands” who leave their sell stop order at exactly the level are likely to get taken out as the market tests the support. Those who leave it ten or fifteen pips below the level have more breathing room and will survive a quick test of the level before a resumed run-up.
Your timeframe and trading style clearly play a part. Here’s a candlestick chart (one candle is one day) for GBPUSD.
If you are putting on a trend-following trade you expect to hold for weeks then you need to have a stop loss that can withstand the daily noise. Look at the downtrend on the chart. There were plenty of days in which the price rallied 60 pips or more during the wider downtrend.
So having a really tight stop of, say, 25 pips that gets chopped up in noisy short-term moves is not going to work for this kind of trade. You need to use a wider stop and take a smaller position size, determined by the stop level.
There are several tools you can use to help you estimate what is a safe distance and we’ll look at those in the next section.
There are of course exceptions. For example, if you are doing range-break style trading you might have a really tight stop, set just below the previous range high.
Clearly then where you set stops will depend on your trading style as well as your holding horizons and the volatility of each instrument.
Here are some guidelines that can help:
  1. Use technical analysis to pick important levels (support, resistance, previous high/lows, moving averages etc.) as these provide clear exit and entry points on a trade.
  2. Ensure that the stop gives your trade enough room to breathe and reflects your timeframe and typical volatility of each pair. See next section.
  3. Always pick your stop level first. Then use a calculator to determine the appropriate lot size for the position, based on the % of your account balance you wish to risk on the trade.
So far we have talked about price-based stops. There is another sort which is more of a fundamental stop, used alongside - not instead of - price stops. If either breaks you’re out.
For example if you stop understanding why a product is going up or down and your fundamental thesis has been confirmed wrong, get out. For example, if you are long because you think the central bank is turning hawkish and AUDUSD is going to play catch up with rates … then you hear dovish noises from the central bank and the bond yields retrace lower and back in line with the currency - close your AUDUSD position. You already know your thesis was wrong. No need to give away more money to the market.

Coming up in part II

EDIT: part II here
Letting stops breathe
When to change a stop
Entering and exiting winning positions
Risk:reward ratios
Risk-adjusted returns

Coming up in part III

Squeezes and other risks
Market positioning
Bet correlation
Crap trades, timeouts and monthly limits

Disclaimer:This content is not investment advice and you should not place any reliance on it. The views expressed are the author's own and should not be attributed to any other person, including their employer.
submitted by getmrmarket to Forex [link] [comments]

DraftKings (NASDAQ: DKNG) - Deep Dive Research - Part 1

Hello, welcome to my first deep dive write up.
My name’s Mark and I’m an accountant with a passion for investing. About two years ago, I used to work as an auditor at a public accounting firm and have been behind the scenes at many different publicly traded and privately held companies in the U.S. My goal is to bring my unique perspective from that past experience, my current experience working in a new role at a large corporation, and my understanding of accounting to help break down some of the most exciting growth stocks on the market today.
I’m a long-term investor. I am focused on finding great companies and holding them for a long time. I’m willing to endure volatility, crazy price drops, and everything that comes with this approach as long as the facts that led me to originally invest and believe in that company have not changed. If you want to learn more about this approach. I recommend reading the book “100 Baggers” by Chris Mayer.
I think it’s fitting that my first stock pick has to do with sports. Sports has been a part of my life since I could walk at the age of 2. First with baseball and soccer, and then later in my childhood with golf. I’ve always played American football and basketball for fun as well and have always been an avid fan of all the major sports in the US.
I started playing fantasy sports (mostly just fantasy football) about 6 years ago and have always enjoyed it. Traditionally, with fantasy football you draft a team at the beginning of the year and those are your players for the rest of the season. If you have a bad draft, oh well. You can try to improve your team with trades and free agent additions but it is tough. Leagues usually consist of 10-14 teams (each managed by an individual) and there’s obviously only one winner at the end of the season (about 4 months after the draft). This can lead to the managers of the lower performing teams losing interest as the season wanes on. I believe DraftKings’ (DK) founders saw this issue and saw an opportunity. Enter, daily fantasy sports. Now, with the DK platform you can draft a new team every week. Or if you want, every day. This allows fans of fantasy sports to engage at whichever point of the season they want and at varying financial stakes.
The Thesis Statement
For every stock pick I make, I want to provide a quick thesis statement that can serve as a reminder for why I’m buying and holding that stock for the long term. I’ll always aim to make it just a few sentences long so it can easily be remembered and internalized. This helps during times when the price may sporadically drop and you need to remember why you’re holding this position.
The thesis statement I have come up with for DK is as follows:
“DraftKings: The leader in allowing fans to engage financially with their favorite sports, teams, and players. Having money at stake makes the game a lot more interesting to watch. The era of daily fantasy sports games, online sports betting, and online betting (outside of sports), is just getting started and DK is as well positioned (or better positioned) than anyone to capitalize off of this trend.”
Notice how I said “allowing fans to engage financially” as the first sentence and not necessarily “allowing fans to gamble”. There’s a reason for that. According to US Federal Law, Daily Fantasy Sports (DFS) contests have specifically been exempted from the prohibitions of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA). DK has always been, and I believe will continue to be DFS contests 1st, sports betting 2nd, and other forms of gambling/entertainment 3rd. It is noteworthy that states at an individual level can still deem DFS contests illegal if they so wish, but as of this writing (11/26/20), 43 of the 50 US States allow DFS contests and DK, accordingly, is offering DFS contests in all 43 of those US States.
I’ll try to clarify the difference between DFS contests and sports betting real quick:
DFS Contest – Pay a pre-set entry fee to enter a contest. All entry fees go towards “The Pot”. “Draft” 9 players to be on your “Team” for 1 week. Enter your “Roster” into a contest with other players (could range from 1 other person to 1,000s of people, the DK user can choose). Whichever “Roster” amasses the most points for that week out of all contestants wins. The winner will get the highest payout, and depending on the nature of the contest, other top finishers will receive smaller payouts as well.
Sports Gambling – Team A is considered a 10 point favorite to defeat Team B. This means that Team A is expected, by the professional gambling line setters, to outscore Team B by 10 points. This is known as a point spread. You can bet on the underdog or the favorite. If you bet on the favorite, they have to win by more than 10 points for you to win the bet. If you bet on the underdog, you will win the bet as long as the underdog keeps the game within less than a 10 point defeat.
These are just a couple simple examples to help you see the difference. Sports Gambling (the 2nd priority of DK) is a very lucrative market just as the DFS contests are. However, in the US, Federal Laws and regulations are a lot stricter on Sports Gambling than they are on DFS. As of this writing (11/27/20), 22 states (including the District of Columbia) out of 51 possible allow sports gambling.
DK is still in the infancy stages of getting their sports gambling business going. In the 22 states where they could potentially operate, they currently have a sports gambling offering in 11 of those states. The sports gambling business model for DK can be broken into two main offerings – mobile sports betting, and retail sports betting. Mobile sports betting means you can place a sports bet online from the comfort of your own home, while retail sports betting means you must go to a casino and place a bet with the sportsbook in person. I personally believe mobile sports betting is the real potential cash cow for DK out of the two types of sports betting offerings due to the convenience and ease of access. DK is currently working on and encouraging customers to lobby their state lawmakers to legalize sports gambling in more states.
How DK makes money
At the very least, before you invest in a company, you better understand how they make money. In Chris Mayers’ excellent book, 100 Baggers, that I mentioned above, he continually references top line revenue growth as one of the main common indicators of a possible 100 Bagger. This isn’t to tell you that any stock I pick will be a 100 Bagger just because it has great top line revenue growth, but if I am looking at a growth stock to hold for the long term, revenue growth is one of the first things I look at.
For DK, their means of making money is quite simple. I already went into detail above about DFS Contests and Sports Gambling. In DK’s latest 10-Q filing with the SEC (filed 11/13/20), revenue is broken out into two main streams: Online Gaming and Gaming Software.
Online Gaming (82% of Total Revenue for 9 months ended 9/30/20):
Online gaming is the true core business of DK and includes the aforementioned DFS Contests, Sports Gambling and additional gambling (non-sports) opportunities. DK refers to their additional gambling (non-sports) as “iGaming” or “online casino”.
For the 9 months ended 9/30/20, Online Gaming revenue totaled $239M, up 30% YoY from $184M in the same prior year period. Keep in mind, that this is an increase that happened during a COVID-19 global pandemic that delayed and shortened many professional sports seasons.
Online gaming revenue is earned in a few ways that are slightly different, but very similar overall. In order to enter a DFS contest, a customer must pay an entry fee. DFS revenue is generated from these entry fees collected, net of prize payouts and customer incentives awarded to users. In order to place a sports bet (sports gambling), a customer places a wager with a DK Sportsbook. The DK Sportsbook sets odds for each wager that builds in a theoretical margin allowing DK to profit. Sports gambling revenue is generated from wagers collected from customers, net of payouts and incentives awarded to winning customers. The last form of online gaming revenue is earned in similar fashion to a land-based casino, offering online versions of casino games such as blackjack, roulette, and slot machines.
Gaming Software (18% of Total Revenue for 9 months ended 9/30/20):
While the Online Gaming revenue stream mentioned above is a Business to Consumer (B2C) model, the Gaming Software revenue stream is a Business to Business (B2B) model. The Gaming Software side of the business was born out of the acquisition of SBTech, a company from the Isle of Man (near the UK) founded in 2007 that has 12+ years of experience providing online sports betting platforms to clients all over the world. The acquisition occurred as part of the SPAC driven IPO in April of 2020 that combined “the old DK company” with SBTech so that they now are “the new DK company” listed as DKNG on the NASDAQ. SBTech is a far more important part of the story than just being 18% of today’s revenue. The reason for this is because DK will eventually (planned mid-late 2021) be migrating all of their DFS and gambling offerings onto SBTech’s online platforms. Currently, for DFS, DK uses their own proprietary platform but that will move to SBTech with the migration. Currently, for online gambling, DK uses Kambi, the same online gambling platform that services Penn Gaming (PENN), a DK rival. But that’s enough about the software migration for now, back to the Gaming Software revenue.
The Gaming Software revenue stream for DK is essentially a continuation of SBTechs’ B2B business model. DK contracts with business customers to provide sports and casino betting software solutions. DK typically enters two different type of arrangements with B2B customers when selling the gaming software:
  1. Direct Customer Contract Revenue: In this type of transaction, the software is sold directly to a business (casino for example) that wants to use the software for their own gambling operations. This revenue is generally calculated as a percentage of the wagering revenue generated by the business customer using DK’s software and is recognized in the periods in which those wagering and related activities conclude.
  2. Reseller Arrangement Revenue: In this type of transaction, DK provides distributors with the right to resell DK’s software-as-a-service offering to their clients, using their own infrastructure. In reseller arrangements, revenue is generally calculated via a fixed monthly fee and an additional monthly fee which varies based on the number of gaming operators to whom each reseller sub-licenses DK’s software.
As mentioned above, SBTech was an international company based in the Isle of Man before being acquired by DK. Thus, the majority of their business in their first 12 years of operating independently has always been international and outside of the United States. This has helped DK, which has historically been US focused, expand it’s international reach.
A perfect example of expanding this international reach occurred recently during October (technically Q4) in which DK’s B2B technology (powered by SBTech) helped enable the launch of “PalaceBet”, a new mobile and online sportsbook offering from Peermont, a South Africa based resort and casino company. The deal was headed by DK’s new Chief International Officer, Shay Berka, who previously spent 10 years working for SBTech as CFO and General Manager. Mr. Berka took on the role of DK’s Chief International Officer upon the merger in April earlier this year. I think this deal shows that DK has integrated SBTech and it’s business very well into the larger business as a whole. They are not wasting any time using their newly acquired resources to expand their reach and bring in new sources of revenue.
This is the end of my first article about DK. My goal is to drop Part 2 later this week. The focus of Part 2 will be an in depth answer of the question – “Can we 10x from here?”
Disclosure: I am/we are long DKNG. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it. I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.
submitted by Historical-Comment36 to SecurityAnalysis [link] [comments]

DraftKings (NASDAQ: DKNG) - Deep Dive Research - Part 1

Hello, welcome to my first deep dive write up.
My name’s Mark and I’m an accountant with a passion for investing. About two years ago, I used to work as an auditor at a public accounting firm and have been behind the scenes at many different publicly traded and privately held companies in the U.S. My goal is to bring my unique perspective from that past experience, my current experience working in a new role at a large corporation, and my understanding of accounting to help break down some of the most exciting growth stocks on the market today.
I’m a long-term investor. I am focused on finding great companies and holding them for a long time. I’m willing to endure volatility, crazy price drops, and everything that comes with this approach as long as the facts that led me to originally invest and believe in that company have not changed. If you want to learn more about this approach. I recommend reading the book “100 Baggers” by Chris Mayer.
I think it’s fitting that my first stock pick has to do with sports. Sports has been a part of my life since I could walk at the age of 2. First with baseball and soccer, and then later in my childhood with golf. I’ve always played American football and basketball for fun as well and have always been an avid fan of all the major sports in the US.
I started playing fantasy sports (mostly just fantasy football) about 6 years ago and have always enjoyed it. Traditionally, with fantasy football you draft a team at the beginning of the year and those are your players for the rest of the season. If you have a bad draft, oh well. You can try to improve your team with trades and free agent additions but it is tough. Leagues usually consist of 10-14 teams (each managed by an individual) and there’s obviously only one winner at the end of the season (about 4 months after the draft). This can lead to the managers of the lower performing teams losing interest as the season wanes on. I believe DraftKings’ (DK) founders saw this issue and saw an opportunity. Enter, daily fantasy sports. Now, with the DK platform you can draft a new team every week. Or if you want, every day. This allows fans of fantasy sports to engage at whichever point of the season they want and at varying financial stakes.
The Thesis Statement
For every stock pick I make, I want to provide a quick thesis statement that can serve as a reminder for why I’m buying and holding that stock for the long term. I’ll always aim to make it just a few sentences long so it can easily be remembered and internalized. This helps during times when the price may sporadically drop and you need to remember why you’re holding this position.
The thesis statement I have come up with for DK is as follows:
“DraftKings: The leader in allowing fans to engage financially with their favorite sports, teams, and players. Having money at stake makes the game a lot more interesting to watch. The era of daily fantasy sports games, online sports betting, and online betting (outside of sports), is just getting started and DK is as well positioned (or better positioned) than anyone to capitalize off of this trend.”
Notice how I said “allowing fans to engage financially” as the first sentence and not necessarily “allowing fans to gamble”. There’s a reason for that. According to US Federal Law, Daily Fantasy Sports (DFS) contests have specifically been exempted from the prohibitions of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA). DK has always been, and I believe will continue to be DFS contests 1st, sports betting 2nd, and other forms of gambling/entertainment 3rd. It is noteworthy that states at an individual level can still deem DFS contests illegal if they so wish, but as of this writing (11/26/20), 43 of the 50 US States allow DFS contests and DK, accordingly, is offering DFS contests in all 43 of those US States.
I’ll try to clarify the difference between DFS contests and sports betting real quick:
DFS Contest – Pay a pre-set entry fee to enter a contest. All entry fees go towards “The Pot”. “Draft” 9 players to be on your “Team” for 1 week. Enter your “Roster” into a contest with other players (could range from 1 other person to 1,000s of people, the DK user can choose). Whichever “Roster” amasses the most points for that week out of all contestants wins. The winner will get the highest payout, and depending on the nature of the contest, other top finishers will receive smaller payouts as well.
Sports Gambling – Team A is considered a 10 point favorite to defeat Team B. This means that Team A is expected, by the professional gambling line setters, to outscore Team B by 10 points. This is known as a point spread. You can bet on the underdog or the favorite. If you bet on the favorite, they have to win by more than 10 points for you to win the bet. If you bet on the underdog, you will win the bet as long as the underdog keeps the game within less than a 10 point defeat.
These are just a couple simple examples to help you see the difference. Sports Gambling (the 2nd priority of DK) is a very lucrative market just as the DFS contests are. However, in the US, Federal Laws and regulations are a lot stricter on Sports Gambling than they are on DFS. As of this writing (11/27/20), 22 states (including the District of Columbia) out of 51 possible allow sports gambling.
DK is still in the infancy stages of getting their sports gambling business going. In the 22 states where they could potentially operate, they currently have a sports gambling offering in 11 of those states. The sports gambling business model for DK can be broken into two main offerings – mobile sports betting, and retail sports betting. Mobile sports betting means you can place a sports bet online from the comfort of your own home, while retail sports betting means you must go to a casino and place a bet with the sportsbook in person. I personally believe mobile sports betting is the real potential cash cow for DK out of the two types of sports betting offerings due to the convenience and ease of access. DK is currently working on and encouraging customers to lobby their state lawmakers to legalize sports gambling in more states.
How DK makes money
At the very least, before you invest in a company, you better understand how they make money. In Chris Mayers’ excellent book, 100 Baggers, that I mentioned above, he continually references top line revenue growth as one of the main common indicators of a possible 100 Bagger. This isn’t to tell you that any stock I pick will be a 100 Bagger just because it has great top line revenue growth, but if I am looking at a growth stock to hold for the long term, revenue growth is one of the first things I look at.
For DK, their means of making money is quite simple. I already went into detail above about DFS Contests and Sports Gambling. In DK’s latest 10-Q filing with the SEC (filed 11/13/20), revenue is broken out into two main streams: Online Gaming and Gaming Software.
Online Gaming (82% of Total Revenue for 9 months ended 9/30/20):
Online gaming is the true core business of DK and includes the aforementioned DFS Contests, Sports Gambling and additional gambling (non-sports) opportunities. DK refers to their additional gambling (non-sports) as “iGaming” or “online casino”.
For the 9 months ended 9/30/20, Online Gaming revenue totaled $239M, up 30% YoY from $184M in the same prior year period. Keep in mind, that this is an increase that happened during a COVID-19 global pandemic that delayed and shortened many professional sports seasons.
Online gaming revenue is earned in a few ways that are slightly different, but very similar overall. In order to enter a DFS contest, a customer must pay an entry fee. DFS revenue is generated from these entry fees collected, net of prize payouts and customer incentives awarded to users. In order to place a sports bet (sports gambling), a customer places a wager with a DK Sportsbook. The DK Sportsbook sets odds for each wager that builds in a theoretical margin allowing DK to profit. Sports gambling revenue is generated from wagers collected from customers, net of payouts and incentives awarded to winning customers. The last form of online gaming revenue is earned in similar fashion to a land-based casino, offering online versions of casino games such as blackjack, roulette, and slot machines.
Gaming Software (18% of Total Revenue for 9 months ended 9/30/20):
While the Online Gaming revenue stream mentioned above is a Business to Consumer (B2C) model, the Gaming Software revenue stream is a Business to Business (B2B) model. The Gaming Software side of the business was born out of the acquisition of SBTech, a company from the Isle of Man (near the UK) founded in 2007 that has 12+ years of experience providing online sports betting platforms to clients all over the world. The acquisition occurred as part of the SPAC driven IPO in April of 2020 that combined “the old DK company” with SBTech so that they now are “the new DK company” listed as DKNG on the NASDAQ. SBTech is a far more important part of the story than just being 18% of today’s revenue. The reason for this is because DK will eventually (planned mid-late 2021) be migrating all of their DFS and gambling offerings onto SBTech’s online platforms. Currently, for DFS, DK uses their own proprietary platform but that will move to SBTech with the migration. Currently, for online gambling, DK uses Kambi, the same online gambling platform that services Penn Gaming (PENN), a DK rival. But that’s enough about the software migration for now, back to the Gaming Software revenue.
The Gaming Software revenue stream for DK is essentially a continuation of SBTechs’ B2B business model. DK contracts with business customers to provide sports and casino betting software solutions. DK typically enters two different type of arrangements with B2B customers when selling the gaming software:

  1. Direct Customer Contract Revenue: In this type of transaction, the software is sold directly to a business (casino for example) that wants to use the software for their own gambling operations. This revenue is generally calculated as a percentage of the wagering revenue generated by the business customer using DK’s software and is recognized in the periods in which those wagering and related activities conclude.
  2. Reseller Arrangement Revenue: In this type of transaction, DK provides distributors with the right to resell DK’s software-as-a-service offering to their clients, using their own infrastructure. In reseller arrangements, revenue is generally calculated via a fixed monthly fee and an additional monthly fee which varies based on the number of gaming operators to whom each reseller sub-licenses DK’s software.
As mentioned above, SBTech was an international company based in the Isle of Man before being acquired by DK. Thus, the majority of their business in their first 12 years of operating independently has always been international and outside of the United States. This has helped DK, which has historically been US focused, expand it’s international reach.
A perfect example of expanding this international reach occurred recently during October (technically Q4) in which DK’s B2B technology (powered by SBTech) helped enable the launch of “PalaceBet”, a new mobile and online sportsbook offering from Peermont, a South Africa based resort and casino company. The deal was headed by DK’s new Chief International Officer, Shay Berka, who previously spent 10 years working for SBTech as CFO and General Manager. Mr. Berka took on the role of DK’s Chief International Officer upon the merger in April earlier this year. I think this deal shows that DK has integrated SBTech and it’s business very well into the larger business as a whole. They are not wasting any time using their newly acquired resources to expand their reach and bring in new sources of revenue.
This is the end of my first article about DK. My goal is to drop Part 2 later this week. The focus of Part 2 will be an in depth answer of the question – “Can we 10x from here?”
Disclosure: I am/we are long DKNG. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it. I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.
submitted by Historical-Comment36 to investing [link] [comments]

ComeOn Casino 300 free spins bonus no deposit required (register)

ComeOn Casino 300 free spins bonus no deposit required (register)

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Sign up with ComeOn Casino today and receive 300 No Deposit Free Spins! In addition, enjoy a 100% welcome bonus, $1500 free cash and daily free bets! Click on the link below to visit exclusive promotional landing page. 18+ New customers only.
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ComeOn Casino & Sports Review

The company is fairly new to the online gambling business, having started in 2008 under Malta’s jurisdiction, although it’s obviously racked some years under its belt already. Now that I think of it, we rarely review sites younger than ComeOn!, probably because you need to see how a site treats its customers for consistent period of time.
To make it as an online gambling site, you need to provide years and years of consistently honest and high-quality service to get us to write about you. (We wish some of the other informational gambling sites followed the same principles – when dealing with real money, it’s better to be safe than sorry.)
You might assume that ComeOn is diving deeper into the UK market by agreeing to a sponsorship deal with Liverpool – however, the sponsorship is mainly used to promote ComeOn! to Liverpool’s Scandinavian fanbase, which is quite significant considering that John Arne Riise (Norway) and Sami Hyypia (Finland) were important first-team players within the Liverpool squad, and both were in the starting line-up when Liverpool won the Champions League in 2005.

About ComeOn Casino

ComeOn and play! With a name like ComeOn!, you’re already off to a fun start.
ComeOn! offers both a Casino and Sportsbook with Live Betting in each, and its name reflects its personality. I was excited to see a fun, lighthearted approach to online gambling. After all, what other casino mentions Shakespeare in their “About” section?
The attractive website featuring clever explanations and instructions especially shines through on the promotions page and in the sportsbook. You’ve got enough information to keep you satisfied, but not too much to bore you. The bonuses and rewards offers are abundant, well-organized and explained. The sportsbook has one of the most user-friendly layouts, and that can be tricky when you’re featuring endless numbers.
I certainly don’t want to leave out the casino as it features a combination of the top software companies. The result is a total of over 500 gaming favorites including some of the life-changing progressive slot jackpots like the “Megas” – Fortune and Moolah. You’ll also find Hall of Gods, and ten others that you may be familiar with if you’re a slot aficionado.
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Who Can Play at ComeOn! Casino?

I’m on the UK-version of the casino that offers the most significant variety for players, as some of the gaming is restricted in other geographical areas.
Although the site is open to customers from most countries, it does not allow players from the following countries:
  • United States
  • Australia
  • Czech Republic
  • Croatia
  • Curaçao
  • France
  • Hungary
  • Ireland
  • Netherlands
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Spain
  • Turkey

Software Suppliers

I think it’s a benefit when a casino provides games from a wide variety of software companies. It not only boosts the number of games and the variations, but it allows for more of the top progressive jackpots.
For example, using both NetEnt and Microgaming allows ComeOn! Slot players access to both of the all-time big money games, Mega Fortune and Mega Moolah.
The casino offers selections from Evolution Gaming, Microgaming, NetEnt, Play ‘n Go, Playtech, WMS, and Yggdrasil. The sportsbook features Sports Betting Tech software.
There is a list of exclusions in the terms and conditions area that come with each of the companies. Each software developer has its individual licensing and restrictions, so the game catalog will vary depending on where you live.
In the case of Microgaming and NetEnt, there are also some specific game restrictions. So, where you may see some of their offerings, a few titles will be removed based on location. The same applies to Sports Betting Tech and the sportsbook access.
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The Good Stuff

2,000+ Game Casino

Not only are there plenty of gaming options, but I like the combination of the top providers like NetEnt and Microgaming used as players can choose from their all-time favorites in one place. There is a wide range of games for the slot, table game, and video poker players but, specialty games is notably missing from the menu. The addition of some scratch cards, keno, bingo, and parlor games would take the casino to the next level.

Fast Payouts

If you’re using Skrill or Neteller as your financial method of choice, you can have your cash on hand in about a day. There’s a 24-hour internal processing window. But then, while credit cards and bank transfers could hold up the process for a few more days (or even up to seven), e-wallets have immediate transfer capability. Compared to some sites that take a week or two to pay, a 24-hour turnaround possibility is a considerable benefit.

Highly Recommended For Sports Bettors

Not only is the sportsbook extremely functional and, even the absolute beginner can navigate him or herself around easily, but this operator focuses on promotional opportunities for sports punters and provides an “odds boost” section. Players who use both the sportsbook and casino won’t miss out on anything by having to choose one over the other. The welcome bonus package and other offers aren’t “either or.” Clients can take advantage of all of the offers but just can’t combine the types of betting when meeting a wagering requirement.

The Bad Stuff

Mobile Casino

While I wouldn’t exactly call the mobile casino “bad,” it was disappointing. While there are plenty of gaming options, just over 400 to be more precise, it lacks the sorting mechanisms and information provided on the full website. A list of promotions isn’t available, and the casino was somewhat challenging. All of the games are grouped together in one area. You can isolate new games and jackpots but, whereas the full website has top-notch filtering, everything is combined on smartphones and tablets. It was surprising that the casino didn’t even separate out table games from slots and video poker. Fortunately, the mobile casino provides an option to pull up the regular website. You won’t then have the best mobile translation of the games, but you will have the ability to get to the promotions and to isolate some gaming possibilities.

Deposit Fees

This banking requirement came as another surprise to me. It’s extremely rare that a gambling site charge deposit fees unless it’s targeting Americans who don’t have much of choice in the matter. While there aren’t fees imposed for every option, bank transfers, Paysafecards, and Skrill will cost you 5% of your total deposit. Two free payouts per month are available, and then subsequent ones come with a €5 fee each.


The ComeOn! sportsbook is one of the more conveniently laid out books that I’ve come across, especially for new and recreational punters regardless of being on the full site or mobile. Across the top link bar of the sports betting section you have access to live betting, today’s events, and also results. It’s rarer than you might think to have a site that gives you the results of your bets, so it’s nice to be able to find all of that here without having to go to the news or a sports site to get that information if you happen to miss watching your game.
The results section allows you to filter by sport, and what time the game or event was (last 24 hours, last 48 hours, last 4 days, or last 7 days). Along the right-hand side of all the pages in the sportsbook section, you can see live scores of popular games in progress. It’s nice to see an online sportsbook doing a little reporting instead of just taking bets and expecting you to go somewhere else for your results and updates. While most of you will be watching the games you’ve bet, it’s still a nice perk in case you get pulled away for something and have to miss the game.
With 30+ sports to choose from, you should have no problem getting action on your favorite game. They have all the major sports that you’d expect to see with a quality sportsbook and also some less popular sports like bandy, darts, sailing, and table tennis. We aren’t saying these sports aren’t popular (and awesome), we’re just saying it’s rare to see them on a sports betting site these days. Football matches, especially in England, offer more than 100 markets each and cover everything from Premier League, to Isthmian Premiere and Super League Women.
ComeOn! has a ton of specials bets for you to choose from that include politics, Christmas specials, and even the BBC Sports Personality of the Year. This book really gives you the ability to bet on anything that you want.
The minimum bet is just 40p, and this bookmaker does impose a £100,000 daily maximum win rule. So, if you’re a higher stakes bettor, grab your calculator and do the math first. That way you don’t lose out on anything above that mark.
The interface of the betting section is clean and easy to find the bets you are looking for. When you select a bet, it automatically pops over onto a slip on the right-hand side of the screen. From there, you can input your bet amount, and the program will automatically tell you how much you should expect to get back with a correct pick. You can type in your bet amount or click a plus or minus sign to jump up in convenient increments ($5, $10, $25, $50, $100, etc.). This is nice if you’re looking to get a quick bet in.
You can easily add multiple bets to your tickets to create parlays.
When you create a parlay with ComeOn! they give you some bonus odds that are a few more percentage points in your favor.
It looks like the more teams that you add to a parlay, the higher percentage bonus odds you will receive. This can be anywhere from 1% all the way up to 50% depending on your tickets. With three bets, we got an additional 5% in bonus odds for our bet.
One other feature that ComeOn! has that we feel should be industry standard but is not is the ability to switch all of the odds on the site between decimal, fractional, and American. This makes things easy for you in case you like to use a format over another. Some sportsbooks in today’s world still don’t have the ability for you to do this or force you to do it individually for each bet you’re making. Big props to ComeOn! for taking care of this one.
Overall, we were big fans of the sportsbook here. It was clean, well laid out, and had an enormous number of betting options to choose from. Their less popular sporting options and crazy specials bets were fantastic to see and not something that you’re going to get with just any book on the web. If you’re looking for a new sports betting home, this could be a slam dunk for you.
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ComeOn Casino Game Selection

The casino offers over 2,000 games combined in the regular and live dealer areas. Just as with most sites, slots are the primary focus, and ComeOn! provides 1,000 different ones from which to select. If you’re an avid slot player, you’ll recognize most of the names but, there could be a few mixed in to surprise you.
What I liked most about this casino are the extended sorting features. The jackpot games are in one section, but you can also search per name or filer them by the software company or via game bundle like “high stakes” or “classics.”
Below every game, there’s also a highlighted feature to help you pick the best one for you. It’ll say if there are sticky wilds, win both ways, the amount of the multiplier, high paying, multiple jackpots, 3D graphics, etc. I think those designations not only help new players but the experienced ones as well, find a new game based on what they enjoy most about slot play.

ComeOn Mobile Casino

Just over 400 of the 558 total games are transferred over for playing on the go, but they can be challenging to locate. The mobile casino offers large, colorful graphics, but you have to comb through hundreds of gaming options to narrow down your choices.
Oddly enough, there isn’t a separate section for slots, table games, and video poker. They’re all combined. You can access the ten-game jackpot section, but everything else is a mish-mash.

ComeOn Sportsbook Promotions

Usually, I find that gaming sites emphasize promotions for casino players and leave sports bettors pretty much out in the cold. However, on this site, you’ll see more rewards for sports punters.
There’s a Free Bet Club as well as ever-changing offers that are posted on the main sportsbook page. Sports bettors are also included in the welcome bonus and limited time promotions. They also have enhanced odds specials to boost the value of the betting experience with
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ComeOn Banking

When it comes to banking for ComeOn’s customers, there are plenty of options, especially for UK residents. What I was surprised to find, though, was a fee assessed to a few of the deposit methods. Paysafecard is one of them and it doesn’t make sense as to why any charge would be incurred. It’s a prepaid method so, essentially, the player is transferring in cash.
The minimums are low, though, so recreational players will be pleased. If you’re looking to deposit the highest amount, you’ll need to opt for a Neteller or Skrill transfer. I would recommend Neteller as it provides for a £8000 deposit and no fees are assessed.
There isn’t a bitcoin option, but Apple Pay is one of the accepted payments, and it’s not always easy to find a site that takes it.

Deposit Methods

Regardless of which financial option is selected, the funds should be immediately available to you in your betting account.
  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • Maestro
  • Apple Pay
  • EntroPay
  • Online Bank Transfer By Skrill
  • Neteller
  • Skrill and Skrill 1-Tap
  • Paysafecard

Withdrawal Methods

Withdrawals are processed internally within 24 hours, which is relatively fast. I read through some player forums, and most people backed up that 24-hour window. However, the money will only be in your hands within that period if you opted for Neteller or Skrill as your deposit method.
Your payout uses the same system as for deposits and opting for these e-wallets eliminates a lengthy external processing.
Regarding fees for payouts, if you do a quick glance at the information table, you won’t see any listed. However, I did note that in a separate area publicizes that only two free withdrawals are allowed for every 30 days. After that, there is a €5 charge for all subsequent cash outs.
  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • EntroPay
  • Bank Wire Transfer
  • Neteller
  • Skrill
>> Claim Free Spins Here <<

Customer Service

The customer service department is reachable by live chat or email only. There isn’t a posted email address. You will need to use their prepared form if you don’t like the chat option.
As a tip, though, there are some great FAQs hidden in the help area. I searched to find these and came up empty until I clicked the tiny little green question mark on the right side of the screen that I thought would initiate a chat. Instead, I found a comprehensive help section tucked in there including all of the banking information that I previously couldn’t locate either.
So, your questions may be answered just by reviewing that information. But, if you do need to get one-on-one assistance, the service agents are known to be fast responding, courteous, and very helpful.
submitted by freespinsbonus to u/freespinsbonus [link] [comments]

The difference between the type of betting odds

Official Site Football Tips From Israel
Learn how to calculate your probability to win by understanding the types of betting odds
What is the difference between the types of betting odds? If you think to start betting online. this one of the basic things that you have to learn. In that case, it is ridiculous to think that you can start betting without knowing how to calculate your odds to win. Betting odds shows you how much money you will win. In addition, it shows you the odds that it could happen.
Read this article very carefully and find the type of betting odds that suits you best. Because, in every big bookmaker’s website, you will have the ability to see the odds in the appearance that you prefer. If you will stick to your type of betting odds, it will help you understand the probability to win.
The probability
In the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, The probability that Luis Suarez will bite another player during the World Cup was 0.57%. More the 150 people decided that it is a good probability and believed that it could happen. They won!
They calculated the probability that the bookie gave them. As a result, they understood that it was worth the risk. Because of the lower the probability, the higher the winning profit.
There are three types of betting odds.
In the past bookmakers
published the odds by the locale odds type of their localization. However, in the present, most of the biggest bookmakers give you a choice to choose the way you are betting odds will appear. Now, Read carefully about the three different odds types and decide what the most comfortable way for you to understand is.
Decimal Odds
The decimal odds
came from Europe, Australia, and Canada. It is the easiest way to understand your odds and your winning probabilities. It represents you what will be the amount that you will win for every 1 Euro that you bet on.
Very important to understand that it does not represent profit. It represents the return of the money. To calculate the profit, you should subtract stake (the amount of the bet) that you already paid to place your bet.
This is the calculation for the profit:
The winning profit = (Odds * Stake) – Stake
Here are some examples of how to calculate the profit when you put 10 a Euro stake.
Off course. While, the higher the probability, the lower the profit. Now, let’s calculate the probability of the same odds.
This is the calculation for the probability:
Probability = (1/Odds) * 100
Here are some examples of how to calculate the probability that the Bookmaker thinks the result can happen
Watch the Full Video Guide on YouTube!
IN THE CLIP: Demoles explains and gives tips about how to calculate the Profit and the Probability from all three main types of betting odds
Fractional odds
The Fractional odds came from bookmakers that worked in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Including, several names like UK odds, Traditional odds and even, Aka British odds. However, in most bookmaker’s websites, you will see these odds called Fractional odds
. You will find it presented with two numbers that have a Slash between them. (8/1 for example).
If you see for an event with 8/1 odds to happen. It means, for every 1 Euro stake you will have 8 Euros in profit. in other words, you will receive 9 euros for the win. Therefore, the Stake was 10 Euros, you will win 90 Euros (10 stakes + 80 profit)
We will replace numbers to letters – A/B to understand to calculate the Profit:
The winning profit = (A/B) * Stake
Here are some examples of how to calculate the profit when you put a 10 Euro stake.
Off course. While, the higher the probability, the lower the profit. Now, let’s calculate the probability of the same odds.
We will replace numbers to letters – A/B to understand to calculate the Probability:
Probability = B / (A+B) * 100
Here are some examples of how to calculate the probability that the Bookmaker thinks the result can happen
However, as we saw in the Decimal odds. The same rule is in the Fractional odds too. The higher the probability, the profit is lower. Again, we will replace numbers to letters – A/B to understand to calculate
the profit:
American odds
The American odds, it’s easy to guess, came from bookmakers in America. It is also known as US odds or Aka Moneyline odds. The underdog in the match will have (+) sign before its odds and the favorite team will have (-) sign before its odds.
The favorite team’s odds represent (-): How big should be your stake to win 100 Euros. While the Underdog team’s odds represent (+): How big will be your profit if your stake will be 100 Euros.
+440 means that if you will risk 100 euros your profit will be 440 euros in addition to your 100 euros stake. So, Your payout will be 540 euros.
-320 means that you need to risk 320 euros to make a 100 euros profit. In addition to your 320 Euros Stake. As a result, your payout will be 420 euros.
This is the calculation for the profit in Negative Odds:
The Profit in Negative Odds = (100/Odds) * stake
Here are some examples of how to calculate the profit when you put 10 a Euro stake in Negative Odds
This is the calculation for the profit in Positive Odds:
The Probability in Positive Odds = Odds * (Stakes / 100)
Here are some examples of how to calculate the profit when you put 10 a Euro stake in Positive Odds
This is the calculation for the probability in Negative Odds:
The Probability in Negative Odds = Odds / (Odds + 100) * 100
Here are some examples of how to calculate the probability that the Bookmaker thinks the result can happen in Negative Odds
This is the calculation for the probability in PositiveOdds:
The Probability in Positive Odds = 100 / (Odds + 100) * 100
Here are some examples of how to calculate the probability that the Bookmaker thinks the result can happen in Positive Odds
Our conclusion
At the end of the day, all three different types of betting odds
: Decimal odds, Fractional odds, and American odds. Show the same probability and the same payout. They just present them in 3 different ways. We recommend you try them all, and see which Odds type suits you the best and work with it. But, no matter which odds type you choose. You always have to consider the probability and see if it worth the risk.
In our podcast, Demoles always pick his betting predictions, only after he calculated the probability to win and when it worth the risk. In view of, maximizing the winnings by the information that he collects and shares about the Football in Israel.
Does this article help you? if so, learn more about the most common types of football bets
. It will help you improve your betting skills.
submitted by FootBallTipsIL to betting [link] [comments]

The difference between the type of betting odds

Official Site Football Tips From Israel

Learn how to calculate your probability to win by understanding the types of betting odds

What is the difference between the types of betting odds? If you think to start betting online. this one of the basic things that you have to learn. In that case, it is ridiculous to think that you can start betting without knowing how to calculate your odds to win. Betting odds shows you how much money you will win. In addition, it shows you the odds that it could happen.
Read this article very carefully and find the type of betting odds that suits you best. Because, in every big bookmaker’s website, you will have the ability to see the odds in the appearance that you prefer. If you will stick to your type of betting odds, it will help you understand the probability to win.

The probability

In the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, The probability that Luis Suarez will bite another player during the World Cup was 0.57%. More the 150 people decided that it is a good probability and believed that it could happen. They won!
They calculated the probability that the bookie gave them. As a result, they understood that it was worth the risk. Because of the lower the probability, the higher the winning profit.
There are three types of betting odds.
In the past bookmakers published the odds by the locale odds type of their localization. However, in the present, most of the biggest bookmakers give you the choice to choose the way you betting odds will appear. Now, Read carefully about the three different odds types and decide what the most comfortable way for you to understand is.

Decimal Odds

The decimal odds came from Europe, Australia, and Canada. It is the easiest way to understand your odds and your winning probabilities. It represents you what will be the amount that you will win for every 1 Euro that you bet on.
Very important to understand that it does not represent profit. It represents the return of the money. To calculate the profit, you should subtract stake (the amount of the bet) that you already paid to place your bet.
This is the calculation for the profit:
The winning profit = (Odds * Stake) – Stake
Here are some examples of how to calculate the profit when you put 10 a Euro stake.
Off course. While, the higher the probability, the lower the profit. Now, let’s calculate the probability of the same odds.
This is the calculation for the probability:
Probability = (1/Odds) * 100
Here are some examples of how to calculate the probability that the Bookmaker thinks the result can happen
Watch the Full Video Guide on YouTube!
IN THE CLIP: Demoles explains and gives tips about how to calculate the Profit and the Probability from all three main types of betting odds

Fractional odds

The Fractional odds came from bookmakers that worked in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Including, several names like UK odds, Traditional odds and even, Aka British odds. However, in most bookmaker’s websites, you will see these odds called Fractional odds. You will find it presented with two numbers that have a Slash between them. (8/1 for example).
If you see for an event with 8/1 odds to happen. It means, for every 1 Euro stake you will have 8 Euros in profit. in other words, you will receive 9 euros for the win. Therefore, the Stake was 10 Euros, you will win 90 Euros (10 stakes + 80 profit)
We will replace numbers to letters – A/B to understand to calculate the Profit:
The winning profit = (A/B) * Stake
Here are some examples of how to calculate the profit when you put a 10 Euro stake.
Off course. While, the higher the probability, the lower the profit. Now, let’s calculate the probability of the same odds.
We will replace numbers to letters – A/B to understand to calculate the Probability:
Probability = B / (A+B) * 100
Here are some examples of how to calculate the probability that the Bookmaker thinks the result can happen
However, as we saw in the Decimal odds. The same rule is in the Fractional odds too. The higher the probability, the profit is lower. Again, we will replace numbers to letters – A/B to understand to calculate the profit:

American odds

The American odds, it’s easy to guess, came from bookmakers in America. It is also known as US odds or Aka Moneyline odds. The underdog in the match will have (+) sign before its odds and the favorite team will have (-) sign before its odds.
The favorite team’s odds represent (-): How big should be your stake to win 100 Euros. While the Underdog team’s odds represent (+): How big will be your profit if your stake will be 100 Euros.
+440 means that if you will risk 100 euros your profit will be 440 euros in addition to your 100 euros stake. So, Your payout will be 540 euros.
-320 means that you need to risk 320 euros to make a 100 euros profit. In addition to your 320 Euros Stake. As a result, your payout will be 420 euros.
This is the calculation for the profit in Negative Odds:
The Profit in Negative Odds = (100/Odds) * stake
Here are some examples of how to calculate the profit when you put 10 a Euro stake in Negative Odds
This is the calculation for the profit in Positive Odds:
The Probability in Positive Odds = Odds * (Stakes / 100)
Here are some examples of how to calculate the profit when you put 10 a Euro stake in Positive Odds
This is the calculation for the probability in Negative Odds:
The Probability in Negative Odds = Odds / (Odds + 100) * 100
Here are some examples of how to calculate the probability that the Bookmaker thinks the result can happen in Negative Odds
This is the calculation for the probability in PositiveOdds:
The Probability in Positive Odds = 100 / (Odds + 100) * 100
Here are some examples of how to calculate the probability that the Bookmaker thinks the result can happen in Positive Odds

Our conclusion

At the end of the day, all three different types of betting odds: Decimal odds, Fractional odds, and American odds. Show the same probability and the same payout. They just present them in 3 different ways. We recommend you try them all, and see which Odds type suits you the best and work with it. But, no matter which odds type you choose. You always have to consider the probability and see if it worth the risk.
In our podcast, Demoles always pick his betting predictions, only after he calculated the probability to win and when it worth the risk. In view of, maximizing the winnings by the information that he collects and shares about the Football in Israel.
Does this article help you? if so, learn more about the most common types of football bets. It will help you improve your betting skills.
submitted by FootBallTipsIL to u/FootBallTipsIL [link] [comments]

Celebrating the Rugby World Cup (New User Discount)

Whether you are in to Rugby or not, the 2019 Rugby World Cup represents a great opportunity to make some money without ever risking your own funds.
This is all thanks to matched betting, which is still the best way to supplement your monthly income online.
If you are new to matched betting, then you can check out this comprehensive article from Money Magpie:

As for why now is the best time to get into matched betting, well that is simple. Big events like the Rugby World Cup bring enhanced welcome offers (which is where the majority of your profit comes from), great odds boosts and lucrative reload offers (offers for existing customers). All of which noticeably increases the profitability of matched betting - when compared to starting during a time with no big sporting events.
If you have already completed all the bookmaker welcome offers and know what matched betting is about, then there is still a good reason for you to return for this big event. That reason is Bet365 and Betway's early payout offers. With these bookmakers offering instant payouts on your team going 15 points and 14 points ahead respectively, there is a huge amount of profit to be made from just these two bookmakers alone. Guide for this type of offer linked below:

Now, regardless as to whether you are a beginner or experienced, Heads&Heads has the best offer around when it comes to your first month of our Premium Matched Betting service.

£1 for 30 days Premium
The expiry date for this offer is currently set for the end of September.
Use code - RUGBY1
Click this link to head to the discount payment page:

For your £1, you will get 30 days access to the following:
Personalised Dashboard (to track your progress)
Oddsmatching Software
All matched betting calculators
Complete forum access
Comprehensive written and video guides.
Live Chat Support

As always, if you have already got what you wanted from Matched Betting and have no interest in getting back into it, please do not disparage individuals from trying it out.
submitted by HeadsandHeads to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

Celebrating England in the Rugby World Cup (Discount Extended!)

Whether you are interested in the Rugby World Cup or not, we all want to make money - and this post will help you do just that!
Full disclosure first - we ran this discount for our service in September (and posted on this community), but seeing as England are actually doing quite well, we thought we'd bring it back to celebrate them getting through to the knock out stages.
So, how will this post help you make money exactly?
Well, it is all thanks to matched betting - which is still the best way to supplement your monthly income online.
If you are new to matched betting, then you can check out this comprehensive article from Money Magpie:

As for why now is the best time to get into matched betting, well that is simple. Big events like the Rugby World Cup bring enhanced welcome offers (which is where the majority of your profit comes from), great odds boosts and lucrative reload offers (offers for existing customers). All of which noticeably increases the profitability of matched betting - when compared to starting during a time with no big sporting events.
If you have already completed all the bookmaker welcome offers and know what matched betting is about, then there is still a good reason for you to return for this big event. That reason is Bet365 and Betway's early payout offers. With these bookmakers offering instant payouts on your team going 15 points and 14 points ahead respectively, there is a huge amount of profit to be made from just these two bookmakers alone. Guide for this type of offer linked below:

Now, regardless as to whether you are a beginner or experienced, Heads&Heads has the best offer around when it comes to your first month of our Premium Matched Betting service.

£1 for 30 days Premium
The expiry date for this offer is currently set for the end of October.
Use code - RUGBY1
Click this link to head to the discount payment page:

For your £1, you will get 30 days access to the following:
> Personalised Dashboard (to track your progress)
> Oddsmatching Software
> All matched betting calculators
> Complete forum access
> Comprehensive written and video guides.
> Live Chat Support

As always, if you have already got what you wanted from Matched Betting and have no interest in getting back into it, please do not disparage individuals from trying it out.
submitted by HeadsandHeads to easymoney [link] [comments]

Celebrating England in the Rugby World Cup (Discount Extended!)

Whether you are interested in the Rugby World Cup or not, we all want to make money - and this post will help you do just that
Full disclosure first - we ran this discount for our service in September (and posted on this community), but seeing as England are actually doing quite well, we thought we'd bring it back to celebrate them getting through to the knock out stages.
So, how will this post help you make money exactly?
Well, it is all thanks to matched betting - which is still the best way to supplement your monthly income online.
If you are new to matched betting, then you can check out this comprehensive article from Money Magpie:

As for why now is the best time to get into matched betting, well that is simple. Big events like the Rugby World Cup bring enhanced welcome offers (which is where the majority of your profit comes from), great odds boosts and lucrative reload offers (offers for existing customers). All of which noticeably increases the profitability of matched betting - when compared to starting during a time with no big sporting events.
If you have already completed all the bookmaker welcome offers and know what matched betting is about, then there is still a good reason for you to return for this big event. That reason is Bet365 and Betway's early payout offers. With these bookmakers offering instant payouts on your team going 15 points and 14 points ahead respectively, there is a huge amount of profit to be made from just these two bookmakers alone. Guide for this type of offer linked below:

Now, regardless as to whether you are a beginner or experienced, Heads&Heads has the best offer around when it comes to your first month of our Premium Matched Betting service.

£1 for 30 days Premium
The expiry date for this offer is currently set for the end of October.
Use code - RUGBY1
Click this link to head to the discount payment page:

For your £1, you will get 30 days access to the following:
> Personalised Dashboard (to track your progress)
> Oddsmatching Software
> All matched betting calculators
> Complete forum access
> Comprehensive written and video guides.
> Live Chat Support

As always, if you have already got what you wanted from Matched Betting and have no interest in getting back into it, please do not disparage individuals from trying it out.
submitted by HeadsandHeads to shamelessplug [link] [comments]

Celebrating England in the Rugby World Cup (Discount Extended!)

Whether you are interested in the Rugby World Cup or not, we all want to make money - and this post will help you do just that!
Full disclosure first - we ran this discount for our service in September (and posted on this community), but seeing as England are actually doing quite well, we thought we'd bring it back to celebrate them getting through to the knock out stages.
So, how will this post help you make money exactly?
Well, it is all thanks to matched betting - which is still the best way to supplement your monthly income online.
If you are new to matched betting, then you can check out this comprehensive article from Money Magpie:

As for why now is the best time to get into matched betting, well that is simple. Big events like the Rugby World Cup bring enhanced welcome offers (which is where the majority of your profit comes from), great odds boosts and lucrative reload offers (offers for existing customers). All of which noticeably increases the profitability of matched betting - when compared to starting during a time with no big sporting events.
If you have already completed all the bookmaker welcome offers and know what matched betting is about, then there is still a good reason for you to return for this big event. That reason is Bet365 and Betway's early payout offers. With these bookmakers offering instant payouts on your team going 15 points and 14 points ahead respectively, there is a huge amount of profit to be made from just these two bookmakers alone. Guide for this type of offer linked below:

Now, regardless as to whether you are a beginner or experienced, Heads&Heads has the best offer around when it comes to your first month of our Premium Matched Betting service.

£1 for 30 days Premium
The expiry date for this offer is currently set for the end of October.
Use code - RUGBY1
Click this link to head to the discount payment page:

For your £1, you will get 30 days access to the following:
> Personalised Dashboard (to track your progress)
> Oddsmatching Software
> All matched betting calculators
> Complete forum access
> Comprehensive written and video guides.
> Live Chat Support

As always, if you have already got what you wanted from Matched Betting and have no interest in getting back into it, please do not disparage individuals from trying it out.
submitted by HeadsandHeads to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

Celebrating the Rugby World Cup (New User Discount)

Whether you are in to Rugby or not, the 2019 Rugby World Cup represents a great opportunity to make some money without ever risking your own funds.
This is all thanks to matched betting, which is still the best way to supplement your monthly income online.
If you are new to matched betting, then you can check out this comprehensive article from Money Magpie:

As for why now is the best time to get into matched betting, well that is simple. Big events like the Rugby World Cup bring enhanced welcome offers (which is where the majority of your profit comes from), great odds boosts and lucrative reload offers (offers for existing customers). All of which noticeably increases the profitability of matched betting - when compared to starting during a time with no big sporting events.
If you have already completed all the bookmaker welcome offers and know what matched betting is about, then there is still a good reason for you to return for this big event. That reason is Bet365 and Betway's early payout offers. With these bookmakers offering instant payouts on your team going 15 points and 14 points ahead respectively, there is a huge amount of profit to be made from just these two bookmakers alone. Guide for this type of offer linked below:

Now, regardless as to whether you are a beginner or experienced, Heads&Heads has the best offer around when it comes to your first month of our Premium Matched Betting service.

£1 for 30 days Premium
The expiry date for this offer is currently set for the end of September.
Use code - RUGBY1
Click this link to head to the discount payment page:

For your £1, you will get 30 days access to the following:
> Personalised Dashboard (to track your progress)
> Oddsmatching Software
> All matched betting calculators
> Complete forum access
> Comprehensive written and video guides.
> Live Chat Support

As always, if you have already got what you wanted from Matched Betting and have no interest in getting back into it, please do not disparage individuals from trying it out.
submitted by HeadsandHeads to easymoney [link] [comments]

Celebrating the Rugby World Cup (New User Discount)

Whether you are in to Rugby or not, the 2019 Rugby World Cup represents a great opportunity to make some money without ever risking your own funds.
This is all thanks to matched betting, which is still the best way to supplement your monthly income online.
If you are new to matched betting, then you can check out this comprehensive article from Money Magpie:

As for why now is the best time to get into matched betting, well that is simple. Big events like the Rugby World Cup bring enhanced welcome offers (which is where the majority of your profit comes from), great odds boosts and lucrative reload offers (offers for existing customers). All of which noticeably increases the profitability of matched betting - when compared to starting during a time with no big sporting events.
If you have already completed all the bookmaker welcome offers and know what matched betting is about, then there is still a good reason for you to return for this big event. That reason is Bet365 and Betway's early payout offers. With these bookmakers offering instant payouts on your team going 15 points and 14 points ahead respectively, there is a huge amount of profit to be made from just these two bookmakers alone. Guide for this type of offer linked below:

Now, regardless as to whether you are a beginner or experienced, Heads&Heads has the best offer around when it comes to your first month of our Premium Matched Betting service.

£1 for 30 days Premium
The expiry date for this offer is currently set for the end of September.
Use code - RUGBY1
Click this link to head to the discount payment page:

For your £1, you will get 30 days access to the following:
> Personalised Dashboard (to track your progress)
> Oddsmatching Software
> All matched betting calculators
> Complete forum access
> Comprehensive written and video guides.
> Live Chat Support

As always, if you have already got what you wanted from Matched Betting and have no interest in getting back into it, please do not disparage individuals from trying it out.
submitted by HeadsandHeads to UKUniversityStudents [link] [comments]

Celebrating England in the Rugby World Cup (Discount Extended!)

Whether you are interested in the Rugby World Cup or not, we all want to make money - and this post will help you do just that!
Full disclosure first - we ran this discount for our service in September (and posted on this community), but seeing as England are actually doing quite well, we thought we'd bring it back to celebrate them getting through to the knock out stages.
So, how will this post help you make money exactly?
Well, it is all thanks to matched betting - which is still the best way to supplement your monthly income online.
If you are new to matched betting, then you can check out this comprehensive article from Money Magpie:

As for why now is the best time to get into matched betting, well that is simple. Big events like the Rugby World Cup bring enhanced welcome offers (which is where the majority of your profit comes from), great odds boosts and lucrative reload offers (offers for existing customers). All of which noticeably increases the profitability of matched betting - when compared to starting during a time with no big sporting events.
If you have already completed all the bookmaker welcome offers and know what matched betting is about, then there is still a good reason for you to return for this big event. That reason is Bet365 and Betway's early payout offers. With these bookmakers offering instant payouts on your team going 15 points and 14 points ahead respectively, there is a huge amount of profit to be made from just these two bookmakers alone. Guide for this type of offer linked below:

Now, regardless as to whether you are a beginner or experienced, Heads&Heads has the best offer around when it comes to your first month of our Premium Matched Betting service.

£1 for 30 days Premium
The expiry date for this offer is currently set for the end of October.
Use code - RUGBY1
Click this link to head to the discount payment page:

For your £1, you will get 30 days access to the following:
> Personalised Dashboard (to track your progress)
> Oddsmatching Software
> All matched betting calculators
> Complete forum access
> Comprehensive written and video guides.
> Live Chat Support

As always, if you have already got what you wanted from Matched Betting and have no interest in getting back into it, please do not disparage individuals from trying it out.
submitted by HeadsandHeads to UKUniversityStudents [link] [comments]

Celebrating England in the Rugby World Cup (Discount Extended!)

Whether you are interested in the Rugby World Cup or not, we all want to make money - and this post will help you do just that!
Full disclosure first - we ran this discount for our service in September (and posted on this community), but seeing as England are actually doing quite well, we thought we'd bring it back to celebrate them getting through to the knock out stages.
So, how will this post help you make money exactly?
Well, it is all thanks to matched betting - which is still the best way to supplement your monthly income online.
If you are new to matched betting, then you can check out this comprehensive article from Money Magpie:

As for why now is the best time to get into matched betting, well that is simple. Big events like the Rugby World Cup bring enhanced welcome offers (which is where the majority of your profit comes from), great odds boosts and lucrative reload offers (offers for existing customers). All of which noticeably increases the profitability of matched betting - when compared to starting during a time with no big sporting events.

If you have already completed all the bookmaker welcome offers and know what matched betting is about, then there is still a good reason for you to return for this big event. That reason is Bet365 and Betway's early payout offers. With these bookmakers offering instant payouts on your team going 15 points and 14 points ahead respectively, there is a huge amount of profit to be made from just these two bookmakers alone. Guide for this type of offer linked below:

Now, regardless as to whether you are a beginner or experienced, Heads&Heads has the best offer around when it comes to your first month of our Premium Matched Betting service.

£1 for 30 days Premium
The expiry date for this offer is currently set for the end of October.
Use code - RUGBY1
Click this link to head to the discount payment page:

For your £1, you will get 30 days access to the following:
> Personalised Dashboard (to track your progress)
> Oddsmatching Software
> All matched betting calculators
> Complete forum access
> Comprehensive written and video guides.
> Live Chat Support

As always, if you have already got what you wanted from Matched Betting and have no interest in getting back into it, please do not disparage individuals from trying it out.
submitted by HeadsandHeads to wfhp [link] [comments]

Celebrating England in the Rugby World Cup (Discount Extended!)

Whether you are interested in the Rugby World Cup or not, we all want to make money - and this post will help you do just that
Full disclosure first - we ran this discount for our service in September (and posted on this community), but seeing as England are actually doing quite well, we thought we'd bring it back to celebrate them getting through to the knock out stages.
So, how will this post help you make money exactly?
Well, it is all thanks to matched betting - which is still the best way to supplement your monthly income online.
If you are new to matched betting, then you can check out this comprehensive article from Money Magpie:

As for why now is the best time to get into matched betting, well that is simple. Big events like the Rugby World Cup bring enhanced welcome offers (which is where the majority of your profit comes from), great odds boosts and lucrative reload offers (offers for existing customers). All of which noticeably increases the profitability of matched betting - when compared to starting during a time with no big sporting events.

If you have already completed all the bookmaker welcome offers and know what matched betting is about, then there is still a good reason for you to return for this big event. That reason is Bet365 and Betway's early payout offers. With these bookmakers offering instant payouts on your team going 15 points and 14 points ahead respectively, there is a huge amount of profit to be made from just these two bookmakers alone. Guide for this type of offer linked below:

Now, regardless as to whether you are a beginner or experienced, Heads&Heads has the best offer around when it comes to your first month of our Premium Matched Betting service.

£1 for 30 days Premium
The expiry date for this offer is currently set for the end of October.
Use code - RUGBY1
Click this link to head to the discount payment page:

For your £1, you will get 30 days access to the following:
> Personalised Dashboard (to track your progress)
> Oddsmatching Software
> All matched betting calculators
> Complete forum access
> Comprehensive written and video guides.
> Live Chat Support

As always, if you have already got what you wanted from Matched Betting and have no interest in getting back into it, please do not disparage individuals from trying it out.
submitted by HeadsandHeads to SideHustler [link] [comments]

michigan lottery results post; Is Taking Your Chance With the Lottery a Worthy Investment?

If you actually contemplate it, there are certainly a remarkable number of life's situations which are inherently risky. Nearly everything a person does is some form of gambling. Despite such mundane act of waking up and likely to work, increases one's chances to be killed in a transportation accident. In face of today and everything you understand about investing, be it in operation, an asset class (stocks, bonds, real estate, cash and commodities), or index fund, even yet in its most basic element, it is nothing more than "betting" that someday tomorrow is going to be better with pleasant expected returns on investment; or even not michigan lottery results post . There is only one big risk you ought to avoid and that's the risk of doing nothing and not taking your chance.
Come to consider it in face value, purchasing hardly any money market in fact is, legalized gambling, per se. You can look at investing when it comes to chart formation, or you place your money in the utilities anticipating when they are "due", you money in or again maybe not; or you select to possess any one of many countless analysts culling spreadsheets or fund index investors work on the fundamentals of investing for you personally in manufacturing, real estate, cash and commodities-no matter what your reasoning for that, if that's not gambling, then what is? Basically, you're betting that in 5, 10 or 15 years from there could be more people, buying more stuff, utilizing more energy, dependent on more gadgets-with hope that you can money in; or even not. You are basically "betting" on every one of it.
So it's, with the lottery-a type of gambling with origins in Florence, Italy, where the first lottery was held in the 16th Century, then called the Lotto de Firenze, and quickly adopted by other Italian cities. It became a national lottery, and still known today as the Lotto in Italy, as also adopted and called in a number of other countries, including the United States. The lottery, as a questionnaire of government-licensed gambling, involves drawing of lots for a variety of winnings and for the massive jackpot prize. Gambling, like poker, blackjack, roulette, sports betting and racing, can involve skill or just chance alone; however the lottery doesn't require any special skills-set to play.
Just like any risk, there's always something at stake. Even if you determine to take the risk of starting a company, you stand to reduce money, time and your reputation. The exact same things you stand to achieve once you take the chance to start your own personal business. The lots you purchase to play the lottery are today in the form of tickets and the prize is usually a sizable sum of cash. The draws are random and every player has the same potential for winning the major prize which regularly grows really big with massive roll over jackpots.
Gunning for the Biggest Jackpot Games
National, regional and local laws govern the lottery, so regulations differ widely among countries or even within them, such as the US. In the US, Powerball prizes have increased sharply due to the cost per ticket doubling to $2, and California, the nation's most populous state, joining 42 other states, Washington D.C. and the U.S. Virgin Islands, in playing the game. The Powerball combines a sizable jackpot game and an income game drawn twice a week, every Wednesday and Saturday. For an additional dollar, you can add the PowerPlay option which increases how big your prize in the event that you win. The Mega Millions tickets cost $1 per play, with the MegaPlier option that costs an additional $1 with that you simply raise your non-jackpot prize winnings by 2, 3, 4, or 5 times; drawn every Tuesday and Friday..
You have other world richest lottery games with that you simply get the chance to take your chance through secure online outlets like WinTrillions, Florida Lotto Magic, and Euro Millions Oracle. You can get your tickets from these online outlets to play lottery games, like:
Generally, life is approximately taking chances. Everything you do in life is approximately taking that leap of faith with the target to attract abundance. Anything in life that is worth having, takes time. Nothing in life is truly guaranteed. You just have to find a balance. You will find that balance with the lottery games with calculated risk, for example, you place up a budget of how much you can afford on tickets weekly and strictly work with that budget as you remain patient, positive, and hopeful that someday tomorrow you may be the next jackpot winner. You need to be consistent with your allowance plan. Even when you are on a roll, reinvest only the set amount of your budget. Put aside profits from your own small wins you are able to reinvest in future plays. This idea is utilized by players in the stock markets and other money markets and is really a simple one. Let your profits do the job to cut your losses when you pursue the best goal-the jackpot prize.
submitted by noor-khan67 to u/noor-khan67 [link] [comments]

Celebrating the Rugby World Cup (New User Discount)

Whether you are in to Rugby or not, the 2019 Rugby World Cup represents a great opportunity to make some money without ever risking your own funds.

This is all thanks to matched betting, which is still the best way to supplement your monthly income online.

If you are new to matched betting, then you can check out this comprehensive article from Money Magpie:

As for why now is the best time to get into matched betting, well that is simple. Big events like the Rugby World Cup bring enhanced welcome offers (which is where the majority of your profit comes from), great odds boosts and lucrative reload offers (offers for existing customers). All of which noticeably increases the profitability of matched betting - when compared to starting during a time with no big sporting events.

If you have already completed all the bookmaker welcome offers and know what matched betting is about, then there is still a good reason for you to return for this big event. That reason is Bet365 and Betway's early payout offers. With these bookmakers offering instant payouts on your team going 15 points and 14 points ahead respectively, there is a huge amount of profit to be made from just these two bookmakers alone. Guide for this type of offer linked below:

Now, regardless as to whether you are a beginner or experienced, Heads&Heads has the best offer around when it comes to your first month of our Premium Matched Betting service.

£1 for 30 days Premium
The expiry date for this offer is currently set for the end of September.
Use code - RUGBY1
Click this link to head to the discount payment page:

For your £1, you will get 30 days access to the following:
> Personalised Dashboard (to track your progress)
> Oddsmatching Software
> All matched betting calculators
> Complete forum access
> Comprehensive written and video guides.
> Live Chat Support

As always, if you have already got what you wanted from Matched Betting and have no interest in getting back into it, please do not disparage individuals from trying it out.
submitted by HeadsandHeads to wfhp [link] [comments]

Celebrating the Rugby World Cup (New User Discount)

Whether you are in to Rugby or not, the 2019 Rugby World Cup represents a great opportunity to make some money without ever risking your own funds.
This is all thanks to matched betting, which is still the best way to supplement your monthly income online.
If you are new to matched betting, then you can check out this comprehensive article from Money Magpie:

As for why now is the best time to get into matched betting, well that is simple. Big events like the Rugby World Cup bring enhanced welcome offers (which is where the majority of your profit comes from), great odds boosts and lucrative reload offers (offers for existing customers). All of which noticeably increases the profitability of matched betting - when compared to starting during a time with no big sporting events.
If you have already completed all the bookmaker welcome offers and know what matched betting is about, then there is still a good reason for you to return for this big event. That reason is Bet365 and Betway's early payout offers. With these bookmakers offering instant payouts on your team going 15 points and 14 points ahead respectively, there is a huge amount of profit to be made from just these two bookmakers alone. Guide for this type of offer linked below:

Now, regardless as to whether you are a beginner or experienced, Heads&Heads has the best offer around when it comes to your first month of our Premium Matched Betting service.

£1 for 30 days Premium
The expiry date for this offer is currently set for the end of September.
Use code - RUGBY1
Click this link to head to the discount payment page:

For your £1, you will get 30 days access to the following:
> Personalised Dashboard (to track your progress)
> Oddsmatching Software
> All matched betting calculators
> Complete forum access
> Comprehensive written and video guides.
> Live Chat Support

As always, if you have already got what you wanted from Matched Betting and have no interest in getting back into it, please do not disparage individuals from trying it out.
submitted by HeadsandHeads to SideHustler [link] [comments]

Celebrating the Rugby World Cup (New User Discount)

Whether you are in to Rugby or not, the 2019 Rugby World Cup represents a great opportunity to make some money without ever risking your own funds.
This is all thanks to matched betting, which is still the best way to supplement your monthly income online.
If you are new to matched betting, then you can check out this comprehensive article from Money Magpie:

As for why now is the best time to get into matched betting, well that is simple. Big events like the Rugby World Cup bring enhanced welcome offers (which is where the majority of your profit comes from), great odds boosts and lucrative reload offers (offers for existing customers). All of which noticeably increases the profitability of matched betting - when compared to starting during a time with no big sporting events.
If you have already completed all the bookmaker welcome offers and know what matched betting is about, then there is still a good reason for you to return for this big event. That reason is Bet365 and Betway's early payout offers. With these bookmakers offering instant payouts on your team going 15 points and 14 points ahead respectively, there is a huge amount of profit to be made from just these two bookmakers alone. Guide for this type of offer linked below:

Now, regardless as to whether you are a beginner or experienced, Heads&Heads has the best offer around when it comes to your first month of our Premium Matched Betting service.

£1 for 30 days Premium
The expiry date for this offer is currently set for the end of September.
Use code - RUGBY1
Click this link to head to the discount payment page:

For your £1, you will get 30 days access to the following:
> Personalised Dashboard (to track your progress)
> Oddsmatching Software
> All matched betting calculators
> Complete forum access
> Comprehensive written and video guides.
> Live Chat Support

As always, if you have already got what you wanted from Matched Betting and have no interest in getting back into it, please do not disparage individuals from trying it out.
submitted by HeadsandHeads to shamelessplug [link] [comments]

IBCbet / Maxbet Sportsbook Malaysia

IBCbet / Maxbet Sportsbook Malaysia
Why go down to your local betting shop or sit on your phone to your bookie and his sport book and miss out on a whole world of live sporting events and the chance to win millions? Let the casino come into your home where you can have the world at your fingertips. Relax with your favorite drink, watch the odds and place your bets when you like. Withdraw your winnings twice a day and have non-stop fun through the night.​
The biggest and best online betting platform in Asia is available and offers over 6,000 live sports events around the globe, with live feed, real-time odds, handicaps, player statistics, club league fixtures and so many facts and figures, to give you the best chance of placing that perfect, winning bet.
Not only can you bet on your favorite sports around the world but while you are waiting for your results to come through, spice up your day even more and have a go at the live casino. Try your hand at the slots or casino games like baccarat, roulette, blackjack, sic bo. You’ll have access to live dealers, no deposit and unlimited play. Take advantage of the 100% Welcome Bonus Package when you join the Slot44online.
IBCbet (Now called Maxbet) allows higher betting amounts to the punters so that the payouts are bigger, making this one of the unique betting platforms on the Internet. With so many sporting events every day, it is impossible to play all of them or even some, so choose carefully, look at the odds and place your bets. At any given time the following teams are playing. Check out the player’s statistics, the league fixtures, and the odds and watch the live game.
  • SOCCER - 733 Games. UEFA Europa League - All games in Europe and UK, Iceland, Lithuania League, Brazil Cup, German Bundesliga, Scotland Development League , Saudi Arabia King of Champions, Torneo Viareggio (Italy)
  • BASKETBALL – 65 Games NBA Championships - Across the USA, NCAA Men’s Basketball
  • FOOTBALL Australian Rules Football League, BASEBALL - Across the USA
  • HOCKEY- 29 Games Kontinental Hockey League - Across the USA
  • NHL Sweden Hockey League, Czech Republic Extraliga
  • TENNIS – 43 Games ATP-BNP Paribas Open, WTA – San Antonia Open
  • VOLLEYBALL – 23 Games Netherlands,France,Germany,Finland,Czech Republic,Serbia,Beach Volleyball
The world of SportBook betting got a whole lot bigger but has also brought the world of sports betting right into your living room. You can bet on teams that you never imagined betting on before and the excitement of the changing odds, the live feed of the statistics and player positions, injuries and suspensions, makes this the most exciting way of spending your time.
Whatever types of betting you do with a live bookie, you can do on IBCbet/Maxbet SportBook. Spread your bets across the board, take combinations, bet on more than one team at a time or stick with your favorite. The odds are calculated for you, your potential winnings whether you are for or against and all of these can be seen with live feeds to the sports events.
Catch the excitement of seeing the games live and shout them on knowing that you too will be the winner at the end of the day! Download the most exciting Malaysia Online Casino and play on your mobile phone wherever you are. Keep up to date with the latest events and place your bets in real time so you won’t miss the important kick-off or team changes.
You will be playing against the best in the business – experienced players and newcomers so hone your skills with our online Casino before venturing out into the real world. You will find the array and variety of games here will more than make up for not being ‘out there’. is a fully licensed casino with the best banking facilities and security. These games are strictly for players over the age of 18-years and when the player joins, he has to state this in the application. The player cannot play for a third party and he should only use money that is legally his. Photographic proof of the player’s identity needs to be produced on withdrawal of winnings. It is good policy to read through the Terms and Conditions of playing so that there are no misunderstanding.
We are affiliated with Maybank, Pbb, Hong Leong Bank and CIMB Bank. You can withdraw your winnings and have it deposited directly into the bank of your choice. There are banking fees as with any banking institution and payouts could be delayed if the banks are offline or if you are far back in the queue.
If everyone keeps to the rules of the casino, everyone will have the most wonderful gambling experience. Take advantage of the daily bonuses, the joining and winning bonuses, the free games and the free trial playing with virtual money before depositing your real money.
Live odds, live bets, live entertainment and all the excitement found in real physical casinos with the added bonus that you don’t have to leave the comfort of your own home. Play anytime you like, play as much or as little as you like, you are your own master and you decide what is best for you and your pocket. Have a Casino weekend with a group of friends and watch the live games together and lay your bets against your friends or form a syndicate and lay larger bets and win bigger!
submitted by Seng996 to u/Seng996 [link] [comments]

WaykiBet 2.5 Bug Bounty

WaykiBet 2.5 Bug Bounty
(Scan to download WaykiBet)
Hi, everyone! Come to join in WaykiBet 2.5 Bug Bounty to share 5,000 USD reward!
WaykiBet DApp V2.5 has officially launched! WaykiBet is a decentralized betting platform that runs on WaykiChain public chain. Compared to other betting products, users can build a bet with one-click in WaykiBet, with high return rate and more convenient user experience.
WaykiChain is now holding a bug bounty in community. Users can report bugs or optimizing suggestions of WaykiBet 2.5. If the bugs or suggestions are adopted, users can share total 5,000 USD bounty.
Total Bounty: 5,000 USD
Ordinary optimizing suggestions share 30% of the bounty.
Important optimizing suggestions share 70% of the bounty.
Besides, we will randomly choose 10 comments to each send 66 free WICC (worth $15).
  1. Please directly report the bugs or suggestion in comment and describe in detail as much as possible.
  2. If there are comments reporting the same bug, only the first comment will be chosen.
  3. This bounty activity ends at Nov. 18.
  4. WaykiChain owns the final interpretation of this activity.
Product Features of WaykiBet 2.5:
  1. Everyone Can Build a Bet with Structured Game Data
By accessing game data from authoritative third-party, WaykiBet ensures the timeliness and accuracy of the game results. Users can build fixed-odds bets after referring authoritative data at any time. After the game is over, the smart contract will automatically calculate the results and deliver the payout, without manual participation in the whole process.
  1. High Return Rate by Odds Ranking
WaykiBet uses odds ranking, which will show the highest odds option of one same game at the top. With odds ranking, users can choose odds and corresponding betting amount to get highest return. WaykiBet uses fixed odds, users can check their estimated return before placing the bet.
  1. Traceable Game Records, Open, Transparent and Handling Fee Free
Based on blockchain's openness and irreversibility, all operation records in WaykiBet will be recorded on WaykiChain public chain, and can be checked at any time. Besides, through hybrid architecture, WaykiBet has solved the problems of current blockchain transaction: long confirming time, low efficiency and handling fee, etc.
(Detailed instruction in youtube:
Special Notes:
  1. WaykiBet is available for registering in the following countries and regions: China, USA, Japan, India, Vietnam, South Korea, UK, Netherlands, Nigeria, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan.
  2. WTEST used in WaykiBet is test coin. WaykiChain does not provide any two-way exchange channel for WTEST.
  3. From Nov. 2 to Nov. 15, every registered user will get 100 airdropping WTEST at 11am (UTC+8) everyday.

Q&A in WaykiChain telegram:
submitted by Waykichain to WaykiChain_WICC [link] [comments]

odds payout calculator uk video

Bet calculator at oddschecker helps you work out odds and winnings for multiple bets. Combine the bets to calculate the acca and permutation betting totals Bet Calculator Being able to calculate how much a bet returns for any given stake is one of the basics of betting and our Bet Calculator simplifies this process for bettors. A bet can be broken down into two elements; the Stake - how much you risk, and the Payout - your potential return including your Stake. They will usually be displayed in the form of 5.00. When using the decimals in the horse racing odds calculator, you will simply multiply the amount you stake with the odds. If you stake $20, then on the horse racing odds calculator, you will multiply $20 × 5 to get a total horse racing odds calculator payout of $100. Horse Racing Favorites Net Winnings Payout Calculator. Download ThePuntersPage Payout Calculator to find out what your net winnings would be if you place a bet of up to 10 selections at any particular stake you enter. It's available for all three main odds format: fractions, decimals and American odds! How Can you Calculate Your Betting Odds and Payouts? Free Bet Calculator Odds Calculator Use our free bet calculator to work out exactly how much profit you stand to win from your selections. Check potential winnings on a single, accumulator, lucky 15 or any other type of bet. If you'd like to learn the odds for those specific lotteries, you can also visit our Powerball odds and Mega Millions odds pages for more information. Finally, you can use our easy to use Powerball Payout & Tax Calculator and Mega Millions Payout & Tax Calculator to calculate taxes on your lottery winnings by each state plus the payouts for both cash (lump-sum) and annuity options. The Free Bet Calculator is the most advanced online sports bet calculator, allowing you to calculate the stake and profit for an extensive range of bets. All of the most popular bet types are supported, including Lucky 15, Single, Double, Accumulator, Patent and Round Robin, along with more specialised bets such as Alphabet, Magnificent 7, Union Jack, and the infamous Bookies Nightmare! Our odds calculator can compute just about everything, including live betting. Live betting lets you wager while the game is going on, for instance to bet on who will score next. However, parlays (more than one bet on a ticket) have a separate betting calculator for more intricate wagers, which allows you to input the odds for each leg of your parlay to quickly calculate the payout of your bet. The bet calculator allows you to input your stake & odds in American formats to quickly calculate the payout for your bets. The calculator may also ask you to either enter the odds in the decimal or fraction format, but we will touch upon the key issues related to that further on in this article. You will then repeat that process however many times is necessary – for example, if you have placed multiple bets – and then may also be able to add information related to Dead Heats or any situation when Rule 4 may ...

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